Pokémon XY General Discussion

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Now, we watch our favorite Pokemon not get Mega Evos.

And then, we watch the genwunners weep over Mega Charizard.

Finally, the Fennekin fanboys orgasm over Mega Fennekin.

The End
You know, I thought people would be more accepting of the Mega evolutions because this is the chance to make Flareon more competitively viable.

I'm going to laugh when don't give it one.
considering eevee is thus far the only old gen pokemon with an actual evolution this gen (and probably going to be the only one, honestly), I doubt any of the eevees will get a boost
I swear, if I don't get a four winged Mega-Flygon...

Mega Lucario is starting to look kind of EVIL to me. It feels weird, since he used to look like justice.

He grew a tattered Trenchcoat because he's trying out for the next Final Fantasy game, where he was once a proud warrior until gardevior, his only love in life, was killed in front of him. Now he has become a rogue and will- okay I'll just stop.
Every Pokemon HAS to receive a mega evolution or otherwise this wouldn't make any sense. It'll just be picking random Pokemon of their choosing and that's really unfair. If every Pokemon does however receive one, I can only imagine the possibilities;

Mega Lugia with 200 base sp.Def & 180 base Def.

Mega Magikarp that can now Surf.

Mega Smeargle with super sketch. It sketch's the foe's entire moveslot.

Mega Pikachu for Ash so he could finally win a Pokemon League.

Mega Yanmega just because...

considering eevee is thus far the only old gen pokemon with an actual evolution this gen (and probably going to be the only one, honestly), I doubt any of the eevees will get a boost
I would normally agree with you, but they gave one to Mewtwo and Blaziken, so anything is fair game in my book.
I'm just going to say that I will not like the mega evolutions, especially if they are permanent. However, I can potentially see them being something that can only be used for a short amount of time after charging up some sort of energy. Any thoughts?
I'm just going to say that I will not like the mega evolutions, especially if they are permanent. However, I can potentially see them being something that can only be used for a short amount of time after charging up some sort of energy. Any thoughts?

Well that is just dandy because they are NOT permanent just in battle.
I swear, if I don't get a four winged Mega-Flygon...

Mega Lucario is starting to look kind of EVIL to me. It feels weird, since he used to look like justice.

EDIT: Oh jeeze, what happens to banning now? Say Mega Blaziken is broken. Do we ban Blaziken, or just Mega Blaziken?

If they are treated as two separate entities, then they'll be treated as so. Take the Kyurem and Deoxys forms for instance. If Mega Blaziken is an entirely separate form or Evolution, then Blaziken would still just be Blaziken, while Mega Blaziken would be its own thing.
If they are treated as two separate entities, then they'll be treated as so. Take the Kyurem and Deoxys forms for instance. If Mega Blaziken is an entirely separate form or Evolution, then Blaziken would still just be Blaziken, while Mega Blaziken would be its own thing.

They are only in battle which means it is more like Meloetta. Which would mean, same tiering really. I guess you could go the route of handing the held item (if that is how they change), if each mon gets its own. But yeah.
Although it's not confirmed, I feel the mega evolutions are pretty straight-forward with the information given to us thus far.

You simply give a Pokemon(Maybe all Pokemon or just a select few of'em) a Mega Stone to hold as a hold item, and when the battle starts, the Pokemon will be in it's Mega Evolution form with either different typing, different ability, and possibly different stats. I believe it's just that simple, nothing more, nothing less. How moves such as Trick or Knock Off work with these items remain to be seen, but we'll probably find out when the rest of corocoro is released through-out the next couple of days.
I doubt every Mon will get a Mega form. Not every Mon got a Dream World ability.

This isn't really a fair point because a lot of mons didn't get DW abilities because their abilities are central to the gimmick or theme. Take Slaking for example, or Regigigas. Shedinja too.
Well then. I'm not sure what to think of this. I mean, they look cool and all (except for MegaMawile, which will give me nightmares), but... is it... really necessary? Will all the starters get these forms, or just a select few?
Hopefully all the starters will get them. Though it could just be because Blaziken is rather popular, along with Absol and Mawile and Mewtwo. But Ampharos being in there makes me think all will
MegaLucario is the most over-designed Pokemon there has ever been. It's the first 6th Gen design that I really dislike. I don't hate the concept, just how they made it look. I'd be okay with it if it had 8 less spikes (it has 10 on the front alone). Ferrothorn has some competition in the sheer number of Iron Barbs a Pokemon has. Too many spikes and the red on the paws comes out of nowhere and just seem misplaced.

I'm on the fence with MegaBlaziken, but I love the other 4. It's just Lucario that's rubbing me the wrong way and probably digging several spikes into my flesh in the process.
I just thinked, if Mega evolutions are exclusive to Pokémon with their hidden ability? I mean, the event Mewtwo given away until September is based on the Mewtwo from M16, and the Mewtwo from M1 hasn't been seen transformed in the anime (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Mewtwo for M16 isn't the same as the M1 one)... and that event Mewtwo has its hidden ability Unnerve. Plus this Torchic is given away with Speed Boost, and I think it is somewhat weird to see a Blaze Blaziken transforming into a form with Speed Boost when we know regular Blaziken can have Speed Boost as hidden ability (probably Mega Blaziken's changes will only be stats-wise). If it's true, Shiny Mega Pokémon will be difficult to get without RNG manipulation lol, or even impossible for some of them like Mewtwo, but I don't want this will be true.

I also thinked something else, more likely ; similarly to hidden abilities in gen V, it is likely than some Mega Pokémon are programmed in the game data, but will be impossible to get until their Mega Stone officially release, like Lightningrod Zapdos or Contrary Serperior who are currently unreleased. I imagine some Mega Stones available in-game, from a Dream World-like feature, or held by event Pokémon. For example, I don't imagine the Blazikenite being available in-game or from a Dream World-like feature and I think it will be exclusive to this Torchic event, and I don't think gen VI Pokémon will release with their Mega Form for a while, considering gen V Pokémon with their hidden abilities where unavailable prior to BW2 outside of Zen Mode Darmanitan and Telepathy Musharna from BW1 in-game. Talking about the Speed Boost Torchic event, I hope it will be able to be female, so Speed Boost Blaziken will not be an event-only thing anymore... oh wait, Baton Pass Speed Boost Blaziken. That will be broken.

I wonder how Mega Stones will work in-battle. Maybe they will activate only when the Pokémon takes a hit? Or automatically change their form in battle if they hold their proper Mega Stone when they come into play, or after a certain number of turns? Or each Mega Stone will have its own activation conditions?

And I know how exactly will lock Mega Charizard : http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/vp/image/1364/23/1364230913195.png (I'm actually joking, of course)
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They are only in battle which means it is more like Meloetta. Which would mean, same tiering really. I guess you could go the route of handing the held item (if that is how they change), if each mon gets its own. But yeah.

If their held items cause the Pokemon to immeditaely transform in battle, then they would probably just ban the items themselves to Ubers if a Mega Pokemon was deemed broken. Ampharos is obviously not broken, but if Mega Ampharos is broken, then I feel like we would go about banning the held item, not the entire Pokemon. Kind of like Soul Dew on Latios and Latias, because that makes them so amazing that they're almost an entirely different Pokemon.
hmmm the thing is it probably wouldn't be too hard to make mega forms for every pokemon as we've seen from the current examples they look more like the pokeman with more things on them then new evolutions.

somehow I think that if they weren't called mega evolutions and instead were something more like "Mega mode" they wouldn't be getting nearly as much flak. They really don't count as evolutions since they are only temporary and definitely don't look the part. But because they are called mega evolutions people expect more even though the designs are fine for what they are since they are more temporary super modes then new evolutions. If they were supposed to be actual further evolutions there would be some problems but they aren't! Oh well.
So uh, while everyone has been praising or crying over this new mega evolutions thing, has anyone looked over that eshop trailer again? Specifically at Mewtwo's "attack"? Knowing what we know now, I think that it isn't an attack but rather an example of in battle mega evolution. What do you guys think?

starts at 0:47 btw.

Nice find, Krawdaunt. It clearly looks like Mewtwo is emerging from something, with nothing more than what appears to be a stone above his head, glowing in a fantastic light.
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