Hyperoffence + Pivots=My team.

is Garchomp awsome?( Of course he is what kind of question is that

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No

    Votes: 14 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sawk and Friends
This is my Sawk and friends team it has decent succsess in PS and I really would like to know what you think you can do to help it and what do you think should be my 6th poke. I have one but it dosent really work out a lot so that's why I'm asking you. I would like it to be a offencive poke so please suggest one. Thanks :)​


Sawk@Choice band
Trait: Mold breaker
Nature: Adamant(-SpA,+Atk)
Evs 252Atk/4Def/252Spe
Ice punch
Close Combat
stone edge

This is my man. The big man.
With his band strapped on his attack
is rivaled by the mighty Garchomp himself.
His move pool is incredible
his power is domanating, is the anything he can't do?
And the answer is No.
With the help of his teammates his spirit can't be dampered.
But as nice as that sounds, once Sawk loses his teams support he falls as well.
But with good predictions
Sawk is a sight to behold.
In move wise Sawk is no slouch.
Being an awesome check to alteria with ice punch and
manhandling weazing with a mold breaker
EQ his versitility is as good as his attack is.


Trait: Synchronize
Nature : Bold (-Atk,+Def, I think?)
Evs: 252 HP/ 252Def/ 4Spd
Signal beam
thunder wave
moon light

This is my best wall for scarfed Sawk.
Really it has no other use.
It may wall muk but it has shadow sneak
so that's not really an option.
Its my pivot for Sawk as it wall phychic attacks.
If it get a safe switch it'll thunder wave to cripple scarf or band Sawk.


Cacturn@Life orb
Trait: Water absorb
Nature: Adamant(-Spa,+Atk)
Evs: 252 Atk/ 252 Def/ 4 Spd
Sword dance
Seed bomb
Drain punch
Sucker punch

Cacturn is my second best sweeper with a great Atk good stab and swords dance
drain punch lets me recover off of life orb and the one extra turn used to get to +2.
Seed bomb OHKOs torrtera after +2 and sucker punch kills most sweepers
after swords dance. Its a great priority for phychic types because they tend
to Carrie signal beam which OHKO cacturn. Little do they know (even if they know I
have sucker punch) they are getting greedy and will shurely die to sucker punch.
GG. bro GG.


Trait: Iron Fists
Nature: Adamant(-Spa,+Atk)
Evs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4Def
Focus punch
Ice punch
Shadow punch

Finally the 3. way Trio is completed. Cacturn already pairs nicely with Golurk
and Sawk makes it only better. But I already talked enough about Sawk so let's
talk Golurk shall we? 252Hp is mandatory for a sub-punch set and so is 252Atk
so well talk moves. I could have gone for dynamic punch and get massive power
but that's kind of greedy so I opt for sub-punch instead. Plain and simple.


Trait: Poison touch
Evs : 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def
Poison jab
Gunk shot
Ice punch
Fire punch

Muk is a beast with a band. I don't know why he is in PU
( A tier I'm sure will be official someday.)
He is a very good tank that will wall every fighting,
grass, or dark type given no Earthquake in there move pool.
There is only one drawback to the slob of the Pokemon universe
and that's its abismal speed. Makeing him the easyest to revenge
kill in the game. Still he finds decent use on my team.

The Polls are in and the new member is...

Jynx F @Phycic gem
Trait: Dry skin
Nature: Timid Evs : 252 Spa/ 252Spd/ 4 HP
Nasty plot
Ice beam
Shadow ball

Well at first when I tried Jynx I thought she would be a slouch, bad offences
, poor defences, but then it hit me. That what all NU Pokemon are. I was
treating Jynx in a way I shoud'nt have. And she riped apart alomona stall
team with dry skin. Thanks goes to the only voter celever. Thank you :)
Ok, first of all on cacturne you should replace drain punch with substitute. It avoids any of the status that can stop its sweep and means that it gets two hits on all of its counters that switch in or try to revenge. Also change life orb to a dark gem or like a stirus berry or something.

Given the new NU, there are two pokemon I want to recommend for you, and one to replace sawk.

Sawk replacement:

Primeape @ Choice Band
Trait: Anger Point
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Ice Punch

Weezing replacement:

Scolipede @ Black Sludge/Salac berry/Life orb
Trait: Poison Point
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Swords dance
- Rock Slide
- Megahorn
- Aqua Tail

Last member:

Jynx (F) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Nasty Plot/Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Psychic

Good luck with the team though!
Actually I tried primape but its problem is I need a smudge more raw power (or does it just feel that way) and anger point doesn't really do what mold breaker does but I do like the idea for Jinx and scolapede but now that I think about it muk would be a good addition. By the way my last team member is with a scarfed rabidash, pikachu, or Excecuttor.
Welcome to Smogon! Please read the rules before making a RMT, since obviously you didn't know that you can't post incomplete teams. If you want raters to actually rate, I would highly suggest you edit this immediately; if a moderator sees this, they can technically lock it.
Your team is really slow and lacks the right synergy to deal with the current metagame. Muk is really out of place on your team, since it doesn't provide much defensive or offensive support. I suggest a Scarf Rotom-S in its place so that stuff like Charizard doesn't simply 6-0 you on its own. It also helps against the Flying-types that you have no defense against.

Golurk is an alright user of SubPunch, but it doesn't really accomplish much for your team. A standard Stealth Rock set gives you the near mandatory hazard with more efficient use of your offensive prowess.

I don't see what benefit that Jynx set has for your team. Without Substitute, Jynx has trouble even surviving an attack long enough to activate Salac Berry, especially with hazards everywhere. Energy Ball and Shadow Ball also make little sense, since they do not provide you with any important coverage. I suggest changing the item to a Life Orb and using the standard 3 Attack set. You need the immediate power and coverage, while you also have Cacturne to set up on Alomomola somewhat easily.

For Cacturne, I suggest removing Drain Punch for Substitute as well, and giving Cacturne Leftovers to make up for the HP loss. With Swords Dance, you really don't need the Life Orb boost, and either Leftovers or Dark Gem help you out more overall. You also easily set up on Alomomola and non-Hidden Power Tangela (even if you can't really hurt it too much).

Your overall presentation is also a bit difficult to read, making it unappealing to potential raters. Follow the following format and just use paragraphs rather than whatever you call what you have right now. This will make your RMT look more aesthetically pleasing.
[insert mons sprite here]

Pokemon @ Item
~ Move 1
~ Move 2
~ Move 3
~ Move 4