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I'd like to request Slowbro somehow not being paired with Slowking. I believe that causes exactly one entire nothing to occur, with a net gain of nadda.
Ah, your right. They are indeed different in a FEW ways. Nothing ground breaking, but not every mon can expect to become king of the meta. I suppose my unresearched outburst should be ignored then.
A few new changes I noticed:
  • Kingler now gets Shift Gear and Wild Charge from Klinklang.
  • Liepard gets Sleep Powder and Quiver Dance from Lilligant.
  • Snorlax gets Sketch from Smeargle.
  • Magnezone gets Focus Blast and Fire Blast from Magmortar.
  • Togekiss gets Lava Plume, Shell Smash, and Earthquake from Torkoal.
  • Vaporeon gets Quiver Dance and Sleep Powder from Venomoth.
A few new changes I noticed:
  • Kingler now gets Shift Gear and Wild Charge from Klinklang.
  • Liepard gets Sleep Powder and Quiver Dance from Lilligant.
  • Snorlax gets Sketch from Smeargle.
  • Magnezone gets Focus Blast and Fire Blast from Magmortar.
  • Togekiss gets Lava Plume, Shell Smash, and Earthquake from Torkoal.
  • Vaporeon gets Quiver Dance and Sleep Powder from Venomoth.
Belly Drum Espeed Snorlax (yes Snorlax already has Belly Drum)
Make that REUNICLUS with Rhyperior. Your mind just exploded.

This makes Roserade slightly sad because it loses the great Special Movepool it had before (although now it has Recover and Will-o-Wisp, so defensive sets could work). However, Sableye has access to Prankster Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, and (Toxic) Spikes. Emphasis on Sleep Powder. I want to get off Sableyes wild ride. Also, this make it like Froslass without the shitty Ice-typing and Prankster since it has Spikes. Leech Seed isn't as notable, since it already has Recover, but I guess it could be nice? You could give it Synthesis if you're certain you can keep Sun up or Worry Seed if you don't like people using other abilities, but the first 3 are the main thing it gets.
This actually looks like a pretty cool meta, props on that!

Seviper/Sharpedo: +Sucker Punch, Aqua Tail, X-Scissor, Final Gambit
Finally a bit more coverage for such a cool 'mon. Final Gambit could make it a pretty funny revenge killer!!
Scizor/Scolipede: +Megahorn, Bulldoze, Payback
Imagine Scizor actually doing reasonable damage to Jellicent and Heatran!!
Xatu/Yanmega: +Stored Power
Speed Boost + Stored Power. AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHA
Maractus/Marowak: +Wood Hammer, Bullet Seed
I guess it has more than one reason to use Rock Head now >_>
Jellicent/Jolteon: +Water Spout, Ice Beam
Jolteon in the rain: Thunder/Water Spout/Ice Beam/Filler which you won't use because everything's dead.
Liepard/Lilligant: +Sleep Powder, Healing Wish
I'm just glad there's Sleep Clause in place.

edit: uh sorry for the necro-ish bump >_<
Zoroark gets Hydro Pump, Overheat, Leaf Storm, Thunder, Volt Switch. Can run a great expert belt.
Heatran gets SEED FLARE. Water types are screwed.
Jirachi gets V-Create, Dragon Dance, Extremespeed. Might run a good physical sweeper set with DD, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Filler? Or even a CB or Scarf set.
Dark Void Cresselia is interesting.
This makes Roserade slightly sad because it loses the great Special Movepool it had before (although now it has Recover and Will-o-Wisp, so defensive sets could work). However, Sableye has access to Prankster Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, and (Toxic) Spikes. Emphasis on Sleep Powder. I want to get off Sableyes wild ride. Also, this make it like Froslass without the shitty Ice-typing and Prankster since it has Spikes. Leech Seed isn't as notable, since it already has Recover, but I guess it could be nice? You could give it Synthesis if you're certain you can keep Sun up or Worry Seed if you don't like people using other abilities, but the first 3 are the main thing it gets.
Pokemon don't lose their old movepools. Roserade still has all of the stuff it had before, just with more moves and no illegalities.
Scizor/Scolipede: +Megahorn, Bulldoze, Payback
Imagine Scizor actually doing reasonable damage to Jellicent and Heatran!!
Earthquake > Technician Bulldoze unless you're going for the Speed drop specifically.
Xatu/Yanmega: +Stored Power
Speed Boost + Stored Power. AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHA
I think The Reptile was referring to the old list, where Roserade was combined with Rhyperior, and without Rhyperior, Roserade has a slightly less enticing special movepool.
Hmm, Snorlax could learn Lovely Kiss in Gen 2 (through event or something). If all move illegalities are now legal, then theoretically it could run:

Belly Drum/Lovely Kiss/Extremespeed/ Coverage (Crunch, Fire Punch or Earthquake, preferably the first two for gengar, and the last one for heatran). If it's counter is taken out, this thing can be pretty useful.
things that caught my eye:

volt switch, flamethrower/fire blast, will-o-wisp

shell smash, lava plume/flamethrower/fire blast/overheat, rapid spin

agility, swords dance, baton pass, u-turn, grudge, will-o-wisp

nasty plot, baton pass, ice beam, flamethrower, surf

sucker punch, drain punch, bulk up, wood hammer/seed bomb, leech seed, crunch

shell smash, rapid spin, spikes, toxic spikes, surf, softboiled

roost, dragon dance, thunder/fire punch, extremespeed, rapid spin, ice shard (though extremespeed will probably be better in almost all situations)

rapid spin

spikes, recover

surf, earth power

dragon dance, v-create/flamethrower/fire blast/overheat, ice beam, earthquake, stone edge, swords dance, waterfall, air slash, crunch, extremespeed, dragon tail, bulk up - basically any move jirachi could have ever wanted except recovery outside of wish

much the same as jirachi, except also recover, but jirachi still almost directly outclasses it now. STAB v-create i guess?

head smash, u-turn, roost, stone edge, earthquake, knock off, dragon tail, fly, acrobatics, flare blitz, close combat, crunch, extremespeed, wild charge

will-o-wisp, dark void, nasty plot, taunt

thunder(bolt), ice beam, hydro pump

spikes, avalanche/ice shard

flamethrower/fire blast, ice beam, thunderbolt, trick room, recover

roost, trick room

other notable things that get shell smash: houndoom, golurk, machamp
other notable things that get rapid spin: kangaskhan
other notable things that get spikes: aerodactyl, gliscor
other notable things that get quiver dance: mr. mime, vaporeon, volbeat (which also gives tail glow and baton pass to volcarona)
other notable things that get trick room: azumarill, aggron, escavalier, gigalith, gyarados, spiritomb, gastrodon
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Dark Void Cresselia. Could make for a good wall/status inducer. It also got Disable and Snarl which could make for some decent phazing.

Nasty Plot Hydreigon. Could be interesting, but nothing too special.

But my personal favorite: Shell Smash + Dynamic Punch + Earthquake + Inferno Machamp. Machamp could Shell Smash, then proceed to either A) easy KO with Dynamic Punch/Earthquake, or B) have a 100% chance to burn something with No Guard Inferno. He is one of the kings of status (also Yawn and Stealth Rock, too).
But my personal favorite: Shell Smash + Dynamic Punch + Earthquake + Inferno Machamp. Machamp could Shell Smash, then proceed to either A) easy KO with Dynamic Punch/Earthquake, or B) have a 100% chance to burn something with No Guard Inferno. He is one of the kings of status (also Yawn and Stealth Rock, too).
Why not Stone Edge? That has much better neutral coverage, and gets it's accuracy boosted.
You have dynamicpunch :p. Stone Edge has better coverage with Fighting moves as well regardless of accuracy, while Ground/Fighting is redundant so I'd go with Stone Edge on that slot especially as Inferno is a special move.
I'd just like to request that the legendaries not be paired up with each other. This causes:
Ice Beam Keldeo
Dark Void Cresselia
Leech Seed Heatran

There's some regular Pokemon threats, but these legendaries will be so broken. I would consider putting the legendaries within the regular Pokes. (Then again, Keldeo has a chance of getting Kingdra. Draco Meteor Keldeo. Run for your lives.)
Dragon moves mostly suck without STAB though, but I guess with a dragon move it can just run a fire move and it's STABs for unresisted coverage.
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