RU Mini-Tournaments 3 - Finals posted! see post #66

Coin Flips:

MMF vs Omicron
dragonboy52 vs Zebraiken
PsYch071c vs Tiffanyy

~~Round 2 pairings~~

lars vs DittoCrow
MMF vs dragonboy52
alexwolf vs Raseri
Tiffanyy vs SilentVerse

You guys have until Monday July 9th, at 8 pm Central Time to get your battles done. For reals this time! 9.9
Calling the dragonboy52 vs MMF match on activity

~~Round 3 Pairings~~

dragonboy52 vs alexwolf
SilentVerse vs DittoCrow

Get your battles done ASAP. I'm going to be away this weekend, again, but try to get them done by Monday, July 16th.
Contacted my opponent(not today, many times), but we just can't find one time to make it work... Probably you will have to coin-flip this, unless he manages to show up in the next 2-3 hours...