Wonderous Storm [Peaked 2200+]


Proof of Peak:

Changes will be in bold


Hello everyone and welcome to my very first RMT. I've been into competitive battling since close to the beginning of Generation 5 and Rain teams have been my favourite play style. After a while of playing Pokemon Online and now, Pokemon Showdown, I decided to take some time to build a strong competitive team. I decided to base this team around Shedinja, who covers many threats in todays metagame. But without further ado, let's get into the team building process.

Team Building:

I started off with Shedinja, and immediately realised how weak it was to residual damage such as sand, hail and hazards.


And so I added a weather inducer. Politoed was the obvious choice here considering Rain is my favourite play style, and Sun would just bring out more of a Fire weakness. Tentacruel was also added as he is one of the 2 best spinners in todays metagame. (The other being Starmie) I decided to go with the Sub-Toxic variant to better deal with Jellicent.


Next Pokemon to be added was Ferrothorn because there's always the possibility where sometimes I won't be able to spin away the hazards immediately, and can't rely on Shedinja to take all the Dragon type attacks. Not to mention Ferrothorn also deals with my glaring weakness to Electric types as well. Ferrothorn was also a good addition because Shedinja is able to spin block.


For the next pokemon, I knew it had to be something that got rid of stuff that Shedinja straight up loses to, stuff such as Heatran, Tyranitar and most Fire types in general. Dugtrio fit this role perfectly, being able to trap Tyranitars and Ninetales for an easy Weather War win, while also being my Stealth Rocker, allowing Ferrothorn to act as a spiker.


I knew the next pokemon I added had to stop the momentum of Ferrothorn bringing spikes to the feild, while also acting as a lure to Tyranitar and Heatran to allow obvious double switching for Dugtrio. Xatu was a perfect fit for that role, while also being able to pack U-Turn to allow for less double switching and easier predicting.


Unfortunately, Xatu had to be replaced because even though it was doing it's job extremely well, it kinda felt like the game was lost once I lost my Shedinja. I knew I needed a set-up sweeper that can also lure in Tyranitar and Heatran. Sub CM Latias was perfect for this role, while being able to abuse Dugtrio's trapping ablities.

A Closer Look:

Politoed @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Drizzle
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Speed/252 Special Atack/4 HP
-Ice Beam

So yeah, this is my Rain starter. I decided to go with the Scarf version because it's the best set in my opinion. Being able to encore stuff like Toxicroak into swords dance is just amazing. He's also very good at revenge killing the likes of Dragonite and other Dragons with Ice Beam. I decided to go with Scald to be able to burn stuff like Ferrothorn which this team struggles against. I also went with Psychic to be able to revenge kill non Scarfed Keldeo (I've been seeing a lot of Expert Belt sets lately) and also Toxicroak which is pretty useful. The EV spread is pretty standard for a Scarfed Politoed while Timid nature is to outspeed Adamant D-nite at plus one.


Dugtrio @ Focus Sash
IVs: 20 HP/ 0 Defense/ 0 Special Defense
Ability: Arena Trap
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Speed/ 252 Attack/ 4 HP
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge

Say Hello to a VERY important member of my team; Dugtrio. His ability to trap Heatran, Tyranitar, Ninetales, and sometimes even Blissey is just AMAZING. Not only for a Latias sweep, but for the whole team in general. Being able to trap Tyranitar or Ninetales wins me the weather war which is awesome, while being able to trap Heatran is very helpful for Shedinja. The moves are pretty standard. Stealth Rock because it's the best move in the game and also allows me to run spikes on Ferrothorn without having Stealth Rock for an open move of my choice. Earthquake is a powerful STAB that gets rid of many threats such as Heatran and a weakened Tyranitar. Reversal helps a lot against Tyranitars who bring me down to my sash and then die to a Reversal from full HP. It's also helpful against things like Kyurem-B which gets destroyed by a Reversal when I'm at just 1 HP. Finally, Stone Edge is helpful against things like Dragonite, Volcarona and Thundurus-T who can resist all my other moves without Stone Edge. Once again another standard EV spread. The IVs are fairly simple. 0 Defense and Special Defense to bring me down to my sash quicker, and 20 HP because in conjuction with 4 HP EVs it allows Dugtrio to have 201 HP, being brought to it's Focus Sash after 2 seismic tosses. Thanks to ShellShocker for the idea.


Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Rain Dish
Nature: Timid
EVs: 16 Speed/ 252 HP/ 240 Defense
-Rapid Spin

Ahh, good ol' reliable Tentacruel. This pokemon acts as my spinner which is crucial for Shedinja. Because of this I went with the Sub Toxic variant, to be able to get past Jellicents, and any other spin blocker. Tentacruel is also very helpful for dealing with Scizor which this team struggles against without Tentacruel. It's also very helpful against Keldeo and Volcarona which this team would be very weak to without it. Overall I like Tentacruel over Starmie for these reasons. As for the moves go, Scald is the primary attacking move which is honestly so broken. It can burn incoming switch-ins such as Ferrothorns, Dragonites, and even Gyarados. Substitute is helpful against Jellicent, Politoed and even Rotom-Wash who tries to Will-O-Wisp something, or Volt Switch against me but loses momentum. Toxic is VERY useful for burning Rotom-Washes. This EV spread actually allows me to outspeed neutral base 80s such as Gyarados, and being able to toxic that is perfect. This EV spread allows me to outspeed stuff like some Rotom-Washes and neutral base 80s, as I said before. Max HP to take hits better and the rest of the EVs go into defense to better deal with Scizor.


Shedinja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Wonderguard
Nature: Adamant
IVs:0 Defense
EVs: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed/4 Special Defense
-Shadow Sneak
-Baton Pass

Shedinja, Oh my lord. This thing is honestly just amazing. It can just stop threats such as Jirachi, Celebi Keldeo (Without HP Ghost), Toxicroak, Garchomp, Breloom, Specs Politoed, Conkeldurr with Ice Punch, Latios, Latias, Mamoswine, Magnezone, Scizor without Pursuit/Aerial Ace, Starmie and Thundurus-T and the list goes on. What makes Shedinja special, is it's ability to spin block. Starmie is the most used pokemon to Rapid Spin and it just simply cannot touch Shedinja. The moveset is pretty interesting. I could've easily used protect over X-Scissor but the ability to hit Celebi and almots OHKO it was what stood out to me. Baton Pass is very useful in the concept of my opponent having a Tyranitar or even just Heatran. Will-O-Wisp is very useful against stuff like Toxicroak, who I can then baton pass into Politoed and Encore him into Sucker Punch or Swords Dance. Shadow Sneak is very useful against weakened threats and priority against things like Alakazam. EV Spready is very simple, Max Speed and Attack because there's no reason to run max Defense or HP. But 0 IVs in Defense for facing download users such as Porygon-2, who then raise there attack stat. Thanks to ShellShocker who suggested this. Finally, Adamant Nature to hit as hard as possible.


Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Relaxed
IVs: 0 Speed
EVs: 252 HP/ 88 Defense/ 168 Special Defense
-Leech Seed
-Gyro Ball
-Power Whip

Ferrothorn acts as my Dragon check, Bolt-Beam checker, and all around mixed wall. It switches into so many things in this metagame at the moment. I could list them all but that would be too long. Ferrothorn's typin is honestly amazing, and is very standard on most rain teams. Spikes is so helpful on Ferrothorn, as this team causes a lot of switches. Not to mention Shedinja can easily spin block against most spinners. Leech Seed is such a good move on Ferrothorn, because as soon as my opponent thinks they can get rid of Ferrothorn, Leech Seed just brings back my HP to very high levels after a few turns. I chose Gyro Ball over Protect or Thunder Wave because Sub-Roost Kyurem-B is a serious threat to this team. Finally Power Whip is actually very powerful on Ferrothorn and can straight up KO some threats who surprisingly switch into Ferrothorn often. Stuff like Keldeo and Terrakion. These Ferrothorn's EVs come from the standard Smogon site. It's a mixed wall so it can be used to take Latios' Draco Metoers, Dragonite's Outrages and Stoutland's Returns.


Latias @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
EV Spread: 252 HP/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP
-Calm Mind
-Substitute/Reflect Type
-Dragon Pulse

Alright, guys this RMT's close to an end. And so is my opponents team as soon as this thing comes out. I usually bring this thing in early game to take a hit from Keldeo, or mid game to set up on stuff like Celebi, Keldeo, Breloom and lot's of other Pokes due to the burn support from Shedinja. It's Blazing speed is also very helpful in revenge killing non scarfed Dragons if I have the chance. Sub CM Latias is probably one of the best sweepers in the metagame atm. And once Tyranitar and Heatran (Possibly even Jirachi) because of Dugtrio, this thing can come in late game and sweep without a problem, as once it gets up one Calm Mind, this Latias is extremely bulky. It allows Latias to Sub up and weak Ice Beams coming from stuff like Gastrodon won't even break the Subtitute. Substitute is also very happy to protect us from all sorts of Status'. (Spore from Breloom, Will-O-Wisp from Ninetales and Rotom-Wash, and Thunder Wave from Ferrothorn) Another option to try out is Reflect Type which is pretty unique and allows you to get by Ferrothorn as Gyro Ball will be doing very little. But with all these burns flying around I still think Substitute is superior, although reflect type is worth trying out just because of the fact of how threatening Ferrothorn is. Recover or Roost is helpful to increase Latias' survivability and finally Dragon Pulse as a mono attacking STAB which nothing is immune to, making it a good STAB option. The EV spread is once again very standard, max Speed to outspeed non scarfed base 108s and HP Fire Latios/Gengar while also being able to speed tie with other base 110s. Max HP To take hits better and 4 Special Attack for a bit more power.

I'm not gonna list the whole threatlist as I'm too lazy to do all of that but I'll just list some threats that stand out the most.


Ferrothorn is probably the pokemon that sticks out the most as a threat to this team. It wasn't a threat at all when I had Xatu, but since I removed it, it's been a lot harder to deal with, and one of the main reasons I use Scald over Hydro Pump or Surf on my Politoed. My main way of dealing with this thing is to hopefully burn it, and maybe stall it with Latias' substitutes. If all else fails Dugtrio's Reversal can do a lot as well.


Hippowdon is mainly a threat because it can get rid of Shedinja without being trapped by Dugtrio. And also because it's so damn bulky. I can get my way around this with lot's of hazards support. Especially when it's paired up with Jellicent. Latias can deal lot's of damage to teams with Hippowdon, so It's not too hard to deal with.

This has been one of my more succesful teams I've created and I'm pretty proud of it. When using this team, I usually make some double switching into Dugtrio, so I guess you could say this team requires prediction to be succesful, but most teams are like that. So I'm excited to hear some suggestions from you guys and I'm ready to test them too. I hope you guys enjoyed this pretty long RMT :]

PoliSwag (Politoed) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Encore
- Psychic

Squidward (Tentacruel) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spd
Timid Nature
- Toxic
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Substitute

Thorny (Ferrothorn) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SDef
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
- Spikes
- Gyro Ball

Wonderous (Shedinja) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
IVs: NaN Def
- Shadow Sneak
- X-Scissor
- Will-O-Wisp
- Baton Pass

Rose (Latias) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Recover
- Dragon Pulse

Duggy (Dugtrio) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Arena Trap
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
IVs: 20 HP / 0 Def / 0 SDef
- Earthquake
- Reversal
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
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Hey there Trevorpoke!

Congratulations on your peak; this is a really nice team. I've used similar variants with the same concept and it can be really fun to use. There are a few things that I would alter to ensure the team reaches its maximum potential, however. My first suggestion would be to change Tentacruel's EV spread to 252 HP / 166 Def / 92 Spe in conjunction with a Timid nature. This spread allows Tentacruel to hit 285 speed which lets it beat max speed Mamoswine with a fast, rain-boosted Scald. SubToxic is definitely a good option over Toxic Spikes so that you beat Jellicent so definitely keep that.

Next up you should change Dugtrio's EVs / IVs to the following: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe with 20 HP IVs, 0 Def IVs and 0 SpDef IVs. This spread minimizes your bulk to ensure you get hit down to a sash while giving Dugtrio exactly 201 HP. This is important as it allows it to destroyed Chansey / Blissey lacking Toxic after two seismic tosses.

You mention putting 4 Defense on Shedinja so that Porygon2/-Z get Attack boosts; however, even with 4 Def EVs they're currently still getting Special Attack boosts due to your Special Defense being lower. Change it so that you have 0 IVs in Defense (with 0 EVs) and this will leave Shedinja with 95 Def and 96 SpDef, causing an undesirable download boost.

It is optional but I would consider trying out Surf or Hydro Pump over Scald on Politoed so that you can dish out a bit more damage.

Good luck!
Hey there Trevorpoke!

Congratulations on your peak; this is a really nice team. I've used similar variants with the same concept and it can be really fun to use. There are a few things that I would alter to ensure the team reaches its maximum potential, however. My first suggestion would be to change Tentacruel's EV spread to 252 HP / 166 Def / 92 Spe in conjunction with a Timid nature. This spread allows Tentacruel to hit 285 speed which lets it beat max speed Mamoswine with a fast, rain-boosted Scald. SubToxic is definitely a good option over Toxic Spikes so that you beat Jellicent so definitely keep that.

Next up you should change Dugtrio's EVs / IVs to the following: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe with 20 HP IVs, 0 Def IVs and 0 SpDef IVs. This spread minimizes your bulk to ensure you get hit down to a sash while giving Dugtrio exactly 201 HP. This is important as it allows it to destroyed Chansey / Blissey lacking Toxic after two seismic tosses.

You mention putting 4 Defense on Shedinja so that Porygon2/-Z get Attack boosts; however, even with 4 Def EVs they're currently still getting Special Attack boosts due to your Special Defense being lower. Change it so that you have 0 IVs in Defense (with 0 EVs) and this will leave Shedinja with 95 Def and 96 SpDef, causing an undesirable download boost.

It is optional but I would consider trying out Surf or Hydro Pump over Scald on Politoed so that you can dish out a bit more damage.

Good luck!

Hey ShellShocker, thanks for the rate! For Tentacruel I actually like that idea, but that gives Tentacruel a lot less bulk to take on SD Scizor. +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Technician Scizor Bug Bite vs. 252 HP / 166 Def Tentacruel: 239-281 (65.65 - 77.19%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. Regardless I have Shedinja who walls any Mamoswine set completely, unless they run something stupid like Stone Edge. For Dugtrio's change I already explained why I don't have 20 HP IVs. But I guess I can try it out although it's a very small nitpick. As for Shedinja, I'd just like to say thank you for pointing this out! I didn't really know how the Download ability worked but yeah that's a definete change. And finally I like Scald over Surf/Hydro because burning things like Ferrothorn is far more useful.

Thanks for the rate! ^^
Hey Trevorpoke42. I can honestly say I don't have much experience with Shedinja at all, but you seem to have most of the possible threats covered. That being said, there are a few changes I think you could make.

You say you have trouble with Ferrothorn. I can see that, since rain makes it extremely difficult to beat it without a strong fighting type. Honestly, I think you need to look to your own Ferrothorn for the answer. What does this Ferrothorn actually do for you? It sets up hazards, which should make using Shedinja much easier, but other than that, it seems kind of useless on the team. You mentioned that it helps you by tanking Dragon type attacks, but there are other Pokémon who can do that too. I suggest you use Magnezone over Ferrothorn. Magnezone can easily trap and 2HKO Ferrothorn, even in the rain. It can also provide a way to grab mmentum to your team in Volt Switch. As for Dragon types, most of them will be at least 2HKO'd by STAB Flash Cannon. Even Hippowdon takes a minimum of 66% from Magnezone's Flash Cannon. That combined with Politoed's Scald should easily be able to KO it. Kyurem-B may still be a problem, but if you can get it locked into Outrage, then Magnezone can still OHKO it after Stealth Rock.

Hope I was able to help! Sorry it took me so long to get to this...


Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 SAtk / 84 Spd / 172 HP
Modest Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Hey Trevorpoke42. I can honestly say I don't have much experience with Shedinja at all, but you seem to have most of the possible threats covered. That being said, there are a few changes I think you could make.

You say you have trouble with Ferrothorn. I can see that, since rain makes it extremely difficult to beat it without a strong fighting type. Honestly, I think you need to look to your own Ferrothorn for the answer. What does this Ferrothorn actually do for you? It sets up hazards, which should make using Shedinja much easier, but other than that, it seems kind of useless on the team. You mentioned that it helps you by tanking Dragon type attacks, but there are other Pokémon who can do that too. I suggest you use Magnezone over Ferrothorn. Magnezone can easily trap and 2HKO Ferrothorn, even in the rain. It can also provide a way to grab mmentum to your team in Volt Switch. As for Dragon types, most of them will be at least 2HKO'd by STAB Flash Cannon. Even Hippowdon takes a minimum of 66% from Magnezone's Flash Cannon. That combined with Politoed's Scald should easily be able to KO it. Kyurem-B may still be a problem, but if you can get it locked into Outrage, then Magnezone can still OHKO it after Stealth Rock.

Hope I was able to help! Sorry it took me so long to get to this...


Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 SAtk / 84 Spd / 172 HP
Modest Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Hey thanks for the rate, was waiting a while for it. Ferrothorn is very important on the team. It sets up spikes easily, takes on most electric type pokemon, and most dragons in rain. Also it provides me with crucial spikes support, and Shedinja can easily spin block. That being said I think Magnezone is a very solid choice, because it can prevent lot's of hazards being set up on the feild. Thanks for the rate I will definitely be testing out your suggestion!
Once again, I find myself saying "I wish I thought if this." Haha, congrats on your peak and being able to use Shedinja successfully. I can't even remember how many times I've has to face a mere sixth slot Shedinja.

First off,to fix your Ferrothorn problem, I think you should run Physically Defensive Skarmory over your own Ferrothorn. It's able to also set up Spikes, has no Fighting weakness, has Taunt, reliable recovery etc. It walls pretty much all of Ferrothorn's and Hippowdon's moves (it only fears a possible Thunder Wave and Leech Seed from Ferrothorn). Also, with the abundant Custap Lead Skarmory, you could counter opponents Fire leads that predict your Skarm with your Scarf Politoed (if they don't predict, you have nothing to lose if you lead with Toed). You may miss out on the powerful STAB attacks, I think

If you don't choose to use Skarm, make sure you add 0 Speed IVs on Ferrothorn to maximize his Gyro Balls power.

Next, I think you should use Calm Mind Latios over Latias. My mind set is that opponents will bring in their walls to soak up Latios's powerful Draco that its known for. However, with a Substitute up (you can set up on the switch), the walls can pretty much do nothing to you, other that switch out (which leads to a free CM), or stay in an attempt to break your Substitute. This obviously won't make to much of a difference to your team, other than the potential mind games that could benefit you greatly.

Hope I helped and good luck! B)
Once again, I find myself saying "I wish I thought if this." Haha, congrats on your peak and being able to use Shedinja successfully. I can't even remember how many times I've has to face a mere sixth slot Shedinja.

First off,to fix your Ferrothorn problem, I think you should run Physically Defensive Skarmory over your own Ferrothorn. It's able to also set up Spikes, has no Fighting weakness, has Taunt, reliable recovery etc. It walls pretty much all of Ferrothorn's and Hippowdon's moves (it only fears a possible Thunder Wave and Leech Seed from Ferrothorn). Also, with the abundant Custap Lead Skarmory, you could counter opponents Fire leads that predict your Skarm with your Scarf Politoed (if they don't predict, you have nothing to lose if you lead with Toed). You may miss out on the powerful STAB attacks, I think

If you don't choose to use Skarm, make sure you add 0 Speed IVs on Ferrothorn to maximize his Gyro Balls power.

Next, I think you should use Calm Mind Latios over Latias. My mind set is that opponents will bring in their walls to soak up Latios's powerful Draco that its known for. However, with a Substitute up (you can set up on the switch), the walls can pretty much do nothing to you, other that switch out (which leads to a free CM), or stay in an attempt to break your Substitute. This obviously won't make to much of a difference to your team, other than the potential mind games that could benefit you greatly.

Hope I helped and good luck! B)

Hey RoyalBlue, thanks for the rate! The reason I use Ferrothorn over Skarmory is because of his amazing typing, but I will definetely be trying out Skarmory. And yeah I always had 0 IV in speed on Ferro, just didn't mention it. Thanks for noticing this. And the reason I use Latias over Latios is because of it's bulk, something that Latios doesn't have much of. But thanks for the rate!
Hey. Nice team, but sandstall is definitely a problem, especially the slowbro/amoonguss/heatran stall core. Hippo switches in on shedinja's mives and laughs at it. Heatran cannot be trapped by dugtrio if hazards are up(a common reality) and phazes latias without any sceond thoughts. Amoonguss/slowbro cannot be taken down by anything except latias. Maybe ferrothorn, but amoonguss can spore it and heatran walls it to death.
The solution? Well, I'm not sure. Your team overall looks solid, so I haven no idea. I don't think you should change a pokemon, but I'd suggest hydro pump on politoed instead of scald. This can try to put pressure on the core. Otherwise, double switching and smart plays are you friends.
Hope I helped.

Hey Kingler thanks for the rate! Yeah sandstall can be a problem, but Dugtrio easily traps Heatran so... yeah. Hazards aren't always gonna be up though, considering it's easy to bring Tentacruel in on some common stuff on Sand stall, like Heatran, Amoonguss, Forretress. But Latias is most of the time my win condition, considering it sets up on SO many pokes in sandstall, while the only things stopping it are Heatran (Trapped by Dugtrio) and Specially Defensive Hippowdon, which can get worn down by lot's of Hazard support and Status support. About Politoed and Hydro Pump, I can never hit that move, which causes me to get pretty angry. So that's a definete no. I'll keep Scald for now, but thanks for the suggestion anyways!
got your request, but this team is just super solid, not sure if i can give an effective rate.

the only thing that i can say is maybe try out 96 Speed EVs on tentacruel to give it the jump over mamoswine and slow landorus -T's so you can knock them out with scald. mamoswine could potentially be a problem, seeing as how it can wear down ferrothorn (especially since it doesnt have reliable recovery).

Additionally, you could try out toxic spikes over toxic on tentacruel so that you can wear down hippowdown better so shedinja can actually do something.
got your request, but this team is just super solid, not sure if i can give an effective rate.

the only thing that i can say is maybe try out 96 Speed EVs on tentacruel to give it the jump over mamoswine and slow landorus -T's so you can knock them out with scald. mamoswine could potentially be a problem, seeing as how it can wear down ferrothorn (especially since it doesnt have reliable recovery).

Additionally, you could try out toxic spikes over toxic on tentacruel so that you can wear down hippowdown better so shedinja can actually do something.
Thanks for the rate. Meh, already explained why I don't use 96 Speed (To take on Scizor better) but yeah I could tryout T-Spikes.
Ok so I've been obsessing over how amazing this team is for a while but I suppose I'll actually give it a rate. Although most of my suggestions are merely based in preference. Before that though let me begin by saying this team is beautifully crafted. Indeed there is some typical sets and Pokemon in here in order for it to be effective in the current meta-game but nonetheless this was wonderfully done on your part. You should be very proud of this team. Honestly if it doesn't get archived there's like no hope for Smogon.
Ok so to the actual rate now but fair warning I'm not incredibly aware of the current meta-game. So to begin with I don't know how essential Gyro Ball is on Ferrothorn so you could replace it with bulldoze if people still use Magnezone or something lol and Secondly it seems like your team is pretty okay with special hits and such so maybe a bit more defense ev's could help if that's been any type of a problem. Now my main thoughts as far as an actual improvement is that Latias spot I'm thinking either a Sash Alakazam which is another very effective late-game sweeper or a TR Reuniclus because your team is pretty slow overall and both can abuse hazards beautifully.
Alakazam @ Focus Sash
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind / HP Ice

Give my suggestions some thought and let me know what you think! The core of the team as you have it already seems really solid so it's just a matter of getting that last slot 100% perfect to get the team performing optimally. Great job Trevor!
Ok so I've been obsessing over how amazing this team is for a while but I suppose I'll actually give it a rate. Although most of my suggestions are merely based in preference. Before that though let me begin by saying this team is beautifully crafted. Indeed there is some typical sets and Pokemon in here in order for it to be effective in the current meta-game but nonetheless this was wonderfully done on your part. You should be very proud of this team. Honestly if it doesn't get archived there's like no hope for Smogon.
Ok so to the actual rate now but fair warning I'm not incredibly aware of the current meta-game. So to begin with I don't know how essential Gyro Ball is on Ferrothorn so you could replace it with bulldoze if people still use Magnezone or something lol and Secondly it seems like your team is pretty okay with special hits and such so maybe a bit more defense ev's could help if that's been any type of a problem. Now my main thoughts as far as an actual improvement is that Latias spot I'm thinking either a Sash Alakazam which is another very effective late-game sweeper or a TR Reuniclus because your team is pretty slow overall and both can abuse hazards beautifully.
Alakazam @ Focus Sash
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind / HP Ice

Give my suggestions some thought and let me know what you think! The core of the team as you have it already seems really solid so it's just a matter of getting that last slot 100% perfect to get the team performing optimally. Great job Trevor!
Hey Gamester thank you for being so kind and giving me a well thought out rate! I really like Gyro Ball on Ferrothorn as it helps a ton against Dragons and it's almost irreplaceable. Power Whip really helps against Water types so I'm keeping Ferro's moves and EVs as it is, because with the Special Defense it can take on Lati@s a lot better. I'm not gonna lie I did think about using Alakazam and Reuniclus in the last slot, but if anything I'd be using the Calm Mind version of Reduniclus, as it sets up all over Ferrothorn and Sand Stall, so I'll definetely be giving that a shot. Once again thanks for the rate.
Awesome team, Trevorpoke42! I've been testing it out, and it's been working really well. One minor change I made was changing Gyro Ball on Ferrothorn to Thunderwave, because I prefer to use Ferrothorn mainly for defensive play.

I toyed around a bit replacing SubCM Latias with CM Espeon. Espeon's Magic Bounce allows you even greater control over entry hazards, and offers a nice counter to status moves that Shedinja is weak to. Espeon also has the same base speed as Latias and slightly higher SpAtk, although its defenses are lower. If you wanna try out Espeon yourself, here's the set I used (the moveset could probably be improved):

Rose (Espeon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Magic Bounce
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Baton Pass
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

I was also thinking that if you replace Latias with Espeon, it might be a good idea to replace Dugtrio with Landorus-t. Swapping in Espeon seemed to give the team a pretty big weakness to Dragonites with Fire type moves (preventing Shedinja from walling them), and Landorus-t could help alleviate that weakness, as well as serve as an offensive pivot/answer for dragon-types in general. However, it'd be more difficult to take out threats like Heatran and Tyranitar. I actually haven't tried out Landorus-t myself--it's just a thought I had.

Overall, very solid team!
Awesome team, Trevorpoke42! I've been testing it out, and it's been working really well. One minor change I made was changing Gyro Ball on Ferrothorn to Thunderwave, because I prefer to use Ferrothorn mainly for defensive play.

I toyed around a bit replacing SubCM Latias with CM Espeon. Espeon's Magic Bounce allows you even greater control over entry hazards, and offers a nice counter to status moves that Shedinja is weak to. Espeon also has the same base speed as Latias and slightly higher SpAtk, although its defenses are lower. If you wanna try out Espeon yourself, here's the set I used (the moveset could probably be improved):

Rose (Espeon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Magic Bounce
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Baton Pass
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

I was also thinking that if you replace Latias with Espeon, it might be a good idea to replace Dugtrio with Landorus-t. Swapping in Espeon seemed to give the team a pretty big weakness to Dragonites with Fire type moves (preventing Shedinja from walling them), and Landorus-t could help alleviate that weakness, as well as serve as an offensive pivot/answer for dragon-types in general. However, it'd be more difficult to take out threats like Heatran and Tyranitar. I actually haven't tried out Landorus-t myself--it's just a thought I had.

Overall, very solid team!

Hey LimitBender, thanks a lot for the rate! Yeah Latias definetely needs a replacement and I've been trying out a lot of pokemon (SubCM Rachi, CM Reuniclus, Alakazam) and I'm still thinking of which one suits this team best. But I gotta give a quick no to Espeon. It doesn't have enough bulk, even with Max defense, and it's sweeping capabilities just go to waste when facing stuff like Scizor and hard hitting Dragons. And Landorus-T would prove to be useful, but this team is based around Shedinja, and trapping tyranitar is more important. Thanks for the rate though!

Edit: I also tried T-Wave on Ferro for a bit, but Gyro Ball is primarily used for Sub kyurem, who would otherwise deal a ton of damage to my whole entire team.
If you're thinking on using Thundy over Latias then consider the same bulk of the Dub dance spread, but perhaps over NP use agility 3 attacks. This way you can KO ferrothorns and rely less on duggy to kill ttar. I say this because if you do go with thundy you have decent answer to scizor as BP doesn't do too much anyways, and you already have tentacruel, however in rise of the acroscizor tenta isn't always going to be enough and its job is far too important for this team to lose it. Lastly if you do go with Thundy over Latias you can bump Tenta's speed to 96 to deal with mamo better as Thundy doesn't like mamoswine at all.

Overall really cool team, It's nice to see someone using shedinja and taking the time to make it work. You should indeed be proud of this team.
Also Thundy can at least hit hippo pretty hard and pressure him more than Latias could

Thundurus-T (M) @ Leftover/ LifeOrb
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 56 HP / 96 Def / 248 SAtk / 108 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Agility
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Thunder
If you're thinking on using Thundy over Latias then consider the same bulk of the Dub dance spread, but perhaps over NP use agility 3 attacks. This way you can KO ferrothorns and rely less on duggy to kill ttar. I say this because if you do go with thundy you have decent answer to scizor as BP doesn't do too much anyways, and you already have tentacruel, however in rise of the acroscizor tenta isn't always going to be enough and its job is far too important for this team to lose it. Lastly if you do go with Thundy over Latias you can bump Tenta's speed to 96 to deal with mamo better as Thundy doesn't like mamoswine at all.

Overall really cool team, It's nice to see someone using shedinja and taking the time to make it work. You should indeed be proud of this team.
Also Thundy can at least hit hippo pretty hard and pressure him more than Latias could

Thundurus-T (M) @ Leftover/ LifeOrb
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 56 HP / 96 Def / 248 SAtk / 108 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Agility
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Thunder

Hey Oh Captain, thanks for the rate! Yeah Thundurus-T is indeed proving to be very useful, even more then Latias. But I've been trying out Reflect Type Latias as well, and it can set up all over Ferrothorn which is pretty cool. I honestly like the idea of Agility Thundy T and adding speed to Tenta. I'll definitely be trying out your suggestion, and because adding Thundurus-T adds more Offense it's less of a stall team too, which is pretty cool. Once again thanks for your suggestions!
The fact that you use Shedinja is already making this one of the best RMTs and to be successful with it is just icing on the cake. You seem to know all the threats and how to cover them although I do have one threat that I don't think was covered...

Volcarona (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Flame Body
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Fiery Dance
- Giga Drain

This Happens to be the Volcarona set I use and I've had matches against Rain teams won because she cant hit any mon hard on the switch in. Your team is weak to at least one of these moves and while between Entry hazards and chip damage, a sweep with volcarona may be unlikely, but I feel like this has a chance to bust your team wide open bar the revenge kill by dugtrio (which in actuality is a pretty good check though that means one pokemon is typically lost in the process)

I know Volcarona is typically not common and SR completely wrecks it but I just wanted to see how you would deal with it. Otherwise great team and gongratz on the success
The fact that you use Shedinja is already making this one of the best RMTs and to be successful with it is just icing on the cake. You seem to know all the threats and how to cover them although I do have one threat that I don't think was covered...

Volcarona (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Flame Body
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Fiery Dance
- Giga Drain

This Happens to be the Volcarona set I use and I've had matches against Rain teams won because she cant hit any mon hard on the switch in. Your team is weak to at least one of these moves and while between Entry hazards and chip damage, a sweep with volcarona may be unlikely, but I feel like this has a chance to bust your team wide open bar the revenge kill by dugtrio (which in actuality is a pretty good check though that means one pokemon is typically lost in the process)

I know Volcarona is typically not common and SR completely wrecks it but I just wanted to see how you would deal with it. Otherwise great team and gongratz on the success

Like you said Dugtrio can revenge kill it, and it's my choice to either get up rocks early and keep them on the feild (Usually easy cause they use starmie as a spinner which shedinja can completely wall) or just keep my sash in tact in order to revenge it. Tentacruel easily takes 2 hits even after a quiver dance. But hazards and always thinking once ahead before letting tentacruel take a hit are things I have to keep in mind. Thanks for the rate anyway
HEEEEY MY 10 YEAR OLD BUDDY :] (jks) anyways lol i feel like if you want to blast a hole in other teams you should use Kyurem Black cause OP. Kyurem does many things such as make pokemons like jirachi, scizor, thorn etc to force to come in and and take a big hit and causing the stealth rocker to weaken. This gives both tenta and even dugtrio less stress for the team. Being able to kill sun teams and hitting hippo for a nice solid 50% with ice beam if spD hippo and at least 66%ish if defensive. Also if its spD you easily 2hko with Outrage/Dclaw.

Kyurem-B @ Choice Band
Trait: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage / Dragon Claw
- Fusion Bolt
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast

(Still think latias is better for last slot but you could try it out)
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HEEEEY MY 10 YEAR OLD BUDDY :] (jks) anyways lol i feel like if you want to blast a hole in other teams you should use Kyurem Black cause OP. Kyurem does many things such as make pokemons like jirachi, scizor, thorn etc to force to come in and and take a big hit and causing the stealth rocker to weaken. This gives both tenta and even dugtrio less stress for the team. Being able to kill sun teams and hitting hippo for a nice solid 50% with ice beam if spD hippo and at least 66%ish if defensive. Also if its spD you easily 2hko with Outrage/Dclaw.

Kyurem-B @ Choice Band
Trait: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage / Dragon Claw
- Fusion Bolt
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast

(Still think latias is better for last slot but you could try it out)

Meh kinda feel like the last slot has to fix my weakness to ferrothorn :/ Kyurem-B ain't helping cause ferro is probably one of the best counters to it. But my team does lack raw power so I guess I could try it. Thanks for the rate! (I'm half asleep lol)