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Name: Clefable
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware (HA)
Base Stats: 95 / 70 / 73 / 95 / 90 / 60
Stats and movepool unconfirmed

General Description:
While at first Clefable may look like a joke in Ubers, especially with those underwhelming at first look statistics, actually it's not. Her bulk, when invested is enough to handle some unboosted hits, which will never gain power higher then +0, because of her hidden ability - Unaware. Unaware is what allow Clefable to find her niche in Ubers tier, ignoring all types of stat boosts that may occur. So in other words everything that relies on stat increase from moves like Calm Mind, Nasty Plot or Geomancy will not affect our cute fairy right here. In other words Unaware Clefable is phenomenal check to Uber behemots like Geomancy Xerneas, SD Extremekiller Arceus, Nasty Plot Darkrai, all versions of CM Arceus except Steel and Poison, CM versions of L@ti Twins without Psyshock and few others less popular, but still dangerous Uber Pokemon. Also her typing is an icing on the cake - Fairy typing gets some phenomenal resistances, with Dark resistance and Dragon immunity being the most important ones, especially when you may find them everywhere in Ubers tier. Her movepool is also great with lots of great support options like Wish, Heal Bell, Encore and Toxic to name few of them. While her offensive pressure is lackluster, she has Seismic Toss and Toxic to somewhat make up for it.

I tested Unaware Clefable in some games and I need to say that it needs some love. It's great for teams which struggle against offensive versions of Xerneas (mostly Geomancy), while being phenomenal check to set-up sweepers (special ones and even some physical) which show up in Ubers pretty frequently. Of course her lackluster offensive presence and weakness to strong heating physical attackers (and some special like Specs Kyogre or Specs Reshiram) are a problem, so I wouldn't recommend her for more offensive teams (although as a defensive pivot it still works), she's really interesting option to consider for balanced and stall teams, as her ability is incredible at checking some scary special attackers. Also her typing allow you to switch on those Choiced Dragon attacks, so it's cool as well for this. This is what I run:

Clefable @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def
Nature: Calm
Ability: Unaware
~ Wish
~ Protect
~ Toxic / Seismic Toss
~ Seismic Toss / Heal Bell

Yeah, she has a little 4MMS syndrome, which is a shame, but this is what she's great at and I would really not underestimate her. Also her bulk when invested is just enough to take neutral hits she needs. And taking into account that many of strongest Uber attacks are Dragon typed, help her case even more. For me MVP for my stall team and I really can't imagine replacing her with anything else. Status is a problem, but this is why I run Heal Bell. Also she doesn't enjoy Taunt, but most Taunt users are predictable, so it's possible to work around.

BTW I also need to test Physical Spread (252 HP, 252 Def), but on paper special one is superior.


Softboiled was a gen 3/4 move which is before it was possible to get an Unaware Clefable. You'll just have to use Wish + Protect for reliable recovery.

Yep, I thought so. Although on Pokemon Showdown it's legal, so it would be nice if someone fixed this honestly.
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Softboiled was a gen 3/4 move which is before it was possible to get an Unaware Clefable. You'll just have to use Wish + Protect for reliable recovery.
I have a "fun" set that works well
Magic Guard
252 HP/252 Def/SpD(doesn't matter which, you could split it evenly between them) 4 in a random stat that isn't attack
Charge Beam
Cosmic Power
Stored Power

This might not be viable in the current ubers for 6th gen (<-- implying someone should test it as I can't ATM) It is very gimmicky but I think it should be at least tried.

Sorry if this post looks ugly, I haven't posted on the fourms much
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of niche-mons. However, you know who else is FANTASTIC against set-up sweepers, especially Xerneas? Wobbbuffet. With correct investment, it can tank a +2 Modest Moonblast and then Mirror Coat. If they use Geomancy predicting mirror coat, they are even more fucked, as you can encore, switch out, and set up your own sweeper.
Wobbuffet and Clefable are completely different. Clefable is a wall that ignores the boosts of setup sweepers while Wobbuffet is used to trap and remove Pokemon to pave way for a sweep or lock them into a non-attacking move to provide setup for a teammate. They play completely differently and are going to be seen on completely different teams, you can't lump them together because they happen to beat xerneas. (which quite a bit does)
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Wobbuffet and Clefable and completely different. Clefable is a wall that ignores the boosts of setup sweepers while Wobbuffet is used to trap and remove Pokemon to pave way for a sweep or lock them into a non-attacking move to provide setup for a teammate. They play completely differently and are going to be seen on completely different teams, you can't lump them together because they happen to beat xerneas. (which quite a bit does)

Allow me to apologize, as you seem to misunderstand. I only mean to say that Wobbuffet (in my opinion, of course) plays a more productive and viable role in this tier while countering Xerneas and at the same time allowing one to set up his/her own sweeper of choice.

I don't understand what you mean by "lump them together." I wouldn't put them on the same team, nor am I categorizing them together. I am saying that they both share a single attribute and that one can be of more assistance. E-Killer Arceus can sweep, and Lugia can also sweep if circumstance allows. But I would never put them in the same category.

I meant no disrespect towards you. You responded to my post at 5:30 in the morning, so you're obviously dedicated to the forums and are experienced in regards to the tier :)

I wasn't offended, I just felt the comparison was unjust. :p Also, timezones. ~MM2
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And taking into account that many of strongest Uber attacks are Dragon typed, help her case even more.
Pokemon with Dragon moves tend to have other damaging attacks (think Gyarados over Ninetales), so I don't think this is much of an advantage, especially when Dragon Pokemon have such high Attack and Special Attack and Clefable's Defense and Special Defense are so meh.
I'm sorry, I don't really seeing Clefable being that great in Ubers. Even if you are able to ignore Geomancy, you still take a lot of damage from Moonblast.

252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Clefable: 173-204 (43.9 - 51.77%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

If you toxic or seismic toss or anything but wish+protect, you're going to die, and even if you do, you're asking for a crit. You should run something like Thunder Wave, and that could reasonably stop Xerneas as with para, it becomes much easier to deal with.

Going full special defense and having fairy type makes you very easy to be killed by priority Bullet Punch, seen on teams to counter Xerneas.

252+ Atk Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Clefable: 278-330 (70.55 - 83.75%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

As of now, I'm not seeing too many dragon attacks, and even Arceus can just muscle through it.

252+ Atk Silk Scarf Arceus-Normal ExtremeSpeed vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Clefable: 210-247 (53.29 - 62.69%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I see that it's bulky, but your set really doesn't have much that it can do to the opponent. I would run Thunder Wave to spread para and cripple sweepers, but then Klefki can do better, as it has prankster and also resists dragons (and espeed too).
Is Clefable still decent to use in Uber?

Wouldn't Moonblast be better than Seismic Toss?

Moonblast should be slashed in somewhere.
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Clefable really needs to focus on one side of its defense due to it lackster stats. It cannot beat both ekiller and Xerneas with one set unless they have been statused beforehand. I never find seismic toss or moonblast worth a slot since heal bell is nearly essential in a status filled metagame while toxic is the only way clef can stall out threats with wishtect. Being taunt bait isn't good but the small damage isn't usually that helpful. Besides, using Clefable means being Mega Gengar bait but Clefable can never afford losing leftovers. A pursuit trapper is almost a requirement to use Clefable properly.
Clefable @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def
Nature: Calm
Ability: Magic Gaurd
~ softboiled
~ stored power
~ charge beam
~ cosmic power

I played this set on the ladder today. Seemed to be alright with the team support my opponent had.
Just know that wish+protect can lose to subxern.

I had this conversation in the viability thread:

Me: "Phys def clafable also counters ekiller to hell and back.

252 Atk Arceus Extreme Speed vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Unaware Clefable: 109-129 (27.6 - 32.7%) -- 72.4% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Silk Scarf Arceus Extreme Speed vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Unaware Clefable: 144-169 (36.5 - 42.8%) -- 97.8% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

adamant lo + rocks suk."

Venturi: "no you shouldnt be using phys.def clefable, it has no no niche whats so eve
the main niche sp.def fable has is (shakily) checking geo xern and reliably checking cm arceus, and being a semi decent yvetal + palkia switch in (not in rain), if you use phys.def it loses all those uses, it even takes over 51% from jolly blazikens flare blitz, all in all i dont see why you shud be using phys.def clefable bar some really, really selective uses
mb if i over looked or forgot something"

Piexplode: "phys def clefable is the only cleric that checks ekiller properly."

And now the most important thing about clefable vs xern:

Me: Well like piex said, its the only cleric that basicly counters ekiller. It has hella niche. It does wall w/ toxic, but loses to mono-attacking versions and it gets 2hko'd by timid lustrous hpump, thunder+pump in rain does 97-114%.
Xern has a 0.4% chance to 2hko, after rocks its 90%. I defs get that it can outstall it and such, HOWEVER you have to start moonblasting it or else you lose to subxern. So with this in mind, you have to recover after you have attacked once (clefable does 34-40%, it cant 2hko) or else you die. So, if you are running wish protect, and the opp has SUBGEOXERN ( Haruno ) it comes down to mindgames with sub or attack. You avoid alla dis if you toxic it in the beginning as you can just continuously recover and attack on a second geo that wont come. BUT what if it subs that first turn? Yeh :] Dont get me wrong tho, spdef clefable is gud, it can lose although it isn't very likely to, but if you look at it its basicly a 50/50 if both players are aware of the scenario.

tl;dr sub xern is gud, clefable for B- imo

PS (Haruno) subxern just wins vs stuff, that what it does. It can even win vs clef, but tbh if bliss is at full health you can make sure it doesnt have a full hp sub up, so if it mancies you can break the sub and then status, but this is only when it is at full health. Slash can always win if you get 4 mindgames right, but if xern has >75 (not an unlikely scenario) it can only sub twice and then you just need to win 1 mindgame. I get your point, but js. Slash traps gar (you were right about shadow ball gar in my rmt, but then spdef zor wouldnt trap it either bc hp fire), but everything is less than perfect bc xern is just way to stronk. BANBANBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI 252 modest 2+ mooblast has a 0.4% chance it 2hko after lefties, with rocks up its ~60. Also I run a stall team with phys def clefable, it functions very well even though it does look inferior on paper. I've got 99 problems but ekiller aint 1 :]
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