NU Stats - June 2013

Finally posting again :I. The instant I saw these stats, I almost doubted its credibility. The standout is Armaldo of course, who can't spin worth a damn against, you know, two of the best spinblockers in NU, while having zero useful resistances and crap speed to even use its bulk remotely well (ask Shuckle). Even if it does beat the spinblockers with Swords Dance + Lum Berry + Aqua Tail shenanigans, low speed and susceptibility to Water attacks (or strong neutral hits) can KO or force it out, denying the spin yet again. While Gardevoir is by no means useless, it still should not be as high as it is.

It is also shocking that not a single S-Rank has made it into top 10, because they are either scary ass threats or offer tremendous support. My guess is that most of the ladderers have no clue what they are missing out on, especially considering Gardevoir's much greater placement than Jynx.

Gah Miltank I hate that thing. Its stats are pretty comparable to Kangaskhan in terms of balance, but the main issue I have with it is its confounding abilities. The equivalent of a landmine: either your Charizard without Focus Blast is stopped, your Serperior can't do shit, or your Golurk is getting paralyzed. The worst part is that you can't be certain until it is too late, though team preview can alleviate this issue. In terms of support it can hold its own when compared to Licklicky and Audino, who are revered to as bulky Normals that function as premier all-out supporters in NU.

I believe the reason Gigalith and Regirock are so low is because Golem's Electric immunity, Ground STAB and access to Sucker Punch and Roar are just that much of important advantages over what the pure-Rocks can offer. Gigalith offers stronger Rock attacks (and not much else), while Regirock has Thunder Wave, but that advantage is null when you consider Ground-types love to switch into Regirock who doesn't have the STAB EQ Golem has to better deter them.
I think a big part of why Regirock is so poorly used is the dominance of Golurk. There is very, very little that Regirock can do to dissuade Golurk from coming in for free on it, and there isn't that much that can reliably take on Golurk either (especially if it's a SR + Toxic variant, which lures and owns Alom and Tangela on the switch-in, too). Golem and Regirock have always been competitive, but I think Golurk really pushes Regirock out of the way, since Golem can at least 2HKO with STAB EQ.
why is scolipede so low? it is one of the best and most versatile pokemon in the tier, being able to sweep or set up multiple layers of hazards almost at will. the substitute salac set hits like a monster once set up and will plow through any team lacking priority or an extremely bulky bug resist. it can also run a fast spiking set to basically guarantee two layers of hazards when played right or even invest in bulk to set up on a lot of poison, fighting, or grass types in the tier. on top of that, it is blazing fast and acts as a great check to jynx. it can even run pursuit to remove it from the game if needed. i understand that the hype over it has died down a bit since when it dropped down a few months ago and dominated the usage, but it doesn't deserve to be any lower than top five. this is indicated by the fact that it jumps over ten spots in the 1850 stats.
why is scolipede so low? it is one of the best and most versatile pokemon in the tier, being able to sweep or set up multiple layers of hazards almost at will. the substitute salac set hits like a monster once set up and will plow through any team lacking priority or an extremely bulky bug resist. it can also run a fast spiking set to basically guarantee two layers of hazards when played right or even invest in bulk to set up on a lot of poison, fighting, or grass types in the tier. on top of that, it is blazing fast and acts as a great check to jynx. it can even run pursuit to remove it from the game if needed. i understand that the hype over it has died down a bit since when it dropped down a few months ago and dominated the usage, but it doesn't deserve to be any lower than top five. this is indicated by the fact that it jumps over ten spots in the 1850 stats.

FLCL, I think that the majority of the metagame may not have yet noticed Scol's abilities. The deadly centipede's ability to do all this, I must add, is very useful when taking into account how few spinners there are in the NU metagame and the ones that are there tend to be quite easy to remove from game by a veteran player.
Taking everything into account, I think Scolipede is a little too low even on the 1850 stats.
FLCL, I think that the majority of the metagame may not have yet noticed Scol's abilities. The deadly centipede's ability to do all this, I must add, is very useful when taking into account how few spinners there are in the NU metagame and the ones that are there tend to be quite easy to remove from game by a veteran player.
Taking everything into account, I think Scolipede is a little too low even on the 1850 stats.
When you say 'the majority of the metagame hasn't noticed how good Scolipede is', I assume you mean the players, since saying the metagame there doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Also, its not that people haven't noticed (its been over 3 months ffs), its just that the ladder is retarded and prefers to use shit like Armaldo instead of good Pokemon like Jynx or Scolipede. One more thing, the way you say spinners are easy to remove if you're a veteran player suggests that only the best of the best can beat NU's spinners, which is certainly not the case, since as you say yourself, they are rather lackluster.
Gardevoir is ok I guess because it's kind of a "jack of all trades" kind of Pokemon. Still packs a lot of power, decent speed, pretty good support movepool, and ok bulk. However I don't understand why it's #5, when Jynx is objectively better with offensive sets (amazing dual STAB in this metagame, Lovely Kiss, excellent speed, Nasty Plot instead of Calm Mind, and an immunity to a common type), and Musharna is better as a bulky pivot (Baton Pass is excellent for building momentum even if you don't pass anything). The majority of people use Leftovers on Gardevoir, but the move usage is kind of all over the place (except for Psychic being on almost every Gardevoir as expected). I just really don't know what people see in it, but unfortunately like Armaldo, the majority of people using it are random people on the ladder who don't ever post. If you use it, feel free to chime in on what exactly you use it for.

Personally, I use Gardevoir for a specs set. It has respectable bulk to take a hit or two, and then can 2HKO pretty much the entire metagame bar stuff like Skuntank (only because Focus Blast isn't reliable enough to call a 2HKO and Sucker Punch kills.) I run T-Bolt Psychic Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, which hits the entire metagame for at least neutral damage.

As an alternative, you can run a defensive set with Wish and Heal Bell. Although it isn't quite as bulky as Alomomola it still has a niche and key fighting resistances as a defnsive pokémon. Also, it's not set-up bait to the likes of Gurdurr and BU Braviary. Although this set is okay, it is completely outclassed by Musharna, which I agree is underused. It's like a f*cking sponge.

I agree Jynx is probably better for offensive teams, but Jynx can't take a physical hit. Ever. Even if it's like Ice Shard. It dies. (Slightly overexaggerating. Maybe.) Specially, it's okay, but it dies to everything on the physical side. It's also a terrible counter to fighting types, as it gets OHKOd by almost every Pokémon's Mach Punch after SR.

I still don't see the appeal of Eelektross (and to an extent Ampharos) in this metagame. Eelektross really has a hard time effectively using its bulk because of its dearth of resistances (only resists Electric, Steel, Flying, with a Ground immunity) and low speed. Sure, it can tank a hit, but against offensive teams it gets 2hko'd by almost all major threats before it gets a chance to attack. Sure, if you can get it in on something that can't touch it, like a CB Golurk locked into EQ or something, then it can do some damage, and yeah it can rip up slower teams. I'd rather use Specs Eggy for that though, since at least with Specs Eggy I know that something is going to either die or get severely crippled.

I completely agree with you, although it's extremely diverse movepool is at times helpful, and it can run an okay mixed set. It's one of those pokes that suffers from 4MSS because it has access to so many great moves.

why is scolipede so low? it is one of the best and most versatile pokemon in the tier, being able to sweep or set up multiple layers of hazards almost at will. the substitute salac set hits like a monster once set up and will plow through any team lacking priority or an extremely bulky bug resist. it can also run a fast spiking set to basically guarantee two layers of hazards when played right or even invest in bulk to set up on a lot of poison, fighting, or grass types in the tier. on top of that, it is blazing fast and acts as a great check to jynx. it can even run pursuit to remove it from the game if needed. i understand that the hype over it has died down a bit since when it dropped down a few months ago and dominated the usage, but it doesn't deserve to be any lower than top five. this is indicated by the fact that it jumps over ten spots in the 1850 stats.

I think the issue with Scolipede is that it's hard-countered by Missy. Both it's types are hardly effective on it, and Missy can retaliate with Will-O. Also, many people run offensive spike sets, which get 2HKO'd pretty easily. It's definitely a good poke, but one of its STABs is next to useless, and it does have a lot of weaknesses that are extremely common in NU (Psychic, Flying, Fire). On top of that, it's pretty easy to predict switches into Scolipede. If I have a Sawk, I'm not just going to spam CC if there's a Scolipede. I can just Stone Edge on the switch-in for an OHKO. It has uses, don't get me wrong, but most teams have a counter to it.

| 4 | Armaldo | 12.584% |
I never really even considered Armaldo that good... The fact that it is used more than Seismitoad, Exeggutor and Kangaskhan seems really, really off to me.

I've just recently started playing NU and I'm in the 1600s. Oh. My. God. Literally every other team has an Armaldo. It tries to come in, but I can OHKO with Seismitoad, burn with Missy, or Toxic it. It's so easily countered. Even the Swords Dance set can get stalled out by Missy with SubSplit and WoW.
Bandwagoning, Seismitoad is pro, psysically defensive Exeggutor walls so much stuff, and Kangaskhan is one of the most reliable revenge killers in the meta.