Tower of God (Spoilers because fuck hide tags)


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Tower of God is a Korean e-manga/comic that I've completely fallen in love with. I'd honestly say I might rate it higher than One Piece in my in-head list of things I like. While the story is, so far, less complex than One Piece it still is a story with many twists and turns that makes it rule.

The story, in the first volume, is based around a boy named Twenty Fifth Baam. A naive kid with a good heart. He is climbing the Tower to find his friend Lahel(from now on called Rachel). Rachel is climbing the tower to see the stars once in her life. There are people called Regulars, who the tower chooses to have them attempt to climb it, and then there are Irregulars, who force the tower to let them in. Baam is an Irregular. Most Irregulars are extremely powerful and basically have always brought chaos to the tower.

Oh and the art gets a shit ton better as the story progresses, don't let that be the one deterring factor for you.

ANYWAY I donut want to spoil anything for people who haven't begun reading it yet (go do it, do it now!) so the rest will be put in hide tags.

I get Baam doesn't want his friends to die that's why he became Viole but why do people want Zahard to die so badly? I'm still a bit fuzzy on those details as a whole. Koon is still leading Rachel up the tower for some reason? I guess he would rather Baam's dream happen but that still is stupid and he should murder her because he's the greatest.

I'm also pretty sure that that mysterious figure is Urek in the latest chapter, or that's what spoilers have lead me to believe. A boy can dream, right?


oh and climbing the tower is supposed to make the thing you want most in the world come true.


I like how Black March doesn't actually do much for Baam. Rather than getting this SUPER SWEET weapon that's the king of all weapons in the beginning of the story it really only was there to help him complete the first test, and find a friend in Gator. I really don't like stories where the first thing that happens is the most useful throughout the story, but perhaps Black March will come back to Baam now that he's a badass.

I also love Koon. All mangas need a Koon from now on.


The fuck is with this face?:
I love this webcomic.

I think the reason Koon is still leading Rachel up the tower is because he actually does want to climb the tower and achieve his goal of beating Koon Eduan and becoming his family leader, and keeping the whole Rachel thing secret gets him the help of 2 Zahard princesses, Hatsu, and a bunch of other overpowered characters from Part 1, since, as he's said, the team would dissolve if Baam's "murder" was known.

Also, everyone wants to kill Zahard becomes he controls everything in the tower, randomly chooses hot girls from other families and "adopts" them, then has them killed if they marry anyone. It's also implied that he's behind the "climb the tower by backstabbing others, or die" mentality on a lot of the floors. In other words, he's just a giant ass.
So are you, matthew, blowing me now or later for introducing you to this?????

This, along with One Piece, Toriko, The Breaker, and Cage of Eden are probably my currently active top 5 shonen-type manga / korean web comics atm.

I really enjoy works that lay the foundation for plenty of character growth and have huge settings, and this certainly qualifies.

Though, I was hoping "Prince" had something to do with Wangnan as well, as was heavily implied in the first 20 or so chapters in S2 and that ring, but from SIU's comments at the end of the last chapter it seems like we're switching main characters. Still hoping Wangnan turns out to be someone significant, cause I like his "typical" shonen hero style in contrast to the current Baam.
Only 8 chapters in so far, and I already love it. Thanks for posting it!

I'd love it even more if it the English translation wasn't so terrible, though... Spelling errors in practically every sentence and it almost seems like they ran it through Google Translate or something at times, the grammar is so weird.
Only 8 chapters in so far, and I already love it. Thanks for posting it!

I'd love it even more if it the English translation wasn't so terrible, though... Spelling errors in practically every sentence and it almost seems like they ran it through Google Translate or something at times, the grammar is so weird.

Much like the art the English translations get better and better. Mostly because people became way more interested in it so the translators spent more time (I guess??)
ok i read from the beginning to where we're up to in two days. koon seems to be an unconvincing character, they didn't play up his weakness that was in the second floor (the door one) enough and right now he's a perfect nice guy who's climbing the tower for baam, but i still like the character.
there's a fantastic world being created here, i'm eagerly awaiting future updates
Great story, made me lose 5 hours of study time yesterday =(

I don't think Koon is anything like a perfectly nice guy. Koon trusts Baam, possibly his 'true first friend' a la Baam to Rachel, but don't get him wrong. He's a cruel chessmaster / mastermind type character. Koon is just too manipulative / clever / smart / etc and he can truly put up a facade. Koon is willing to give up small things along the way, unlike Baam who is still pretty nice, and has got to save every one of his friends. I would not be surprised if Koon kills Rachel for the sake of Baam, and probably pass it off as an accident, too. I'm sure his 'nice' facade is only there to trap Rachel.

Also, the raw comes out on the internet every monday if people are impatient.
Ok, I just read this entire thing ...ridiculously good (thanks Matthew for posting)

My thoughts:
I'm beginning to get more comfortable with the "2 protagonists" format, but like others in this thread, I'm wondering why everyone and their mother wants to kill Zahard. I had thought that Yu Han-Sung and Ren (sheep guy who tried to kill Anak) were on the same side, that they were teaming up to snipe any dangerous regulars and so keep "peace" to the tower in Zahard's name. But if all the Rankers are in fact part of a Fug conspiracy (Gusgus is and I assume that Hansung's demand that Viole become a Slayer candidate means he is too) then I'm confused by just how much power Zahard really has. If everyone wants to get rid of the hegemony he has over the Tower....the actions of Ren/Hansung/Gus and those like him don't really seem to me like "revolutionary" ones.

Also, I gotta say I really hate the fact that SIU decided to put in 1-2 page long "supplementary material" pages at the end of chapters, just because I'd rather see those details come out in the comic proper. It's so easy just to make up a bunch of stuff about power levels, nicknames, etc and I think it shows more effort to actually spin it out in real time. In short...I don't want to read about the head of the Yeon family, I want to actually see the head of the Yeon family through the comic itself. Just writing about the powerful people seems to me like something a teenager could do -- "so there's this guy who's, like, the most powerful wave controller and he uses red spears of shinsoo to stab all of his opponents in a fiery explosion.." etc.

My last question: if Zahard and everyone else has only gotten up to floor 143 of the tower, and there are more floors (SIU says in supplementary material that people think Zahard's return = another floor opening) then does reaching the "top" of the tower just mean getting to the highest floor that's been discovered so far?

Lastly, I hope that the red-eyed guy in the latest chapters isn't Urek and is just a member of Waihaiksong. Everyone seems to think it really is Urek but I was hoping he would be a bit cooler (he's very young and obnoxious looking...i didn't think Urek would be the type of guy to kill anyone just because he felt like it.)
Chapter 32 is out on mangahere, it's less fun than reading it on batoto, since it doesn't do the long strip method. Though if you're an addict to this like me you can't really wait so........

Was a pretty boring chapter, though we are seeing that Viole is becoming more and more like his old self. Finally showing some emotions and what have you. This massive shinsoo fight is probably going to be next chap and I'm so excited for it I might pee myself????
not hiding because it's not really a spoiler
My last question: if Zahard and everyone else has only gotten up to floor 143 of the tower, and there are more floors (SIU says in supplementary material that people think Zahard's return = another floor opening) then does reaching the "top" of the tower just mean getting to the highest floor that's been discovered so far?
as far as we know, yes. the reason there are a lot of rankers is because zahard isn't moving up the tower (and as we know the tower gets more difficult the higher you go)

I'm sorry to say but he really is Urek. You can see that it says 'Mazino' on his back.

Also, as for the supplement material needing to be fleshed out more, I totally agree.

edit: SIU has his blog and I guess that's where he puts 'additional information'? Google translate fails pretty hard, though.
Sweet as fuck chapter. Is Urek number 1 in the tower now or is his ego just that big?
It was actually refreshing to see Baam lose, considering it has been about 32 chapters before of him constantly winning. Urek got scratched by Baam though, which is supposed to give some hope I guess?

Anyway sweet as fuck chapter (I need to stop reading it on mangahere)
spoilers obvi

Tbh I actually didn't like this chapter at all lol. Because I'm lazy I read it on mangahere at like 12:00 am Monday and then it was up on batoto 6 hours later in the good format...why is my life like this

I guess I wanted Urek to be more of a badass, more of a calm type, more of a serious type, and more of an older guy. (like...the no.4 most powerful person looks like he's 26? why? i'd also think he'd act more 'cool'.)

I also thought it was weird that he was introduced so early and that the 3 rankers that fought him(pink shirt guy, huge arm guy, metal face guy) werebasically like thugs. Like...first time we see a Ranker (Leroro iirc) everyone in the crowd freaks the fuck out, "omg it's a ranker," etc, and we get a little blurb of how awesome rankers are....Even though Quant's retarded he still beat everyone on the A and B teams and even Viole couldn't beat Love (who wasn't even a High Ranker). So it's kind of annoying to see 3 rankers basically acting like thugs. like...why did they not know that it was Mazino ... did they just think they were going after some high ranker in Wailhaiksong?

Also Mazino shouldn't have even fought Baam (there's no reason besides the fact that he wanted to test him) and Mazino's fighting style wasn't that interesting to me. Bitch rant over
HOLY SHIT just spent 8hrs in a row reading every single chapter. Hooked! Volume 2 was much better than volume 1 imo.
So I'm confused, I clicked that link in the first post here and tried to read it but all the text is in some funky language that isn't English. Where's the english version you guys are all reading?
They translate it into like five different languages. Just click the England or America flag and it should filter down to those.


I was talking to Aldaron and he seemed to think that Black March would eventually return to Baam. I really don't get why this has to happen. Sure Black March opened up to Baam but he's a Wave Controller. Not a fishermen....
Because Black March opened up to him... seems simple. There are supposedly 13 weapons.. wouldn't be surprising if one amplified ones use of shinsoo (or w/e).
But what real use is Black March to Baam
He fights physically, apparently hasn't been trained with a needle and he's a Wave Controller. It's on the same level as giving a Spearman a hook. It just doesn't fit.
Who says it has anything to do with necessity?

Remember, season 2's title is "prince of zahard," and while it is unclear whether this refers to Wangnan (as everyone thought initially) or Baam (as everyone thinks now), it is safe to say that since SIU said Baam is the main character again, we can assume Baam is the "prince."

The monthly series is reserved for princesses; there has never been a prince. Baam is the prince. Black March only opened up to Baam...hence Black March will eventually be Baam's, regardless of necessity. Hell, as Yuri showed, people can give away the monthly series for whatever they want...Baam could end up giving Black March to an appropriate fisherman and ask her to ignite for him...Plenty of things work for this.

Don't be limited by "only fisherman use needles," as SIU has already shown he doesn't strictly stick to forms / positions (note various high ranked rankers are multiple positions). The monthly series is for princesses -> there has never been a prince -> baam is the prince -> black march doesn't open up to anyone but opens up to baam -> black march is baam's, whether or not he needs it directly.
Upon giving it some thought I'd like it if Black March was returned to Baam but refuses to open up to him again, as in the first couple chapters the guide said how his goals in entering the tower changed. It would eventually end up opening again, but for what reason a to be determined (if teue). I'm also a little curious about that robot Baam and everyone had. I forget its official title but Baam received a Class A (if that was explained again I'm sorry for forgetting) but that needs to be delved into more I think. Maybe it just relates to what rank those people were (which would be extremely strong!)
just looked into this briefly; read up to evandhell's part (im not a quick reader ok), great comic so far
