Nyt Plays: Crystal, Scrambled Gauntlet Edition


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Let's Play: Pokemon Crystal!

approved by Solace

Crystal was the first pokemon game I really, truly played. I kind of fudged my way through Yellow for at the time I required extensive help by my parents, but then by the time Crystal came around I had adept mastery of the game. However I never beat it, and this has been something that has haunted me for my entire life. So let this thread stand as a love letter to my childhood, and a testament to the fact that I will never let a good game go unbeaten.

For those of you not in the know, a "Let's Play" is when someone plays a game and then posts their experiences with the game with amusing dialouge. Sometimes with video, sometimes just with screenshots. This will be a screenshot LP.

However, it's also going to be a hard as balls LP for one reason: I'm going to be making this a scramble gauntlet run. For those of you who don't know what a scramble or a gauntlet is, please refer to http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3455879 and http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3469970 . For the scramble pokemons, you, the audience, are to submit any pokemon you so please. I will let the submission period go for three days, then I will have a 24 hour voting period on which scramble pokemon I should use, and then my lets play will begin. Gauntlet challenges, however, may be submitted at any time, with a priority of FCFS (if gauntlets conflict, the first gauntlet overrides any later gauntlets). I want this to have a difficulty of Pokemon Master, so go nuts.

Scramble submissions end on 7/27/12!

And yes, I am doing both regions.
nyttyn, take DERP the Wooper. DERP was dropped on its head numerous times when it was young, severely harming its intelligence. Thus:

DERP fails to grasp the idea of TMs, HMs, and move tutors, meaning it can only learn moves by level-up.
If DERP is trying to learn a level-up move but has its 4 slots filled, roll a 6-sided die. DERP can only learn the new move if you get an even number.
However, if you get a 1, DERP not only fails to learn the new move, but it also forgets how to use a move it already knows. As such, treat one of its moves as if it's deleted.
Whenever you send DERP into battle, flip a coin twice. If you get heads, you cannot use a move of your choice in the top row. The same applies to tails and the bottom row.
DERP gets its evolution level mixed up with that of Marshtomp, and as such refuses to evolve until it's level 36.
DERP also somehow thinks it's a Bug-type, and as such is afraid of any red, brown, or gray Pokemon and must switch out of them ASAP, unless a trainer it has to solo has it.
Solo Bugsy and every Bug Catcher in the game with DERP, as it wants to get over its fear of bug nets.
Good luck! You'll need it...
Nyttyn, take SuperEfect the Snubbull! One day, this Snubbull took a look at it's movepool and saw the terrible coverage it gets. Enraged, it vowed to hit everything it comes into contact with a super effective move. To evolve, it must faint 30 Pokemon with a super-effective move. After evolving, all of it's moves needs to be different types, and SuperEfect can only use super-effective moves. If you can't hit a pokemon super-effectively, then you can use any move, but will have to throw away between 5 and 30 items. (Use an RNG to determine how many.) Solo Jasmine and Clair.

Have fun!
nyttyn take a Cyndaquil named BURNING FURY! It believes it is the the master of BURNING FURY KUNG FU! It may only ever use moves that run off it's attack stat, meaning you get no STAB. He refuses to evolve until he has obtained all the physical moves he can learn by level up. He can only evolve again if he learns all the physical moves he can learn. ALL OF THEM (well barring egg exclusive moves). This is optional; if you wish to save the TMs this would require for other Pokemon, you are allowed to simply keep BURNING FURY as a Quilava throughout the run. He must solo at least one elite 4 member and one Kanto gym Leader.

Good luck with your physical, no STAB, TM consuming Cyndaquil! (assuming people vote for this :P)
nyttyn, take a Machop(It could be the one in the trade) It can never learn TMs. It must solo every Ghost type you come across, including Morty's gym (hence, foresight is a necessity).

It must also solo Koga and Janine.

It must switch out against any pokemon that is Normal, Dark, Ice, Rock or Steel type, except for Koga's Forretress.
nyttyn, I give you Guardian the Growlithe. Guardian wants to be the best guard dog it can be, so it decides to evolve as early as possible in the game, to be much more threatening early on. Good dogs also never leave their master's side, so you may never deposit Guardian under any circumstances, and if Guardian faints, you must revive it ASAP, even if you're in the middle of a fight. Guardian quickly develops a bond with your other party members, and Guardian decides that if any Pokemon on your team gets in the red or gets statused, you must switch Guardian in ASAP. This restriction still comes into play if said Pokemon is in the middle of a solo. Eventually, Guardian finds out about Team Rocket and their villany, and it decides to solo every Executive in the game, as well as every Rocket in Slowpoke Well.
Catch Growlithe, nickname Guardian.
You may never deposit Guardian.
If Guardian faints, you must revive it ASAP.
You must evolve Guardian as early as possible in the game.
Whenever any of your Pokemon get in the red or get statused, switch Guardian in immediately. Note: This restriction is also in effect during soloes.
Solo all of the Rockets in Slowpoke Well.
Solo every Executive in the game.
EDIT: Is it okay if I delete this scramblemon and submit a different one instead? If so, I'll put it up within 4 hours.

nyttyn, take elephant. the Phanpy
elephant. must be caught before the first gym.
elephant. believes it is a normal elephant, so it can only learn the following moves: Takle, Growl, Take Down, Double Edge, Headbutt, Protect, Swagger, Return, Mud Slap, Rest, Sleep Talk, Attract, and Strength. It can't hold items. It may never be five levels above other pokemon in the party. To evolve, do the following: solo every Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spearow, Fearow, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Dunsparce, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Ratatta, Meowth, Persian, Tauros, Doduo, and Dodrio up until the 6th gym; Solo Goldenrod Gym without using Mud Slap; have elephant. out against every legendary dog/beast; and give elephant 5 proteins. Later, solo Nugget Bridge.
Since you have no gauntlet challenges yet, I shall give you this one:
I dunno if I'm doing it right so, just tell me if it's wrong.

No Items that Restore HP. (Potions, Full Restores, Fresh Water etc...)

You cannot buy any other medicinal items. (Antidote, Full Heal, Revive etc...)
nyttyn, my Gauntlet challenge to you is:

Once you get access to Apricorn-made balls, those are the only kind of Poke Balls you may use for the rest of the game.
nyttyn, a terrible curse has been placed upon you.

You can only catch the first pokemon you find in a route. No species clause. This starts as soon as possible, it will not wait for you to have pokeballs. This excludes every Scramblemon, however, you cannot catch anything else in the same route you caught a scramblemon unless it's another scramblemon. Also, you must try and catch the scramblemon in as many different routes as possible.
nyttyn, a terrible curse has been placed upon you.

You can only catch the first pokemon you find in a route. No species clause. This starts as soon as possible, it will not wait for you to have pokeballs. This excludes every Scramblemon, however, you cannot catch anything else in the same route you caught a scramblemon unless it's another scramblemon. Also, you must try and catch the scramblemon in as many different routes as possible.
This is one of the small handdful of times I will have to reject a gauntlet, as this could very easily screw with the scramble pokemon. Sorry! You are free to make another gauntlet however.
You want hard, fine, this should be a real fun Gauntlet Challenge.

In every Major Battle (Rival, Gym Leader, Boss Battle, Legendary, E4, Champion, etc.) you cannot use ANY Super Effective moves. Have fun with that =P
Ok, scramble pokemon time.

You must catch/obtain a male Abra named Kinetica (or KINETICA if you like Caps Lock). There are no restrictions on evolution, levelling, TMs, HMs etc. However, you must treat it and it's evolutions like it is Choice-locked, so you can only use a single move unless it switches out. It also must solo Whitney. Have fun with that :)

And gauntlet condition:

You may catch the Red Gyarados, but you may never use it, unless you are forced to (you aren't as far as I remember).
Alright, here's another Gauntlet

You can only heal at the pokemon center 50 times in total. If you faint and you have used up all 50 of your heals, you lose. Elm's PC is not counter towards this challenge. Using the box for healing purposes is disallowed.
Take Token the Feraligatr. Token gains effects depending upon the number of "Faint Counters" that it has on it. You get effects depending on how many counters it gets.

0 Faint Counters: No added effects
1 Faint Counter: May not use SE moves in trainer battles
2-3 Faint Counters: May not use STAB moves greater than 40BP
4-5 Faint Counters: Must know 2 moves that affect stats (Leer, growl, etc..)
6-7 Faint Counters: In order to use any healing items, you must release a pokemon in your PC for each item.
8+ Faint Counters: Treadshot, Jimera and IAR get to have fun here for they have the best "Extremely Difficult" restriction ideas :P

These counters stack, so be careful!!
but then by the time Crystal came around I had adept mastery of the game.
I believe you. Yup. <.<
I want this to have a difficulty of Pokemon Master, so go nuts.
Treadshot, Jimera and IAR get to have fun here for they have the best "Extremely Difficult" restriction ideas :P
Challenge accepted.

Anyway, my Scramble, packaged into *one* neat post for your utmost convenience! (How nice of me, right? Don't reject this XD)

Take Hyper the Zubat.

This Zubat is extremely hyper, and with good reason, after one too many Picnickers shared their sugar doughnuts with it.

As such, it's always making weird noises, won't stop moving, and is generally an utter annoyance. It's also constantly hankering for more sugar, predictably.

Your restrictions are:
- If the opponent is not confused, you must use Supersonic. After using Supersonic 100 times, this restriction is removed.
- If the opponent is confused but your Evasion is not +2 or higher, you must use Double Team. This is only applicable after you reach Goldenrod. After using Double Team 150 times, this restriction is removed.
- Once it evolves into a Golbat (which should be as soon as possible), teach it Hyper Beam. The only attacking move it can use as a Golbat and Crobat is Hyper Beam. Once it has used Hyper Beam 100 times, this restriction no longer applies.
- It must always hold one of the following berries:
-- Berry
-- Gold Berry
-- MiracleBerry
-- MysteryBerry
Every time it consumes a Berry, sugar gets added to its bloodstream. Add another 50 to each of the above counters (i.e. you must do 50 more of the respective action).

- For each Gym Leader Hyper soloes (a minimum of 2), lower each of the counters by 20 (i.e. 20 less actions).

Not too complex, hopefully >.>

Hyper the Zubat
Supersonic if opponent is not confused, after this, Double Team to at least +2 if it is not at +2 or higher. After 100/150 of these (respectively), the restriction no longer applies.
Hyper Beam as the only move as a Golbat/Crobat. After 100 of these, the restriction no longer applies.
Berry/Gold Berry/MiracleBerry/MysteryBerry held at all times; if one is consumed, the counters are increased by another 50 (i.e. you must do 50 more of the respective action).
At least 2 Gym Leader solos, -20 to the counters (i.e. 20 less actions) per solo

You must catch every wild Flying-type Pokemon you see. However, you may not use Fly.
this is not a challenge, this is just annoying for the sake of being annoying.

as for my gauntlet, your highest-levelled pokemon must be subbed out for the E4 (if several mons tie, pick one). you can however use another pokemon instead.
You must catch every wild Flying-type Pokemon you see. However, you may not use Fly.

Yeah ditto on Limi, I'm going to have to reject this as it adds zero difficulty to the game, it just makes things annoying. You could argue money but I have to use apricon balls anyways which I can get in infinite supply, it just takes fugging forever to do so.

Plus, nobody should ever have to play a pokemon game without access to fly.


Actually you know what

nyttyn, my Gauntlet challenge to you is:

Once you get access to Apricorn-made balls, those are the only kind of Poke Balls you may use for the rest of the game.

Ditto here. Doesn't add challenge, just makes things tedious and annoying.

Please refrain from giving gauntlets that add no difficulty and only exist to force me to play the game for a arbitrarly longer length of time.
Here's a Scramble Poke

Catch Optimus the Geodude. Optimus is a normal Geodude until level 21, when it learns its true destiny: to valiantly sacrifice itself for the greater good. After level 21, Optimus must always know either Selfdestruct or Explosion. Whenever another Pokemon's health drops to the red, you must switch in Optimus and use Selfdestruct, even if it's resisted. If another Pokemon faints, Optimus is blinded by grief, and sacrifices itself to prevent further losses (switch in Optimus and use Selfdestruct). Since Optimus always returns to life in time for the next episode, you must promptly heal Optimus with either a Revive or a visit to a Pokemon Center. Optimus' heroic ideals compel him to use his powers to defeat evil. Optimus has to deal the finishing blow (by exploding) against your rival, one Rocket Admin, at least 2 gym leaders, one Elite Four member, and Red. When Optimus doesn't have to valiantly sacrifice itself, it will fight off any foe to protect its friends. If you use Optimus in battle under conditions in which it doesn't have to blow up, you cannot switch it out until either the battle is won or Optimus faints. If Optimus is in the red, it must explode.

  • Optimus the Geodude
  • It must always know either Selfdestruct or Explosion
  • If a pokemon is in the red, you must switch in Optimus and explode
  • If another Pokemon faints, switch in Optimus and explode
  • Promptly revive Optimus with an item or a trip to the Pokemon Center if it faints
  • You cannot switch Optimus out until it faints.
  • Use Explosion on the last Pokemon of your Rival, one Rocket Admin, 2 Gym Leaders, one Elite Four/Champion, and Red.
Alright, scramble submissions are now over!

Your candidates are:
Unnamed Ledyba
DERP the wooper
SuperEfect the snubbul
Unnamed Machop
elephant the phanpy
Kinetica the abra
Hyper the zubat
Optimus the Geodude

The top 5 with the most votes at the end of a 24 hour voting priod will be used by me in this lets play!

The starter canidates are:
BURNING FURY the cyndaquil
Token the feraligatr

The starter with the most votes within 24 hours will be my starter.

I'm going to assume you already voted for yourself submitters. In addition, you may have two votes for the non-starter, and one vote for the starter (these votes must be different so no voting for optimus twice for example)