Max HP * Max Defense charts

I only have "normal" deoxys, whatever that is. However, I just did them by hand here:

Deoxys "normal" form. Tier 116 Alakazam/Smeargle
66272, 66272

Attack Form. Tier 112 Gastly/Diglet
46208, 46208

Defense Form. Tier 124. Wobbuffet/Wobbuffet
139840, 139840

Speed Form tier 120. Sweeper/Sweeper
93024, 93024

The above tiers are in Def/SpDef form. So Deoxys normal is like Alakazam in Defense, like Smeargle in Special Defense.
Maybe I'm just dumb but I feel these sorts of lists fall in the territory of "big number syndrome."

I think it would be easier if we're assuming 252/252/252 spreads we should just use Base Stats.

Ex: Instead of Regirock being 199742 for defense it would be 80 * 200 = 16000. Regirock's SD would be 80 * 100 or 8000.

Now, some might argue this gives an edge to pokemon with higher Base HP, but when push comes to shove, a lot of defense becomes redundant in the upper echelons. There is little difference between Regirock eating Earthquake and Rhyperior eating Earthquake, both of their defense stats are so high already that it actually helps Rhyperior to have more HP.

Top 10 Defense refigured:

Pokemon Defense SDefense
Giratina 18000 18000
Regirock 16000 8000
Steelix 15000 4875
Slaking 15000 9750
Rhyperior 14950 6325
Cresselia 14400 15600
Arceus 14400 14400
Groudon 14000 9000
Lugia 13780 16324
Aggron 12600 4200

Now, it seems counterintuitve at first, but it does give a much clearer picture. It may seem odd that Giratina tops the list over Regirock, but when dealing with these theoretical maximum spreads the extra HP makes all the difference. Same deal with Slaking above Rhyperior. It is only counterintuitive because most people don't stack Slaking with HP and Defense, whereas Rhyperior almost always gets a boost in one or the other.

Do remember that defensive pokemon are also known for having good resists.

Top 10 Special Defense refigured:

Pokemon SDefense Defense
Blissey 34425 2550
Chansey 26250 1250
Giratina 18000 18000
Snorlax 17600 10400
Regice 16000 8000
Lugia 16324 13780
Ho-oh 16324 9540
Cresselia 15600 14400
Arceus 14400 14400
Kyogre 14000 9000

The real stickout here is Snorlax over Regice, and again its because most Snorlax builds have a decent amount of EV's given to Attack or Defense, whereas Regice is essentiall Max HP first.
Maybe I'm just dumb but I feel these sorts of lists fall in the territory of "big number syndrome."

I think it would be easier if we're assuming 252/252/252 spreads we should just use Base Stats.

Ex: Instead of Regirock being 199742 for defense it would be 80 * 200 = 16000. Regirock's SD would be 80 * 100 or 8000.

Now, some might argue this gives an edge to pokemon with higher Base HP, but when push comes to shove, a lot of defense becomes redundant in the upper echelons. There is little difference between Regirock eating Earthquake and Rhyperior eating Earthquake, both of their defense stats are so high already that it actually helps Rhyperior to have more HP.
The major issue with the way you do it is inaccuracy. HP is calculated differently from all stats. Base HP is added to the level of the Pokemon... while Defense and Sp. Def are not. So right there, your list will be far more inaccurate than the way I did it.

Second, running only Max HP EVs on everyone would be unfair to Blissey and other high HP pokemon like Azumarril. Running only max Defense EVs on everyone would be unfair to Cloyster and shuckle.

This is why I explained everything I did step by step. Yes, Deck Knight, the ways you calculate the EVs will change the tier list... However, this list is not made for extreme scrutiny. It really is a made up statistic that (well, I believe) would be most suitable for analysis. It was easy to do, easy to calculate, and could be done en masse to all the pokemon.

Anyway, from a "pure wall" standpoint, you will max out your EVs in both HP and Defense. Perhaps I should make a third and fourth list with 0 EVs which would be more accurate for "sweepers", and then a fifth and sixth for optimal EV spread with the calculated maximum 256EVs invested in defensive points which would be accurate for bulky types like Bulky Gyarados.

I doubt anyone would appreciate the use of these 4 other charts however, and figuring a decent heuristic to balance things out like Cloyster who is among the top in Defense, and among the worst in Special Defense, would be very difficult. Especially to do it automatically. It would be even more convoluted than the current list!

I'd rather stick with the current list as it is. Max HP and Max defense. It is easy to understand, the implications are easy to understand, and there is no fancy AI trying to figure out some optimal spread on a pokemon by pokemon basis that no one would agree to anyway. And yes, it would be an AI, because to find the optimal EV spread that everyone can agree to of a Pokemon is really playing the game intelligently, more intelligently than many RMT users on GameFAQs at least who stick defense EVs into Cloyster and stuff like that :-/

EDIT: I should add, I am willing to do the 0 EV spread, that is a "pure sweeper" EV on all the pokemon. Would that be useful?
Hm... I like Deck Knight's List for easy reference. I was thinking of something like that, except I realized that stats are more Accurate than Base Stats. Less random numbers I guess.

Obi, could you explain the percentage and other stuff in depth. The PM assumes the reader has a basic understand of how the list is made, which I lack.
Hm... I like Deck Knight's List for easy reference. I was thinking of something like that, except I realized that stats are more Accurate than Base Stats. Less random numbers I guess.

Obi, could you explain the percentage and other stuff in depth. The PM assumes the reader has a basic understand of how the list is made, which I lack.

The *actual def stat* * *actual HP stat* is more accurate, but doesn't provide anything more than a list of numbers in the hundred-thousands.

Maybe a simple 4 digit roundoff would work, like:


Regirock	1995	1194
Steelix	        1940	 889
Giratina	1875	1875
Aggron	        1734	 826
Rhyperior	1710	 994
Groudon 	1681	1236
Slaking 	1653	1265
Arceus  	1652	1652
Cresselia	1652	1749
Lugia   	1639	1860
Registeel	1594	1594
Relicanth	1592	1014
Bastiodon	1549	1335
Tangrowth	1547	 881
Hippowdon	1546	1121
Rhydon	        1540	 857
Cloyster	1532	 629
Dialga	        1503	1325
Shuckle	        1498	1498
Regigigas	1484	1484
Forretress	1473	 850
Suicune	        1458	1458
Golem	        1434	 914
Metagross	1434	1114
Torkoal	        1431	 901
Donphan	        1428	 922
Tyranitar	1414	1325
Uxie	        1395	1395
Skarmory	1389	 875
Probopass	1383	1419
Slowbro	        1379	1119
Umbreon	        1379	1552
Wobbuffet	1378	1378
Gliscor	        1356	 966
Lairon	        1348	 706
Lickilicky	1344	1344
Miltank 	1336	1032
Torterra	1336	1162
Garchomp	1331	1239
Celebi  	1325	1325
Jirachi 	1325	1325
Manaphy 	1325	1325
Mew     	1325	1325
Shaymin 	1325	1325
Heatran 	1320	1320
Lapras  	1318	1471
Omastar 	1318	 901
Leafeon 	1316	 838
Snorlax 	1315	1834
Walrein 	1297	1297
Entei   	1280	1185
Ho-oh   	1273	1860
Mewtwo  	1273	1273
Rayquaza	1267	1267
Onix    	1260	567
Articuno	1260	1471
Palkia  	1260	1428
Weezing 	1242	875
Magnezone	1242	1053
Sudowoodo	1242	863
Sandslash	1239	811
Kyogre  	1236	1681
Swampert	1236	1236
Mesprit 	1234	1234
Bronzong	1230	1230
Feraligatr	1227	1088
Dragonite	1224	1266
Poliwrath	1217	1175
Cradily 	1211	1293
Tangela 	1206	655
Mamoswine	1204	1018
Drapion 	1204	939
Meganium	1194	1194
Regice  	1194	1995
Dusknoir	1191	1191
Blastoise	1187	1227
Togekiss	1186	1350
Hariyama	1181	1181
Kangaskhan	1176	1176
Swalot  	1176	1176
Moltres 	1175	1133
Tropius 	1170	1206
Glaceon 	1169	1059
Exeggutor	1162	 989
Quagsire	1162	 989
Armaldo 	1161	1005
Rhyhorn 	1154	 633
Nidoqueen	1152	1133
Azumarill	1147	1147
Piloswine	1147	 970
Vespiquen	1146	1146
Porygon2	1144	1186
Whiscash	1141	1124
Marowak 	1134	 920
Graveler	1134	 650
Kingler 	1134	 685
Zapdos  	1133	1175
Gligar  	1132	 838
Magcargo	1131	 863
Muk     	1130	1358
Scizor  	1128	 977
Wailord 	1126	1126
Empoleon	1123	1231
Kingdra 	1122	1122
Tauros  	1122	927
Yanmega 	1120	872
Dusclops	1119	1119
Salamence	1119	1119
Slowking	1119	1379
Latias  	1114	1434
Vaporeon	1114	1471
Gyarados	1111	1292
Milotic 	1111	1509
Gastrodon	1099	1231
Claydol 	1098	1205
Kabutops	1098	 849
Pinsir  	1096	 875
Shelgon 	1096	 728
Arcanine	1091	1091
Dewgong 	1091	1217
Machamp 	1091	1133
Altaria 	1083	1200
Lanturn 	1071	1253
Nosepass	1069	 808
Gorebyss	1064	 857
Huntail 	1064	 857
Metang  	1063	 920
Pelipper	1063	 849
Crobat  	1062	1062
Clefable	1060	1206
Venusaur	1059	1194
Dunsparce	1058	1014
Darkrai 	1053	1053
Spiritomb	1052	1052
Skuntank	1050	996
Abomasnow	1048	1133
Ampharos	1048	1175
Granbull	1048	922
Lickitung	1048	1048
Politoed	1048	1260
Raikou  	1048	1260
Ursaring	1048	1048
Bellossom	1044	1161
Grotle  	1044	 889
Vileplume	1044	1083
Flygon  	1034	1034
Glalie  	1034	1034
Latios  	1034	1274
Phione  	1034	1034
Vigoroth	1034	834
Drifblim	1033	1144
Luxray  	1026	1026
Golduck 	1019	1034
Exploud 	1018	1018
Nidoking	1017	999
Solrock 	1015	863
Pidgeot 	1010	969
Charizard	1008	1062
Typhlosion	1008	1062
Sealeo  	1006	1006
Wigglytuff	1002	1055
Aron    	997	596
Seadra  	995	650
Heracross	994	1154
Hypno   	980	1350
Porygon 	980	1021
Staraptor	980	815
Lopunny 	979	1069
Scyther 	977	977
Crawdaunt	974	756
Shieldon	972	797
Octillery	966	966
Slowpoke	964	753
Bonsly  	964	629
Cubone  	964	663
Hitmontop	964	1064
Magneton	964	796
Starmie 	956	956
Wormadam	956	1098
Ninetales	956	1148
Rampardos	955	868
Blaziken	954	954
Ludicolo	954	1194
Machoke 	954	874
Hippopotas	952	683
Croconaw	949	825
Bronzor 	948	948
Lumineon	944	1019
Infernape	943	943
Carnivine	940	940
Lileep  	934	1008
Geodude 	932	494
Furret  	931	856
Pineco  	930	562
Munchlax	929	1398
Toxicroak	929	929
Blissey 	928	2892
Azelf   	927	927
Golbat  	927	966
Jumpluff	927	1044
Corsola         926	926
Togetic 	926	1064
Phanpy  	922	753
Shiftry 	922	922
Bayleef 	920	920
Breloom 	920	778
Exeggcute	920	671
Parasect	920	920
Wartortle	914	914
Aerodactyl	914	994
Grumpig 	914	1274
Seaking 	914	1034
Tentacruel	914	1354
Victreebel	914	874
Qwilfish	912	765
Electivire	906	1044
Magmortar	906	1122
Ariados 	901	826
Camerupt	901	939
Castform	901	901
Cherrim 	901	963
Froslass	901	901
Lucario 	901	901
Marshtomp	901	901
Mightyena	901	826
Pupitar 	901	901
Honchkrow	901	901
Koffing 	900	588
Ambipom 	899	899
Omanyte 	899	627
Mawile  	897	696
Sandshrew	897	529
Medicham	885	885
Noctowl 	881	1293
Nidorina	881	788
Chimecho	875	949
Mantine 	875	1389
Porygon 	875	912
Rapidash	875	949
Xatu    	875	875
Linoone 	875	875
Skorupi 	869	650
Bibarel 	869	869
Shellder	866	430
Delcatty	863	788
Girafarig	863	863
Lunatone	863	1015
Sceptile	863	1015
Weavile 	863	1015
Purugly 	862	823
Wailmer 	858	858
Stantler	858	879
Hitmonchan	857	1064
Prinplup	857	916
Floatzel	856	815
Gabite  	853	779
Gallade 	853	1227
Gardevoir	853	1227
Dodrio  	849	778
Dustox  	849	991
Electrode	849	920
Gloom   	849	885
Kecleon 	849	1205
Pachirisu	849	991
Rotom   	845	845
Wynaut  	843	843
Masquerain	843	994
Arbok   	842	914
Seviper  	840	840
Zangoose	840	840
Fearow  	838	812
Poliwhirl	838	728
Chansey 	838	2387
Banette 	833	820
Sableye 	830	763
Cacturne	826	826
Manectric	826	826
Venomoth	826	939
Dragonair	818	854
Nincada 	814	463
Sunflora	811	1044
Clamperl	808	627
Kabuto  	808	546
Krabby  	808	430
Beldum  	807	682
Absol   	802	802
Espeon  	802	1059
Flareon 	802	1169
Jolteon 	802	1059
Persian 	802	838
Primeape	802	875
Ivysaur 	800	920
Grimer  	794	794
Kricketune	791	791
Flaaffy 	788	826
Turtwig 	782	719
Electabuzz	782	985
Magmar  	782	985
Combusken	778	778
Gengar  	778	885
Misdreavus	778	956
Mismagius	778	1098
Shroomish	778	778
Slakoth 	778	599
Spinda  	778	778
Swellow 	778	706
Gulpin  	774	774
Houndoom	772	1005
Illumise	765	912
Seel    	765	875
Volbeat 	765	912
Nidorino	763	747
Shellos 	762	872
Totodile	757	651
Pidgeotto	756	719
Charmeleon	755	803
Quilava 	755	803
Loudred 	755	755
Raticate	754	823
Machop  	750	636
Marill  	 750	750
Mothim  	750	750
Spheal  	750	750
Duskull 	747	747
Raichu  	742	920
Roserade	742	1098
Monferno	740	740
Chikorita	738	738
Chatot  	737	716
Clefairy	736	863
Squirtle	733	727
Weepinbell	728	691
Corphish	728	537
Aipom   	719	719
Sneasel 	719	857
Mr. Mime	713	1056
Beautifly	706	706
Butterfree	706	920
Lombre  	706	849
Minun   	706	956
Snover  	706	778
Snubbull	706	635
Teddiursa	706	706
Venonat 	706	742
Bagon   	706	512
Goldeen 	706	641
Swablu  	706	803
Farfetch	705	755
Drifloon	703	787
Finneon 	701	734
Nidoran 	700	615
Luxio   	700	700
Stunky  	700	657
Piplup  	698	719
Cascoon 	696	496
Metapod 	696	496
Ponyta  	696	763
Silcoon 	696	496
Horsea  	692	430
Yanma   	691	691
Togepi  	688	688
Eevee   	685	788
Ledian  	685	1099
Skiploom	685	788
Staravia	685	615
Hitmonlee	684	1064
Chinchou	680	821
Ninjask 	675	711
Nuzleaf 	674	674
Sharpedo	674	674
Oddish  	673	738
Drowzee 	671	991
Magnemite	665	582
Luvdisc 	664	728
Deoxys  	663	663
Larvitar	663	663
Mudkip  	663	663
Snorunt 	663	663
Vibrava 	663	663
Cranidos	662	588
Gible   	662	662
Jigglypuff	660	707
Beedrill	655	949
Murkrow  	651	651
Psyduck 	651	663
Baltoy  	650	744
Alakazam	650	926
Growlithe	650	685
Wooper  	650	512
Buneary 	644	728
Ditto   	642	642
Unown   	642	642
Anorith 	641	641
Chingling	641	641
Kakuna  	641	479
Mantyke 	641	1094
Bulbasaur	635	738
Numel   	635	671
Plusle  	635	885
Bidoof  	631	631
Grovyle 	629	763
Roselia 	629	863
Skitty  	629	562
Paras   	627	627
Seedot  	619	494
Voltorb  	619	650
Jynx    	618	1059
Barboach	617	605
Mareep  	615	650
Cherubi 	609	662
Delibird	609	609
Haunter 	609	673
Trapinch	609	609
Glameow 	607	574
Makuhita	606	606
Meditite	605	605
Staryu  	605	605
Spoink  	599	920
Chimchar	599	599
Dugtrio 	597	718
Azurill 	596	596
Cacnea  	596	596
Swinub  	596	529
Dratini 	592	623
Croagunk	588	588
Burmy   	588	588
Natu    	588	588
Buizel  	581	546
Smeargle	581	650
Nidoran 	580	580
Torchic 	576	641
Charmander	572	615
Cyndaquil	572	615
Doduo   	567	507
Hoothoot	564	752
Bellsprout	562	529
Ekans   	562	622
Magikarp	559	371
Elekid  	559	673
Magby   	559	673
Zigzagoon	557	557
Electrike	557	557
Pidgey  	557	525
Poliwag  	557	557
Riolu   	557	557
Slugma  	557	557
Spinarak	557	557
Kricketot	553	553
Vulpix   	549	703
Caterpie	544	447
Wurmple 	544	512
Igglybuff	541	584
Shuppet 	540	529
Shinx   	538	538
Hoppip  	537	627
Combee  	531	531
Whismur  	528	528
Budew   	525	744
Mankey  	525	588
Meowth  	525	557
Tentacool	525	932
Treecko  	525	650
Zubat   	525	557
Kirlia  	518	641
Cleffa  	517	696
Houndour	512	641
Surskit  	508	633
Poochyena	507	477
Remoraid	507	507
Tyrogue 	507	507
Mime Jr.	505	747
Sentret  	501	567
Kadabra 	494	744
Ledyba  	494	807
Lotad   	494	619
Spearow 	494	503
Starly  	494	494
Taillow 	494	494
Weedle  	494	432
Wingull  	494	494
Rattata 	488	488
Happiny 	481	1014
Pikachu 	477	537
Gastly  	459	488
Sunkern 	459	459
Carvanha	447	447
Shedinja	426	358
Ralts   	424	481
Smoochum	415	738
Feebas  	371	559
Diglett 	365	464
Abra    	358	582
Pichu   	344	451

Special Defense

Blissey   	928	2892
Chansey 	838	2387
Regice  	1194	1995
Giratina	1875	1875
Ho-oh   	1273	1860
Lugia   	1639	1860
Snorlax 	1315	1834
Cresselia	1652	1749
Kyogre  	1236	1681
Arceus  	1652	1652
Registeel	1594	1594
Umbreon 	1379	1552
Milotic 	1111	1509
Shuckle 	1498	1498
Regigigas	1484	1484
Lapras  	1318	1471
Vaporeon	1114	1471
Articuno	1260	1471
Suicune 	1458	1458
Latias  	1114	1434
Palkia  	1260	1428
Probopass	1383	1419
Munchlax	929	1398
Uxie    	1395	1395
Mantine 	875	1389
Slowking	1119	1379
Wobbuffet	1378	1378
Muk     	1130	1358
Tentacruel	914	1354
Hypno   	980	1350
Togekiss	1186	1350
Lickilicky	1344	1344
Bastiodon	1549	1335
Celebi  	1325	1325
Dialga  	1503	1325
Jirachi  	1325	1325
Manaphy 	1325	1325
Mew     	1325	1325
Shaymin 	1325	1325
Tyranitar	1414	1325
Heatran 	1320	1320
Walrein 	1297	1297
Cradily 	1211	1293
Noctowl 	881	1293
Gyarados	1111	1292
Grumpig 	914	1274
Latios  	1034	1274
Mewtwo  	1273	1273
Rayquaza	1267	1267
Dragonite	1224	1266
Slaking 	1653	1265
Politoed	1048	1260
Raikou  	1048	1260
Lanturn 	1071	1253
Garchomp	1331	1239
Groudon 	1681	1236
Swampert	1236	1236
Mesprit 	1234	1234
Empoleon	1123	1231
Gastrodon	1099	1231
Bronzong	1230	1230
Gallade 	853	1227
Gardevoir	853	1227
Blastoise	1187	1227
Dewgong 	1091	1217
Tropius 	1170	1206
Clefable	1060	1206
Claydol 	1098	1205
Kecleon 	849	1205
Altaria 	1083	1200
Ludicolo	954	1194
Meganium	1194	1194
Regirock	1995	1194
Venusaur	1059	1194
Dusknoir	1191	1191
Porygon2	1144	1186
Entei   	1280	1185
Hariyama	1181	1181
Kangaskhan	1176	1176
Swalot  	1176	1176
Ampharos	1048	1175
Poliwrath	1217	1175
Zapdos  	1133	1175
Flareon 	802	1169
Torterra	1336	1162
Bellossom	1044	1161
Heracross	994	1154
Ninetales	956	1148
Azumarill	1147	1147
Vespiquen	1146	1146
Drifblim	1033	1144
Abomasnow	1048	1133
Machamp 	1091	1133
Moltres 	1175	1133
Nidoqueen	1152	1133
Wailord 	1126	1126
Whiscash	1141	1124
Kingdra 	1122	1122
Magmortar	906	1122
Hippowdon	1546	1121
Dusclops	1119	1119
Salamence	1119	1119
Slowbro 	1379	1119
Metagross	1434	1114
Ledian  	685	1099
Mismagius	778	1098
Roserade	742	1098
Wormadam	956	1098
Mantyke 	641	1094
Arcanine	1091	1091
Feraligatr	1227	1088
Vileplume	1044	1083
Lopunny 	979	1069
Togetic 	926	1064
Hitmonchan	857	1064
Hitmonlee	684	1064
Hitmontop	964	1064
Crobat  	1062	1062
Charizard	1008	1062
Typhlosion	1008	1062
Espeon  	802	1059
Glaceon 	1169	1059
Jolteon 	802	1059
Jynx    	618	1059
Mr. Mime	713	1056
Wigglytuff	1002	1055
Darkrai 	1053	1053
Magnezone	1242	1053
Spiritomb	1052	1052
Lickitung	1048	1048
Ursaring	1048	1048
Electivire	906	1044
Jumpluff	927	1044
Sunflora	811	1044
Flygon  	1034	1034
Glalie  	1034	1034
Golduck 	1019	1034
Phione  	1034	1034
Seaking 	914	1034
Miltank 	1336	1032
Luxray  	1026	1026
Porygon 	980	1021
Lumineon	944	1019
Exploud 	1018	1018
Mamoswine	1204	1018
Lunatone	863	1015
Sceptile	863	1015
Weavile 	863	1015
Dunsparce	1058	1014
Happiny 	481	1014
Relicanth	1592	1014
Lileep  	934	1008
Sealeo  	1006	1006
Armaldo 	1161	1005
Houndoom	772	1005
Nidoking	1017	999
Skuntank	1050	996
Masquerain	843	994
Rhyperior	1710	994
Aerodactyl	914	994
Drowzee 	671	991
Dustox  	849	991
Pachirisu	849	991
Exeggutor	1162	989
Quagsire	1162	989
Electabuzz	782	985
Magmar  	782	985
Scizor  	1128	977
Scyther 	977	977
Piloswine	1147	970
Pidgeot 	1010	969
Gliscor 	1356	966
Golbat  	927	966
Octillery	966	966
Cherrim 	901	963
Minun   	706	956
Misdreavus	778	956
Starmie 	956	956
Blaziken	954	954
Beedrill	655	949
Chimecho	875	949
Rapidash	875	949
Bronzor 	948	948
Infernape	943	943
Carnivine	940	940
Camerupt	901	939
Drapion 	1204	939
Venomoth	826	939
Tentacool	525	932
Toxicroak	929	929
Azelf   	927	927
Tauros  	1122	927
Alakazam	650	926
Corsola 	926	926
Donphan 	1428	922
Granbull	1048	922
Shiftry 	922	922
Bayleef 	920	920
Butterfree	706	920
Electrode	849	920
Ivysaur 	800	920
Marowak 	1134	920
Metang  	1063	920
Parasect	920	920
Raichu  	742	920
Spoink  	599	920
Prinplup	857	916
Wartortle	914	914
Arbok   	842	914
Golem   	1434	914
Illumise	765	912
Porygon 	875	912
Volbeat 	765	912
Castform	901	901
Froslass	901	901
Lucario 	901	901
Marshtomp	901	901
Omastar 	1318	901
Pupitar 	901	901
Torkoal 	1431	901
Honchkrow	901	901
Ambipom 	899	899
Grotle  	1044	889
Steelix 	1940	889
Gengar  	778	885
Gloom   	849	885
Medicham	885	885
Plusle  	635	885
Tangrowth	1547	881
Stantler	858	879
Pinsir  	1096	875
Primeape	802	875
Seel    	765	875
Skarmory	1389	875
Weezing 	1242	875
Xatu    	875	875
Linoone 	875	875
Machoke 	954	874
Victreebel	914	874
Yanmega 	1120	872
Shellos 	762	872
Bibarel 	869	869
Rampardos	955	868
Clefairy	736	863
Girafarig	863	863
Solrock 	1015	863
Sudowoodo	1242	863
Magcargo	1131	863
Roselia 	629	863
Wailmer 	858	858
Gorebyss	1064	857
Huntail 	1064	857
Sneasel 	719	857
Rhydon  	1540	857
Furret  	931	856
Dragonair	818	854
Forretress	1473	850
Kabutops	1098	849
Lombre  	706	849
Pelipper	1063	849
Rotom   	845	845
Wynaut  	843	843
Seviper 	840	840
Zangoose	840	840
Gligar  	1132	838
Leafeon 	1316	838
Persian 	802	838
Vigoroth	1034	834
Aggron  	1734	826
Ariados 	901	826
Cacturne	826	826
Flaaffy 	788	826
Manectric	826	826
Mightyena	901	826
Croconaw	949	825
Purugly 	862	823
Raticate	754	823
Chinchou	680	821
Banette 	833	820
Floatzel	856	815
Staraptor	980	815
Fearow  	838	812
Sandslash	1239	811
Nosepass	1069	808
Ledyba  	494	807
Charmeleon	755	803
Quilava 	755	803
Swablu  	706	803
Absol   	802	802
Shieldon	972	797
Magneton	964	796
Grimer  	794	794
Kricketune	791	791
Eevee   	685	788
Skiploom	685	788
Delcatty	863	788
Nidorina	881	788
Drifloon	703	787
Gabite  	853	779
Breloom  	920	778
Combusken	778	778
Dodrio  	849	778
Shroomish	778	778
Snover  	706	778
Spinda  	778	778
Gulpin  	774	774
Qwilfish	912	765
Grovyle  	629	763
Ponyta  	696	763
Sableye 	830	763
Crawdaunt	974	756
Loudred 	755	755
Farfetch	705	755
Phanpy  	922	753
Slowpoke	964	753
Hoothoot	564	752
Marill  	750	750
Mothim  	750	750
Spheal  	750	750
Duskull 	747	747
Mime Jr.	505	747
Nidorino	763	747
Baltoy  	650	744
Budew   	525	744
Kadabra 	494	744
Venonat 	706	742
Monferno	740	740
Bulbasaur	635	738
Chikorita	738	738
Oddish  	673	738
Smoochum	415	738
Finneon 	701	734
Buneary 	644	728
Poliwhirl	838	728
Shelgon 	1096	728
Luvdisc 	664	728
Squirtle	733	727
Pidgeotto	756	719
Piplup  	698	719
Aipom   	719	719
Turtwig 	782	719
Dugtrio 	597	718
Chatot  	737	716
Ninjask 	675	711
Jigglypuff	660	707
Beautifly	706	706
Lairon  	1348	706
Swellow 	778	706
Teddiursa	706	706
Vulpix  	549	703
Luxio   	700	700
Cleffa  	517	696
Mawile  	897	696
Weepinbell	728	691
Yanma   	691	691
Togepi  	688	688
Growlithe	650	685
Kingler 	1134	685
Hippopotas	952	683
Beldum  	807	682
Nuzleaf 	674	674
Sharpedo	674	674
Elekid  	559	673
Haunter 	609	673
Magby   	559	673
Exeggcute	920	671
Numel   	635	671
Cubone  	964	663
Deoxys  	663	663
Larvitar	663	663
Mudkip  	663	663
Psyduck 	651	663
Snorunt 	663	663
Vibrava 	663	663
Gible   	662	662
Cherubi 	609	662
Stunky  	700	657
Tangela 	1206	655
Murkrow 	651	651
Totodile	757	651
Skorupi 	869	650
Treecko 	525	650
Voltorb 	619	650
Graveler	1134	650
Mareep  	615	650
Seadra  	995	650
Smeargle	581	650
Ditto   	642	642
Unown   	642	642
Kirlia  	518	641
Anorith  	641	641
Chingling	641	641
Goldeen 	706	641
Houndour	512	641
Torchic 	576	641
Machop  	750	636
Snubbull	706	635
Rhyhorn 	1154	633
Surskit 	508	633
Bidoof  	631	631
Bonsly  	964	629
Cloyster	1532	629
Clamperl	808	627
Hoppip  	537	627
Omanyte 	899	627
Paras   	627	627
Dratini 	592	623
Ekans   	562	622
Lotad   	494	619
Nidoran 	700	615
Staravia	685	615
Charmander	572	615
Cyndaquil	572	615
Delibird	609	609
Trapinch	609	609
Makuhita	606	606
Barboach	617	605
Meditite	605	605
Staryu  	605	605
Slakoth 	778	599
Chimchar	599	599
Aron    	997	596
Azurill 	596	596
Cacnea  	596	596
Cranidos	662	588
Croagunk	588	588
Burmy   	588	588
Koffing 	900	588
Mankey  	525	588
Natu    	588	588
Igglybuff	541	584
Abra    	358	582
Magnemite	665	582
Nidoran 	580	580
Glameow 	607	574
Onix    	1260	567
Sentret 	501	567
Pineco  	930	562
Skitty   	629	562
Feebas  	371	559
Zigzagoon	557	557
Electrike	557	557
Meowth  	525	557
Poliwag 	557	557
Riolu   	557	557
Slugma  	557	557
Spinarak	557	557
Zubat   	525	557
Kricketot	553	553
Kabuto  	808	546
Buizel  	581	546
Shinx   	538	538
Pikachu 	477	537
Corphish	728	537
Combee  	531	531
Bellsprout	562	529
Sandshrew	897	529
Swinub  	596	529
Shuppet 	540	529
Whismur 	528	528
Pidgey  	557	525
Wooper  	650	512
Bagon   	706	512
Wurmple 	544	512
Doduo   	567	507
Remoraid	507	507
Tyrogue  	507	507
Spearow 	494	503
Cascoon 	696	496
Metapod 	696	496
Silcoon 	696	496
Geodude 	932	494
Seedot  	619	494
Starly  	494	494
Taillow 	494	494
Wingull 	494	494
Gastly  	459	488
Rattata 	488	488
Ralts   	424	481
Kakuna  	641	479
Poochyena	507	477
Diglett 	365	464
Nincada 	814	463
Sunkern 	459	459
Pichu   	344	451
Carvanha	447	447
Caterpie	544	447
Weedle	        494	432
Horsea	        692	430
Krabby	        808	430
Shellder	866	430
Magikarp	559	371
Shedinja	426	358

That way you get at least realistic accuracy without everything looking like a huge garble of numbers. Combine this with an average (tiered if you can) and a high/low and you can get a perspective on the worthiness of something.

EDIT: Thanks to Microsoft Excel functions for letting me adjust the lists in like 10 minutes.

Mean Defense(ALL): 897
Mean Special Defense(ALL): 895

Mean Defense(Top100): 1334
Rank 100: Scizor.

Mean Special Defense(Top100): 1172
Rank 100: Dusclops
I like the way "Red Blue Yellow" did it, which was basically getting these numbers in the tens of thousands, and then dividing them all by the highest (non-uber). This gives you numbers in terms of a %.

What the % means is basically you define the % in terms of Registeel's overall defenses for the overall defense chart, define Blissey as 100% in the Special Defense chart, and define Regirock as 100% in the Defense chart. The % then gives you what % of the defenses that Pokemon has. For instance, if a Pokemon has a rating of 50% in the Special Defense chart, that means it takes special hits half as well as Blissey.

This also means you don't have to tier anything, since you can tell just how far apart they are with a quick reference to the numbers. Tiering can still be helpful for a really quick reference, though.

Recover, Seismic Toss, Spikes, Knock Off.

I kinda expect an answer like that but remove s-toss,spikes,knock off from the discussion for now that just proves that deoxy is better utility poke not necessarily a better wall.Deoxy has recover but Cresselia has moonlight while not as good recover it is a recovery move,also it can use sleep talk fairly well. According to the charts above Cresselia can take both special hits and physical hits better due higher hp and good defenses.Also Cresse has levitate which makes avoid one of the game better attacks.Since both pokes are defensive oriented so they likely will carry ev spreads like 252 hp and probably split the rest between defense.If both pokes where carrying the same ev spread and basically the same moveset and no t-tars are around at moment.Which one is the better wall.

Deoxy-psychic,recover,t-wave,light screen
Cresselia-psychic,moonlight,t-wave,light screen

We know that Deoxy Lg is better utility pokemon that is clear.I know the next question are sort loaded question.Does recover make Deoxy LG so much better than Cresselia?Is the gap between these poke really so huge?Just something to think about.
This is great, and it also illustrates how ridiculous Blissey is.

I was going to do something similar, but factoring in weakness and resistance, for a better chart.

I was going to use my Overall Harm formula which I used for my Defense EVs applet. I think it's quite similar to yours though.
We know that Deoxy Lg is better utility pokemon that is clear.I know the next question are sort loaded question.Does recover make Deoxy LG so much better than Cresselia?Is the gap between these poke really so huge?Just something to think about.

Basically you're saying "Remove all of Deoxys-L's advantages except Recover and then see which one is the better wall." Knock Off is a great move for a wall. If you Knock Off that Life Orb, Choice Band, or Choice Specs, you can take hits a whole lost better. If you can Taunt Blissey, you don't have to worry about being Toxiced. Psychic is a horrible move on Deoxys-L, why would you assume that? Deoxys-L can Calm Mind, Iron Defense, Amnesia, or Cosmic Power (I only recommend the first one) to boost its defenses (and turn it from a wall into a tank if you have Calm Mind). Now, I have no idea what Cresselia learns, but I'm fairly certain that Deoxys-L has a much better movepool. You can't determine a wall just by stats, movepool does play a part. For instance, you might consider Dusknoir Pokemon that can wall Heracross, because it resists Megahorn and is immune to Close Combat (and isn't weak to Stone Edge), but what is it going to do back? Heracross can just Swords Dance up or repeatedly slam Dusknoir with Choice Band Megahorns. This is because Dusknoir has trouble actually hurting Heracross, despite having high defensive stats and a type advantage.
The *actual def stat* * *actual HP stat* is more accurate, but doesn't provide anything more than a list of numbers in the hundred-thousands.

Hmm, I see your point.

What is your take on the logarithmic tier list? With every pokemon in a tier within 10% each other defensively, it is both accurate to work with, easy to work with and manipulate (as shown how we can easily compare the effects of Intimidate by simply changing the tier number by 4) and finally easier to see who is similar defensively. I should note that I can easily generate a tier list of any percentage, the program is already written.

Tier Post for reference

Perhaps I can organize the Tiers. Just giving the raw log-score would probably be the best way to organize the information. It would be accurate AND precise, and there would be very few numbers to manipulate. Thats 3 decimals for the tier number, and 1 decimal for "sub" tier number which can make a subcategory for every pokemon that is within 1% defense of each other.

This gives the advantage of 4 decimal roundoff, (really, only 4 decimals are around) while at the same time keeps the advantage of an exponential scale AND the tier system.

Now, I have no idea what Cresselia learns, but I'm fairly certain that Deoxys-L has a much better movepool. You can't determine a wall just by stats, movepool does play a part. For instance, you might consider Dusknoir Pokemon that can wall Heracross, because it resists Megahorn and is immune to Close Combat (and isn't weak to Stone Edge), but what is it going to do back? Heracross can just Swords Dance up or repeatedly slam Dusknoir with Choice Band Megahorns. This is because Dusknoir has trouble actually hurting Heracross, despite having high defensive stats and a type advantage.
I can't comment on the wall discussion going on here, but I have to emphasize your point here. This list is a tool for battlers to see how raw defensive scores match up against each other. Similar to how we can't say Flareon/Leafeon is a "great physical sweeper" just based on his attack stats alone, we can't say pokemon X is a wall, (or even more specifically, a "better wall" than pokemon Y) until you understand their movepool as well as their resistances and weaknesses.

Yes, I feel this list is more accurate than looking at the Defense and Sp. Def scores among various pokemon, but keep it where it is worth. This is not the "best wall" tier list. These are simply pure statistics... not taking anything into account at all.
Ultimately Deoxy LG since does not have to concentrate any evs offense and it does have a far superior movepool.It can put together moveset full take advantage of what deoxys does best.I am not going deny that deoxy movepool helps out alot.

What i was trying to prove is when it comes down to take a real hit from something Cresselia on a whole is better and deoxys big advantage recover can be replicated to limited extent on Cresselia.

The real part of discussion can't be talked about as it will lead to a tier discussion, also it named Deoxy it has negative association with it.I have theory on it but it will have to wait until competitor or their is allowed tier discussion to talk about it.
This is great, and it also illustrates how ridiculous Blissey is.

I was going to do something similar, but factoring in weakness and resistance, for a better chart.

I was going to use my Overall Harm formula which I used for my Defense EVs applet. I think it's quite similar to yours though.

The only problem with that is you have to come up with some fairly objective way to figure out which weaknesses are worse.

For instance, Cresselia makes a pretty damn good wall for Garchomp because it's immune to EQ and can eat Dragon Claw repeatedly, but Heracross craps all over it.

In contrast, Gliscor LOLs at Hera but even with Ice Fang it doesn't really want to switch in to Garchomp's Swords Dance or CB Dragon Claw.

Slaking is a pokemon with only one fairly rare immunity and no resistances, it only has one weakness though.

Registeel on the other hand has a boatload of useful resistances, but the 3 weaks it does have are very bad.
Okay. 4 tiers this time. EVs at 255, then EVs at 0.

----------- EVs at 255 ----------

Defense Tiers lookup
Tier 128 Regirock Tier
Tier 127 Giratina tier
Tier 126 Cresselia Tier
Tier 125 Lugia tier
Tier 124 Wobbuffet tier
Tier 123 Mew Tier
Tier 122 Dusknoir tier
Tier 121 Salamence, no Intimidate tier
Tier 120 Sweeper tier -- Starmie, Infernape, PorygonZ, Azelf
Tier 119 Lucario tier
Tier 118 Gengar tier
Tier 117 Butterfree tier
Tier 116 Alakazam tier
Tier 115 Dugtrio tier
Tier 114 Pidgey tier
Tier 113 Pikachu tier
Tier 112 Gastly tier
Tier 111 Ralt tier
Tier 110 Diglett tier
Tier 109 Pichu tier

---Defense Tiers lists---
Tier 128 Regirock
    Regirock   128.04 122.65

Tier 127 Giratina
    Steelix    127.75 119.55
    Giratina   127.39 127.39

Tier 126 Cresselia
    Aggron     126.57 118.78
    Rhyperior  126.42 120.73
    Groudon    126.24 123.02
    Slaking    126.07 123.26
    Cresselia  126.06 126.66
    Arceus     126.06 126.06

Tier 125 Lugia
    Lugia      125.98 127.30
    Registeel  125.69 125.69
    Relicanth  125.67 120.94
    Bastiodon  125.38 123.82
    Tangrowth  125.37 119.46
    Hippowdon  125.36 122.00
    Rhydon     125.33 119.17
    Cloyster   125.27 115.93
    Dialga     125.07 123.75
    Shuckle    125.04 125.04

Tier 124 Wobbuffet
    Regigigas  124.94 124.94
    Forretress 124.86 119.08
    Suicune    124.75 124.75
    Golem      124.58 119.85
    Metagross  124.58 121.93
    Torkoal    124.55 119.70
    Donphan    124.54 119.94
    Tyranitar  124.43 123.75
    Uxie       124.29 124.29
    Skarmory   124.25 119.39
    Probopass  124.20 124.47
    Slowbro    124.17 121.97
    Umbreon    124.17 125.41
    Wobbuffet  124.16 124.16

Tier 123 Mew
    Gliscor    123.99 120.44
    Lairon     123.93 117.15
    Lickilicky 123.90 123.90
    Torterra   123.83 122.37
    Miltank    123.83 121.13
    Garchomp   123.80 123.04
    Shaymin    123.75 123.75
    Manaphy    123.75 123.75
    Jirachi    123.75 123.75
    Celebi     123.75 123.75
    Mew        123.75 123.75
    Heatran    123.71 123.71
    Omastar    123.69 119.70
    Lapras     123.69 124.84
    Leafeon    123.68 118.94
    Snorlax    123.67 127.16
    Walrein    123.53 123.53
    Entei      123.39 122.57
    Ho-oh      123.33 127.30
    Mewtwo     123.33 123.33
    Rayquaza   123.28 123.28
    Onix       123.22 114.84
    Palkia     123.22 124.54
    Articuno   123.22 124.84
    Weezing    123.07 119.39
    Magnezone  123.07 121.33
    Sudowoodo  123.07 119.25
    Sandslash  123.04 118.59
    Kyogre     123.02 126.24
    Swampert   123.02 123.02
    Mesprit    123.00 123.00

Tier 122 Dusknoir
    Bronzong   122.97 122.97
    Feraligatr 122.94 121.68
    Dragonite  122.91 123.27
    Poliwrath  122.86 122.49
    Cradily    122.80 123.49
    Tangela    122.76 116.35
    Mamoswine  122.74 120.98
    Drapion    122.74 120.14
    Regice     122.65 128.04
    Meganium   122.65 122.65
    Dusknoir   122.63 122.63
    Blastoise  122.60 122.94
    Togekiss   122.58 123.94
    Hariyama   122.54 122.54
    Swalot     122.49 122.49
    Kangaskhan 122.49 122.49
    Moltres    122.49 122.10
    Tropius    122.44 122.76
    Glaceon    122.43 121.39
    Quagsire   122.37 120.68
    Exeggutor  122.37 120.68
    Armaldo    122.36 120.85
    Rhyhorn    122.30 116.00
    Nidoqueen  122.28 122.10
    Azumarill  122.24 122.24
    Piloswine  122.24 120.47
    Vespiquen  122.22 122.22
    Porygon2   122.21 122.58
    Whiscash   122.17 122.02
    Kingler    122.11 116.82
    Graveler   122.11 116.27
    Marowak    122.11 119.92
    Zapdos     122.10 122.49
    Gligar     122.10 118.94
    Magcargo   122.08 119.25
    Muk        122.08 124.00
    Scizor     122.06 120.55
    Wailord    122.04 122.04
    Empoleon   122.02 122.98
    Kingdra    122.00 122.00
    Tauros     122.00 120.00

Tier 121 Salamence w/o Intimidate
    Yanmega    121.99 119.36
    Slowking   121.97 124.17
    Dusclops   121.97 121.97
    Salamence  121.97 121.97
    Latias     121.93 124.58
    Vaporeon   121.92 124.84
    Gyarados   121.90 123.48
    Milotic    121.90 125.11
    Gastrodon  121.79 122.98
    Kabutops   121.78 119.08
    Claydol    121.78 122.75
    Pinsir     121.75 119.39
    Shelgon    121.75 117.47
    Machamp    121.70 122.10
    Dewgong    121.70 122.86
    Arcanine   121.70 121.70
    Altaria    121.63 122.71
    Lanturn    121.52 123.16
    Nosepass   121.50 118.56
    Huntail    121.45 119.18
    Gorebyss   121.45 119.18
    Crobat     121.43 121.43
    Pelipper   121.43 119.08
    Metang     121.43 119.92
    Venusaur   121.40 122.65
    Clefable   121.40 122.76
    Dunsparce  121.39 120.94
    Darkrai    121.33 121.33
    Spiritomb  121.32 121.32
    Skuntank   121.30 120.76
    Raikou     121.29 123.22
    Ursaring   121.29 121.29
    Granbull   121.29 119.94
    Abomasnow  121.29 122.10
    Politoed   121.29 123.22
    Ampharos   121.29 122.49
    Lickitung  121.29 121.29
    Grotle     121.25 119.55
    Vileplume  121.25 121.63
    Bellossom  121.25 122.36
    Latios     121.14 123.34
    Drifblim   121.14 122.21
    Glalie     121.14 121.14
    Vigoroth   121.14 118.88
    Phione     121.14 121.14
    Flygon     121.14 121.14
    Luxray     121.07 121.07

Tier 120 Sweepers
    Golduck    120.99 121.14
    Nidoking   120.98 120.79
    Exploud    120.98 120.98
    Solrock    120.95 119.25
    Pidgeot    120.90 120.47
    Charizard  120.88 121.43
    Typhlosion 120.88 121.43
    Sealeo     120.86 120.86
    Wigglytuff 120.81 121.36
    Aron       120.76 115.36
    Seadra     120.75 116.27
    Heracross  120.73 122.30
    Hypno      120.58 123.94
    Staraptor  120.58 118.65
    Porygon    120.58 121.01
    Lopunny    120.57 121.49
    Scyther    120.55 120.55
    Crawdaunt  120.51 117.86
    Shieldon   120.49 118.42
    Octillery  120.44 120.44
    Bonsly     120.41 115.93
    Slowpoke   120.41 117.81
    Magneton   120.41 118.41
    Cubone     120.41 116.48
    Hitmontop  120.41 121.45
    Starmie    120.32 120.32
    Ninetales  120.32 122.24
    Wormadam   120.32 121.78
    Rampardos  120.31 119.30
    Blaziken   120.30 120.30
    Ludicolo   120.30 122.65
    Machoke    120.30 119.38
    Hippopotas 120.28 116.80
    Croconaw   120.24 118.78
    Bronzor    120.23 120.23
    Lumineon   120.19 120.99
    Infernape  120.18 120.18
    Carnivine  120.14 120.14
    Lileep     120.08 120.88
    Geodude    120.05 113.40
    Furret     120.05 119.17
    Pineco     120.04 114.76
    Munchlax   120.02 124.31
    Toxicroak  120.02 120.02
    Blissey    120.01 131.94
    Jumpluff   120.00 121.25
    Golbat     120.00 120.44
    Azelf      120.00 120.00

Tier 119 Lucario
    Corsola    119.99 119.99
    Togetic    119.99 121.45
    Shiftry    119.94 119.94
    Phanpy     119.94 117.81
    Breloom    119.92 118.16
    Bayleef    119.92 119.92
    Exeggcute  119.92 116.60
    Parasect   119.92 119.92
    Wartortle  119.86 119.86
    Tentacruel 119.85 123.97
    Seaking    119.85 121.14
    Grumpig    119.85 123.34
    Aerodactyl 119.85 120.73
    Victreebel 119.85 119.38
    Qwilfish   119.83 117.98
    Magmortar  119.76 122.00
    Electivire 119.76 121.25
    Mightyena  119.70 118.78
    Marshtomp  119.70 119.70
    Pupitar    119.70 119.70
    Camerupt   119.70 120.14
    Froslass   119.70 119.70
    Castform   119.70 119.70
    Ariados    119.70 118.78
    Cherrim    119.70 120.40
    Honchkrow  119.70 119.70
    Lucario    119.70 119.70
    Koffing    119.69 115.22
    Ambipom    119.68 119.68
    Omanyte    119.67 115.90
    Mawile     119.65 116.99
    Sandshrew  119.65 114.11
    Medicham   119.51 119.51
    Noctowl    119.46 123.49
    Nidorina   119.46 118.29
    Chimecho   119.39 120.24
    Porygon    119.39 119.83
    Linoone    119.39 119.39
    Rapidash   119.39 120.24
    Xatu       119.39 119.39
    Mantine    119.39 124.25
    Skorupi    119.32 116.28
    Bibarel    119.32 119.32
    Shellder   119.28 111.95
    Lunatone   119.25 120.95
    Girafarig  119.25 119.25
    Sceptile   119.25 120.95
    Delcatty   119.25 118.29
    Weavile    119.25 120.95
    Purugly    119.23 118.76
    Wailmer    119.19 119.19
    Stantler   119.18 119.44
    Hitmonchan 119.18 121.45
    Prinplup   119.17 119.88
    Floatzel   119.17 118.65
    Gardevoir  119.13 122.94
    Gabite     119.13 118.17
    Gallade    119.13 122.94
    Gloom      119.08 119.51
    Dodrio     119.08 118.16
    Electrode  119.08 119.92
    Pachirisu  119.08 120.70
    Kecleon    119.08 122.75
    Dustox     119.08 120.70
    Rotom      119.03 119.03
    Wynaut     119.00 119.00

Tier 118 Gengar
    Masquerain 119.00 120.73
    Arbok      118.99 119.85
    Zangoose   118.96 118.96
    Seviper    118.96 118.96
    Fearow     118.94 118.60
    Poliwhirl  118.94 117.47
    Chansey    118.94 129.92
    Banette    118.88 118.71
    Sableye    118.84 117.96
    Cacturne   118.78 118.78
    Venomoth   118.78 120.14
    Manectric  118.78 118.78
    Dragonair  118.69 119.14
    Nincada    118.63 112.71
    Sunflora   118.59 121.25
    Kabuto     118.56 114.45
    Krabby     118.56 111.95
    Clamperl   118.56 115.90
    Beldum     118.54 116.77
    Persian    118.47 118.94
    Primeape   118.47 119.39
    Absol      118.47 118.47
    Espeon     118.47 121.39
    Flareon    118.47 122.43
    Jolteon    118.47 121.39
    Ivysaur    118.46 119.92
    Grimer     118.37 118.37
    Kricketune 118.34 118.34
    Flaaffy    118.29 118.78
    Turtwig    118.21 117.33
    Electabuzz 118.21 120.64
    Magmar     118.21 120.64
    Mismagius  118.16 121.78
    Spinda     118.16 118.16
    Slakoth    118.16 115.42
    Shroomish  118.16 118.16
    Swellow    118.16 117.15
    Combusken  118.16 118.16
    Misdreavus 118.16 120.32
    Gengar     118.16 119.51
    Gulpin     118.11 118.11
    Houndoom   118.08 120.85

Tier 117 Butterfree
    Volbeat    117.98 119.83
    Illumise   117.98 119.83
    Seel       117.98 119.39
    Nidorino   117.95 117.73
    Shellos    117.94 119.36
    Totodile   117.87 116.28
    Pidgeotto  117.86 117.34
    Loudred    117.85 117.85
    Quilava    117.85 118.49
    Charmeleon 117.85 118.49
    Raticate   117.83 118.75
    Spheal     117.77 117.77
    Marill     117.77 117.77
    Mothim     117.77 117.77
    Machop     117.77 116.05
    Duskull    117.73 117.73
    Roserade   117.66 121.78
    Raichu     117.66 119.92
    Monferno   117.64 117.64
    Chikorita  117.61 117.61
    Chatot     117.59 117.28
    Clefairy   117.58 119.25
    Squirtle   117.53 117.45
    Weepinbell 117.47 116.92
    Corphish   117.46 114.26
    Aipom      117.33 117.33
    Sneasel    117.33 119.18
    Mr._Mime   117.24 121.37
    Snover     117.15 118.16
    Butterfree 117.15 119.92
    Venonat    117.15 117.66
    Snubbull   117.15 116.03
    Teddiursa  117.15 117.15
    Beautifly  117.15 117.15
    Lombre     117.15 119.08
    Minun      117.15 120.32
    Bagon      117.14 113.76
    Goldeen    117.14 116.13
    Swablu     117.14 118.49
    Farfetch   117.13 117.84
    Drifloon   117.09 118.28
    Nidoran    117.06 115.70
    Finneon    117.06 117.55
    Luxio      117.05 117.05
    Stunky     117.05 116.38
    Piplup     117.01 117.34

Tier 116 Alakazam
    Metapod    116.99 113.43
    Cascoon    116.99 113.43
    Silcoon    116.99 113.43
    Ponyta     116.99 117.96
    Horsea     116.93 111.95
    Yanma      116.92 116.92
    Togepi     116.87 116.87
    Staravia   116.82 115.70
    Skiploom   116.82 118.30
    Ledian     116.82 121.78
    Eevee      116.82 118.30
    Hitmonlee  116.81 121.45
    Chinchou   116.74 118.73
    Ninjask    116.67 117.21
    Sharpedo   116.66 116.66
    Nuzleaf    116.66 116.66
    Oddish     116.64 117.61
    Drowzee    116.60 120.70
    Magnemite  116.52 115.11
    Luvdisc    116.50 117.46
    Deoxys     116.48 116.48
    Snorunt    116.48 116.48
    Vibrava    116.48 116.48
    Mudkip     116.48 116.48
    Larvitar   116.48 116.48
    Gible      116.47 116.47
    Cranidos   116.47 115.22
    Jigglypuff 116.43 117.16
    Beedrill   116.35 120.24
    Murkrow    116.29 116.29
    Psyduck    116.28 116.48
    Baltoy     116.28 117.69
    Wooper     116.27 113.77
    Growlithe  116.27 116.82
    Alakazam   116.27 119.99
    Buneary    116.17 117.47
    Unown      116.14 116.14
    Ditto      116.14 116.14
    Chingling  116.13 116.13
    Mantyke    116.13 121.73
    Anorith    116.13 116.13
    Kakuna     116.13 113.08
    Numel      116.03 116.60
    Plusle     116.03 119.51
    Bulbasaur  116.03 117.61

Tier 115 Dugtrio
    Bidoof     115.97 115.97
    Roselia    115.93 119.25
    Skitty     115.93 114.76
    Grovyle    115.93 117.96
    Paras      115.90 115.90
    Seedot     115.76 113.40
    Voltorb    115.76 116.28
    Jynx       115.74 121.39
    Barboach   115.73 115.52
    Mareep     115.70 116.27
    Trapinch   115.58 115.58
    Delibird   115.58 115.58
    Cherubi    115.58 116.46
    Haunter    115.58 116.64
    Glameow    115.56 114.97
    Makuhita   115.53 115.53
    Staryu     115.51 115.51
    Meditite   115.51 115.51
    Spoink     115.42 119.92
    Chimchar   115.41 115.41
    Dugtrio    115.39 117.32
    Azurill    115.36 115.36
    Swinub     115.36 114.11
    Cacnea     115.36 115.36
    Dratini    115.29 115.84
    Burmy      115.22 115.22
    Croagunk   115.22 115.22
    Natu       115.22 115.22
    Buizel     115.10 114.45
    Smeargle   115.10 116.27
    Nidoran    115.08 115.08
    Torchic    115.01 116.13

Tier 114 Pidgey
    Charmander 114.94 115.69
    Cyndaquil  114.94 115.69
    Doduo      114.84 113.67
    Hoothoot   114.78 117.80
    Bellsprout 114.76 114.11
    Ekans      114.74 115.81
    Magikarp   114.69 110.39
    Magby      114.68 116.64
    Elekid     114.68 116.64
    Zigzagoon  114.66 114.66
    Riolu      114.65 114.65
    Electrike  114.65 114.65
    Slugma     114.65 114.65
    Spinarak   114.65 114.65
    Poliwag    114.65 114.65
    Pidgey     114.65 114.04
    Kricketot  114.58 114.58
    Vulpix     114.50 117.09
    Caterpie   114.40 112.34
    Wurmple    114.40 113.76
    Igglybuff  114.36 115.15
    Shuppet    114.33 114.10
    Shinx      114.29 114.29
    Hoppip     114.27 115.90
    Combee     114.15 114.15
    Whismur    114.09 114.09
    Zubat      114.04 114.65
    Treecko    114.04 116.28
    Meowth     114.04 114.65
    Mankey     114.04 115.22
    Budew      114.04 117.69
    Tentacool  114.04 120.05

Tier 113 Pikachu
    Kirlia     113.89 116.13
    Cleffa     113.87 116.99
    Houndour   113.76 116.13
    Surskit    113.70 116.00
    Remoraid   113.67 113.67
    Tyrogue    113.67 113.67
    Poochyena  113.67 113.02
    Mime       113.63 117.73
    Sentret    113.55 114.84
    Starly     113.40 113.40
    Wingull    113.40 113.40
    Taillow    113.40 113.40
    Lotad      113.40 115.76
    Ledyba     113.40 118.54
    Kadabra    113.40 117.69
    Spearow    113.40 113.58
    Weedle     113.40 111.98
    Rattata    113.28 113.28
    Happiny    113.11 120.94
    Pikachu    113.02 114.27

Tier 112 Gastly
    Gastly     112.63 113.28
    Sunkern    112.63 112.63
    Carvanha   112.34 112.34

Tier 111 Ralts
    Shedinja   111.85 110.03
    Ralts      111.79 113.12
    Smoochum   111.56 117.61

Tier 110 Diglett
    Feebas     110.39 114.69
    Diglett    110.22 112.73
    Abra       110.02 115.11

Tier 109 Pichu
    Pichu      109.60 112.45

---Special Defense Tiers lists--- 255 EVs
Tier 131 Blissey
Tier 130 OMFG Blissey Beats the rest so much this tier is empty tier
Tier 129 Chansey
Tier 128 Regice
Tier 127 Lugia
Tier 126 Cresselia
Tier 125 Shuckle
Tier 124 Wobbuffet
Tier 123 Mew
Tier 122 Dusknoir
Tier 121 Spiritomb
Tier 120 Sweeper
Tier 119 Alakazam
Tier 118 Staraptor
Tier 117 Ninjask
Tier 116 Smeargle
Tier 115 Delibird
Tier 114 Pikachu
Tier 113 Metapod
Tier 112 Diglett
Tier 111 Weedle
Tier 110 Magikarp
Tier 131 Blissey
    Blissey    120.01 131.94

Tier 130 OMFG Blissey Beats the rest so much this tier is empty tier

Tier 129 Chansey
    Chansey    118.94 129.92

Tier 128 Regice
    Regice     122.65 128.04

Tier 127 Lugia
    Giratina   127.39 127.39
    Lugia      125.98 127.30
    Ho-oh      123.33 127.30
    Snorlax    123.67 127.16

Tier 126 Cresselia
    Cresselia  126.06 126.66
    Kyogre     123.02 126.24
    Arceus     126.06 126.06

Tier 125 Shuckle
    Registeel  125.69 125.69
    Umbreon    124.17 125.41
    Milotic    121.90 125.11
    Shuckle    125.04 125.04

Tier 124 Wobbuffet
    Regigigas  124.94 124.94
    Lapras     123.69 124.84
    Vaporeon   121.92 124.84
    Articuno   123.22 124.84
    Suicune    124.75 124.75
    Latias     121.93 124.58
    Palkia     123.22 124.54
    Probopass  124.20 124.47
    Munchlax   120.02 124.31
    Uxie       124.29 124.29
    Mantine    119.39 124.25
    Slowking   121.97 124.17
    Wobbuffet  124.16 124.16
    Muk        122.08 124.00

Tier 123 Mew
    Tentacruel 119.85 123.97
    Hypno      120.58 123.94
    Togekiss   122.58 123.94
    Lickilicky 123.90 123.90
    Bastiodon  125.38 123.82
    Shaymin    123.75 123.75
    Manaphy    123.75 123.75
    Dialga     125.07 123.75
    Jirachi    123.75 123.75
    Celebi     123.75 123.75
    Tyranitar  124.43 123.75
    Mew        123.75 123.75
    Heatran    123.71 123.71
    Walrein    123.53 123.53
    Noctowl    119.46 123.49
    Cradily    122.80 123.49
    Gyarados   121.90 123.48
    Latios     121.14 123.34
    Grumpig    119.85 123.34
    Mewtwo     123.33 123.33
    Rayquaza   123.28 123.28
    Dragonite  122.91 123.27
    Slaking    126.07 123.26
    Politoed   121.29 123.22
    Raikou     121.29 123.22
    Lanturn    121.52 123.16
    Garchomp   123.80 123.04
    Groudon    126.24 123.02
    Swampert   123.02 123.02
    Mesprit    123.00 123.00

Tier 122 Dusknoir
    Gastrodon  121.79 122.98
    Empoleon   122.02 122.98
    Bronzong   122.97 122.97
    Gallade    119.13 122.94
    Blastoise  122.60 122.94
    Gardevoir  119.13 122.94
    Dewgong    121.70 122.86
    Clefable   121.40 122.76
    Tropius    122.44 122.76
    Kecleon    119.08 122.75
    Claydol    121.78 122.75
    Altaria    121.63 122.71
    Regirock   128.04 122.65
    Ludicolo   120.30 122.65
    Venusaur   121.40 122.65
    Meganium   122.65 122.65
    Dusknoir   122.63 122.63
    Porygon2   122.21 122.58
    Entei      123.39 122.57
    Hariyama   122.54 122.54
    Poliwrath  122.86 122.49
    Kangaskhan 122.49 122.49
    Zapdos     122.10 122.49
    Swalot     122.49 122.49
    Ampharos   121.29 122.49
    Flareon    118.47 122.43
    Torterra   123.83 122.37
    Bellossom  121.25 122.36
    Heracross  120.73 122.30
    Ninetales  120.32 122.24
    Azumarill  122.24 122.24
    Vespiquen  122.22 122.22
    Drifblim   121.14 122.21
    Machamp    121.70 122.10
    Moltres    122.49 122.10
    Nidoqueen  122.28 122.10
    Abomasnow  121.29 122.10
    Wailord    122.04 122.04
    Whiscash   122.17 122.02
    Kingdra    122.00 122.00
    Magmortar  119.76 122.00

Tier 121 Spiritomb
    Hippowdon  125.36 122.00
    Salamence  121.97 121.97
    Dusclops   121.97 121.97
    Slowbro    124.17 121.97
    Metagross  124.58 121.93
    Roserade   117.66 121.78
    Wormadam   120.32 121.78
    Mismagius  118.16 121.78
    Ledian     116.82 121.78
    Mantyke    116.13 121.73
    Arcanine   121.70 121.70
    Feraligatr 122.94 121.68
    Vileplume  121.25 121.63
    Lopunny    120.57 121.49
    Hitmonlee  116.81 121.45
    Togetic    119.99 121.45
    Hitmontop  120.41 121.45
    Hitmonchan 119.18 121.45
    Charizard  120.88 121.43
    Typhlosion 120.88 121.43
    Crobat     121.43 121.43
    Espeon     118.47 121.39
    Glaceon    122.43 121.39
    Jynx       115.74 121.39
    Jolteon    118.47 121.39
    Mr._Mime   117.24 121.37
    Wigglytuff 120.81 121.36
    Magnezone  123.07 121.33
    Darkrai    121.33 121.33
    Spiritomb  121.32 121.32
    Ursaring   121.29 121.29
    Lickitung  121.29 121.29
    Sunflora   118.59 121.25
    Jumpluff   120.00 121.25
    Electivire 119.76 121.25
    Glalie     121.14 121.14
    Flygon     121.14 121.14
    Seaking    119.85 121.14
    Phione     121.14 121.14
    Golduck    120.99 121.14
    Miltank    123.83 121.13
    Luxray     121.07 121.07
    Porygon    120.58 121.01

Tier 120 Sweeper
    Lumineon   120.19 120.99
    Mamoswine  122.74 120.98
    Exploud    120.98 120.98
    Sceptile   119.25 120.95
    Lunatone   119.25 120.95
    Weavile    119.25 120.95
    Happiny    113.11 120.94
    Relicanth  125.67 120.94
    Dunsparce  121.39 120.94
    Lileep     120.08 120.88
    Sealeo     120.86 120.86
    Armaldo    122.36 120.85
    Houndoom   118.08 120.85
    Nidoking   120.98 120.79
    Skuntank   121.30 120.76
    Rhyperior  126.42 120.73
    Aerodactyl 119.85 120.73
    Masquerain 119.00 120.73
    Dustox     119.08 120.70
    Pachirisu  119.08 120.70
    Drowzee    116.60 120.70
    Exeggutor  122.37 120.68
    Quagsire   122.37 120.68
    Magmar     118.21 120.64
    Electabuzz 118.21 120.64
    Scizor     122.06 120.55
    Scyther    120.55 120.55
    Pidgeot    120.90 120.47
    Piloswine  122.24 120.47
    Gliscor    123.99 120.44
    Golbat     120.00 120.44
    Octillery  120.44 120.44
    Cherrim    119.70 120.40
    Minun      117.15 120.32
    Misdreavus 118.16 120.32
    Starmie    120.32 120.32
    Blaziken   120.30 120.30
    Chimecho   119.39 120.24
    Rapidash   119.39 120.24
    Beedrill   116.35 120.24
    Bronzor    120.23 120.23
    Infernape  120.18 120.18
    Camerupt   119.70 120.14
    Drapion    122.74 120.14
    Carnivine  120.14 120.14
    Venomoth   118.78 120.14
    Tentacool  114.04 120.05
    Toxicroak  120.02 120.02
    Tauros     122.00 120.00
    Azelf      120.00 120.00

Tier 119 Alakazam
    Corsola    119.99 119.99
    Alakazam   116.27 119.99
    Donphan    124.54 119.94
    Shiftry    119.94 119.94
    Granbull   121.29 119.94
    Bayleef    119.92 119.92
    Spoink     115.42 119.92
    Metang     121.43 119.92
    Marowak    122.11 119.92
    Electrode  119.08 119.92
    Ivysaur    118.46 119.92
    Butterfree 117.15 119.92
    Parasect   119.92 119.92
    Raichu     117.66 119.92
    Prinplup   119.17 119.88
    Wartortle  119.86 119.86
    Golem      124.58 119.85
    Arbok      118.99 119.85
    Volbeat    117.98 119.83
    Porygon    119.39 119.83
    Illumise   117.98 119.83
    Pupitar    119.70 119.70
    Marshtomp  119.70 119.70
    Torkoal    124.55 119.70
    Froslass   119.70 119.70
    Castform   119.70 119.70
    Omastar    123.69 119.70
    Honchkrow  119.70 119.70
    Lucario    119.70 119.70
    Ambipom    119.68 119.68
    Steelix    127.75 119.55
    Grotle     121.25 119.55
    Gloom      119.08 119.51
    Plusle     116.03 119.51
    Medicham   119.51 119.51
    Gengar     118.16 119.51
    Tangrowth  125.37 119.46
    Stantler   119.18 119.44
    Linoone    119.39 119.39
    Skarmory   124.25 119.39
    Primeape   118.47 119.39
    Seel       117.98 119.39
    Xatu       119.39 119.39
    Weezing    123.07 119.39
    Pinsir     121.75 119.39
    Machoke    120.30 119.38
    Victreebel 119.85 119.38
    Yanmega    121.99 119.36
    Shellos    117.94 119.36
    Bibarel    119.32 119.32
    Rampardos  120.31 119.30
    Clefairy   117.58 119.25
    Magcargo   122.08 119.25
    Girafarig  119.25 119.25
    Sudowoodo  123.07 119.25
    Roselia    115.93 119.25
    Solrock    120.95 119.25
    Wailmer    119.19 119.19
    Gorebyss   121.45 119.18
    Huntail    121.45 119.18
    Sneasel    117.33 119.18
    Rhydon     125.33 119.17
    Furret     120.05 119.17
    Dragonair  118.69 119.14
    Kabutops   121.78 119.08
    Forretress 124.86 119.08
    Pelipper   121.43 119.08
    Lombre     117.15 119.08
    Rotom      119.03 119.03
    Wynaut     119.00 119.00

Tier 118 Staraptor
    Seviper    118.96 118.96
    Zangoose   118.96 118.96
    Leafeon    123.68 118.94
    Gligar     122.10 118.94
    Persian    118.47 118.94
    Vigoroth   121.14 118.88
    Aggron     126.57 118.78
    Manectric  118.78 118.78
    Cacturne   118.78 118.78
    Mightyena  119.70 118.78
    Flaaffy    118.29 118.78
    Ariados    119.70 118.78
    Croconaw   120.24 118.78
    Purugly    119.23 118.76
    Raticate   117.83 118.75
    Chinchou   116.74 118.73
    Banette    118.88 118.71
    Staraptor  120.58 118.65
    Floatzel   119.17 118.65
    Fearow     118.94 118.60
    Sandslash  123.04 118.59
    Nosepass   121.50 118.56
    Ledyba     113.40 118.54
    Swablu     117.14 118.49
    Charmeleon 117.85 118.49
    Quilava    117.85 118.49
    Absol      118.47 118.47
    Shieldon   120.49 118.42
    Magneton   120.41 118.41
    Grimer     118.37 118.37
    Kricketune 118.34 118.34
    Skiploom   116.82 118.30
    Eevee      116.82 118.30
    Nidorina   119.46 118.29
    Delcatty   119.25 118.29
    Drifloon   117.09 118.28
    Gabite     119.13 118.17
    Shroomish  118.16 118.16
    Combusken  118.16 118.16
    Spinda     118.16 118.16
    Breloom    119.92 118.16
    Dodrio     119.08 118.16
    Snover     117.15 118.16
    Gulpin     118.11 118.11

Tier 117 Ninjask
    Qwilfish   119.83 117.98
    Grovyle    115.93 117.96
    Sableye    118.84 117.96
    Ponyta     116.99 117.96
    Crawdaunt  120.51 117.86
    Loudred    117.85 117.85
    Farfetch   117.13 117.84
    Phanpy     119.94 117.81
    Slowpoke   120.41 117.81
    Hoothoot   114.78 117.80
    Mothim     117.77 117.77
    Spheal     117.77 117.77
    Marill     117.77 117.77
    Duskull    117.73 117.73
    Nidorino   117.95 117.73
    Mime       113.63 117.73
    Kadabra    113.40 117.69
    Baltoy     116.28 117.69
    Budew      114.04 117.69
    Venonat    117.15 117.66
    Monferno   117.64 117.64
    Smoochum   111.56 117.61
    Bulbasaur  116.03 117.61
    Oddish     116.64 117.61
    Chikorita  117.61 117.61
    Finneon    117.06 117.55
    Buneary    116.17 117.47
    Poliwhirl  118.94 117.47
    Shelgon    121.75 117.47
    Luvdisc    116.50 117.46
    Squirtle   117.53 117.45
    Pidgeotto  117.86 117.34
    Piplup     117.01 117.34
    Turtwig    118.21 117.33
    Aipom      117.33 117.33
    Dugtrio    115.39 117.32
    Chatot     117.59 117.28
    Ninjask    116.67 117.21
    Jigglypuff 116.43 117.16
    Swellow    118.16 117.15
    Lairon     123.93 117.15
    Beautifly  117.15 117.15
    Teddiursa  117.15 117.15
    Vulpix     114.50 117.09
    Luxio      117.05 117.05

Tier 116 Smeargle
    Cleffa     113.87 116.99
    Mawile     119.65 116.99
    Weepinbell 117.47 116.92
    Yanma      116.92 116.92
    Togepi     116.87 116.87
    Growlithe  116.27 116.82
    Kingler    122.11 116.82
    Hippopotas 120.28 116.80
    Beldum     118.54 116.77
    Sharpedo   116.66 116.66
    Nuzleaf    116.66 116.66
    Elekid     114.68 116.64
    Magby      114.68 116.64
    Haunter    115.58 116.64
    Exeggcute  119.92 116.60
    Numel      116.03 116.60
    Larvitar   116.48 116.48
    Mudkip     116.48 116.48
    Vibrava    116.48 116.48
    Snorunt    116.48 116.48
    Deoxys     116.48 116.48
    Cubone     120.41 116.48
    Psyduck    116.28 116.48
    Gible      116.47 116.47
    Cherubi    115.58 116.46
    Stunky     117.05 116.38
    Tangela    122.76 116.35
    Murkrow    116.29 116.29
    Skorupi    119.32 116.28
    Treecko    114.04 116.28
    Voltorb    115.76 116.28
    Totodile   117.87 116.28
    Graveler   122.11 116.27
    Smeargle   115.10 116.27
    Seadra     120.75 116.27
    Mareep     115.70 116.27
    Unown      116.14 116.14
    Ditto      116.14 116.14
    Chingling  116.13 116.13
    Goldeen    117.14 116.13
    Anorith    116.13 116.13
    Houndour   113.76 116.13
    Kirlia     113.89 116.13
    Torchic    115.01 116.13
    Machop     117.77 116.05
    Snubbull   117.15 116.03
    Surskit    113.70 116.00
    Rhyhorn    122.30 116.00

Tier 115 Delibird
    Bidoof     115.97 115.97
    Bonsly     120.41 115.93
    Cloyster   125.27 115.93
    Paras      115.90 115.90
    Clamperl   118.56 115.90
    Omanyte    119.67 115.90
    Hoppip     114.27 115.90
    Dratini    115.29 115.84
    Ekans      114.74 115.81
    Lotad      113.40 115.76
    Nidoran    117.06 115.70
    Staravia   116.82 115.70
    Charmander 114.94 115.69
    Cyndaquil  114.94 115.69
    Trapinch   115.58 115.58
    Delibird   115.58 115.58
    Makuhita   115.53 115.53
    Barboach   115.73 115.52
    Staryu     115.51 115.51
    Meditite   115.51 115.51
    Slakoth    118.16 115.42
    Chimchar   115.41 115.41
    Azurill    115.36 115.36
    Aron       120.76 115.36
    Cacnea     115.36 115.36
    Croagunk   115.22 115.22
    Burmy      115.22 115.22
    Cranidos   116.47 115.22
    Mankey     114.04 115.22
    Koffing    119.69 115.22
    Natu       115.22 115.22
    Igglybuff  114.36 115.15
    Abra       110.02 115.11
    Magnemite  116.52 115.11
    Nidoran    115.08 115.08

Tier 114 Pikachu
    Glameow    115.56 114.97
    Onix       123.22 114.84
    Sentret    113.55 114.84
    Skitty     115.93 114.76
    Pineco     120.04 114.76
    Feebas     110.39 114.69
    Zigzagoon  114.66 114.66
    Electrike  114.65 114.65
    Slugma     114.65 114.65
    Spinarak   114.65 114.65
    Poliwag    114.65 114.65
    Meowth     114.04 114.65
    Zubat      114.04 114.65
    Riolu      114.65 114.65
    Kricketot  114.58 114.58
    Kabuto     118.56 114.45
    Buizel     115.10 114.45
    Shinx      114.29 114.29
    Pikachu    113.02 114.27
    Corphish   117.46 114.26
    Combee     114.15 114.15
    Swinub     115.36 114.11
    Bellsprout 114.76 114.11
    Sandshrew  119.65 114.11
    Shuppet    114.33 114.10
    Whismur    114.09 114.09
    Pidgey     114.65 114.04

Tier 113 Metapod
    Wooper     116.27 113.77
    Bagon      117.14 113.76
    Wurmple    114.40 113.76
    Doduo      114.84 113.67
    Remoraid   113.67 113.67
    Tyrogue    113.67 113.67
    Spearow    113.40 113.58
    Metapod    116.99 113.43
    Silcoon    116.99 113.43
    Cascoon    116.99 113.43
    Starly     113.40 113.40
    Wingull    113.40 113.40
    Taillow    113.40 113.40
    Seedot     115.76 113.40
    Geodude    120.05 113.40
    Gastly     112.63 113.28
    Rattata    113.28 113.28
    Ralts      111.79 113.12
    Kakuna     116.13 113.08
    Poochyena  113.67 113.02

Tier 112 Diglett
    Diglett    110.22 112.73
    Nincada    118.63 112.71
    Sunkern    112.63 112.63
    Pichu      109.60 112.45
    Caterpie   114.40 112.34
    Carvanha   112.34 112.34

Tier 111 Weedle
    Weedle     113.40 111.98
    Shellder   119.28 111.95
    Krabby     118.56 111.95
    Horsea     116.93 111.95

Tier 110 Magikarp
    Magikarp   114.69 110.39
    Shedinja   111.85 110.03
========== EVs at 0 ============
---Defense Tiers lists---

Tier 124 Regirock
Tier 123 Giratina
Tier 122 Cresselia
Tier 121 Tangrowth
Tier 120 Tyranitar
Tier 119 Wobbuffet
Tier 118 Dusknoir
Tier 117 Salamence w/o Intimidate
Tier 116 Raikou
Tier 115 Heracross
Tier 114 Electivire
Tier 113 Weavile
Tier 112 Jolteon
Tier 111 Roserade
Tier 110 Ninjask
Tier 109 Alakazam
Tier 108 Dugtrio
Tier 107 Smeargle
Tier 106 Caterpie
Tier 105 Ledyba
Tier 104 Pikachu
Tier 103 Ralts
Tier 102 Happiny
Tier 101 Smoochum
Tier 100 Diglett
Tier 99 Abra

Tier 124 Regirock
    Regirock   124.63 118.18
    Steelix    124.28 114.13

Tier 123 Giratina
    Giratina   123.84 123.84

Tier 122 Cresselia
    Aggron     122.90 113.10
    Rhyperior  122.76 115.32
    Groudon    122.56 118.56
    Cresselia  122.30 123.04
    Arceus     122.30 122.30
    Lugia      122.24 123.82
    Slaking    122.19 118.49

Tier 121 Tangrowth
    Registeel  121.90 121.90
    Relicanth  121.87 115.79
    Tangrowth  121.51 113.69
    Bastiodon  121.48 119.63
    Hippowdon  121.48 117.15
    Rhydon     121.44 113.19
    Cloyster   121.29 109.24
    Dialga     121.14 119.49

Tier 120 Tyranitar
    Regigigas  120.94 120.94
    Forretress 120.90 113.47
    Suicune    120.75 120.75
    Shuckle    120.65 120.65
    Golem      120.56 114.48
    Metagross  120.56 117.25
    Torkoal    120.53 114.37
    Donphan    120.50 114.50
    Tyranitar  120.35 119.49
    Uxie       120.21 120.21
    Skarmory   120.15 113.99
    Probopass  120.08 120.40
    Slowbro    120.03 117.23
    Umbreon    120.03 121.56

Tier 119 Wobbuffet
    Gliscor    119.85 115.32
    Lairon     119.75 110.88
    Lickilicky 119.63 119.63
    Miltank    119.62 116.09
    Torterra   119.62 117.75
    Garchomp   119.52 118.54
    Shaymin    119.49 119.49
    Manaphy    119.49 119.49
    Jirachi    119.49 119.49
    Celebi     119.49 119.49
    Mew        119.49 119.49
    Omastar    119.48 114.37
    Leafeon    119.46 113.38
    Heatran    119.44 119.44
    Wobbuffet  119.33 119.33
    Lapras     119.24 120.74
    Walrein    119.16 119.16

Tier 118 Dusknoir
    Entei      118.95 117.87
    Snorlax    118.95 123.51
    Ho-oh      118.92 123.82
    Mewtwo     118.92 118.92
    Palkia     118.86 120.50
    Rayquaza   118.86 118.86
    Articuno   118.86 120.88
    Onix       118.78 107.85
    Weezing    118.73 113.99
    Sudowoodo  118.72 113.76
    Magnezone  118.72 116.53
    Sandslash  118.68 112.77
    Mesprit    118.62 118.62
    Swampert   118.56 118.56
    Kyogre     118.56 122.56
    Bronzong   118.56 118.56
    Feraligatr 118.52 116.91
    Dragonite  118.47 118.92
    Poliwrath  118.40 117.93
    Cradily    118.35 119.22
    Tangela    118.34 109.60
    Drapion    118.32 114.96
    Regice     118.18 124.63
    Meganium   118.18 118.18
    Mamoswine  118.14 115.73
    Dusknoir   118.14 118.14
    Blastoise  118.11 118.55
    Togekiss   118.07 119.78

Tier 117 Salamence w/o Intimidate
    Glaceon    117.94 116.62
    Moltres    117.93 117.43
    Swalot     117.87 117.87
    Kangaskhan 117.84 117.84
    Armaldo    117.83 115.87
    Tropius    117.81 118.23
    Exeggutor  117.75 115.48
    Quagsire   117.75 115.48
    Rhyhorn    117.73 108.71
    Vespiquen  117.66 117.66
    Nidoqueen  117.66 117.43
    Porygon2   117.59 118.07
    Marowak    117.54 114.73
    Hariyama   117.54 117.54
    Piloswine  117.54 115.14
    Azumarill  117.54 117.54
    Graveler   117.53 109.67
    Kingler    117.53 110.48
    Gligar     117.52 113.38
    Magcargo   117.50 113.90
    Scizor     117.46 115.51
    Zapdos     117.43 117.93
    Whiscash   117.38 117.11
    Kingdra    117.37 117.37
    Tauros     117.37 114.74
    Empoleon   117.35 118.54
    Dusclops   117.32 117.32
    Muk        117.29 119.79
    Latias     117.25 120.56
    Yanmega    117.25 113.67
    Slowking   117.23 120.03
    Salamence  117.23 117.23
    Milotic    117.13 121.20
    Gyarados   117.13 119.18
    Claydol    117.12 118.33
    Kabutops   117.12 113.60
    Shelgon    117.08 111.28
    Pinsir     117.08 113.99

Tier 116 Raikou
    Altaria    116.90 118.26
    Arcanine   116.90 116.90
    Machamp    116.90 117.43
    Dewgong    116.90 118.40
    Gastrodon  116.84 118.43
    Vaporeon   116.84 120.74
    Gorebyss   116.71 113.77
    Huntail    116.71 113.77
    Metang     116.69 114.73
    Pelipper   116.69 113.60
    Nosepass   116.68 113.01
    Crobat     116.57 116.57
    Venusaur   116.56 118.18
    Spiritomb  116.55 116.55
    Darkrai    116.53 116.53
    Wailord    116.49 116.49
    Clefable   116.47 118.25
    Bellossom  116.40 117.83
    Dunsparce  116.40 115.79
    Grotle     116.40 114.13
    Vileplume  116.40 116.90
    Abomasnow  116.35 117.43
    Ampharos   116.35 117.93
    Politoed   116.35 118.86
    Granbull   116.35 114.50
    Ursaring   116.35 116.35
    Raikou     116.35 118.86
    Lickitung  116.35 116.35
    Lanturn    116.32 118.52
    Skuntank   116.26 115.44
    Vigoroth   116.23 113.13
    Latios     116.23 119.04
    Glalie     116.23 116.23
    Flygon     116.23 116.23
    Phione     116.23 116.23
    Luxray     116.13 116.13
    Solrock    116.03 113.76
    Golduck    116.03 116.23
    Nidoking   116.00 115.75

Tier 115 Heracross
    Charizard  115.89 116.61
    Typhlosion 115.89 116.61
    Pidgeot    115.88 115.30
    Aron       115.85 108.37
    Seadra     115.82 109.67
    Exploud    115.80 115.80
    Sealeo     115.77 115.77
    Heracross  115.68 117.73
    Lopunny    115.56 116.71
    Scyther    115.51 115.51
    Crawdaunt  115.49 111.87
    Shieldon   115.45 112.84
    Porygon    115.44 116.02
    Staraptor  115.44 112.72
    Hypno      115.44 119.78
    Drifblim   115.43 117.00
    Hitmontop  115.39 116.70
    Bonsly     115.39 109.24
    Cubone     115.39 110.05
    Magneton   115.39 112.76
    Octillery  115.32 115.32
    Starmie    115.26 115.26
    Wormadam   115.26 117.12
    Ninetales  115.18 117.68
    Hippopotas 115.16 110.24
    Slowpoke   115.16 111.38
    Croconaw   115.13 113.15
    Machoke    115.10 113.83
    Wigglytuff 115.10 115.90
    Bronzor    115.10 115.10
    Ludicolo   115.10 118.18
    Blaziken   115.10 115.10

Tier 114 Electivire
    Lumineon   114.98 116.05
    Rampardos  114.95 113.50
    Carnivine  114.94 114.94
    Geodude    114.94 105.47
    Pineco     114.92 107.42
    Infernape  114.92 114.92
    Lileep     114.91 115.96
    Togetic    114.85 116.71
    Corsola    114.85 114.85
    Jumpluff   114.74 116.40
    Golbat     114.74 115.32
    Azelf      114.74 114.74
    Exeggcute  114.73 110.08
    Breloom    114.73 112.33
    Bayleef    114.73 114.73
    Parasect   114.73 114.73
    Furret     114.71 113.47
    Toxicroak  114.69 114.69
    Wartortle  114.65 114.65
    Qwilfish   114.58 112.03
    Phanpy     114.50 111.38
    Shiftry    114.50 114.50
    Koffing    114.49 108.33
    Tentacruel 114.48 119.83
    Seaking    114.48 116.23
    Grumpig    114.48 119.04
    Victreebel 114.48 113.83
    Aerodactyl 114.48 115.68
    Omanyte    114.45 109.40
    Mawile     114.42 110.80
    Sandshrew  114.42 106.38
    Electivire 114.41 116.40
    Magmortar  114.41 117.37
    Lucario    114.37 114.37
    Froslass   114.37 114.37
    Cherrim    114.37 115.31
    Castform   114.37 114.37
    Camerupt   114.37 114.96
    Mightyena  114.37 113.10
    Marshtomp  114.37 114.37
    Pupitar    114.37 114.37
    Ariados    114.37 113.10
    Ambipom    114.24 114.24
    Medicham   114.18 114.18
    Honchkrow  114.04 114.04
    Nidorina   114.04 112.41
    Skorupi    114.01 109.89

Tier 113 Weavile
    Chimecho   113.99 115.13
    Rapidash   113.99 115.13
    Mantine    113.99 120.15
    Porygon    113.99 114.58
    Xatu       113.99 113.99
    Munchlax   113.97 120.02
    Shellder   113.95 103.31
    Linoone    113.81 113.81
    Hitmonchan 113.80 116.70
    Lunatone   113.76 116.03
    Bibarel    113.76 113.76
    Delcatty   113.76 112.41
    Sceptile   113.76 116.03
    Girafarig  113.76 113.76
    Weavile    113.76 116.03
    Purugly    113.72 113.06
    Prinplup   113.70 114.60
    Noctowl    113.69 119.12
    Stantler   113.63 113.98
    Gallade    113.61 118.57
    Gardevoir  113.61 118.57
    Gabite     113.61 112.26
    Dustox     113.60 115.75
    Dodrio     113.60 112.33
    Pachirisu  113.60 115.75
    Electrode  113.60 114.73
    Gloom      113.60 114.18
    Kecleon    113.60 118.33
    Rotom      113.60 113.60
    Arbok      113.49 114.63
    Floatzel   113.47 112.72
    Masquerain 113.41 115.75
    Poliwhirl  113.38 111.28
    Fearow     113.38 112.85
    Sableye    113.34 112.15
    Seviper    113.33 113.33
    Zangoose   113.33 113.33
    Banette    113.30 113.07
    Nincada    113.12 104.58
    Cacturne   113.10 113.10
    Manectric  113.10 113.10
    Venomoth   113.10 114.96
    Wynaut     113.09 113.09
    Dragonair  113.06 113.68
    Clamperl   113.02 109.40
    Kabuto     113.01 107.34
    Krabby     113.01 103.31

Tier 112 Jolteon
    Beldum     112.99 110.58
    Sunflora   112.77 116.40
    Wailmer    112.76 112.76
    Ivysaur    112.75 114.73
    Espeon     112.72 116.62
    Absol      112.72 112.72
    Flareon    112.72 117.94
    Jolteon    112.72 116.62
    Primeape   112.72 113.99
    Persian    112.72 113.38
    Turtwig    112.46 111.22
    Flaaffy    112.41 113.10
    Grimer     112.38 112.38
    Magmar     112.35 115.65
    Electabuzz 112.35 115.65
    Spinda     112.33 112.33
    Mismagius  112.33 117.12
    Slakoth    112.33 108.26
    Shroomish  112.33 112.33
    Swellow    112.33 110.88
    Combusken  112.33 112.33
    Misdreavus 112.33 115.26
    Gengar     112.33 114.18
    Kricketune 112.31 112.31
    Gulpin     112.14 112.14
    Nidorino   112.04 111.71
    Volbeat    112.03 114.58
    Illumise   112.03 114.58
    Houndoom   112.03 115.87
    Totodile   112.03 109.76
    Seel       112.03 113.99

Tier 111 Roserade
    Charmeleon 111.92 112.82
    Raticate   111.92 113.19
    Quilava    111.92 112.82
    Duskull    111.91 111.91
    Pidgeotto  111.87 111.12
    Shellos    111.81 113.85
    Chikorita  111.70 111.70
    Spheal     111.66 111.66
    Marill     111.66 111.66
    Mothim     111.66 111.66
    Machop     111.66 109.03
    Roserade   111.63 117.12
    Raichu     111.63 114.73
    Squirtle   111.61 111.50
    Monferno   111.55 111.55
    Loudred    111.54 111.54
    Corphish   111.52 106.79
    Clefairy   111.37 113.76
    Chatot     111.29 110.83
    Weepinbell 111.28 110.47
    Mr._Mime   111.24 116.59
    Sneasel    111.22 113.77
    Aipom      111.22 111.22
    Blissey    111.10 129.01
    Swablu     111.05 112.90
    Bagon      111.05 105.93
    Goldeen    111.05 109.60

Tier 110 Ninjask
    Farfetch   110.97 111.97
    Snover     110.88 112.33
    Butterfree 110.88 114.73
    Venonat    110.88 111.63
    Minun      110.88 115.26
    Lombre     110.88 113.60
    Beautifly  110.88 110.88
    Teddiursa  110.88 110.88
    Snubbull   110.88 109.21
    Horsea     110.86 103.31
    Finneon    110.84 111.53
    Nidoran    110.82 108.80
    Cascoon    110.80 105.22
    Silcoon    110.80 105.22
    Metapod    110.80 105.22
    Ponyta     110.80 112.15
    Piplup     110.79 111.18
    Togepi     110.75 110.75
    Luxio      110.74 110.74
    Stunky     110.69 109.61
    Hitmonlee  110.53 116.70
    Ledian     110.48 117.13
    Staravia   110.48 108.80
    Eevee      110.48 112.57
    Skiploom   110.48 112.57
    Yanma      110.47 110.47
    Oddish     110.35 111.70
    Magnemite  110.32 108.36
    Drifloon   110.25 112.10
    Luvdisc    110.17 111.52
    Ninjask    110.16 110.97
    Drowzee    110.08 115.75
    Vibrava    110.05 110.05
    Snorunt    110.05 110.05
    Deoxys     110.05 110.05
    Mudkip     110.05 110.05
    Larvitar   110.05 110.05
    Chinchou   110.01 112.90

Tier 109 Alakazam
    Sharpedo   109.98 109.98
    Nuzleaf    109.98 109.98
    Gible      109.92 109.92
    Baltoy     109.89 111.85
    Cranidos   109.76 107.76
    Psyduck    109.76 110.05
    Growlithe  109.67 110.48
    Alakazam   109.67 114.85
    Wooper     109.67 105.64
    Murkrow    109.61 109.61
    Mantyke    109.60 117.05
    Chingling  109.60 109.60
    Anorith    109.60 109.60
    Beedrill   109.60 115.13
    Kakuna     109.60 104.77
    Unown      109.59 109.59
    Ditto      109.59 109.59
    Buneary    109.52 111.35
    Bulbasaur  109.46 111.70
    Paras      109.40 109.40
    Grovyle    109.24 112.15
    Skitty     109.24 107.42
    Roselia    109.24 113.90
    Plusle     109.21 114.18
    Numel      109.21 110.08
    Seedot     109.14 105.47
    Voltorb    109.14 109.89
    Bidoof     109.13 109.13

Tier 108 Dugtrio
    Barboach   108.94 108.54
    Meditite   108.89 108.89
    Staryu     108.89 108.89
    Chansey    108.86 126.55
    Cherubi    108.80 110.09
    Trapinch   108.80 108.80
    Delibird   108.80 108.80
    Mareep     108.80 109.67
    Haunter    108.80 110.35
    Glameow    108.69 107.78
    Jynx       108.65 116.62
    Dugtrio    108.65 111.37
    Chimchar   108.55 108.55
    Jigglypuff 108.44 109.74
    Dratini    108.43 109.23
    Swinub     108.37 106.38
    Azurill    108.37 108.37
    Cacnea     108.37 108.37
    Natu       108.33 108.33
    Burmy      108.33 108.33
    Spoink     108.26 114.73
    Croagunk   108.20 108.20
    Makuhita   108.14 108.14
    Nidoran    108.02 108.02

Tier 107 Smeargle
    Charmander 107.93 109.04
    Torchic    107.93 109.60
    Cyndaquil  107.93 109.04
    Buizel     107.85 106.80
    Doduo      107.85 106.03
    Smeargle   107.85 109.67
    Magikarp   107.79 100.91
    Ekans      107.70 109.27
    Riolu      107.46 107.46
    Electrike  107.46 107.46
    Slugma     107.46 107.46
    Spinarak   107.46 107.46
    Poliwag    107.46 107.46
    Pidgey     107.46 106.51
    Zigzagoon  107.44 107.44
    Elekid     107.42 110.35
    Magby      107.42 110.35
    Bellsprout 107.42 106.38
    Kricketot  107.34 107.34
    Vulpix     107.27 111.05
    Hoothoot   107.21 111.76

Tier 106 Caterpie 
    Caterpie   106.98 103.46
    Hoppip     106.98 109.40
    Wurmple    106.98 105.93
    Shuppet    106.89 106.52
    Combee     106.87 106.87
    Shinx      106.79 106.79
    Budew      106.51 111.85
    Treecko    106.51 109.89
    Tentacool  106.51 114.94
    Mankey     106.51 108.33
    Meowth     106.51 107.46
    Zubat      106.51 107.46
    Kirlia     106.32 109.70
    Mime       106.24 111.91
    Tyrogue    106.03 106.03
    Poochyena  106.03 104.98
    Remoraid   106.03 106.03

Tier 105 Ledyba
    Cleffa     105.97 110.80
    Surskit    105.96 109.49
    Houndour   105.93 109.60
    Whismur    105.91 105.91
    Sentret    105.84 107.85
    Rattata    105.52 105.52
    Weedle     105.47 103.00
    Spearow    105.47 105.67
    Kadabra    105.47 111.85
    Ledyba     105.47 112.99
    Lotad      105.47 109.14
    Taillow    105.47 105.47
    Wingull    105.47 105.47
    Starly     105.47 105.47
    Igglybuff  105.43 106.92

Tier 104 Pikachu
    Pikachu    104.98 106.98
    Gastly     104.47 105.52
    Sunkern    104.47 104.47

Tier 103 Ralts
    Shedinja   103.77 100.90
    Carvanha   103.46 103.46
    Ralts      103.10 105.31

Tier 102 Happiny
    Happiny    102.23 115.79

Tier 101 Smoochum
    Smoochum   101.97 111.70

Tier 100 Diglett
    Diglett    100.98 105.01
    Feebas     100.91 107.79

Tier 99 Abra
    Abra       99.98 108.36
    Pichu      99.41 104.42
---Special Defense Tiers lists--- 0 EVs
Tier 129 Blissey
Tier 128 Blissey Pwns #1
Tier 127 Blissey Pwns #2
Tier 126 Chansey
Tier 125 Blissey Pwns #3
Tier 124 Regice
Tier 123 Cresselia
Tier 122 Kyogre
Tier 121 Milotic
Tier 120 Palkia
Tier 119 Togekiss
Tier 118 Mewtwo
Tier 117 Heracross
Tier 116 Electivire
Tier 115 Aerodactyl
Tier 114 Lucario
Tier 113 Rampardos
Tier 112 Staraptor
Tier 111 Dugtrio
Tier 110 Ninjask
Tier 109 Smeargle
Tier 108 Delibird
Tier 107 Onix
Tier 106 Pikachu
Tier 105 Ralts
Tier 104 Kakuna
Tier 103 Caterpie
Tier 102 Magikarp sucks #1
Tier 101 Magikarp sucks #2
Tier 100 Magikarp

Tier 129 Blissey
    Blissey    111.10 129.01

Tier 128 Blissey Pwns #1

Tier 127 Blissey Pwns #2

Tier 126 Chansey
    Chansey    108.86 126.55

Tier 125 Blissey Pwns #3

Tier 124 Regice
    Regice     118.18 124.63

Tier 123 Cresselia
    Giratina   123.84 123.84
    Lugia      122.24 123.82
    Ho-oh      118.92 123.82
    Snorlax    118.95 123.51
    Cresselia  122.30 123.04

Tier 122 Kyogre
    Kyogre     118.56 122.56
    Arceus     122.30 122.30

Tier 121 Milotic
    Registeel  121.90 121.90
    Umbreon    120.03 121.56
    Milotic    117.13 121.20

Tier 120 Palkia
    Regigigas  120.94 120.94
    Articuno   118.86 120.88
    Suicune    120.75 120.75
    Lapras     119.24 120.74
    Vaporeon   116.84 120.74
    Shuckle    120.65 120.65
    Latias     117.25 120.56
    Palkia     118.86 120.50
    Probopass  120.08 120.40
    Uxie       120.21 120.21
    Mantine    113.99 120.15
    Slowking   117.23 120.03
    Munchlax   113.97 120.02

Tier 119 Togekiss
    Tentacruel 114.48 119.83
    Muk        117.29 119.79
    Hypno      115.44 119.78
    Togekiss   118.07 119.78
    Lickilicky 119.63 119.63
    Bastiodon  121.48 119.63
    Shaymin    119.49 119.49
    Manaphy    119.49 119.49
    Dialga     121.14 119.49
    Jirachi    119.49 119.49
    Celebi     119.49 119.49
    Tyranitar  120.35 119.49
    Mew        119.49 119.49
    Heatran    119.44 119.44
    Wobbuffet  119.33 119.33
    Cradily    118.35 119.22
    Gyarados   117.13 119.18
    Walrein    119.16 119.16
    Noctowl    113.69 119.12
    Latios     116.23 119.04
    Grumpig    114.48 119.04

Tier 118 Mewtwo
    Dragonite  118.47 118.92
    Mewtwo     118.92 118.92
    Politoed   116.35 118.86
    Raikou     116.35 118.86
    Rayquaza   118.86 118.86
    Mesprit    118.62 118.62
    Gallade    113.61 118.57
    Gardevoir  113.61 118.57
    Bronzong   118.56 118.56
    Swampert   118.56 118.56
    Groudon    122.56 118.56
    Blastoise  118.11 118.55
    Garchomp   119.52 118.54
    Empoleon   117.35 118.54
    Lanturn    116.32 118.52
    Slaking    122.19 118.49
    Gastrodon  116.84 118.43
    Dewgong    116.90 118.40
    Claydol    117.12 118.33
    Kecleon    113.60 118.33
    Altaria    116.90 118.26
    Clefable   116.47 118.25
    Tropius    117.81 118.23
    Regirock   124.63 118.18
    Ludicolo   115.10 118.18
    Meganium   118.18 118.18
    Venusaur   116.56 118.18
    Dusknoir   118.14 118.14
    Porygon2   117.59 118.07

Tier 117 Heracross
    Flareon    112.72 117.94
    Poliwrath  118.40 117.93
    Zapdos     117.43 117.93
    Ampharos   116.35 117.93
    Swalot     117.87 117.87
    Entei      118.95 117.87
    Kangaskhan 117.84 117.84
    Bellossom  116.40 117.83
    Torterra   119.62 117.75
    Heracross  115.68 117.73
    Ninetales  115.18 117.68
    Vespiquen  117.66 117.66
    Hariyama   117.54 117.54
    Azumarill  117.54 117.54
    Abomasnow  116.35 117.43
    Nidoqueen  117.66 117.43
    Moltres    117.93 117.43
    Machamp    116.90 117.43
    Magmortar  114.41 117.37
    Kingdra    117.37 117.37
    Dusclops   117.32 117.32
    Metagross  120.56 117.25
    Salamence  117.23 117.23
    Slowbro    120.03 117.23
    Hippowdon  121.48 117.15
    Ledian     110.48 117.13
    Roserade   111.63 117.12
    Wormadam   115.26 117.12
    Mismagius  112.33 117.12
    Whiscash   117.38 117.11
    Mantyke    109.60 117.05
    Drifblim   115.43 117.00

Tier 116 Electivire
    Feraligatr 118.52 116.91
    Vileplume  116.40 116.90
    Arcanine   116.90 116.90
    Lopunny    115.56 116.71
    Togetic    114.85 116.71
    Hitmontop  115.39 116.70
    Hitmonlee  110.53 116.70
    Hitmonchan 113.80 116.70
    Espeon     112.72 116.62
    Jolteon    112.72 116.62
    Jynx       108.65 116.62
    Glaceon    117.94 116.62
    Typhlosion 115.89 116.61
    Charizard  115.89 116.61
    Mr._Mime   111.24 116.59
    Crobat     116.57 116.57
    Spiritomb  116.55 116.55
    Magnezone  118.72 116.53
    Darkrai    116.53 116.53
    Wailord    116.49 116.49
    Electivire 114.41 116.40
    Jumpluff   114.74 116.40
    Sunflora   112.77 116.40
    Lickitung  116.35 116.35
    Ursaring   116.35 116.35
    Glalie     116.23 116.23
    Flygon     116.23 116.23
    Seaking    114.48 116.23
    Phione     116.23 116.23
    Golduck    116.03 116.23
    Luxray     116.13 116.13
    Miltank    119.62 116.09
    Lumineon   114.98 116.05
    Lunatone   113.76 116.03
    Sceptile   113.76 116.03
    Weavile    113.76 116.03
    Porygon    115.44 116.02

Tier 115 Aerodactyl
    Lileep     114.91 115.96
    Wigglytuff 115.10 115.90
    Armaldo    117.83 115.87
    Houndoom   112.03 115.87
    Exploud    115.80 115.80
    Happiny    102.23 115.79
    Relicanth  121.87 115.79
    Dunsparce  116.40 115.79
    Sealeo     115.77 115.77
    Nidoking   116.00 115.75
    Pachirisu  113.60 115.75
    Drowzee    110.08 115.75
    Masquerain 113.41 115.75
    Dustox     113.60 115.75
    Mamoswine  118.14 115.73
    Aerodactyl 114.48 115.68
    Magmar     112.35 115.65
    Electabuzz 112.35 115.65
    Scizor     117.46 115.51
    Scyther    115.51 115.51
    Quagsire   117.75 115.48
    Exeggutor  117.75 115.48
    Skuntank   116.26 115.44
    Gliscor    119.85 115.32
    Rhyperior  122.76 115.32
    Octillery  115.32 115.32
    Golbat     114.74 115.32
    Cherrim    114.37 115.31
    Pidgeot    115.88 115.30
    Starmie    115.26 115.26
    Minun      110.88 115.26
    Misdreavus 112.33 115.26
    Piloswine  117.54 115.14
    Rapidash   113.99 115.13
    Chimecho   113.99 115.13
    Beedrill   109.60 115.13
    Bronzor    115.10 115.10
    Blaziken   115.10 115.10

Tier 114 Lucario
    Drapion    118.32 114.96
    Camerupt   114.37 114.96
    Venomoth   113.10 114.96
    Carnivine  114.94 114.94
    Tentacool  106.51 114.94
    Infernape  114.92 114.92
    Alakazam   109.67 114.85
    Corsola    114.85 114.85
    Azelf      114.74 114.74
    Tauros     117.37 114.74
    Metang     116.69 114.73
    Spoink     108.26 114.73
    Bayleef    114.73 114.73
    Ivysaur    112.75 114.73
    Butterfree 110.88 114.73
    Raichu     111.63 114.73
    Parasect   114.73 114.73
    Marowak    117.54 114.73
    Electrode  113.60 114.73
    Toxicroak  114.69 114.69
    Wartortle  114.65 114.65
    Arbok      113.49 114.63
    Prinplup   113.70 114.60
    Porygon    113.99 114.58
    Illumise   112.03 114.58
    Volbeat    112.03 114.58
    Shiftry    114.50 114.50
    Donphan    120.50 114.50
    Granbull   116.35 114.50
    Golem      120.56 114.48
    Marshtomp  114.37 114.37
    Pupitar    114.37 114.37
    Omastar    119.48 114.37
    Torkoal    120.53 114.37
    Castform   114.37 114.37
    Lucario    114.37 114.37
    Froslass   114.37 114.37
    Ambipom    114.24 114.24
    Gloom      113.60 114.18
    Plusle     109.21 114.18
    Medicham   114.18 114.18
    Gengar     112.33 114.18
    Grotle     116.40 114.13
    Steelix    124.28 114.13
    Honchkrow  114.04 114.04

Tier 113 Rampardos
    Primeape   112.72 113.99
    Seel       112.03 113.99
    Weezing    118.73 113.99
    Skarmory   120.15 113.99
    Pinsir     117.08 113.99
    Xatu       113.99 113.99
    Stantler   113.63 113.98
    Roselia    109.24 113.90
    Magcargo   117.50 113.90
    Shellos    111.81 113.85
    Machoke    115.10 113.83
    Victreebel 114.48 113.83
    Linoone    113.81 113.81
    Sneasel    111.22 113.77
    Gorebyss   116.71 113.77
    Huntail    116.71 113.77
    Bibarel    113.76 113.76
    Sudowoodo  118.72 113.76
    Girafarig  113.76 113.76
    Solrock    116.03 113.76
    Clefairy   111.37 113.76
    Tangrowth  121.51 113.69
    Dragonair  113.06 113.68
    Yanmega    117.25 113.67
    Pelipper   116.69 113.60
    Lombre     110.88 113.60
    Kabutops   117.12 113.60
    Rotom      113.60 113.60
    Rampardos  114.95 113.50
    Forretress 120.90 113.47
    Furret     114.71 113.47
    Gligar     117.52 113.38
    Leafeon    119.46 113.38
    Persian    112.72 113.38
    Seviper    113.33 113.33
    Zangoose   113.33 113.33
    Rhydon     121.44 113.19
    Raticate   111.92 113.19
    Croconaw   115.13 113.15
    Vigoroth   116.23 113.13
    Cacturne   113.10 113.10
    Manectric  113.10 113.10
    Aggron     122.90 113.10
    Mightyena  114.37 113.10
    Flaaffy    112.41 113.10
    Ariados    114.37 113.10
    Wynaut     113.09 113.09
    Banette    113.30 113.07
    Purugly    113.72 113.06
    Nosepass   116.68 113.01

Tier 112 Staraptor
    Ledyba     105.47 112.99
    Swablu     111.05 112.90
    Chinchou   110.01 112.90
    Fearow     113.38 112.85
    Shieldon   115.45 112.84
    Quilava    111.92 112.82
    Charmeleon 111.92 112.82
    Sandslash  118.68 112.77
    Magneton   115.39 112.76
    Wailmer    112.76 112.76
    Floatzel   113.47 112.72
    Staraptor  115.44 112.72
    Absol      112.72 112.72
    Eevee      110.48 112.57
    Skiploom   110.48 112.57
    Nidorina   114.04 112.41
    Delcatty   113.76 112.41
    Grimer     112.38 112.38
    Snover     110.88 112.33
    Spinda     112.33 112.33
    Breloom    114.73 112.33
    Shroomish  112.33 112.33
    Combusken  112.33 112.33
    Dodrio     113.60 112.33
    Kricketune 112.31 112.31
    Gabite     113.61 112.26
    Sableye    113.34 112.15
    Grovyle    109.24 112.15
    Ponyta     110.80 112.15
    Gulpin     112.14 112.14
    Drifloon   110.25 112.10
    Qwilfish   114.58 112.03

Tier 111 Dugtrio
    Farfetch   110.97 111.97
    Mime       106.24 111.91
    Duskull    111.91 111.91
    Crawdaunt  115.49 111.87
    Baltoy     109.89 111.85
    Budew      106.51 111.85
    Kadabra    105.47 111.85
    Hoothoot   107.21 111.76
    Nidorino   112.04 111.71
    Smoochum   101.97 111.70
    Chikorita  111.70 111.70
    Oddish     110.35 111.70
    Bulbasaur  109.46 111.70
    Spheal     111.66 111.66
    Marill     111.66 111.66
    Mothim     111.66 111.66
    Venonat    110.88 111.63
    Monferno   111.55 111.55
    Loudred    111.54 111.54
    Finneon    110.84 111.53
    Luvdisc    110.17 111.52
    Squirtle   111.61 111.50
    Phanpy     114.50 111.38
    Slowpoke   115.16 111.38
    Dugtrio    108.65 111.37
    Buneary    109.52 111.35
    Shelgon    117.08 111.28
    Poliwhirl  113.38 111.28
    Aipom      111.22 111.22
    Turtwig    112.46 111.22
    Piplup     110.79 111.18
    Pidgeotto  111.87 111.12
    Vulpix     107.27 111.05

Tier 110 Ninjask
    Ninjask    110.16 110.97
    Lairon     119.75 110.88
    Teddiursa  110.88 110.88
    Swellow    112.33 110.88
    Beautifly  110.88 110.88
    Chatot     111.29 110.83
    Mawile     114.42 110.80
    Cleffa     105.97 110.80
    Togepi     110.75 110.75
    Luxio      110.74 110.74
    Beldum     112.99 110.58
    Growlithe  109.67 110.48
    Kingler    117.53 110.48
    Weepinbell 111.28 110.47
    Yanma      110.47 110.47
    Magby      107.42 110.35
    Elekid     107.42 110.35
    Haunter    108.80 110.35
    Hippopotas 115.16 110.24
    Cherubi    108.80 110.09
    Exeggcute  114.73 110.08
    Numel      109.21 110.08
    Deoxys     110.05 110.05
    Snorunt    110.05 110.05
    Vibrava    110.05 110.05
    Mudkip     110.05 110.05
    Larvitar   110.05 110.05
    Cubone     115.39 110.05
    Psyduck    109.76 110.05

Tier 109 Smeargle
    Sharpedo   109.98 109.98
    Nuzleaf    109.98 109.98
    Gible      109.92 109.92
    Skorupi    114.01 109.89
    Voltorb    109.14 109.89
    Treecko    106.51 109.89
    Totodile   112.03 109.76
    Jigglypuff 108.44 109.74
    Kirlia     106.32 109.70
    Graveler   117.53 109.67
    Smeargle   107.85 109.67
    Seadra     115.82 109.67
    Mareep     108.80 109.67
    Stunky     110.69 109.61
    Murkrow    109.61 109.61
    Houndour   105.93 109.60
    Torchic    107.93 109.60
    Goldeen    111.05 109.60
    Tangela    118.34 109.60
    Anorith    109.60 109.60
    Chingling  109.60 109.60
    Unown      109.59 109.59
    Ditto      109.59 109.59
    Surskit    105.96 109.49
    Hoppip     106.98 109.40
    Paras      109.40 109.40
    Omanyte    114.45 109.40
    Clamperl   113.02 109.40
    Ekans      107.70 109.27
    Bonsly     115.39 109.24
    Cloyster   121.29 109.24
    Dratini    108.43 109.23
    Snubbull   110.88 109.21
    Lotad      105.47 109.14
    Bidoof     109.13 109.13
    Cyndaquil  107.93 109.04
    Charmander 107.93 109.04
    Machop     111.66 109.03

Tier 108 Delibird
    Meditite   108.89 108.89
    Staryu     108.89 108.89
    Staravia   110.48 108.80
    Trapinch   108.80 108.80
    Delibird   108.80 108.80
    Nidoran    110.82 108.80
    Rhyhorn    117.73 108.71
    Chimchar   108.55 108.55
    Barboach   108.94 108.54
    Azurill    108.37 108.37
    Aron       115.85 108.37
    Cacnea     108.37 108.37
    Magnemite  110.32 108.36
    Abra       99.98 108.36
    Koffing    114.49 108.33
    Natu       108.33 108.33
    Burmy      108.33 108.33
    Mankey     106.51 108.33
    Slakoth    112.33 108.26
    Croagunk   108.20 108.20
    Makuhita   108.14 108.14
    Nidoran    108.02 108.02

Tier 107 Onix
    Onix       118.78 107.85
    Sentret    105.84 107.85
    Feebas     100.91 107.79
    Glameow    108.69 107.78
    Cranidos   109.76 107.76
    Riolu      107.46 107.46
    Electrike  107.46 107.46
    Slugma     107.46 107.46
    Spinarak   107.46 107.46
    Poliwag    107.46 107.46
    Meowth     106.51 107.46
    Zubat      106.51 107.46
    Zigzagoon  107.44 107.44
    Pineco     114.92 107.42
    Skitty     109.24 107.42
    Kabuto     113.01 107.34
    Kricketot  107.34 107.34

Tier 106 Pikachu
    Pikachu    104.98 106.98
    Igglybuff  105.43 106.92
    Combee     106.87 106.87
    Buizel     107.85 106.80
    Corphish   111.52 106.79
    Shinx      106.79 106.79
    Shuppet    106.89 106.52
    Pidgey     107.46 106.51
    Sandshrew  114.42 106.38
    Bellsprout 107.42 106.38
    Swinub     108.37 106.38
    Doduo      107.85 106.03
    Remoraid   106.03 106.03
    Tyrogue    106.03 106.03

Tier 105 Ralts
    Bagon      111.05 105.93
    Wurmple    106.98 105.93
    Whismur    105.91 105.91
    Spearow    105.47 105.67
    Wooper     109.67 105.64
    Rattata    105.52 105.52
    Gastly     104.47 105.52
    Starly     105.47 105.47
    Geodude    114.94 105.47
    Seedot     109.14 105.47
    Taillow    105.47 105.47
    Wingull    105.47 105.47
    Ralts      103.10 105.31
    Cascoon    110.80 105.22
    Silcoon    110.80 105.22
    Metapod    110.80 105.22
    Diglett    100.98 105.01

Tier 104 Kakuna
    Poochyena  106.03 104.98
    Kakuna     109.60 104.77
    Nincada    113.12 104.58
    Sunkern    104.47 104.47
    Pichu      99.41 104.42

Tier 103 Caterpie
    Caterpie   106.98 103.46
    Carvanha   103.46 103.46
    Shellder   113.95 103.31
    Krabby     113.01 103.31
    Horsea     110.86 103.31
    Weedle     105.47 103.00

Tier 102 Magikarp sucks #1

Tier 101 Magikarp sucks #2

Tier 100 Magikarp
    Magikarp   107.79 100.91
    Shedinja   103.77 100.90
Well... okay then. Notes for the less mathematically inclined:

The tier lists are all on the same scale. So you can combine the tier lists as you wish. For example, Regice with 255/255 evs in HP and Sp.D has a lower statistic than Blissey with 0 EVs in HP and Defense.

Erm... Nintendo... wtf with Blissey being so good? Okay, that aside >.>

Overall, the tier list and order remains nearly constant. From a "wall" perspective, the common walls like Blissey, Cresselia and so forth don't take too much of a hit as their EVs are allocated elsewhere. This is especially noting the fact that even with 0 EVs, Blissey is the best Special Wall sitting in tier 129 with a score of 129.01... while Regice with 255/255 HP/SpD spread sits at 128.04. Amazing, and it shows again why the obvious choice for Blissey is to put _everything_ into Defense EVs.

Another note for Blissey is how much (Physical) defense EVs help it out. 120.01 is its 255/255 score, while 111.10 is its 0/0 score. A tier change of ~9 is massive, talking the difference between Dugtrio (108.65) and Salamence (117.23) here.

Another note is that 120.01 (255/255 Blissey) falls under the same tier as 0/0 Tyranitar (120.35). This is perhaps the best test we can set-up for how accurate this tier list really is.

I suggest using Rock Slide/Edge on the two pokemon with the respective EV spreads. Rock, Electric, and Dragon hit T-Tar and Chansey for neutral, so comparing the % lost between the two pokemon will give a very reliable metric of this system. There is a .24 tier difference between them, and that should only be a 2% or 3% difference in % lost....

Actually, let me see Marriland's damage calculator and see what it has to say about that.

Theory Test: Max Attack EV T-Tar with Stone Edge vs 0/0 (HP/Defense) T-Tar and 255/255 Blissey.

Attacker Stats:
367 Attack
100 Base Power (Stone Edge) x STAB

Defender Stats: 0/0 T-Tar
341 HP
256 Defense
"That attack will do between 156 and 184 damage!"

Or about: 45% to 54%

Defender Stats: 252/252 Bold Blissey
714 HP
130 Defense
"That attack will do between 305 and 359 damage!"

42% to 50%

EDIT: Bold 0/0 T-Tar for verification (current 0/0 assumes + nature)
341 HP
281 Defense
"That attack will do between 142 and 168 damage!"

41.6% to 49.2%

Erm... holy ****ing ****. First off, this contradicts the tier list somewhat... but still shows that we are "in the ballpark". I did check-over my code after doing this however, and I found a bug (I forgot to disable the nature of the pokemon). So the 2nd tier lists are going to be edited. Second, that is still pretty darn close to the real value.

Finally... 255/255 Blissey has about the same physical defenses than ****ing 0/0 Tyranitar and comes without the 4x weak to fighting. Goes to show that those defense points _really_ help Blissey out a lot... I mean... a whole ****ing lot.

In-Game testers, I ask for you to verify this experiment please? Or if Marriland's calculator is good enough, just tell me.

EDIT: Okay, edited in the data for Bold T-Tar, which is what the current list gives, and the tier list certainly shows the picture very clearly. Very little damage difference for two pokemon inside the same tier. Granted, Bold 0/0 T-Tar and 255/255 Blissey are only .24 tiers apart.

And finally, apologies for my results being so "dirty", I'm doing this research as I post these messages. So thats that.

EDIT: Okay, a note on the 0/0 charts in comparison with the earlier charts. The "Sweepers" are still all within one tier of each other. However, the change in stats forced a split, as Starmie scored 115.26 while Azelf (the lowest) scored a 14.6. They still score similarly, but the lines are now drawn differently, now smack dab between common sweepers splitting them up.
Dragontamer, 0/0 Def TTar isn't threatening because it takes hits, its threatening because its probably CB or DD and will beat your rear into the earth.

Blissey might be a fat POS, but she can't threaten with anything worse than Seismic Toss. (Or CM specials if you let her set up.)
Dragontamer, 0/0 Def TTar isn't threatening because it takes hits, its threatening because its probably CB or DD and will beat your rear into the earth.

Blissey might be a fat POS, but she can't threaten with anything worse than Seismic Toss. (Or CM specials if you let her set up.)

I know that. I'm just surprised that Blissey's defenses would jump up so much from the proper EV spread.

I'm also even _more_ surprised that my tiers chart thing is actually working, not just working, but working very well. :-) (As shown with the Blissey vs T-Tar example)
The only problem with that is you have to come up with some fairly objective way to figure out which weaknesses are worse.

For instance, Cresselia makes a pretty damn good wall for Garchomp because it's immune to EQ and can eat Dragon Claw repeatedly, but Heracross craps all over it.

In contrast, Gliscor LOLs at Hera but even with Ice Fang it doesn't really want to switch in to Garchomp's Swords Dance or CB Dragon Claw.

Slaking is a pokemon with only one fairly rare immunity and no resistances, it only has one weakness though.

Registeel on the other hand has a boatload of useful resistances, but the 3 weaks it does have are very bad.

And that's why factoring in weakness and resistances balances everything out.

I can also make a chart of which types are the most powerful. If Fighting and Ground are deemed more physically powerful than, say, Water, we can take that into account in factoring in weakness and resistance. When I say "deemed more physically powerful", I'm saying mathematically, not subjectively.
And that's why factoring in weakness and resistances balances everything out.

I can also make a chart of which types are the most powerful. If Fighting and Ground are deemed more physically powerful than, say, Water, we can take that into account in factoring in weakness and resistance. When I say "deemed more physically powerful", I'm saying mathematically, not subjectively.

Would that mean something like using Base power, such as fighting's fairly ubiquitous Focus Punch, Cross Chop, and Close Combat vs. Water's meh Waterfall and Aqua Tail?

I think Fighting and Ground would take the most preference physically because both of them beat down on the pokemon with the highest defense, Rock and Steel types. Rock might come in second because of its utility in dealing with flyers that resist both Fighting and Ground, and the fact it lays a beatdown on Fire, Flying, Bug, and Ice types. Electric is probably at the bottom of the list. Volt Tackle is for all competitive purposes useless, Thunderpunch only beats Stone Edge vs Water types [bar Water/Grounds, Ludicolo, and Lanturn], Fighting types, and Steel types other than Steelix, Heatran, Wormadam-S, Forretress, and Scizor.

Special is going to be a pain. Aura Pulse and Focus Blast might score SE hits on some of the best special walls, but the former is rare and the latter has shaky accuracy. Dragon is a one-note that is only useful to Dragons. Ice doesn't do well against the best special walls, but it does destroy a load of popular metagame threats. The bottom of the list is no contest. Rock's two special moves are Ancientpower and Power Gem. Power Gem is a rare and a pathetic 70 BP, and the only things that would even consider Ancientpower are probably Omastar, Tangrowth, Articuno, Moltres, Yanmega, Camerupt, and Exeggutor.
Yeah, and that can be measured.

The problem would be that this depends on which metagame you're playing. If you're playing ubers, certain types are more powerful than others. In OU, different types are more powerful, and so is in UU and NU.
Yay! The new tier list thing is readable. All that's left is for you to make two more: 0/0 Def with a neutral nature and 0/0 SDef with a neutral nature.

This list should definitely be stickied, along with the process of finding out the tiers, if simply so that you don't have to do every EV spread imaginable.
Which is why I prefer not mixing into this :-p

I don't think using attacks that are common in the current metagame will be very useful in the long run, as it is apt to run out of date.

Furthermore, there is no way to perform a sanity check on the list. All sanity checks will be biased by our own battling style. Sure, you can make a mathematical equation about it, but equations are biased by default. Bias isn't bad by default as long as you know it is biased(indeed, my 255/255 lists biased certain pokemon which is one reason why I made a 0/0 list to "Balance out the bais"), but the lists are already massive.

What I'm thinking is: Adding weaknesses/resistances is something the human should do, not a computer. I can't think of any equation that I agree with, let alone one that all the experts here would agree too as well.