drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

yes you can put out joints

honestly i know i'm going to lose some Real Man Points here but I use a rolling machine. Costs like $3 at the smokeshop and then you get a perfect roll every time.

yes use a roach - a full joint is generally kinda much with today's dank, plus having a handle and way to smoke the last of it is just so nice. cig filters are too tight - use rolled up card stock or something else sturdy to let air through

having both 'canoed and used a no2 vape, the no2 is probably better. it's seriously better than an mflb but it's much more expensive which is sad. also you can probably get away with just carrying it around with you and pretending it's an air freshener or some shit
the PAX vaporizer looks pretty sick

if my no2 didn't already kick my ass, I would get one of these guys. super small, seems a lot like an update to the no2 to me. loses out on exact temp control, but the superior portability, faster charge time, and faster heat-up are totally worth it imo. but the price tag......................
ugh, is there any way to get rid of the tardyness your body has the day after you smoked weed? i mean its been way over 12hours, this is more than enough and i kinda need to go back to the norm
vader if you want faster heatup and don't care about temp control just get an MFLB
ugh, is there any way to get rid of the tardyness your body has the day after you smoked weed? i mean its been way over 12hours, this is more than enough and i kinda need to go back to the norm

over time you'll probably adjust and not feel burnt out as much, but in the future I'd probably just smoke less, or wait longer before going to sleep

I find I get burnt the worst from lower-quality bud or a lot of super high-quality stuff, ymmv

As a solution I'd say eat something, get some caffeine or take a long, hot shower: these are my go-to things for the day after from pretty much anything.
re: being burnt out, I have not been burnt out for more than a few hours after I smoke for a while, but when I do get burned out my solution is usually a big meal with carbs and protein, like burgers or a steak sub or <insert your favorite sandwich variant here>

also another cool doodad gadget I found looking for stuff to blow my wad on is herb iron, so I could vape through my bong or ignite it flamelessly. I used a glass rod once to smoke, and it is way better than butane smoking but only if you care about flavor. BUT I don't have a torch or soldering iron and this is battery-powered/totally flameless which rules. if I were to get this, I prob wouldn't get the vape attachment atm since

vader if you want faster heatup and don't care about temp control just get an MFLB

the pax has three settings tho, what I don't like about the mflb is that the heat control is nonexistent and has the same problem the NO2 has in that it won't heat up hot enough to extract some of the higher-temp cannaboids
I'm going to take acid for the first time next Friday with 2-3 other mates, none of which have done it either. Any advice for making this the best it can be?
just stay positive. bright colors are better than darkness, and don't go into crowds without a good support network of sober friends

edit: just remembered because rg brought up xanax, but keeping some xanax on-hand just in case you start having a bad time isn't a bad idea. xanax kills the trip afaik, though I've never tried it personally
acid's interesting but i liked shrooms better personally
get yourself a pack of crayons and some paper with your buddies

can't find them oxys yet and percs are for chumps
just give me the pillllll

still in awe of how there's a nice pack of fent on the first page
i could use a few of those about now

hopefully picking up some xanax bars soon
all the shit i need is harder to find
yeah the legal status of oxys has become a little weird here in Canada. pretty sure they're illegal now, and people with oxy prescriptions get something else (oxyneo) for a year or so...

anyways, got a hold of them as my friend's mom had a bunch prescribed for a spinal injury a while back. i think i have an opiate tolerance or something even though i barely have used them (oxys two years ago) because after snorting a shit ton and taking it orally and smoking with it i only start to barely notice it. i've always had a bit of a tolerance to drugs in general but i just find this one to be particularly surprising. i even have to smoke copious amonts of opiate hash to feel effects.
i fucking LOVE adderall guys

seriously man. i'm not hungry all the time, my mood's better, i can focus on whatever the hell i want, and i feel like a million bucks. it's like i'm a normal goddamn human being again. this is great.

i need to get a script again
I borrowed some of my then-gf's Adderall a couple times to write papers in school. The one thing that I remember most was the complete lack of appetite, I think I had about 500 calories over the course of the entire day. Force yourself to eat.
just stay positive. bright colors are better than darkness, and don't go into crowds without a good support network of sober friends

edit: just remembered because rg brought up xanax, but keeping some xanax on-hand just in case you start having a bad time isn't a bad idea. xanax kills the trip afaik, though I've never tried it personally

Good lord I wish someone had given me that advice before I crawled way too far down the rabbit hole. The only times that a trip/roll I was on went way too sour was when I was out of my body amongst too many strangers.

And yes xanax does kill trips. Klonopin saved my life once during a really bad trip as well.
sounds like it kills the trip from knockin the fuck outta you more than killin the effects of the other drugs

count me in

edit: i miss xanax. fuck weed. my country's lame.
no, benzos stop trips, not just from "knocking you the fuck out." a friend and I were discussing another friend of ours who died from an ecstasy/homemade hallucinogen overdose, and that if he'd had a benzo handy he might be alive today. as long as you only use the benzos as a precaution and don't get hooked it will work out splendidly!!
no, benzos stop trips, not just from "knocking you the fuck out." a friend and I were discussing another friend of ours who died from an ecstasy/homemade hallucinogen overdose, and that if he'd had a benzo handy he might be alive today. as long as you only use the benzos as a precaution and don't get hooked it will work out splendidly!!

I'm not sure if benzos actually stop hallucinations and perception changes as much as they calm you the hell down. Though, they work against most symptoms of serotonin syndrome.
in the same vein as rodan's post:

imo this is a little bit more interesting because you get to read the thought process (more or less) of the artist as he is going through the experience.
i would really have liked to have see something like that from the other artist, especially regarding the one he did on pcp:
okay, this is gonna be my first real "trip report" since I've been back at school etc but

I took 6 drops, 11pm last night.

if i had to choose a motive, i would guess opportunity. or fear. maybe both i guess?

it's hard to extract who you are now from who you were eight hours ago, though

and eight hours ago i was wandering these same halls, dumb giggly expression and listening to some pink floyd.

i redosed too, and it was enjoyable

idk, it was a different time then, and it's a different time now, idk stuff is hard to process

everything is still an ordeal, and idk what's what. i'll get everything sorted





the smoke is exiting the window, kind of hard to tell.......
why did you have to include oreos in that sequence

now i want them

curse you, drugs!!!
making firecrackers at my parents' house using the poop from my vape, but french bread because I have no graham crackers. here's hoping this works!!

doesn't smell if you use the foil btw

edit: "meh"/10