Pokémon Doublade

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I don't like this guy on offensive roles as it's outclassed by Aegislash. For example, the SD +3 attacks set is easily walled by physical walls such as Hippowdon and Skarmory, where Aegislash can do serious damage back with +2 Iron Head / Shadow Claw, or just 2HKO them on the switch with Shadow Ball. Doublade really misses Pain Split to work at his best and i hope he gets it in the next games.
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Touch wood, but every Aegislash that my Doublade has been up against has been 2HKO'd by Shadow Claw/Shadow Sneak. I just think the set that I posted earlier in the thread makes an excellent physical wall/defensive sweeper.
Ok, I've found the reason he has No Guard: According to serebii No Guard allows you to hit throght protection, detection and similar moves! Phantom force seems a pretty decent move and, alongside with bounce users it may have a little use, too.

So you have a defensive behemoth that can hit like a truck even if the enemy protects it with STAB gyron ball and that can abuse trick room to its fullest. Really cool, IMO. I think I prefer him over Aegislash.

Of course, the boost of No Guard is even cooler for Machamp and Golurk, who can abuse the ability with Dinamicpunch
I just noticed that my set doesn't have enough EVs, probably a typo. It should be 252 HP / 120 SDef / 136 Atk. I also noticed that Doublade can't learn King's Shield (which is weird, considering I was able to use it on PS, but it's probably updated now), so it should be running either Shadow Sneak or Rest. Additionally, there should be no reason why Doublade (or Aegislash for that matter) is running Night Slash, considering it serves no additonal coverage that Shadow Claw doesn't cover (also, it's resisted by Fairies). A good rule of thumb I use is to never run Dark attacks on Ghost types (unless it's Sucker Punch or Pursuit), and never run Ghost attacks on Dark types. Speaking of sets, I came up with another one.

Defensive Swords Dance
Doublade @ Eviolite
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful/Impish Nature
- Rest
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw/Iron Head
- Sacred Sword/Sleep Talk

This is a potentially good defensive Swords Dance set, the only problem being the two turns of rest. I can't find the perfect place to put Sleep Talk, so it's stuck as just another set until then. Again, Gyro Ball can be used in place of Iron Head alongside a -Spe nature with 0 IVs.

After playing with Doublade more, it's actually a nice middle road between Aegislash's Shield and Blade form. Doublade is actually more physically defensive than Aegislash due to Eviolite, and it doesn't have to rely on Stance Change or King's Shield to take a hit. The only thing I find missing is leftovers recovery (which you can stall for on Aegislash) and slightly higher special bulk. If serebii's information on No Guard is right, then that means in a match of Doublade vs. Aegislash, Doublade can do massive damage vs. Aegislash if you predict playing against Shadow Sneak/Claw and King's Shield correctly.

I've compiled a list of pros and cons when deciding between Doublade and Aegislash.

Aegislash Pros:
- Leftovers recovery (stalling with King's Shield is a plus)
- General item use (life orb, choice band, etc.)
- Usable special bulk (can survive STAB'd SE attacks and KO back)
- Can run special attacks for surprise value.

Aegislash Cons:
- Unless you have good predicting skills, an experienced opponent can play around your Aegislash
- Pretty much needs King's Shield to be useful.

Doublade Pros:
- Fairly straightforward compared to Aegislash, much easier to use and avoids potentially risky mind games.
- Has an easier time setting up without having to use King's Shield to do so safely.
- Much bulkier than Aegislash physically, even without investing in Defense.

Doublade Cons:
- Needs Eviolite to maintain its niche.
- Considerably weaker than Aegislash unless you invest in attack.
- Needs investment in Special Defense, even with Eviolite.
- Ability hinders it more than helps it (unless in a case such as vs. Aegislash)

Although Doublade has potentially good Pros, there are far too many cons outweighing it. Aegislash is better for the specific role of either outright walling a threat or sweeping. While Doublade is a great middle road between those two roles, the choice between Aegislash vs. Doublade really depends on personal preference more than anything else.

OP should update with this info.
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Well if Aegislash ends up being hard OU like everyone thinks then Doublade can certainly find a niche in UU.
While we're just throwing sets out there, I thought a set with decent physical and special bulk would work well.
Doublade @ Eviolite
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 SDef / 36 Def / 220 Atk
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Gyro Ball
- Protect / Rock Slide
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Claw / Pursuit
Gengar Shadow Ball 252- SpA (custom) Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 252+ SpD (custom): 129-153 (49.8 - 59.07%) -- 99.61% chance to 2HKO
With light screen~ 252- SpA (custom) Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 252+ SpD (custom) through Light Screen: 64-76 (24.71 - 29.34%) -- possible 4HKO
Cheatingtaco, note that if no guard allow him to pass through protect, that also means he cannot use protect himself. Maybe you should run shadow sneak or swords dance (or rock slide, as you sugest) in its place.
Cheatingtaco, note that if no guard allow him to pass through protect, that also means he cannot use protect himself. Maybe you should run shadow sneak or swords dance (or rock slide, as you sugest) in its place.

That would also have made King's Shield useless though right? Clearly it isn't for Aegislash. (And yes, I know Doublade can't learn it.)
Oh, a way to exploit No Guard: Fury Cutter.
Max out speed and attack, add choice scarf, and, well, it's just a suggestion.
Oh, a way to exploit No Guard: Fury Cutter.
Max out speed and attack, add choice scarf, and, well, it's just a suggestion.

Doesn't work badly, but why not just Dance for a turn instead and use something with STAB/Sacred Sword?

I like Doublade because he's able to use more choices than the "standard" Aegislash one, and his stats really aren't bad for a middling evolution.
Just making a suggestion. Someone who's reading this, try it out. Tell me if it works.

It does, but the problem is it tends to telegraph badly- people use it as a chance to swap something resistant in and force you to swap attacks in turn. If you can -get- 3+ uninterrupted turns to spam it, you'll chew people to bits eventually, but it's non-STAB and doesn't really dent things until Fury Cutter #3.

Most cases I'd have rather had Sacred Sword or used something more effective since it'd deal more punishment before I'm forced to swap attacks or Pokemon.
Fury Cutter is a terrible move. If you're interested in proving otherwise, try it yourself.
My point is, its power has been boosted this gen and is the only thing that Doublade can abuse with No Guard. Just an option to consider. I have also taken Kyreth's point on board as well about switching, but a lot of people tend to use dark types, no? Also, I'm not on showdown so I can't be arsed to try myself, I have other things to raise, you know.
Also, I'm not on showdown so I can't be arsed to try myself

You realise going on Showdown is as easy as typing in a name? You need not even register (which takes ten seconds). It takes less effort than using one in-game and also gives you a better idea of how it stands in the metagame.
My point is, its power has been boosted this gen and is the only thing that Doublade can abuse with No Guard. Just an option to consider. I have also taken Kyreth's point on board as well about switching, but a lot of people tend to use dark types, no? Also, I'm not on showdown so I can't be arsed to try myself, I have other things to raise, you know.

There are a few other potential cases- with 35 Speed, Doublade works pretty darn good with Trick Room and can learn Rock Slide via TM for flinchhax and perfect accuracy thanks to No Guard. Ticks off Fire/Flying types (hello, Talonflame, no first-strike Flare Blitz for you and suck my 4x supereffective) nicely. If you're NOT using it with Trick Room, it's not likely to get much use out of it.
There are a few other potential cases- with 35 Speed, Doublade works pretty darn good with Trick Room and can learn Rock Slide via TM for flinchhax and perfect accuracy thanks to No Guard. Ticks off Fire/Flying types (hello, Talonflame, no first-strike Flare Blitz for you and suck my 4x supereffective) nicely. If you're NOT using it with Trick Room, it's not likely to get much use out of it.
Point taken.
You realise going on Showdown is as easy as typing in a name? You need not even register (which takes ten seconds). It takes less effort than using one in-game and also gives you a better idea of how it stands in the metagame.
I'm not that competitive and I'm working, otherwise I would have done it by now.
noob question: Why put protect on a doublade? is it a replacement for king's shield? on aegislash, king's shield's purpose was to half the enemy's attack so you can use sword's dance and survive their hit or switch forms. Doublade who can't learn King's shield wouldn't need it anyway as it cannot change stances
noob question: Why put protect on a doublade? is it a replacement for king's shield? on aegislash, king's shield's purpose was to half the enemy's attack so you can use sword's dance and survive their hit or switch forms. Doublade who can't learn King's shield wouldn't need it anyway as it cannot change stances
Doublade doesn't have kings shield
Doublade doesn't have kings shield
He knows that, he's just asking why Doublade would even bother with Protect at all. Protect is viable for Pokemon who have passive recovery, like Wish, Poison Heal or Rain Dish, but Doublade can't even hold Leftovers. All Protect does is stall for a turn (and give the opponent a possible free turn) and there is no need to waste Doublade's valuable moveslot for it.
Unless donphan falls to UU for some reason, I could see this guy as the premier UU spin blocker. Incredible defense coupled with a great defensive
typing. Usable attack stat and movepool that includes stab priority and the unresisted ghost fighting combo.
I was actually hoping for a more with Doublade. I've been running a max attak/def with evolite since I first caught it and it has been nothing but awesome. I never even considered Gyro Ball.

Ive been running it as a neutral nature for the time being.

I know Evolite is awesome for it but has anyone considered using any other items, like maybe for lower teirs?
I was actually hoping for a more with Doublade. I've been running a max attak/def with evolite since I first caught it and it has been nothing but awesome. I never even considered Gyro Ball.

Ive been running it as a neutral nature for the time being.

I know Evolite is awesome for it but has anyone considered using any other items, like maybe for lower teirs?

I could see you going with LO if you're going to be boosting it's speed vs. Dancing it's Attack up, which would let you likely run a decent mixed set.
Doublade @ Eviolite
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish / Relaxed Nature
- Power Trick
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- Protect / Iron Head / Gyro Ball

Pseudo-King's Shield set. Use Power Trick to switch Doublade's massive Defense with it's middling Attack. Shadow Sneak and Sacred Sword are standard. Protect lets the player absorb an attack after switching stats due to low speed or you can take Iron Head for a STAB anti-Fairy move. Gyro Ball is a secondary option for more damage and you would want Doublade to have a Relaxed Nature to maximize the Speed difference.
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