Checkmate (peaked #1)

(UU RMT with the same name is just a coincidence)


I am DaretoladderLC


Hello everyone! I am here with my first rmt after not having made a single one after over a year of playing LC. This is an LC team which has been very successful for me getting me first place under the alt "DaretoladderLC" at 36 and 5. However, the highest the team had peaked was 2187 ACRE with a record of 50 and 7. While its very true that ladder rankings aren't always accurate when measuring a teams effectiveness it does still show that this team is quite solid. The team is built around Life Orb Pawniard, coming to me after a IRC discussion in #littlecup. The idea sparked the opportunity to try out tirtouga's "support set) since they have good synergy and pawniard needs rocks to sweep. I added in a scarfkrow because of its ability to check all the fighting types in the tier if it manages to get in on, which helps pawniard sweep. I knew I needed a good defensive core, so I chucked in foongus, mienfoo and misdreavus which is a pretty good defensive/crippling core in the metagame. I added heal bell onto misdreavus because it helps my team better than pain split would imo. This team did have some huge problems though, Mainly staryu with it combo of bulk and offense allows it to survive hits from most of my mons, counter back, and prevent tirtouga from putting up rocks safely. So I end up having to do major prediction to get foongus on staryu to get rid of it early with prediction. Scarf foo with uturn is really deadly early game and during a pawniard sweep, so I adapted by leading with tirtouga to scald the mienfoo, and then either switching or putting up rocks.
The name of the rmt and the nicknames of my Pokémon don't have a serious meaning. I just named them for fun to make laddering not so intense!

Team at a Glance



"I'll cut you"
(Pawniard) @ Life Orb
Trait: Defiant
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SpD / 196 Spe
IVs: 0 hp
Jolly Nature
- Sword Dance
- Iron Head
- Brick break
- sucker punch
Pawniard is one of my favourite Pokémon in LC and I think that it is honestly a mid to top tier threat. Infact, most of the games that I won because of how this guy would find so many to set up even without eviolite or a lucky iron head flinch XD. It handles the majority of defensive mons in the tier after it sets up and can even OHKO defensive mienfoo after steath rock damage. I think brick break is much better than night slash or pursuit or anything else because it lets you beat porygon and steel types. Pawniard also provides great priority in the form of sucker punch and along with Tirtouga's aqua jet and mienfoos fake out, even murkrow has sucker punch (I don't use it often because of it being scarf). Although, before it boosts it tends to be dead wait until end game, when it can actually end up boosting on like a lileep or a scarf snover locked into blizzard (bar freeze) or just flat out murder the rest of the team.


Captain Tirt
(Tirtouga) @ Eviolite
Trait: Solid Rock
Level: 5
EVs: 164 HP / 52 Atk / 12 Def / 16 SpA / 236 SpD / 20 Spe
(If there was a contest for sets with most diverse EV spread this guy will win)Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Aqua Jet
- scald
- Rock Slide
If there is one thing I learnt from using this team it is that Support Tirtouga is such a good set and that is why its name is captain tirt. As I now know this set can set up rocks effectively and beat drilbur (mold breaker and sand rush) 1 on 1 even it can beat staryu with prediction. Out of all the battles I have done with this team I don't remember ever being swept by one of these Pokémon even though they can pose a threat. People just don't expect Tirtouga to set up rocks or scald their mienfoo and they stay in, let me burn them while they do a useless knock off because solid rock poses as a sorta pseudo eviolite to SE attacks. Another common scenario is my Tirtouga revenge killing an Abra or drilbur after one of my mons die. People leave in their pokemon thinking they have a chance of killing it first when aqua jet just finishes them off!


Mafia Boss
(Murkrow) @ choice scarf
Trait: Insomnia
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 76 SpA / 188 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Brave Bird
- Hidden Power grass
- Heat wave
- sucker punch
This Murkrow is the one I always use if I need a scarfer that strikes fear into anything that isn't a bulky computer or rocky plant (porygon and lileep). Murkrows main job is to dispose of fighting types, cleaning up weakened teams alongside pawniard, and weakening abra, a major threat to my team. Without this guy so many mons would run rampant and wreck any chance of a pawniard sweep. Also any shell smasher gets halted by sucker punch or hidden power grass. You could call murkrow the glue of my team, and you could just call it just a sick LC beast who I couldn't help, but use.

Jackie Chan
(Mienfoo) @ Eviolite
Trait: Mold Breaker
Level: 5
EVs: 156 HP / 76 Atk / 116 Def / 36 SpD / 76 Spe
Impish Nature
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Fake Out
- U-turn
This mon is considered one of the best mons for bulky offense and for support. It is a great pivot with decent bulk, U-turn and Regenerator letting it regain HP. My Favourite move on the set would have to be Knock Off. Because it wears down the Pokemon that commonly switch in to it like Foongus, Misdreavus and the ability to remove Eviolites is just nice in general because is makes my team tougher to handle on the offensive side of things and it pairs well with uturn allowing it to cripple and then leave without being OHKOed by the mentioned threats because of its bulk. Mienfoo is also a pretty good Scraggy check Koing it with Fake Out + Drain Punch. Having a Fighting Stab on my team is very important because without it Lileep and Ferroseed become so tough to handle. Drain Punch not only gives me a way of threatening them, but a good Stab which also provides recovery. Fake Out is the least used move. But it is useful just to put mons into KO range of drain punch, because my team has so much priority it is really useless unless murkrow is down and scraggy sets up. A defensive ev spread is used so Mienfoo can have good longetivity and so it can beat Pawnaird and Scraggy reliably. Without this guy pawniard would have a much harder time sweeping

Mr. Potato Head
(Foongus) @ Eviolite
Trait: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 124 HP / 156 Def / 76 SAtk / 76 SDef / 76 Spd
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Stun Spore
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
It is the MVP in a lot of my games, after Tirt ends up setting up rocks and sludge bomb starts killing things that come in on foongus normally. Spore gives me a chance to set up with Pawniard and stun spore lets it rely on sucker punch less. Its bulk and typing let it take on many sweepers including Scraggy, Timburr, Drilbur (lacking LO) and Sandshrew. Giga Drain helps immensely in dealing with sand and along with Regenerator, it keeps Foongus healthy throughout the match. Honestly, I believe that Sludge Is 10 times better than clear smog because it allows it to hurt murkrow and snover effectively. A 100% accurate sleep move in spore is pretty damn good and a snoozing Pokemon is easy set up bait for Pawniard. Even though I tend to only spore late game, because of Mukrow's insomnia ability increasing in usage.


(Misdreavus) @ Eviolite
Trait: Levitate
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 120 Def / 80 SpD / 240 Spe
Timid Nature
- Heal Bell
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power Fighting
- Will-o-Wisp
Misdreavus has always proved to be the most consistent on this team. When foongus and tirt have there bad games missy d would take there place. Even it can do the work of scarfkrow when it gets weakened to badly early on because of its 19 speed. In all missy d is the lifeline, taking out weakened threats, heal off status, burn a sweeper, anything it can do it will do when it has to. Heal bell is the main reason I use missy d on this team though, I needed a status healer, and chinchou doesn't really fit with my team.

Threat List

Staryu: Staryu is the biggest threat to my team. Its power and bulk allows it to take a strong hit and OHKO back. To deal with it I have to make major predicts because I tend to sack tirt once it sets up SR. But against staryu I have to keep it alive to set up SR after it manages to spin if it does. Tirt and foongus tend the best chance of weathering it down if it doesn't have recover and if it does foongus can only deal with it. LO with recover is the worst to face because it can 2hko my whole team.
Abra: Abra's immense power and ability, allows it to sweep my entire team if I don't have any more priority users when I break its sash. My team has 2 psychic weak mon so running 2 dark types really helps but either them or tirt need to be alive to stop abra.
If you see any threats I have overlooked please mention them in your post.
MixKrow: This mon can 2hko my entire team, I usually handle it with a sack and then scarf krow or tirt handles it.​


Well I hope you enjoyed my RMT, feel free to tell me anything wrong with my team to help make it better. I am always trying to improve the team and any adise would help a lot. Shoutouts to Corkscrew, Sexy TCR, GlassGlaceon, Catcherandtherai, and everyone else who gave me good ladder and non ladder matches. Also try out the team and tell me your changes or success.

"I will cut you'' (Pawniard) @ Life Orb
Trait: Defiant
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 SDef / 36 Def / 196 Spd
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 HP
- Iron Head
- Brick Break
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch

captain tirt (Tirtouga) @ Eviolite
Trait: Solid Rock
Level: 5
EVs: 164 HP / 52 Atk / 12 Def / 16 SAtk / 236 SDef / 20 Spd
Relaxed Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Slide
- Scald

Mafia boss (Murkrow) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Insomnia
Level: 5
EVs: 188 Spd / 236 Atk / 76 SAtk
Naughty Nature
- Brave Bird
- Sucker Punch
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Grass]

Jackie Chan (Mienfoo) @ Eviolite
Trait: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 156 HP / 76 Atk / 116 Def / 36 SDef / 76 Spd
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off

Misdreavus @ Eviolite
Trait: Levitate
Level: 5
EVs: 240 Spd / 240 SAtk / 28 SDef
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Will-O-Wisp
- Heal Bell

Foongus @ Eviolite
Trait: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 124 HP / 156 Def / 76 SAtk / 76 SDef / 76 Spd
Bold Nature
- Giga Drain
- Spore
- Stun Spore
- Sludge Bomb

lifeorb.png Kingler gave me a tough match but staryu was no match for my better hax.

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Hey kingmitus, nice team you got there.
remember i was the one who suggested captian tirt<-----but srsly i did

Anyway, your team looks weak to a few threats, namely life orb staryu and mixkrow and also subNP missy.
Life Orb staryu straight up 2HKOes your team. Even foongus iss 2HKOed by hpump+ice beam even with min dmg rolls. Mixkrow is just a dick to your team, nothing new there.

For staryu, I would recommend a calm nature on foongus which also allows it to take on chinchou and any staryu in general. After a few calcs, I realized that the jump point from 14 to 15 leads to different damage rolls in few cases, as with the bold nature. A calm nature gives you a good chance to survive an hpump followed by an ice beam.
Mixkrow can be played around with tirtouga and pawniard(watch out for residual damage though).
SubNP missy, well, I'm not sure how to fix that. Scarfkrow works, I guess.
As for abra, pretty sure murkrow can deal with it. Otherwise you could always try choice scarf vullaby who has u-turn(seems like a bad idea, but eh, doesn't hurt to try) and checks abra and fighting types too. Well, whatever.
Also, consider stone edge over rock slide on tirt, the accuracy is very similar tbh and the power matters.

Bold nature---------->calm nature on foongus
murkrow-------------->try vullaby
Rock slide------------->Stone edge on tirt
Life orb-to eviolite on pawniard jk, i know you don't like it :)

Hope I helped!
edit: glad you liked the suggestions, also stahp flinch haxing hippo with pawn :(
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@Kingler12345 I trust so I will make slashes after testing the changes out and if they work. Except for stone edge, rock slide misses are bad enough and I tend to only use scald for murkrow unless I know it is mixkrow or scarf krow.
EDIT: Calm nature foongus rocks, it can take abra's psychic, and scarf vullaby is pretty cool. Still testing though
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amazing team, extremely well built.

besides the threats you listed (staryu, abra), i think you're pretty weak to:

- Volt-turn teams (Especially when coupled with Murkrow)

- Shellder (outspeeds scarfkrow, ohko's foongus, deals big damage to any mon except tirt, who can't do much but hope for a burn)

- Vullaby (Defensive) (easily beats foongus, misdreavus and murkrow (except SR+2BB's), can prevent pawniard from setting up on it. It can stall out tirt, although it will risk a burn. Mienfoo can't switch in, but using knock off with it is probably your best bet

i gtg now, i'll probably add to this post with my suggestions, if any. i'll also ladder with the team a bit to find more weaknesses

This is a great LC team you have here. However, seeing as I've faced and beaten it a lot of times, I have a good sense of what issues this team has. Really, I would have to argue here that the main focus of your team happens to be a key detriment to your team. Life Orb Pawniard is an absolutely deadly beast when it has a good match up against the opposing team, but when it doesn't, it can prove to be dead weight. This is why I must make the suggestion to change your Pawniard variant to Eviolite. This changes a lot for your team, as although it takes away a very strong attacker, your team orients more towards balanced, and using Pawniard allows you insurance against a lot of Pokémon, such as more easy switching into Flying types (ie this allows you to deal better with Vullaby) It also provides insurance against stuff like Shellder, which has posed a problem to your team when I used it against you. My point is that I feel Life Orb's 60% chance of being really useful and 40% chance of not is really not worth it on a more balanced team. Eviolite is the way to go.

The next edit I would like to make to your team is changing your Misdreavus to a Destiny Bond variant. Your team really doesn't need a cleric that much, and Destiny Bond provides incredible utility, as it is quite a rare move on Misdreavus and will often notch you a free kill. For example, with Destiny Bond, you can beat Pawniard with it singlehandedly. You can also beat certain Pokémon you couldn't otherwise, and generally provide a catch all.

Overall this is quite a solid team, as your ladder ranking and your individual battles prove. I hope I helped, good luck! I might come back and add some more stuff if I see it while laddering with this team.

This is a great LC team you have here. However, seeing as I've faced and beaten it a lot of times, I have a good sense of what issues this team has. Really, I would have to argue here that the main focus of your team happens to be a key detriment to your team. Life Orb Pawniard is an absolutely deadly beast when it has a good match up against the opposing team, but when it doesn't, it can prove to be dead weight. This is why I must make the suggestion to change your Pawniard variant to Eviolite. This changes a lot for your team, as although it takes away a very strong attacker, your team orients more towards balanced, and using Pawniard allows you insurance against a lot of Pokémon, such as more easy switching into Flying types (ie this allows you to deal better with Vullaby) It also provides insurance against stuff like Shellder, which has posed a problem to your team when I used it against you. My point is that I feel Life Orb's 60% chance of being really useful and 40% chance of not is really not worth it on a more balanced team. Eviolite is the way to go.

The next edit I would like to make to your team is changing your Misdreavus to a Destiny Bond variant. Your team really doesn't need a cleric that much, and Destiny Bond provides incredible utility, as it is quite a rare move on Misdreavus and will often notch you a free kill. For example, with Destiny Bond, you can beat Pawniard with it singlehandedly. You can also beat certain Pokémon you couldn't otherwise, and generally provide a catch all.

Overall this is quite a solid team, as your ladder ranking and your individual battles prove. I hope I helped, good luck! I might come back and add some more stuff if I see it while laddering with this team.
Thanks for the tips Dcae, I will make try those changes, but I have to say eviolite pawniard has always seemed underwhelming, it can't break through walls and it "can" wall murkrow and vullaby but heatwave can let them dispose of it anyway. Also my team really does need a cleric because it helps me deal with the common pair of staryu and larvesta, because now I can uturn or BBird it without fear of the burn crippling me greatly. But again I trust so those changes will be tested. Again thx for the rate.
Midas sry i never got around to rating this baby, my CPU used to have huge lag issues with the forums and i could never get to here, much less rate this team. Ik gen 6 is approaching fast, and this might be highly irrelevant, but I'd still like to rate this thing
-First of all, this team is really solid. Like really solid. this team is the team that has given me the 2nd most trouble (2nd only to splashy's), and somehow only my non-serious teams can beat it xD. but there are some little small problems people haven't already glossed over
-foongus: I don't like the standard smogon spread for foongus, because there are some OHKO's that could easily be fixed by another spread. A more mixed bulky foongus seems to be able to do the trick. For instance, this can survive Sash abra's psychic 100% of the time, and 93.75 percent of the time after SR as opposed to a 75% chance to OHKO after SR with the standard spread. the loss in speed/attack power is virtually un-noticeable
-mienfoo: while the change above is recommended, this one is just a nitpick. You said fake out was the least used move, and that's for good reason. fake out doesn't help much with standard abra running sub/protect among other mons. Foongus can also be a pain if you allow it to status you. I'd recommend Taunt>fake out, as it allows you to completely shut down foongus, and give you a free switch into pawn to set up and sweep late-game, and it also stops most calm mind mons, as they are normally mono attacking
Real solid team, except another threat is my larvitar team which reks all of LC. cool team and cheers for skrelp wrecking gen 6 :]
Changes: Ev spread for foong
124 HP/ 156 Def / 156 Sdef

taunt is like 80x better than fake out on mienfoo
Midas sry i never got around to rating this baby, my CPU used to have huge lag issues with the forums and i could never get to here, much less rate this team. Ik gen 6 is approaching fast, and this might be highly irrelevant, but I'd still like to rate this thing
-First of all, this team is really solid. Like really solid. this team is the team that has given me the 2nd most trouble (2nd only to splashy's), and somehow only my non-serious teams can beat it xD. but there are some little small problems people haven't already glossed over
-foongus: I don't like the standard smogon spread for foongus, because there are some OHKO's that could easily be fixed by another spread. A more mixed bulky foongus seems to be able to do the trick. For instance, this can survive Sash abra's psychic 100% of the time, and 93.75 percent of the time after SR as opposed to a 75% chance to OHKO after SR with the standard spread. the loss in speed/attack power is virtually un-noticeable
-mienfoo: while the change above is recommended, this one is just a nitpick. You said fake out was the least used move, and that's for good reason. fake out doesn't help much with standard abra running sub/protect among other mons. Foongus can also be a pain if you allow it to status you. I'd recommend Taunt>fake out, as it allows you to completely shut down foongus, and give you a free switch into pawn to set up and sweep late-game, and it also stops most calm mind mons, as they are normally mono attacking
Real solid team, except another threat is my larvitar team which reks all of LC. cool team and cheers for skrelp wrecking gen 6 :]
Changes: Ev spread for foong
124 HP/ 156 Def / 156 Sdef

taunt is like 80x better than fake out on mienfoo
Glass my sets are outdated because for some retarded reason I thought they would mess with my open opponents but now that thats over I will update them. I'll try out taunt mienfoo, but I feel like it will weaken how I wear down murkrow.