Black & White Battle Subway Records

FYI the ScarfChomp is Adamant, not Jolly. Even then, Timid Scarf Manectric ties with the fastest mon in the subway, which is itself.
FYI the ScarfChomp is Adamant, not Jolly. Even then, Timid Scarf Manectric ties with the fastest mon in the subway, which is itself.

The Speed doesn't matter. With "danger" I talk about SandVeil hax. If Sandstorm is up the SandVeil hax could be a huge danger.
The Speed doesn't matter. With "danger" I talk about SandVeil hax. And Garchomp does take around 90% - 105 % damage from HP Ice and is not a 100% chance to OHKO. If Sandstorm is up the SandVeil hax could be a huge danger AND it will take 61%- 72% from HP Ice because of the Sandstorm boost. Btw what does "FYI" mean? I'm from Germany so I don't understand what does that mean sorry.

Garchomp doesn't get a sandstorm boost because it isn't a rock type.
Ok so battle subway super singles streak is 79, i know it only scrapes in the rankings but like most people on this thread i feel hard done by on my loss and think the team can easily break into the hundreds! :D team details first: (all Iv's are 31 unless stat is irrelevant)

Scizor @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: Hp 252 Atk 252 Spe 4
~ bug bite
~ bullet punch
~ superpower
~ Aerial ace

I went through loads of 'Leads' to get the right one and came back to the pokemon sitting in my pokebox from double battles! the team make up is more or less an all attack team based around the synergy between Terrakion and Latios. i didn't want to lead with any of them as i like to scout first so i can make sure i bring out the right mon for the job, as it were. Honourable mentions go out to Lucario and Gyarados (the latter would have been immense if he had a priority move) but for fantastic power off the bat and probably the best priority move in the game (i know not type wise bt Band + Technician + 130Atk = immense) Scizor is a fantastic lead in the subway he has the bulk and resistances to take teams on and not need to switch out straight away (the notorious ice teams get wiped out in 3 turns!) but he is by no means a suicide lead, as he holds my teams only priority move if i know i can switch in the others i will and save Scizor for late game sweep or if i need to lock out of the Choice band


Terrakion @ Focus sash
Trait: Justified
EVs: Atk 252 Spe 255 (i know i miss-counted! i'll trade over a mon with a berry and sort it when i get round to it!)
Nature: Jolly
~Sacred Sword
~Rock Slide
~Swords Dance

So the reason for this team is that i RNG'd Terrakion and wanted to put him to use! I've been through a couple of sets on him (as u'll see my Terrakion that i've linked to is running double kick but that wasn't strong enough to KO the sturdy users that i hoped it would) But credit does go to Jumpman for the set as well as the use of Latios on my team to synergise (spellcheck says iv just made that word up bt u know what i mean!) with Terrakion. This is a fantastic set especially on the subway when the AI keeps trying to poison ur sub! the change i have made myself is Sacred Sword over CC as i've never been in a situation where i thought that CC would have been a better option. For all those Curse/Double team mon etc that keep boosting up while im sitting behind a sub, Sword Dancing myself then to just hit them with a move that ignores all their evasion/stat boosts is glorious! and on principle i don't think CC should be used outside of of a choice item or sash and even then it's only good for a revenge kill when i want more of a set up and sweep. I've also gone sash over jumpmans wide lens as it give me a shot against the handfull that are faster and if i want to get scizor out so he can have a move change i can switch without being KO'd if i miss-predict.


Latios @ Life orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: SpA 252 Spe 252 Hp 4
Nature: Timid
~Dragon pulse

I guess this is fairly self explanatory and unlike Terrakion where i did make changes to Jumpmans set this is pure ripped straight from his post but he's right in that the synergy these 2 share is fantastic.

So onto my defeat and the public vote as to whether i should learn moves better or unfairly treated by the AI! :p So im against a ghost team 1st up was:
814 | Mismagius | Bold | BrightPowder | Confuse Ray | Protect | Perish Song | Mean Look | HP/Def
and she perish song/mean looked Scizor and switched out. I think Jinx was next who Scizor KO'd before dying to perish song. next was:
875 | Dusknoir | Relaxed | Lum Berry | Shadow Sneak | Pain Split | Destiny Bond | Trick Room | HP/SpD
He TR'd + Ko'd Latios after getting some heavy damage then was up against Terrakion, i got a sub up then in the last turn of TR Duscnoir destiny bond, but it didn't work as i swords danced.
with TR over im due to go first so i rock slide and KO but then die to destiny bond which i thought i was clear from as i had already 'moved' after destiny bond was played but i guess it must encompass all moves i make until he makes another move? as i would've just pp stalled his Dbond with SD and sub, all that was after him was missmagius that had almost no health from 1st 2 turns and no attacks that could cause me any damage from behind a sub.
such is life though!, i think this team can go much further so i'll keep things as they are unless anyone sees any improvements i should consider :)

Ok so battle subway super singles streak is 79, i know it only scrapes in the rankings but like most people on this thread i feel hard done by on my loss and think the team can easily break into the hundreds!

I would use the standard Battle Tower Gengar instead of Terrakion and a Scarf Heatran instead of Latios. Good luck with reaching the three digit mark :)
Ok so battle subway super singles streak is 79, i know it only scrapes in the rankings but like most people on this thread i feel hard done by on my loss and think the team can easily break into the hundreds! :D team details first: (all Iv's are 31 unless stat is irrelevant)

Scizor @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: Hp 252 Atk 252 Spe 4
~ bug bite
~ bullet punch
~ superpower
~ Aerial ace

I went through loads of 'Leads' to get the right one and came back to the pokemon sitting in my pokebox from double battles! the team make up is more or less an all attack team based around the synergy between Terrakion and Latios. i didn't want to lead with any of them as i like to scout first so i can make sure i bring out the right mon for the job, as it were. Honourable mentions go out to Lucario and Gyarados (the latter would have been immense if he had a priority move) but for fantastic power of the bat and probably the best priority move in the game (i know not type wise bt Band + Technician + 130Atk = immense) Scizor is a fantastic lead in the subway he has the bulk and resistances to take teams on and not need to switch out straight away (the notorious ice teams get wiped out in 3 turns!) but he is no means a suicide lead, as he holds my teams only priority move if i know i can switch in the others i will and save Scizor for late game sweep or if i need to lock out of the Choice band


Terrakion @ Focus sash
Trait: Justified
EVs: Atk 252 Spe 255 (i know i miss-counted! i'll trade over a mon with a berry and sort it when i get round to it!)
Nature: Jolly
~Sacred Sword
~Rock Slide
~Swords Dance

So the reason for this team is that i RNG'd Terrakion and wanted to put him to use! I've been through a couple of sets on him (as u'll see my Terrakion that i've linked to is running double kick but that wasn't strong enough to KO the sturdy users that i hoped it would) But credit does go to Jumpman for the set as well as the use of Latios on my team to synergise (spellcheck says iv just made that word up bt u know what i mean!) with Terrakion. This is a fantastic set especially on the subway when the AI keeps trying to poison ur sub! the change i have made myself is Sacred Sword over CC as i've never been in a situation where i thought that CC would have been a better option. For all those Curse/Double team mon etc that keep boosting up while im sitting behind a sub, Sword Dancing myself then to just hit them with a move that ignores all their evasion/stat boosts is glorious! and on principle i don't think CC should be used outside of of a choice item or sash and even then it's only good for a revenge kill when i want more of a set up and sweep. I've also gone sash over jumpmans wide lens as it give me a shot against the handfull that are faster and if i want to get scizor out so he can have a move change i can switch without being KO'd if i miss predict.


Latios @ Life orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: SpA 252 Spe 252 Hp 4
Nature: Timid
~Dragon pulse

I guess this is fairly self explanatory and unlike Terrakion where i did make changes to Jumpmans set this is pure ripped straight from his post but he's right in that the synergy these 2 share is fantastic.

So onto my defeat and the public vote as to whether i should learn moves better or unfairly treated by the AI! :p So im against a ghost team 1st up was:
814 | Mismagius | Bold | BrightPowder | Confuse Ray | Protect | Perish Song | Mean Look | HP/Def
and she perish song/mean looked Scizor and switched out. I think Jinx was next who Scizor KO'd before dying to perish song. next was:
875 | Dusknoir | Relaxed | Lum Berry | Shadow Sneak | Pain Split | Destiny Bond | Trick Room | HP/SpD
He TR'd + Ko'd Latios after getting some heavy damage then was up against Terrakion, i got a sub up then in the last turn of TR Duscnoir destiny bond, but it didn't work as i swords danced.
with TR over im due to go first so i rock slide and KO but then die to destiny bond which i thought i was clear from as i had already 'moved' after destiny bond was played but i guess it must encompass all moves i make until he makes another move? as i would've just pp stalled his Dbond with SD and sub, all that was after him was missmagius that had almost no health from 1st 2 turns.
such is life though!, i think this team can go much further so i'll keep things as they are unless anyone sees any improvements i should consider :)


As a scoutmon, why not use U-Turn over Bug Bite? Wouldn't that work A TON better? Keep that momentum and get the right one out you need.
As a scoutmon, why not use U-Turn over Bug Bite? Wouldn't that work A TON better? Keep that momentum and get the right one out you need.

originally i did have u-turn (over A'Ace) but Scizor is just too slow to use it effectively, most fire poke or those that carry a fire move are a lot faster then him so i was just straight switching him anyway. he also draws earthquake a lot so again instead of taking the hit and hitting with a not effective u-turn i'd just switch straight to latios for the immunity. i think i would only use u-turn on scizor if he had a scarf, which id be unlikely to do as the drop in power would be sorely missed
I would use the standard Battle Tower Gengar instead of Terrakion and a Scarf Heatran instead of Latios. Good luck with reaching the three digit mark :)

m'ok, would that be modest or timid heatran? im about to rng heatran in my BW2 so i might give my current team a couple more attempts then give ur suggestion a go.
m'ok, would that be modest or timid heatran? im about to rng heatran in my BW2 so i might give my current team a couple more attempts then give ur suggestion a go.

Nature - Item: Timid - ChoiceScarf
Ev's: 252 Sp.Attack & 196 Speed & 60 Attack
Moves: Flamethrower, Explosion, EarthPower, FlashCannon/HP Grass

196 Speed Ev's for 134 Speed to reach with the ChoiceScarf 201 Speed. Max Speed isn't important because you won't outspeed Timid Electrode even if you have max Speed Heatran.
I just lost a streak because I got a critical hit, not sure what to think...

I'm sorry man! How long did your streak go? I guess CriticalHits are normal in the Battle Tower ... it's just pokemon. Don't give up :D

As a scoutmon, why not use U-Turn over Bug Bite? Wouldn't that work A TON better? Keep that momentum and get the right one out you need.

Why he should replace STAB BugBite boosted by Technican for "just" STAB U - Turn?

BugBite + STAB (50%) + Technican (50%) --> 135
U - Turn + STAB (50%) --> 105
I lost when I was close to the 200s, not sure when because I switched off the game when I lost cause I'm a sore loser :P. The opponent sent out a really bad combination of Pokemon that I could beat seperately but not together
Why he should replace STAB BugBite boosted by Technican for "just" STAB U - Turn?

BugBite + STAB (50%) + Technican (50%) --> 120 ( Or maybe 135? )
U - Turn + STAB (50%) --> 105

That was the other thing, is the difference in power. i have tried u-turn but it is just too weak and too slow on Scizor, if it was a priority move or Scizor had 100 base speed the drop in power would be offset, but it doesn't so it's not.
I lost when I was close to the 200s, not sure when because I switched off the game when I lost cause I'm a sore loser :P. The opponent sent out a really bad combination of Pokemon that I could beat seperately but not together

Sometimes I'm really angry too when I lose and I often turn the game off too xD Which team did you use btw?
The thing I hate most about the subway is that I can't stop playing. I'm using a bait team similar to my Carvanha team, but most of the team has been replaced, hopefully I'll beat my last streak then I'll post the team.
The thing I hate most about the subway is that I can't stop playing. I'm using a bait team similar to my Carvanha team, but most of the team has been replaced, hopefully I'll beat my last streak then I'll post the team.

Hm...I've thought about a team which could work pretty good with your Entei...

Ninetails (Drought ability)
Nature & Item: Timid - HeatRock
Ev's: 252 Sp.Attack & 252 Speed & 4 HP
Moves: Flamethrower/HeatWave, HP Ground, SunnyDay, Solarbeam

SunnyDay for weatherchangers like Tyranitar or Hippowdon and for boosting your own Fire moves

Entei (FlashFire ability)
Nature & Item: Modest - ChoiceScarf
Ev's: 252 Sp.Attack & 172 Speed & 86 HP
Moves: Eruption, SolarBeam, Flamethrower, HP Electric

Simple set. 172 Speed to outspeed Electrode with the ChoiceScarf

Venusaur (Chlorophyll ability)
Nature & Item: Modest - ChoiceSpecs
Ev's: 252 Sp.Attack & 128 Speed & 128 HP
Moves: LeafStorm/EnergyBall, Solarbeam, HP Ice, SludgeBomb

128 Speed to outspeed ChoiceScarf Garchomp, LeafStorm/EnergyBall just for moments if SunnyDay isn't up (because of weatherchangers). SludgeBomb for STAB and HP Ice for Dragons like Garchomp, Salamence etc.

That should be a good team but as 4th poke ... I don't know maybe Gastrodon with StormDrain to absorb water attacks and hit with a boostet HP Fire back.

Instead of Ninetails you could use Vulpix too:

Vulpix (Drought ability)
Nature & Item: Timid - FocusSash
Ev's: 252 Sp.Attack & 252 Speed & 4 Speed
Moves: SunnyDay, Protect, Disable, Will-O-Wisp/Grudge

Defense and Sp.Defense Iv's should be zero
Pokemonwargeneral got a good streak with a Drought/Eruption team, so I think it's a pretty solid strategy, wish I had more free time though. As far as I know Flash Fire Entei hasn't been released, I had high hopes for Flash Fire Entei with HP Fire Carvanha.
I've been using Choice Scarf Heatran instead of Entei lately, moves like Earthquake are insanely easy to predict so it's been working quite well. Another strategy I came up with yesterday is Baton Passing a White Herb Shell Smash to Heatran, with Fake Out, Protect, Helping Hand, Spore Smeargle in the front, Heatran will outspeed and OHKO a lot, so much to try, so little time :/
Alright that's my new Battle Tower which I've created a few days ago.


Latias as Trick- lead has actually something special. With 187 HP and 152 Defense Latias will survive a max damage CH MeteorMash from Metagross. The rest in Speed to reach 134 Speed and with the ChoiceScarf 201 to outspeed Crobat, Jolteon etc. Now the moveset is a little bit special too. I don't use Charm on Latias because with Flash and Recover I'm able to cripple the pokes a lot and Empoleon will replace the Charm from Latias with his new move FeatherDance!


Now a new member which I haven't used before. Empoleon is a really great pokemon and FastHippo reached a great 560 winstreak with it. Now the different between his and my Empoleon is the Ev - spread and I use FeatherDance instead of StealthRock and a LumBerry instead of Leftovers because of the Freeze hax to be able to Yawn or FeatherDance if it needed and if I don't get a burn/freeze/para etc. stats and if I'm at low health I just have to use Rest and wake up quickly thanks to LumBerry. The great advantage of Empoleon is the 4x resistance against Ice and the great moves FeatherDance and Yawn. I only use Yawn against pokes which I won't ThunderWave with Latias. Empoleon and Latias are a kind of Uxie just in two pokes. Empoleon with Yawn, Latias with ThunderWave.


No the green monster is striking back! Tyranitar is just a great pokemon and Calisto got a 1000 winstreak with it. With Leftovers and Protect I get a perfect strategy between PP stalling and Leftovers recovery. With his ability SandStream the dangerous Hail damage is removed which would otherwise steel my Leftovers recovery and with Crunch I hit all types hard ( only Steel types won't take much enough for a OHKO, Dark type pokes will mostly get OHKO'ed by +6 STAB Crunch ). The reason why I don't use StealthRock on Empoleon is SandStream. I can easily use Protect against the 2nd / 3rd poke and going to break their FocusSash with the Sandstorm damage. Only pokes like Aggron or Bastiodon wouldn't lose their Sash but that doesn't matter because they won't get OHKO'ed by +6 STAB Crunch only with a CriticalHit which won't come against these pokes I guess ;)

Something about dangerous pokes and how to handle against them (or not) :

- Gastrodemon: Switch to Empoleon, stall all IceBeams out, Latias in 6x Flash sweep with Tyranitar after set up Yawn with Empoleon

- Sticky Hold Muk: Same like Gastrodemon

- Lead Kingler: ThunderWave, after Latias died I'll switch to Empoleon stall all Crabhammer & Guillotine PP out and sweep with Tyranitar

- French Gliscor: Will be always a problem for this team

- Curse: Will be a problem too except pokes like Registeel which are immune to the FeatherDance attack drop

- Steelix (QuickClaw one): Trick, set up Flashes and FeatherDances, Yawn, sweep with Tyranitar

- Rampardos 4: FeatherDance and set up Yawn and sweep with Tyranitar while it is asleep or is struggeling down

- Yanmega: Always a problem but with Yawn and some Flashes it shouldn't be too dangerous anymore

- Scizor & Heracross: Trick, Empoleon FeatherDances, Yawn, Flashes as much as possible, Re-Trick in a other attack and try to set up with Tyranitar

- Abomasnow: Trick, stall with Empoleon all Ice attacks out. Yawn. switch back Re-Trick in a uneffective move and try to set up Tyranitar

I'm at 49 wins right now but lazy to continue the streak at the moment :P
@jokethe1 Nice presentation of your team, looks awesome!

I'd really recommend putting SR on Empoleon, there are a ton of sturdy pokes that don't take Sand damage and carry Earthquake which will break your sub and possibly leave you exposed against poke 3. Getting rid of sturdy is really important for T-Tar to sweep.

The other problem is Cobalion. You can't 2hko some variants and Justified *raises its attack guaranteeing the KO on T-Tar. You could try out Brick Break over Protect for near perfect coverage and also get rid of potentially problematic screens (well Reflect at least). Good luck!
@jokethe1 Nice presentation of your team, looks awesome!

I'd really recommend putting SR on Empoleon, there are a ton of sturdy pokes that don't take Sand damage and carry Earthquake which will break your sub and possibly leave you exposed against poke 3. Getting rid of sturdy is really important for T-Tar to sweep.

The other problem is Cobalion. You can't 2hko some variants and Justified *raises its attack guaranteeing the KO on T-Tar. You could try out Brick Break over Protect for near perfect coverage and also get rid of potentially problematic screens (well Reflect at least). Good luck!

Thanks for the support! BUT it's not for the Battle Subway. It's for the Battle Tower which means that I play this team on HG/SS ;). This team would be a horror for the Subway xD
I gave Gravity a try since Rock Slide flinches and CH SE moves keep ruining my Trick Room streaks.

Thundurus (M) @ Focus Sash
EV's: 6 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Stats: 155/121/90/177/100/179
Nature: Timid
Ability: Prankster

~ Thunder
~ Grass Knot
~ Focus Blast
~ Hidden Power Ice

Sableye (F) @ Lum Berry
EV's: 252 HP / 120 Def / 130 Sp.Def / 8 Speed
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Stats: 157/95/110/76/111/71
Nature: Careful
Ability: Prankster

~ Gravity
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Night Shade
~ Wonder Room

Politoed (F) @ Choice Scarf
EV's: 252 Sp.Atk / 6 Sp.Def / 252 Speed
IV's: 31/30/31/30/31/31
Stats: 165/85/95/141/121/201*
Nature: Timid
Ability: Drizzle

~ Psychic
~ Blizzard
~ Hydro Pump
~ Focus Blast

Ludicolo (M) @ Life Orb
EV's: 36 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 14 Def / 4 Sp.Def / 204 Speed
IV's: 31/21/31/31/31/31
Stats: 160/76/92/156/121/116
Nature: Modest
Ability: Swift Swim

~ Blizzard
~ Giga Drain
~ Grass Knot
~ Hydro Pump

Priority Gravity is awesome and the best part is that Gravity takes immediate effect. Firing off base 180 Thunders with 116% accuaracy is no joke.
I came up with Sableye and just put three fast Pokémon with overpowered innacurate moves together. Since the whole team works with Special moves bar Night Shade I gave Sableye Wonder Room to deal with stuff like Blissey. It's only a shame that Wonder Room has a negative priority.

I chose for Hydro Pump Politoed + Life Orb Ludicolo over Surf + Absorb Bulb because Hydro Pump actually makes Politoed a hard hitter for a Pokémon with ''just'' base 90 Sp.Atk. I barely lock Politoed into a different move than Hydro Pump since a resisted Hydro Pump in rain deals more damage than a neutral Focus Blast (135 vs. 120). Neutral Hydro Pumps reach a base power of 270 in rain which deals tons of damage.
Besides that, Thundurus and Sableye don't appreciate taking Stab Surfs in rain.

I'm gonna swap Taunt for HP: Ice or Wonder Room because Trick Room is probably gonna kill me sooner or later. I might even completely change the back up sweepers but for now it's alot of fun and streaks go sooooo fast.
Sableye (F) @ Lum Berry
EV's: 252 HP / 120 Def / 130 Sp.Def / 8 Speed
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Stats: 157/95/110/76/111/71
Nature: Careful
Ability: Prankster

~ Gravity
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Night Shade
~ Wonder Room

I would use Spite over Will-O-Wisp because you'll deal easier against pokes like ScarfRampardos (with stalling his HeadSmashes out really fast) or other pokes with 5 PP moves like the powerfull DracoMeteor. Will-O-Wisp could help you to survive more physical attacks but we all know...a 75% hitting move will miss often in the Subway. Good luck anyways!
I would use Spite over Will-O-Wisp because you'll deal easier against pokes like ScarfRampardos (with stalling his HeadSmashes out really fast) or other pokes with 5 PP moves like the powerfull DracoMeteor. Will-O-Wisp could help you to survive more physical attacks but we all know...a 75% hitting move will miss often in the Subway. Good luck anyways!

Will-O-Wisp reaches 125% accuaracy during Gravity :)
It makes dealing with powerful physical threats so much easier..
Honestly, if you want to try Gravity, Sableye is the way to go and if two moves are certain, they are Gravity and Will-O-Wisp :)

Don't Forget that almost all Sturdy Pokémon are physical, reducing their physical power with 50% and the fact that it breaks sturdy is awesome !
Will-O-Wisp reaches 125% accuaracy during Gravity :)

Oh man! I'm really dump -.-... I totaly forgot the Grafity boost! Btw have you ever faced the ScarfManetric with the team? If yes how did you handle against it? Does it attack with Thunder or Switcheroo?