A New Team for a New Meta (around 1745 on showdown)

Introduction: So, with everyone's favorite bug no longer in OU, I wanted to make a new team that abuses the next most broken strategy: Rain. To this end, I compiled a number of sets that had worked for me in the past, with a focus on setting hazards, and whittling away at the enemy team with said hazards and voltturn, and end with a sort of "sweep" wherein my last two pokes come in and spam their most powerful attacks to break apart the weakened team.

The team:


Politoed @ Choice Specs
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Focus Blast
- Ice Beam
- Scald

Toed is required for any Rain team, of course, and from playing with both bulky and specs, I find that the sheer power of Specs Toed is more valuable than what buky Toed provides. Essentially, unless my opponnt has a Jellicent/Gastrodon, I just spam Hydro Pump on this guy, hitting even those who resist it for good damage. Specs makes Ninetales a less safe switch, and can surprise an opponent who expects standard Scald Toed and hopes to tank the hit with their Ninetales or Ttar.


Keldeo @ Choice Specs
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Ice]

One of the strongest special attackers in the game, this little guy is my endgame more often than not, smashing through a team with either specs-boosted Surf or Hydro Pump, depending on how much the enemy team is damaged. Walled to hell and back by Jellicent, but I'm not sure which type of Hidden Power to run to rememedy that without losing out in other areas. The moves on this set are definitely up for debate, and I would like any suggestions you can offer. Surf is in my mind almost a necessity for its reliability, but there are arguments against it, and if you have them, feel free to voice them.


Tornadus (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Tailwind
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast

Contrary to popular belief, Tornadus-T is not the only way to run Tornadus. With a great ability in its own right, the capacity to run lefties, and a priority Tailwind to set up Specs Keldeo for a sweep, I think this guy is much better than his ugly Therian counterpart. Hurricane and Focus Blast are their to be spammed against the enemy team, whittling them down and preparing them for a series of very painful Specs Keldeo Surfs/Hydro Pumps. Priority Substitute is fantastic for scouting the opponents set, or getting a free attack against an enemy too scared to stay in. For the sacrifice of just 18% hp, this is one of Tornadus's best tools. I typically send this guy out fairly late, and get off as many Hurrcanes or Focus Blasts as I can, and then Tailwind just before I die, so that Keldeo can come in and destroy the enemy team.


(M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 200 HP / 244 Def / 64 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

Coming in to replace Scizor as a check to physcial threas of all shapes and sizes, the least played genie outside of Tornadus-I packs a crucial Electric immunity, Fighting resistance, and one of the best abilities the game has ever known in Intimidate. Landorus-T is a good check to threats like Terrakion or Jirachi, who can punch holes in my team otherwise. QuakeEdge is there for coverage (crazy, I know), U-turn keeps up momentum and keeps some of Scizor's utility, and Stealth Rock allows me to reliably get up hazards almost every game, simply by switching in on an nonthreatening physical attacker.


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 232 SDef / 28 SAtk / 248 HP
Calm Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Pain Split

This guy is the greatest thing ever. He serves as a killer defensive pivot, secondary Hydro Pump spammer, VoltTurn partner with Scizor, sweeper crippler with Thunder Wave, and all-around pest to the enemy team. I use Thunder Wave over Will-o-Wisp because it will cripple whatever Will-o-Wisp will, but also shut down any speedy special attackers trying to pull a fast one on my team. Pain Split is for recovery, Volt Switch is self-explanatory, and Hydro Pump does a lot of damage in the rain. It does a lot of damage in the rain. A lot of damage in the rain. A lot of damage.


Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 40 Def / 252 HP / 216 SDef
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Wish
- Thunder
- Water Pulse

Here she is, the most versatile pokemon ever to grace the fields of battle. For gen upon gen, she has been tearing apart teams with Scarf sets, bulky sets, Calm Mind sets, all-out offensive sets, you name it. On this team, she takes the role of tank and possible sweeper, and can annoy my opponent's to no end. With 60% paralyze chance Thunder, 40% confuse chance Water Pulse, and Wish, Jirachi is guaranteed to cause some deal of hair-pulling from any enemy. I am still experimenting with sets at the moment, but Calm Mind gives this set a dangerous offensive presence, and poops on many special attackers, while Wish gives both team support and semi-reliable recovery for Rachi herself. Whether this set is the absolute best, I cannot be sure, but Rachi is without a doubt a valuable teammate.

Conclusion: All in all, I am very impressed with the core of Keldeo/Tornadus-I in the rain, and have little to no desire to remove them (while I am looking to change up Keldeo's moveset), nor do I want to switch Rotom-W, for he is maybe the MVP of this team other than Keldeo. Forry and Scizor are the most questionable, and I am always looking for pokes that might do their job better (checking setup sweepers, voltturning, setting hazards, and rapid spinning), and any suggestions for them are really appreciated.

Cool team! I like your use of Tornadus-I; -T is already rare enough, but you've managed to use his even rarer brother with great effect. You're right; it does seem as if your reliance on Forretress could definitely be a hindrance to your team, since so many vital jobs are done by it. Not only that, but your reliance on two special attackers to clean makes special walls stand out as a defensive threat, especially ones like WishRachi that can just constantly heal itself and spread paraflinch damage. Scizor looks replaceable in my opinion, because of the fact that you use it to revenge threats that are either already handled or can be handled by a better pokemon. To shift some pressure off of Forretress, to help defeat common special walls such as Jirachi, AND to be able to handle most threats that Scizor had previously been used to beat, I think a good replacement for Scizor is Tornadus-I's cousin,

Landorus-T @ Leftovers
Adamant / 200 HP / 64 Atk / 244 Def
Stealth Rock / U-Turn / Earthquake / Stone Edge

Right off the bat, you can see that Landorus-T preserves Scizor's U-Turning as well as takes some physical burden off of Forretress by Intimidating and setting Rocks up. That's not all it does, though. Remember how I said that Jirachi and friends are a problem? Well, with Landorus-T, that is no longer an issue. EQ hits as hard as a, well, Landorus-T, KO'ing Jirachi in no time at all. Intimidate lets it not only handle Jirachi, but also many other threats. A rampaging Scarf Terrakion sweeping your team? Switch to Lando, take less than 40% from an SE, and then OHKO with EQ. +3 Volc giving your problems? Tank a fiery dance in the rain, and then OHKO with Stone Edge. Salamence? Tank an outrage and OHKO. Lando's massive bulk upon switch in will not only let you live certain key attacks to prevent sweeps but also help force out setup sweepers and rack up more hazard damage.

Now that you have a stealth rock setter, I think it is appropriate to find a new move for Forretress- and this named move would definitely be Gyro Ball. G-Ball helps a lot against faster pokemon like Terrak, Mamo, or Scarf Latios (even RP Lando should it come to that) It lets you hit Deo-D and DDancers, and be a nuisance in the fast paced meta.

Now, with Scizor gone the problem of the Lati twins does arise, as Lando is not as sufficient at countering them. You do already have precautions, such as Rotom's T-Wave and Forretress's G-Ball, but to maybe add some more offensive reactions I think U-Turn on Tornadus-I instead of Substitute would be a very good idea. U-Turn cleaves a large chunk of health from the psychic / Dark types of the tier. It also adds to your VoltTurning madness, letting you scout for switch ins, and then double switching for more pressure. U-Turn will also let you pivot more smoothly to a teammate after Tailwinding, scouting again for switches as well as dealing some damage. With U-Turn, a spread of 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 SpA Naive would be more beneficial.

good luck

I think your team is trying to do too many things at once. You thought about a hard hitter, a wall etc.
Why don't you forget all these roles and focus on chosing a special purpose for your team.

You got a Tail Wind Tornadus, that's pretty insane, and you know why?
Because it makes you able to use at its full potential Kyurem-B.

TailWind, fits offensive teams, teams able to deal massiv damage in few turns.

That's why I advices you the following changes :

Forretress =>

Terrakion @ Focus Sash
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Substitute
- Sword Dance

A lead Terrakion, it works so great, you almost always get the early advantage against any type of lead.

Change you Politoed for a Specs one :

Politoed @ Choice Specs
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]

And finally your Rotom-W to :

Kyurem-Black @ Choice Band
156 HP / 252 Atk / 100 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt
- Dragon Claw
- Earth Power

You can change choice band, but don't take Life Orb !
Basically the Evs are here to survive a Specs Hurricane from Tornadus-T after SR damages. So if you play with LO these EVs are a waste.

I would also change Keldeo for a Scarf version, you don't need the fire power anymore. And probably Scizor for a SD version.

Hope it helped :)

@ Thundurus-T : It's true he can kill almost everybody but if you go the offensive way.. where can he set-up? he gets killed by everybody and the only pokemon who can't 0HKO (Scizor doesn't 0HKO but 2 Bullet Punches kill him) him is Tornadus who can Tailwind :>
Your team is completely dismantled by Thundurus-T if it manages to get an Agility off. Okay, the set is rare, but you have absolutely no chance against it: come in on Rocks by Lando, or on Forretress, then you only need some 30% damage on Rotom-W (that you can achieve yourself by hitting it with Thunder the first time it tries to switch in) and it's a clean sweep:

252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Thunder vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Politoed: 554-655 (144.27 - 170.57%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Thunder vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Keldeo: 601-710 (186.06 - 219.81%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Thunder vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Scizor: 331-390 (96.5 - 113.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Thunder vs. 248 HP / 232+ SpD Rotom-W: 195-230 (64.35 - 75.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Forretress: 273-321 (77.11 - 90.67%) -- 25% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Thunder vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Tornadus: 741-873 (247.82 - 291.97%) -- guaranteed OHKO
---------------------------------other rater's proposals------------------------
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Focus Blast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 403-476 (124.38 - 146.91%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Hidden Power Ice vs. 200 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-T: 520-614 (140.92 - 166.39%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus-T Focus Blast vs. 156 HP / 100 SpD Kyurem-B: 361-426 (83.95 - 99.06%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

If you don't want to change Toed, Keldeo, and Tornadus there's little you can do to fix it, your core is weak to Electric attacks a lot and it's quite hard to fix that when Thundurus can use HP Ice and Focus Blast. Your best bet is to throw a Specially Defensive Celebi somewhere, but I'm really not sure how (if Scizor is replaced by Electrolyte's Lando, it becomes even harder, although I sorta like that suggestion). So...it's up to you: try to fit it into your team, or just try another idea, however I strongly suggest you take some action to fix that problem, since being destroyed that easily by a single poke is extremely frustrating when you find it somehow on the ladder.


Celebi @ Leftovers | Natural Cure
Calm | 252 HP / 232 SpD / 24 Spe
- Giga Drain
- Recover
- Stealth Rock / Perish Song / Thunder Wave
- U-Turn / Hidden Power Ice

Good luck, hope I helped somewhat.
Hey there,like previously mentioned,your team tries to do too many things at once,To me,Forretress and Rotom-W seems to be the weakest links on your team.

I second the suggestion of using Lead terrakion in place of Forretress.This lets you keep the momentum up and doesn't give sweepers like Thundurus-T to oppurtunity to set up.

I also suggest trying out a Scarf Latios instead of Rotom-W.You're team looks extremely weak to sun teams.Not only Sun hinders every team member but also you're politoed set will have a hard time keeping the Rain up.Sun sweepers can also easily cause a lot of damage to your team.Scarf Latios provides some insurance against Sun teams while acting as a fast Scarfer.Speed is very important in this metagame and a fast scarfer is necessary lest u should get screwed over by fast sweepers.Tailwind isn't a reliable method.Although you lose out that Volt Turn Core,the extra revenge killing potential and Sun check is worth it imo.

Finally,a small nitpick is that you try Life Orb instead of Leftovers on Tornadus-I.The extra power brings some important OHKOs and 2HKOs which is more important than the little extra durability you're Tornadus-I gets with lefties.It also increases your chance to sweep after Tailwind.Here are some calcs to give you the idea.

252 SpA Life Orb Tornadus Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Salamence: 331-391 (100 - 118.12%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Tornadus Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Salamence: 255-301 (77.03 - 90.93%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Life Orb Tornadus Focus Blast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 361-426 (111.41 - 131.48%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Tornadus Focus Blast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 278-328 (85.8 - 101.23%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

252 SpA Life Orb Tornadus Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Tentacruel: 212-251 (58.24 - 68.95%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Tornadus Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Tentacruel: 163-193 (44.78 - 53.02%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Scizor -> Landorus-T
Gyro Ball on Forry

U-Turn on Tornadus
I really like the idea of Landorus-T, so I'm gonna test him out. Bulky with Intimidate is a great combination, even if I don't really need him for Jirachi that much, seeing as Specs Hydro Pump is pretty damn close to an OHKO on it in rain. Gyro Ball is a given, so I will definitely do that if Lando does become a permanent member, but U-turn on Tornadus does not seem to me to be as valuable as priority Substitute. Activating LO damage on a dangerous sweeper, scouting the opponent's choiced pokemon, getting a free turn if the opponent switches or tries to use some status move, Sub is too good to let go.

Forry -> Lead Terrakion
Politoed -> Specs
Rotom-W -> Kyurem-Black
Keldeo -> Scarf
To be honest, I don't think I'm trying to do too many different things. I just set hazards, spin away the opponent's, Voltturn around a bit, get off a few Hydro Pumps, a few Hurricanes, and then sweep with Specs Keldeo. That said, I like lead Terrakion, although, if Lando-T works out, I won't really need him for the SR and having a spinner might be more valuable. Specs Toed is definitely something I want to try out, but I fear that without Toxic, something like a Jellicent can just shit on my team. Rotom for Kyurem is one of the scarier changes, since I love Rotom's utility, ability to do surprising amount of damage, and cripple opposing sweepers, along with the fact that my "power attacker" already exists in Keldeo. That said, I will definitely try it out and see how it fares in the team. If Kyurem works, then Keldeo would absolutely get a Scarf instead, which would also help me stop pesky Agility Thundurus-T, which is a plus.

Thundurus-T is a dick
If I do happen to swap out Keldeo's Specs for a classy Scarf, Thundurus will be outsped and killed by Surf/Hydro Pump in the rain. I understand that's not an ideal situation, but the set seems rare enough that having a sort of loose check against it should be all right for now. If it gets moire popular, I'll probably get something more reliable, but I do not fear Agility Thundurus too much at the moment.

Forry -> Lead Terrakion
Rotom-W -> Scarf Latios

Life Orb on Tornadus
As mentioned above, if I do use Lando-T over Scizor, I don't really need the SR Terrakion provides, and a spinner would be more important at that point. Scarf Latios is a cool idea, but I'm not sure how Rotom-W is a weak link. He is incredibly effective in the rain, and I have yet to have any real problems with it. The check against sun is nice, but I feel like Sun teams have a hard time winning the weather war against this team, with the Hydro Pump spam, focus on hazards, and voltturnning. When I get destroyed by a sun team on the ladder, I'll probably try this, but as of now it seems low-priority. Life Orb on Tornadus is just unsustainable, on a poke with both Substitute and an SR weakness. I just don't value the OH or 2HKOs enough to sacrifice the utility of Substitute w/ lefties.

Thanks a ton for the rates, there are quite a few ideas here that I look forward to trying out. If I rejected a proposed change or said something stupid, please know it doesn't mean I think I know better than you, it just means it doesn't fit the way I want to play the team.
You could always try rain dance Starmie for an offensive spinner for a rain team:

Starmie @ Damp Rock/Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature

~ Rain Dance
~ Rapid Spin
~ Hydro Pump / Surf
~ Thunder / Thunder Wave
I'd rather not use Starmie, just because it compounds my Electric weakness. My core of Keldeo, Toed, and Tornadus-I is weak to Electric, that much is unavoidable, but I don't want to make Thunder spamming a 100% win against my team.
"To be honest, I don't think I'm trying to do too many different things. I just set hazards, spin away the opponent's, Voltturn around a bit, get off a few Hydro Pumps, a few Hurricanes, and then sweep with Specs Keldeo. That said, I like lead Terrakion, although, if Lando-T works out, I won't really need him for the SR and having a spinner might be more valuable. Specs Toed is definitely something I want to try out, but I fear that without Toxic, something like a Jellicent can just shit on my team. Rotom for Kyurem is one of the scarier changes, since I love Rotom's utility, ability to do surprising amount of damage, and cripple opposing sweepers, along with the fact that my "power attacker" already exists in Keldeo. That said, I will definitely try it out and see how it fares in the team. If Kyurem works, then Keldeo would absolutely get a Scarf instead, which would also help me stop pesky Agility Thundurus-T, which is a plus."

The point is, watch your Forretress.
Do you seriously think that a decent battler/team would let you put SR and Spikes and Spin etc...
I mean, if it wasn't BW2, maybe but here letting a single pokemon carry all the burdens is not good.
Why would you even Spin? Why would you even try to Spikes ?

The thing you don't seem to get, is that your team fails to focus on something, you tried to gather all the stuff you could (SR Spikes Specs Band Spin Walls Support) but in the end you'll can't do everything you wish you could.

For instance, if there is a simple Tornadus-T + CM Jirachi sweeping core in an opposing Rain team, you lost. Jirachi comes anywhere and there is nothing you can do against it.
Why ? Because your walls aren't strong enough. Your team is too disparate.

I mean, TailWind is cool, but if you go this way, you better CASH ON IT more. You can't just think "okay TailWin is cool, I'll do a mini Core", else in the end your team is filled with pokemons who don't serve the team in a whole.
I have no idea if I make myself clear, but basically, you must either reinforce your defensive core, or strengthen your offensive power.

Here you have a foot in each camp, and you'll get either beaten by teams with a better defensive core, or a stronger offensive core.

I proposed you to go the offensive way, you cash on TailWind, you can also reinforce your defensive core. For instance, to prove that I'm not saying this just for fun. An insignificant Zapdos threaten ALL you team.
Politoed => Thunder
Keldeo => Thunder
Tornadus => Thunder
Scizor => Heat Wave (yes, even under Rain)
Rotom-W => Thunder (yes it won't do SO much, but can your Rotom-W hit back?)
Forretress => Heat Wave (same as Scizor)

And what can you team do back?
He resists every single hit, bar Keldeo HP Ice (won't do a ton, can't 2HKO defensive versions), Scizor Pursuit (weak also), Rotom-W and Forretress Volt Switch (have fun killing him with that :\ ).
Moreover he got Roost so...

This shows :
- A glaring Electric weakness in a team trying to be balanced/semi-stall. For 0 Resistance/Immunity
- The rest of the team not weak to Electricity is *4 weak to Fire :\

Thundurus-T is also a good exemple as said Ganj4lf.

So no offense, but this leads me to think that you tried to be defensive aswell and you failed at this. That's why I tried to explain you that you should focus on something.
Kyurem-B has some easy time switching on the weakness and will sweep right off anything that could wall the rest of your team. With TailWind, this is just the best thing you could use.
Terrakion lead fuels the offensive inclination brought by this strategy.
Politoed would slow down the tempo too much, that why Specs. If Jellicent switch in, you HP Grass (it's up to you, but Jellicent can't threaten Politoed either). If you predict well, you have a free turn where the Jellicent will Recover (HP Grass can't 2HKO it). You can do Kyurem-B and force it out (Outrage does over 95% iirc so...), go Tornadus sub to check if he tries to status you and TailWind etc.. Basically a mere HP Grass gave you the tempo you need.
Moreover, with more offensive presence, you leave less rooms for your enemy.

I hope I made myself clearer this time !

EDIT : Landorus-T is the defensive way, fine it improves some stuff, but imo sooner or later, to improve the team you'll need to chose another Sweeper power Keldeo. And I foresee that in the end the Politoed will be a burden and the Rain he brings won't be so beneficial. It's up to you to chose you way, but this will need deep changes sadly in any case !
Toed is already specs, and Scizor has been replaced with Lando-T. I still am very weak to Electric and possibly grass types, like Zapdos and Thundurus-T, for sure, but I can largely play around them. Lando can reliably get out SR after switching into most physical attackers, and that leaves Forry's primary responsibility as simply spinning. The Rotom-W + Lando-T core is great defensively and is capable of crippling the opponent and dealing damage, so I'm perfectly happy with it. Specs Toed is definitely more fitting in this team than bulky, hence why I am using it. Having multiple roles on a team isn't "doing too much" if my pokes can reliably do their job. Having a better spinner is of course my hope, but all my other pokes do their job reliably, and the offensive core of Tornadus and Keldeo is very powerful in cleaning up. The idea is to use my defensive core to deal damage over time, and shut down dangerous sweepers, and then sweep with fast, powerful attacks. This team was never anything but that, and it has a good chance of winning against any composition. I'm considering just putting Ferrothorn in for Forry to alleviate my Electric weakness, and just let my opponent's hazards stay, considering that only Keldeo and Toed even take Spikes damage.
You should Edit the thread for the changes, else it will be hard for the people giving you advices to provide you with relevant changes.

So you have Rotom-W and Landorus-T AND Forretress ?
Seems like too much for me, and Forretress is out of place. Better switch him for a better supporter.
You want a steel, so why not Jirachi. I don't see what the deal with the "I want a spinner" :\
Wish CM Jirachi would be a good candidate, giving you an Ice Resist, a Grass one, and providing Wish to your pivots without being a totally set-up bait for the enemy. It works great with Tornadus, indeed he will burn his life fast with Substitute, and he resist/is immute to evey Jirachi Weakness under Rain.
I'd just opt for the classic build on site.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Bold Nature
252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe

- CM
- Wish
- Thunder
- Water Pulse/Psychock

You could change the EVs to cover special threats.

This seems to be all of sudden a more solid Bulky Rain to me.
Hello, first i would like to say i like this team (it would probably beat my team any day).
I'm not sure if there is much i can lend to this team but, i will try.


Keldeo @ Choice Specs
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Icy Wind

If you use this set HP Electric can be used to suprise Gyarados, opposing Politoed and Jellicent.
And Icy Wind can be used in the place of HP Ice (although you will lose Surf).
You should Edit the thread for the changes, else it will be hard for the people giving you advices to provide you with relevant changes.

So you have Rotom-W and Landorus-T AND Forretress ?
Seems like too much for me, and Forretress is out of place. Better switch him for a better supporter.
You want a steel, so why not Jirachi. I don't see what the deal with the "I want a spinner" :\
Wish CM Jirachi would be a good candidate, giving you an Ice Resist, a Grass one, and providing Wish to your pivots without being a totally set-up bait for the enemy. It works great with Tornadus, indeed he will burn his life fast with Substitute, and he resist/is immute to evey Jirachi Weakness under Rain.
I'd just opt for the classic build on site.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Bold Nature
252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe

- CM
- Wish
- Thunder
- Water Pulse/Psychock

You could change the EVs to cover special threats.

This seems to be all of sudden a more solid Bulky Rain to me.
Thanks a ton, man, this is exactly the kind of poke I was looking for. Forry just isn't worth it for the sake of spinning, seeing as he was completely useless other than that. Rachi will be a much better team player than him, and actually pose a threat to other rain teams, rather than be death fodder. About the edits, I just wanted to make sure I was happy with the changes before I officially made them, but I understand how it could have been missed, seeing as the changes were only mentioned in my wall of text reply.