Glitchmons Laddering Challenge

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It's a shame that such an interesting tier has only had 76 ranked battles last month. Let's fix that.

Introducing the Glitchmons Laddering Challenge! This is similar to laddering challenges in other tiers, except this one has no special rules (Glitchmons has enough of them already!); it's just get to the top of the ladder at the end of a two week period.

The person who gets to the top of the Glitchmons ladder (or at the highest rank out of the people who signed-up) at the end of the two week period will receive he following rewards:
  • Custom CT
  • Temporary status promotion on #othermetas. This could be made permanent if you continue to talk there a lot!
  • Maybe something else~

To sign up for this challenge, just post what alt name you'll be using for this challenge. Note: it has to be a fresh new alt. If you're having trouble figuring out what to use, this thread will be helpful. Don't forget to post there with your ladder experiences and such.

Now let's get out there and revive the Glitchmons ladder!
I will be signing up for this challenge, it sounds like a good motivator for some people to play Glitchmons a little bit more. Just one question, does it start automagically when we post or has it already started?

Also, I will be going under the name LawrenceXIV. Good luck to everyone who's going to participate in this challenge!
Signing up, but...
do you think you could make it last like 1 day extra? Or like 18 hours? Because the deadline is the last day of my exams ._.
User: Level 51 (ladder got reset :/)
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