drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

you can just ask anyone who looks chill. not every student will smoke but every student will know at least 5 people who do.

and yeah, what vader said about people offering to sell you some will happen if you loiter around for long enough.


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shockingly enough, there are 13 year olds i know who have smoked weed...
apparently someone decided to mix cocaine and weed together... and he's 13
also, near the train station which i use for getting to school and back, i see a lot of desperates with powder drugs



(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I did shrooms for the first time this weekend, now I really want to do acid. But I'm going to make sure I'm in tip-top shape if I do. I was really hungover and had five hours of sleep, and the day before I had been carrying 5/3rds of my body weight for a couple of hours. So I had massive stomach pains and I my limbs were all numbish or tingling for most of saturday. I still felt fucking fantastic though (once I had done them). Only did 2.5 grams, had some minor visual disturbances / hallucinations while looking at the ceiling (we were in a wood cabin of sorts but a really, really nice one, dark panel wood, lots of charismatic knots and shit), but mostly I just felt extremely elated. I had never heard of shrooms being such an upper? and looking around drug forums it doesn't seem like that's super common, but maybe I'm just reading the wrong threads? I spent about an hour and a half (at my highest point during the trip) lying on the ground on some stones beside the pool, and I had thrown up, and my stomach was cramping and I couldn't stand up but I was feeling so awesome that I finally had an opportunity to suffer for once, just talking to myself, I felt completely safe. Then my two other friends who we're just outside chilling came over to the pool and I talked to them about the meaning of life and annihilation, and why we go through all this work to make our hundred odd years on this earth nice instead of just suiciding.
Decided I want to get destroyed by a blockhole, volcano, or particle accelerator.
christ that's not very cohesive is it

anyways, more pressing concerns:
In the past little bit I've noticed I've had a growing aversion to mirrors. Not entirely sure what it is, but I feel really uncomfortable looking in mirrors, or at mirrors. It's never been that bad, I can always just focus and force myself to get over it, but since doing shrooms I haven't been able to. Every time I've looked in a mirror since saturday I start imagining/seeing black blobs and movement at the corners of my vision, it's really distressing and if I look in a mirror for too long I start having a panic attack (or, at least what I assume is a panic attack, I don't think I've ever had them before, elevated heart rate, sweating, tight throat, etc). It's not too bad, I can just avoid looking in mirrors, but it is slightly disconcerting.
Anybody heard/and or experienced anything like this before? Can I expect it to go away any time soon?

One summer afternoon, myself and a friend were sitting on the edge of our city's escapement, a place where youth commonly converge.
The bluffs?
Why didn't you stop smoking the weed after you realized it was laced with pcp?

shockingly enough, there are 13 year olds i know who have smoked weed...
apparently someone decided to mix cocaine and weed together... and he's 13
Coke topped weed seems surprisingly popular. I grew up in a pretty white/upper-class neighborhood, and I knew of kids in eighth and ninth grade who did shit like this. Fuck knows how they can get it so young though, only way I know how to get it is through people who work in restaurants or who're going to george brown.

Also: anybody got any bets on what drug the guy who ate the other guy's face off in miami was on?


blatant Nintendo fanboy
I realize how dumb and offensive this is going to sound, but believe me it really is an honest and respectful question. How do you guys deal with the possibility of taking something you shouldn't and losing control or harming yourself or others? I doubt that Miami man set out to strip naked, eat a homeless man's face and get shot to death. Do you guys take precautions or do research or have a sober buddy or just take your chances and not worry?


its okay.
is an Artist Alumnus
I realize how dumb and offensive this is going to sound, but believe me it really is an honest and respectful question. How do you guys deal with the possibility of taking something you shouldn't and losing control or harming yourself or others? I doubt that Miami man set out to strip naked, eat a homeless man's face and get shot to death. Do you guys take precautions or do research or have a sober buddy or just take your chances and not worry?
It's not a dumb and offensive question when you're being honest and respectful. Some people do research, yes. I think everyone should do research before they think of trying it.

And that guy in Miami(WOW, I was driving by there the day before it happened) had a history of violence and was probably insane. If he did take LSD, which I'm sure he did, then it really made things worse.


its okay.
is an Artist Alumnus
So it could have been anything?

EDIT: Yeah, they said around the articles online that it was an LSD-like drug. But not entirely LSD. My bad on my part.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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LSD doesn't do that. Dear lord.

It's being reported as something called "bath salts". From the BBC story:

Mr Aguilar told a CNN affiliate he believed the suspect could have taken a type of drug known as "bath salts", citing four past overdoses in the Miami area where people had also removed their clothes and gone berserk.

"It causes them to go completely insane and become very violent," he said.

According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration, users of the drug have reported experiencing agitation, paranoia, hallucinations and elevated body temperature.

NOT ACID. EVER. (My hunch tells me this is some sort of PCP variation, if the name is any indication.)

tl;dr: How to make connections to get weed?
Jesus, I would NOT just hang around on street corners and shit and wait to get offered drugs. That is an AWFUL idea. It's fucking college man, if you don't see someone smoking a joint within 3 hours of being on campus you should ask for your tuition back.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
How do you guys deal with the possibility of taking something you shouldn't and losing control or harming yourself or others? I doubt that Miami man set out to strip naked, eat a homeless man's face and get shot to death. Do you guys take precautions or do research or have a sober buddy or just take your chances and not worry?
1. Not taking shit crazy drugs like these 'bath salts'
2. Sober buddy for sure. Particularly if I'm unsure about the connection/where whatever it is is coming from. For example, over the weekend, four of us did the shrooms, then as we were coming down the other two did it.
3. I've never seen a drug turn someone violent. Not that I have super loads of experience, but any drug I've thought about trying I've seen people on. Violent people are violent. If you go into a drug with a bad attitude shit's not going to turn out well.
4. Every time doing a new drug I do it in a safe place. While on shrooms there was no way I could have hurt myself, or others. We were isolated, the car was disabled. When I first did ketamine we just hungout inside and listened to music and crap
5. Yeah, research is nice. Tons of experience forums, a lot of good information about side effects on errowid and wikipedia

The most messed up and or dangerous shit that's happened to me while under the influence of anything has been while I'm drinking.
As with a lot of things, common sense is the key. First time taking a mind-bending drug? Have a sitter.

Don't do acid if you're in a really shitty mood, or if you are depressive (just an example of a general point). Drugs aren't for everyone, and they have their time/place.


to find better ways to say what nobody says
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I realize how dumb and offensive this is going to sound, but believe me it really is an honest and respectful question. How do you guys deal with the possibility of taking something you shouldn't and losing control or harming yourself or others? I doubt that Miami man set out to strip naked, eat a homeless man's face and get shot to death. Do you guys take precautions or do research or have a sober buddy or just take your chances and not worry?
Basically depends on what it is, but some combination of these.

When I smoke, I don't need anyone to keep track of me, same as if I'm drinking. But when I do a hallucinogen I'm more cautious. First of all, no matter what, once you start taking a hallucinogen you must never consume more of it after the initial dose. Unless it's been like 3 hours and you haven't felt anything. Once you're tripping you're in no position to judge how much more you should take (I speak for myself here, maybe others feel like they could but I don't). I also very much like to have a trip sitter, so usually there will be someone around who is passably sober.

Everyone I know past the age of 16, who does any drug harder than weed, does research first to make sure they prepare adequately and have a good experience. They also make sure that the person they're buying from is someone they can trust. They ask questions like "where did you get this?" and they buy from their friends. Drug dealers are not all super sketchy types who people only put up with so they can get high.

When I try to buy MDMA or MDA I do not ask for X or XTC or Extasy or Ecstasy or any other stupid ass name. If someone offers me X I sure as fuck don't take their X unless they can answer me convincingly when I ask what it is. Dumb asses have no fucking clue what they're consuming "Yeah I just took some XTC." When I hear them I hope they don't die or kill someone.

So in summary:

1. I know who I'm buying from.
2. I sure as hell know what I'm buying. I do research to figure out what the drug that I want commonly looks like, and then I ask questions to make sure it's what I want.
3. trip sitter/sober person is desirable but not always possible. I'll settle for tripping with someone I am very close to. A best friend or significant other.
4. don't try to take more when you're already fucked up.
I realize how dumb and offensive this is going to sound, but believe me it really is an honest and respectful question. How do you guys deal with the possibility of taking something you shouldn't and losing control or harming yourself or others? I doubt that Miami man set out to strip naked, eat a homeless man's face and get shot to death. Do you guys take precautions or do research or have a sober buddy or just take your chances and not worry?
Any time you consume a drug, especially an illicit one, you are taking a risk: bottom line. Anyone who takes any psychoactive drugs and doesn't believe or acknowledge this needs to take a step back and really appreciate it.

You are correct: you can easily lose control of yourself, and very possibly die or harm yourself by using many drugs: I don't think anyone will deny that: anyone can sell you something under false pretense, or just out of their own misinformed state, and you'll end up with DOB instead of LSD, or Bromo-DragonFLY instead of cocaine, and you'll have a very bad night. This is especially true when you get into drugs that are just white powders: the average drug user isn't a chemist, and can't reliably determine if what they're being sold is what is advertised most of the time. Test kits exist for "ecstasy" and even a small amount of research on an online vendor should give you the info you need to determine their trustworthiness, but there is always a risk.

I've personally put several months into researching psychoactive drugs, primarily hallucinogens, and what I've been able to actually get my hands on comes from trusted sources exclusively: I have a friend who gets his hands on things from time to time and never sells an untested product. Making friends with your dealer, or, better yet, just being friends with someone who can also get their hands on drugs is probably one of the safest ways to do things: I'll start mail ordering LSD before I buy it from guy on a streetcorner.

Hallucinogenic drugs have a poor rep largely because of people who are not safe or smart about their drug use: just eating some mushrooms that some guy told you will make you see cool shit, or taking a tab or seven of acid because they taught you about it in DARE back in middle school and you thought the concept was pretty neat isn't smart, and isn't safe, and gets you out of a third story window or something to that effect.

with regards to the Miami incident recently: bath salts are a pretty good bet, though I'm skeptical it was one thing alone. The best theory I've seen was probably the suggestion it was 3-MeO-PCP or 4-MeO-PCP, resrach chems similar in effect to PCP. The combination of these PCP analogues and some liquor, coke, or bath salts (if not some combo of the above) would probably fuck anyone up enough to get them to face-eating.

The LSD claims are totally unfounded: the notion that there's such a thing as "bad LSD," a chemical provided in microgram doses (at which few other substances are active) that is of one chemical formula cannot be "bad" - that's akin to saying that you got "bad table salt" because someone sold you granulated sugar.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
Yeah, they said around the articles online that it was an LSD-like drug. But not entirely LSD. My bad on my part.
LSD isn't part of a family of drugs is it? Not the same way that opioids or amphetamines or phenethylamines are I thought.
I don't understand people. Why the fuck would anyone even want to take that bath salts shit? Doesnt sound like much fun to me.

I'll stick to weed exclusively thanks. No one ever eats faces or commits suicide and shit on ganja
I don't understand people. Why the fuck would anyone even want to take that bath salts shit? Doesnt sound like much fun to me.

I'll stick to weed exclusively thanks. No one ever eats faces or commits suicide and shit on ganja
I never really get why you would take shit like that, either. I guess that they're long-time drug users who want to raise the bar every now and then, until it goes entirely wrong and some face-eating incident happens.

I can't really imagine how it's fun at all to be completely out of control of your body anyways; a joint or a few beers or whatever still leave some control, but taking hard-drugs until you have no idea what you're doing doesn't sound like a world of fun to me.
I don't understand people. Why the fuck would anyone even want to take that bath salts shit? Doesnt sound like much fun to me.

I'll stick to weed exclusively thanks. No one ever eats faces or commits suicide and shit on ganja
Bath Salts are often sold in headshops, and headshops are necessarily populated by stereotypical stoner-types. They're oft advertised as some kind of stimulant, which may make patrons connect them to Aderrall (sp?) or MDMA (MDPV is actually similar to MDMA and is sold as "bath salts") and buy it looking for a good time.

LSD isn't part of a family of drugs is it? Not the same way that opioids or amphetamines or phenethylamines are I thought.
LSD is a really fascinating molecule for a lot of reasons. Structurally, it resembles both a tryptamine and a phenethylamine, though most would define it as an ergoline, and has a few (relatively unpopular) chemical relatives, the most well-known being LSA, which can be found in the seeds of some plants. It's generally a complicated molecule, which contributes to its uniqueness among drugs as well as its chemical instability.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I don't understand people. Why the fuck would anyone even want to take that bath salts shit? Doesnt sound like much fun to me.
Although I generally advise against reading anything by the sun (if it's anything like the toronto one), this might lend some insight if you're suffering from confusion.

LSD is a really fascinating molecule for a lot of reasons. Structurally, it resembles both a tryptamine and a phenethylamine, though most would define it as an ergoline, and has a few (relatively unpopular) chemical relatives, the most well-known being LSA, which can be found in the seeds of some plants. It's generally a complicated molecule, which contributes to its uniqueness among drugs as well as its chemical instability.
Fuck I need a degree in organic chemistry. It was the most fun I had in highschool chem but my teacher was like 'noooo don't go into organic chem all the jobs make you want to blow yourself up because they're so boring and mundane and repetitive!!!'
I do hate seeing the drugs thread this far down the forum.

So I'm just sat there browsing Smogon and I hear a knock on the door. Turns out it's a weed dealer who sorted me out a few times this year at uni. He comes in and says he's started dealing coke and that I can have a line for free just for testers :naughty:

So I did and here I am, buzzing on my own at my computer. To business, he says it's £35 a gram, is that decent or what? I've never done much coke myself and I'm fair interested in giving it a try, just for the experimentation, but I don't wanna go getting a shit deal or something like that. Tbh I can't even tell whether it's decent gear or not. Guess it's even harder for you lot to figure out, but can't hurt to ask!


to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
I do hate seeing the drugs thread this far down the forum.

So I'm just sat there browsing Smogon and I hear a knock on the door. Turns out it's a weed dealer who sorted me out a few times this year at uni. He comes in and says he's started dealing coke and that I can have a line for free just for testers :naughty:

So I did and here I am, buzzing on my own at my computer. To business, he says it's £35 a gram, is that decent or what? I've never done much coke myself and I'm fair interested in giving it a try, just for the experimentation, but I don't wanna go getting a shit deal or something like that. Tbh I can't even tell whether it's decent gear or not. Guess it's even harder for you lot to figure out, but can't hurt to ask!

When he gives you a line for free, and the gram he gives you the first few times you buy, it's probably pretty good. He wants to get you hooked. He'll give you worse shit as time goes on imo.
4-5 months ago i smoked weed on my own after picking it up again about a week before with friends. my heart was racing like fucking crazy and i had crazy anxiety--couldnt sleep that day and i was convinced that my pot was laced. even when i came down on the bus ride to school i was still freaking out and jittery, and on the subway i was on the verge of a full blown panic attack. i still continued smoking pot every day since then, and only once when i took a bunch of ritalin for fun did i have a similar attack (where i couldn't breathe, although the anxiety didnt linger as long). even now i've noticed increased anxiety, fatigue (even after a long sleep) and minor depression from my regular pot use. if i smoke with others my anxiety isnt that bad from pot and i can even do it by myself, but afterwards i feel these lingering effects. it's nothing huge as of now, but i think im gonna stop and basically only do it very occasionally.

it just feels weird to talk about pot like that because for the longest time pot has never done me wrong... at worst i would feel a little bored, but i had two bad experiences as an experienced user and even during mostly good experiences i get some negative side effects.

i bought 3 grams of mdma so i plan on raving or going on amusing adventures with my gf, although i'll spread it out over the summer (and probably end up selling some to friends...). i'll also probably do some coke, and maybe try some psychadelics--mescaline with mdma is a really cool rave combo that im gonna do again.

but yeah, my experience with weed has taught me that drugs can do you wrong. right now coke and m haven't, but they can definitely do me wrong, just gotta ease myself into it and then drop it to extremely occasional use when the day happens.
i feel like writing a separate post about my first true rave experience on m.

did m a couple of times before but never before at a rave. dropped two caps, each separated by about an hour. the caps were really fat, so it took a while to hit me and that's why i did the second. man when it hit me it was so fucking intense, i was freaking out. i had to leave the crowd to gather myself, get a water and then painstainkingly search for my friends. i found them eventually, and then i dont know how long later, about 20 minutes of coming up, i was in a state of pure and utter bliss like i've never experienced before. i had my gum and was chewing on it like mad, to the point where the gum literally became mush and i ended up finishing two packs. i was really thirsty coming up but now i didnt need water, didnt feel any anxiety and just kept on chewing on gum. steve aoki was playing and it was awesome: crazy light shows, fog machine that cooled you down like a motherfucker, and just so many happy, dancing people with glow sticks. i looked at my hands for like 10 minuites because they were fucking crazy, everything was going in like semi-slow motion and i could see images of people as they were moving, and this was coupled with the already crazy light show and insane graphics on the projection screen behind aoki.

to this day when i see raves or listen to rave type music i kind mini-flashbacks. i feel like m showed me what happiness is like, in its most undiluted form and it makes me appreciate happiness for that reason.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
Yes? idk, what else could it be?

Got some ssri's (zoloft), excited to try them out. Should I take them in the morning or afternoon?

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