hi friends

h hll thr!



please tell me you're coming back for good

iiiiiiiiiiiiiii can't answer this question rn??

idk i've been asked to do some things but even if i don't do them it is nice to drop by&sayhi

strong azhe

~~ * *~ * ~~ ~~>>--------->

The man returns from hiding in the catacombs of #tf2 and graces us with his presence in a forum. It's a Christmaz Miracle!!!

hey woah it's my birthday before christmas everyone just cOOl your jents

man all the people posting locopoke in bold that was the funniest joke ive ever heard oh my goodness you should all be standup comedians

/me pet



man all the people posting locopoke in bold that was the funniest joke ive ever heard oh my goodness you should all be standup comedians

shut up solace you're just mad smogon thinks all of the pokemon you like are useless.
that gif is me slapping smogon for thinking all the pokemon i like are useless
honestly can you guys stop derailing az's very (Serious) thread!!!

az i would like to ask you a question it is very important

chocolate covered strawberries or chocolate covered cherries??
protextor dont ignore meeeeeeeeee

i said HIT me

that gif is me slapping smogon for thinking all the pokemon i like are useless
honestly can you guys stop derailing az's very (Serious) thread!!!

az i would like to ask you a question it is very important

chocolate covered strawberries or chocolate covered cherries??


can anyone ever love graveler like i do...




i think strawberries??

idk icr the last time i had cherries but i think they are that biting kinda sweet whereas strawberries are overall a much more meaty fleshy kinda fruit

i mean BAsically the chocol8 doesn't even come into it for me, you know??
Glad to see "The Well" make a return. I'm looking forward to your answers.

If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?

What do you regret most so far in life?

When will you be good enough for you? Is there some breaking point where you will accept everything about yourself?

How do you really KNOW anything for sure?

How do you deal with someone in a position of power who wants you to fail?

Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
Glad to see "The Well" make a return. I'm looking forward to your answers.

If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?

What do you regret most so far in life?

When will you be good enough for you? Is there some breaking point where you will accept everything about yourself?

How do you really KNOW anything for sure?

How do you deal with someone in a position of power who wants you to fail?

Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?

don't run. i'm here. let's all just believe in one another. i will protext!!!

fireworks night

idk i think this is kinda paradoxical?? i accept everything about myself now that i'm conscious of, but "good enough" is the kinda thing that i think would undermine me trying to do things better and better the next day. i'm a self-improvement kinda guy. i think it's possible to feel "yeah this is good enough" in a "i'm on the right track" kinda way. i think it would be sad to be young and say "yeah damn i hit my limit i'm please. let's coast the next few decades"

how do i know anything for sure, or can one be said to know anything for sure? i think the latter is easier to answer, because you can just play word games and define knowledge as something categorical and finite. "justified, true belief" is pretty popular but it REeally bugs me because if you already have knowledge of something being "true" then whether or not it is knowledge is completely moot. i think those kinds of approaches miss the point. in an actually helpful everyday life sense: it fits logic, and it feels right in your gut

i guess this depends on the person, the position of power, and what they want you to fail?? but i would say you just believe in yourself and know that someone trying to stop you is just the same a gap you have to hurdle as any obstacle in achieving something; if you've accounted for "practice everyday" in your schedule to be a fantastic pianist, just view the bastard that keeps trying to sabotage your piano practice the same way. approach finding a solution with a clear, level head, use logic, and believe in yourself

gosh that's a stickler!! i think though ultimately i have to answer lose all my previous memories, because i think not being able to form any new memories of any kind would debilitate you so much that any effort to live life would not be eased by the comfort of your memories before making this choice. it would just screw up all of your mental processes; you couldn't learn anything new, sure, but on a much more fundamental level you wouldn't be able to comprehend the present and the passage of time because you wouldn't have any consciousness of what just happened etc. so yeah, totally just wave goodbye to the old ones in order to forge forward, i think!!
I was going to Mr.E because who the fuck cares about locopoke but I have an important request to make I noticed okay !!

birkal should synchronize his avatar and sig so the sweets come out of Luigi's window right after Mario throws it in the right window instead of both windows opening at the same time and the previous item Mario threw in comes out as he throws in the next one D:
birkal should synchronize his avatar and sig so the sweets come out of Luigi's window right after Mario throws it in the right window instead of both windows opening at the same time and the previous item Mario threw in comes out as he throws in the next one D:

I agree. I find this "one dessert delay" rather disturbing, as it leaves one dessert unaccounted for in the time it takes Mario to throw a different sweet. Though the previous dessert comes out the second window-portal and into Luigi's gullet every time- it only appears that way. It has happened every time so far that we have observed, though this may not be the case. What happens to this dessert when it is between windows? Why the delay on the transfer between windows? And most importantly, what if the trend stops? What will the world come to should the sweets disappear? Think of the children, Birkal. Synchronize your signature and avatar. The fate of the human race rests on your shoulders.

Also, hi "az." I don't think I've ever seen you before.