Double Dee and Ree

This is a UU team Ive been working on slowly for a while and have started testing with decent results, thinking the team itself is nice tho.

Kingdra @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Waterfall
- Rest
- Dragon Dance
The Pokemon The team is based around, Kingdra sets up to +2-+4 and then pull out the rest. When I first thought up this set for a diff team a loooong while ago I thought I had something new, Obv. I Dont , but this poke is an amazing pokemon to end a game with.

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 224 Def / 252 HP / 32 SDef
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Scald
- Thunder Wave
The Second pokemon I decided to go with. I decided I wanted to have 2 defensive guys that could take hits on both side. I settled on this with Def and CM and bronzong, I later put in Tangrowth. And so I use this and Tangrowth having that regen core

Bronzong @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Def
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
Bronzong was the Third pokemon Added to the team I wanted something to go with slobro and in this gen it cancels out the Shared weakness and helps with stuff that hits slobro, and tangela , and slobro helps bronzong and Tang. all in all the team averages no more than 2 pokemon weak to a type and some are really 1 due to abilities like levitate. Decided to go full Spd with Bold to take on both sides but lean to special because tangrowth and slobro are both leaning Def

Tangrowth @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Lax Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
Tangrowth was the 4th poke I put in, I felt it fit ell with bronzong, and fir with slobro especially it is a very strong physical wall, the set is my own , I don't care if it isn't 100% as good as a standard set, only because it allows me to play with strategy overall in my mind more, After a storm powerwhip hits, It can take hits from tons of things, and its Atk and Sptak are both 100+ so with no investment, the life orb helps get just enough damage to kill walls or sweepers, on both defensive sides. Regen Helps recover the damage off.

Raikou @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Extrasensory
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Raiku , the 5th pokemon on the team, I knew I needed something nice and fast , very fast due to the slowness of the team, offensive or not it is slow. So I use this thing with the scarf, very fast and has lots of coverage, The damage is kinda Lacking I have considered going specs. idk see what you guys think I guess

Honchkrow @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Heat Wave
- Sucker Punch
- Roost
The Last pokemon to be added, Honckrow just fills a nice slot, I needed a very straightforward attacker and some nice prio to kill stuff b4 I bring in Kingdra but Raikou and the Defensives cannot handle, this thing comes it , moxie gives it the chance to sweep on its own, roost gives it recovery and I really like this pokemon that I have barely ever used
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Sprites for every Pokemon are located here (if you read the Forum Guidelines you would know that!). Just right click and copy the image URL, click the insert image button and paste the URL!

Anyways, your team looks pretty nice (I especially like the ChestoRest Kingdra, I swear everyone only uses LumDD now). However, it could use a couple of adjustments.

Firstly, your team is very weak to special attackers such as Raikou, because of your lack of special wall - SubCM Raikou, given a safe switch in, can very easily 6-0 your team. For this reason, I recommend replacing Bronzong with Rhyperior. Rhyperior still can deploy Stealth Rock as well as handle Flying types, but patches up your Raikou and Zapdos weakness pretty nicely. It also provides a form of phazing through Dragon Tail as well, which is always nice.

I notice your Slowbro doesn't have any form of recovery outside of Leftovers and Regenerator. This can be detrimental to pulling off a sweep, so I recommend replacing Thunder Wave with Slack Off. It gives Slowbro much needed recovery as it sets up Calm Minds, and many of the Pokemon it could cripple with Thunder Wave are threatened with a Scald burn. Also, can you explain Slowbro's EVs to me? I don't see what the random 32 Special Defense EVs are for. (As well as the nature.)

I really don't get the reasoning behind FOUR Grass type moves on Tangrowth - All it does is make Tangrowth setup bait for other Grass type Pokemon such as Shaymin and Roserade, who can set up a Substitute and Spikes, respectively. Leaf Storm and Power Whip, despite their high base power, don't hit anything that isn't weak to it and can call itself a wall hard, ESPECIALLY when you maximize its defense and not attacking stats. For this reason, Power Whip should at least be replaced with Hidden Power Fire, so that it doesn't leave itself completely helpless against the likes of Shaymin and Roserade - Offensive Shaymin has a 85% chance to be 2HKO'd by Hidden Power Fire after Stealth Rock (you can guarantee the 2HKO by bumping the Special Attack EVs to 64, and bumping the Special Attack EVs to 112 will guarantee the 2HKO on SubSeed Shaymin, although you will lose a bit of bulk this way), Offensive Roserade is outright 2HKO'd even with no investment, and Specially Defensive Roserade cannot be 2HKO'd without a lot of investment. If you make this change, be sure to change the nature to Bold and remove any Attack investment, because you will not have any more physical moves on Tangrowth.

Again, nice RMT, and I hope your UU laddering will have a bit more success after these changes :)

Summary of Changes:
Bronzong -> Rhyperior
Slowbro - Thunder Wave -> Slack Off
Tangrowth -> Power Whip -> Hidden Power Fire

Importable Changes:
Rhyperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 244 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast
- Dragon Tail

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 224 Def / 252 HP / 32 SDef
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Scald
- Slack Off

Tangrowth @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Bold Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Sprites for every Pokemon are located here (if you read the Forum Guidelines you would know that!). Just right click and copy the image URL, click the insert image button and paste the URL!

Anyways, your team looks pretty nice (I especially like the ChestoRest Kingdra, I swear everyone only uses LumDD now). However, it could use a couple of adjustments.

Firstly, your team is very weak to special attackers such as Raikou, because of your lack of special wall - SubCM Raikou, given a safe switch in, can very easily 6-0 your team. For this reason, I recommend replacing Bronzong with Rhyperior. Rhyperior still can deploy Stealth Rock as well as handle Flying types, but patches up your Raikou and Zapdos weakness pretty nicely. It also provides a form of phazing through Dragon Tail as well, which is always nice.

I notice your Slowbro doesn't have any form of recovery outside of Leftovers and Regenerator. This can be detrimental to pulling off a sweep, so I recommend replacing Thunder Wave with Slack Off. It gives Slowbro much needed recovery as it sets up Calm Minds, and many of the Pokemon it could cripple with Thunder Wave are threatened with a Scald burn. Also, can you explain Slowbro's EVs to me? I don't see what the random 32 Special Defense EVs are for. (As well as the nature.)

I really don't get the reasoning behind FOUR Grass type moves on Tangrowth - All it does is make Tangrowth setup bait for other Grass type Pokemon such as Shaymin and Roserade, who can set up a Substitute and Spikes, respectively. Leaf Storm and Power Whip, despite their high base power, don't hit anything that isn't weak to it and can call itself a wall hard, ESPECIALLY when you maximize its defense and not attacking stats. For this reason, Power Whip should at least be replaced with Hidden Power Fire, so that it doesn't leave itself completely helpless against the likes of Shaymin and Roserade - Offensive Shaymin has a 85% chance to be 2HKO'd by Hidden Power Fire after Stealth Rock (you can guarantee the 2HKO by bumping the Special Attack EVs to 64, and bumping the Special Attack EVs to 112 will guarantee the 2HKO on SubSeed Shaymin, although you will lose a bit of bulk this way), Offensive Roserade is outright 2HKO'd even with no investment, and Specially Defensive Roserade cannot be 2HKO'd without a lot of investment. If you make this change, be sure to change the nature to Bold and remove any Attack investment, because you will not have any more physical moves on Tangrowth.

Again, nice RMT, and I hope your UU laddering will have a bit more success after these changes :)

Summary of Changes:
Bronzong -> Rhyperior
Slowbro - Thunder Wave -> Slack Off
Tangrowth -> Power Whip -> Hidden Power Fire

Importable Changes:
Rhyperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 244 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast
- Dragon Tail

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 224 Def / 252 HP / 32 SDef
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Scald
- Slack Off

Tangrowth @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Bold Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Thank you for all that but Part of what you say i dont get , As i said I have full spdef evs on bronzong so it can switch into raiku fine and zappdos (not as much cuz heatwave )

Slobro is more of a lower the hp of the opponent then switch out after coming in on something type thing the calm mind is more of a threat move and would actually be more inclined to replace that ,
The evs and such I dont really know what I was doing It was really late and i think it was to take attacks from a few different threats idr. Slobro could def use some work , thank you

Tangrowth is that way to give me a challenge and force to me think a bit and its just really fun to leafstorn have something think its safe and then power whip , if you run some calcs tangrowth has 110 base attack + life orb + stab , after life orb damage and an attack I can switch out but on a more conventional set it would put HP fire

as to kingdra yes Ive had resto chesto walls used in wierd ways , other resto chesto sweepers and it fits kindra nicely people really just let me set up cuz they think they will use a prio move but on the turn they switch , bam, rest
Thank you for all that but Part of what you say i dont get , As i said I have full spdef evs on bronzong so it can switch into raiku fine and zappdos (not as much cuz heatwave )

Slobro is more of a lower the hp of the opponent then switch out after coming in on something type thing the calm mind is more of a threat move and would actually be more inclined to replace that ,
The evs and such I dont really know what I was doing It was really late and i think it was to take attacks from a few different threats idr. Slobro could def use some work , thank you

Tangrowth is that way to give me a challenge and force to me think a bit and its just really fun to leafstorn have something think its safe and then power whip , if you run some calcs tangrowth has 110 base attack + life orb + stab , after life orb damage and an attack I can switch out but on a more conventional set it would put HP fire

as to kingdra yes Ive had resto chesto walls used in wierd ways , other resto chesto sweepers and it fits kindra nicely people really just let me set up cuz they think they will use a prio move but on the turn they switch , bam, rest
Bronzong has trouble keeping up with most special attackers due to its lack of recovery. Any good offensive team would easily destroy your entire team with special attackers. Although Rhyperior isn't that much better in that respect, at least you will not get destroyed by SubCM Raikou - your Bronzong can't even touch Raikou without EQ, which it currently lacks, and Raikou can Substitute to block Toxic and Calm Mind up to +6 and rip apart your team.

If you want to replace Calm Mind, you can replace it with Slack Off and go full defensive Slowbro. You DO already have two win conditions anyways, so your team will function fine without it.

Even a balanced team can handle Tangrowth's attacks. If you wanted to go offensive then you could, or you could replace it as at the moment, your team has a TERRIBLE Heracross weakness - both your physical walls are weak to Megahorn, and Bronzong cannot take hits forever. If you do choose to replace it, I recommend replacing it with a Defensive Cofagrigus, which also provides a spinblocker, which is always nice. Cofagrigus is a great counter to Heracross, and although Banded Megahorns should be watched out for, it can force it out at least and recover health with Pain Split.
Bronzong has trouble keeping up with most special attackers due to its lack of recovery. Any good offensive team would easily destroy your entire team with special attackers. Although Rhyperior isn't that much better in that respect, at least you will not get destroyed by SubCM Raikou - your Bronzong can't even touch Raikou without EQ, which it currently lacks, and Raikou can Substitute to block Toxic and Calm Mind up to +6 and rip apart your team.

If you want to replace Calm Mind, you can replace it with Slack Off and go full defensive Slowbro. You DO already have two win conditions anyways, so your team will function fine without it.

Even a balanced team can handle Tangrowth's attacks. If you wanted to go offensive then you could, or you could replace it as at the moment, your team has a TERRIBLE Heracross weakness - both your physical walls are weak to Megahorn, and Bronzong cannot take hits forever. If you do choose to replace it, I recommend replacing it with a Defensive Cofagrigus, which also provides a spinblocker, which is always nice. Cofagrigus is a great counter to Heracross, and although Banded Megahorns should be watched out for, it can force it out at least and recover health with Pain Split.

Loving the response thanks , ive always considered myself an adequate player but have had trouble taking every threat into account or the little things. For a while i didnt understand and was struggling with finding those win conditions , not because I couldnt but Just because I wasnt thinking the right way about things , especially when building teams and it seems you know your stuff with both these things so any tips would be super apreciated. Once I know about something i usually know it well so these are really the only things left and its hard to find info on deeper strategy then all the stuff I have read.

On the Team side
On bronzing I now 100% agree and will switch him out for something else but not rhyperior, I really dont think its the best option
I will be replacing Cm with slackoff
ON tangrowth , I will be making a second team with it changed or with a replacement like cofagrigigus
its place on this team is for fun and i will not try to defend its moveset. a few points are that there havent been many times where coming in as a tank and going at it has failded to hard, because what I bring it in on can usually bu seeded or hit hard with one of the atatcks, though I see that there are quite a few who CAN take all his attacks , and screw me sleep and a switch helps but is not a full solution, thus why I do not support anyone using this moveset unless they are f*ckin around
No problem, glad I could help :)
cool any tips on the points ive mentioned?
ive learned alot more from watching pokemon showdown lives on youtube then live, cuz you really get to know the thought process, some say they narrate wifi betetr but PO or showdown live litterally ( if you talk it out ) tells you everything the person is thinking , this is where I learned ( maybe relearned? i seemed to be better 3rd gen and early 4th gen b4 i took a huge break through the rest of gen 4 up til bw2).
To think like. Ok he has X to take hits from X and X to take hits from X , if I get X to plus 2 , and get X ( on his team) out of the way , I win, like a rain team using thundurus , if im playing with that Gastro is a full stop, so having alakazam with energy ball or Breloom with spore and BSeed on my team will let me get through it , Ive gotten quite good at recognizing what i need to do to win in battles, though I could use some tips,
I have trouble doing the same when teambuilding, and i think I play better than I team building.

Like , I get Oh I have a Gyrados, I could put an electivire on the team to switch into and motor drive it up , or since electivire sucks ( wonder if they fixed him a bit gen 6/in XnY) I could put GAstrodon or Donphan to take those electric attacks
This would Lead to me putting in Tran Celibi and Donphan who all cover each other
. I get all that but Im looking for some info on stuff past that , like more detailed info/tips on building team like not just filling with wall and heavy hitters but putting late game sweepers and any other intricacies of team building, any help would be appreciated.