[MCG93's] Breeding Grounds and Trade Thread (UPDATE: HP Fire and HP Ice Bulbasaurs with Giga Drain)

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I can give you the stealth rock larvitars for free as long as I get a pursuit/stealth rock/dragon dance larvitar at some point (I'll give you a flawless for that, of course). I can trade tomorrow.

That would be nice! Thanks! But I can't guarantee when I can give it to you. Is that alright? Thanks mate.
I would be interested in this, but as my pair obviously has more variety than yours, I would ask for something else to sweeten the deal. A battle item, rare item or Pokemon with rare moves would do. I'm also looking for a field breeding group mon with baton pass.

Hm, I don't have any battle items yet. Would a Adamant Huge Power Marill with the egg moves Belly Drum and Aqua Jet be good enough?
Looking for: Adamant Speed Boost Torchic
Offering: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Riolu with Bullet Punch and Crunch (both Adamant and Jolly are available)
Friend Code: 2621 - 3836 - 5338
I have a little it of a problem here mate, would appreciate some help. Apparently, fraxure cant learn pursuit, so i cant pass on pursuit and dragon dance in 1 larvitar. :/ would appreciate help, this is my first gen breeding. XD
Hiya, mucho interested in Jolly/Swift Swim Magikarp. (31/31/31/x/31/31)
Male would be all the better, as I'd love to breed some Lanturns in the near future.

If anything in my sig is of interest (would be of the same quality IVs), let me know.
I have a little it of a problem here mate, would appreciate some help. Apparently, fraxure cant learn pursuit, so i cant pass on pursuit and dragon dance in 1 larvitar. :/ would appreciate help, this is my first gen breeding. XD
Now both the male and female parents can pass egg moves, so you can do egg moves one at a time.
Looking for: Adamant Speed Boost Torchic
Offering: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Riolu with Bullet Punch and Crunch (both Adamant and Jolly are available)
Friend Code: 2621 - 3836 - 5338
I'll take take the Jolly one. I can trade in a couple of hours.
Hiya, mucho interested in Jolly/Swift Swim Magikarp. (31/31/31/x/31/31)
Male would be all the better, as I'd love to breed some Lanturns in the near future.

If anything in my sig is of interest (would be of the same quality IVs), let me know.

CLEFFA! What nature do you have on it?

EDIT: Just noticed that I quadruple posted. Idk how to merge posts lol.
Excellent. Do you have any females? I'm willing to attach a Masterball to Riolu if you breed me a female flawless Adamant speed boost Torchic.

Haha, that would take some time. I just did a female flawless adamant Torchic for someone else last night, and it took around three hours (I think). Took me 8 male adamant flawless speed boost Torchics to get there. If you can give me a day or so, I can test my luck again (may be done by tonight).
Haha, that would take some time. I just did a female flawless adamant Torchic for someone else last night, and it took around three hours (I think). Took me 8 male adamant flawless speed boost Torchics to get there. If you can give me a day or so, I can test my luck again (may be done by tonight).

Mathematically, it should be 1/6 * 1/8 = 1/48, but I understand. That's fine, I can wait.
That would certainly be good enough. How are it's IVs?
31 in HP and SDef. Just happend to get it in a Wonder Trade yesterday and had to level it to lv. 15 to not lose the egg moves in day care. So it has a few EV's, but I assume it will only be used for breeding anyway, right?

If it's the same for you what third pokemon you send me, I would prefer one of your biproducts from the Torchic breeding with 3-4 flawless IVs and Speed Boost.

My FC: 2105-9943-1257
31 in HP and SDef. Just happend to get it in a Wonder Trade yesterday and had to level it to lv. 15 to not lose the egg moves in day care. So it has a few EV's, but I assume it will only be used for breeding anyway, right?

If it's the same for you what third pokemon you send me, I would prefer one of your biproducts from the Torchic breeding with 3-4 flawless IVs and Speed Boost.

My FC: 2105-9943-1257

I can give you a male torchic spitback with quad-flawless IVs. Take your pick from the OP. I can trade for the joltik pair now.
I can give you a male torchic spitback with quad-flawless IVs. Take your pick from the OP. I can trade for the joltik pair now.
I'll take the
Male Speed Boost Jolly Torchic with 31/31/31/x/x/31
I'm online now, ign EIFF.
can you CMT for one of those flawless torchics?

Hm, I'm guessing you only have Fennekin for Gen 6? What other projects do you have coming up? I'd be really, really interested in some of those past Gen Pokes after PokeBank comes out, so I can trade you a flawless torchic on credit for one of those Pokes in the future.
Hm, I'm guessing you only have Fennekin for Gen 6? What other projects do you have coming up? I'd be really, really interested in some of those past Gen Pokes after PokeBank comes out, so I can trade you a flawless torchic on credit for one of those Pokes in the future.
I have already bred shiny charmanders for both mega form charizards with egg moves like dragon dance, and adamant sucker punch shiny mawile. I can take requests. 5th gen breeding rng doesnt take long at all.
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