The Great Blunder

Hello Smogon! My name is Brawlfest, and welcome to my 4th NU RMT, The Great Blunder. This team was built around Offensive Klang, a highly underrated threat, and supports it's ability to sweep. The result, was a pseudo-spikes stacking hyper offense team, that is able to keep consistent pressure on opponents through strong attacks as well as large amounts of hazards. Right now, I am sitting at 1914 with this team on the PS Ladder, and will continue to climb. However, I do not believe that ACRE ratings represent anything, but at least thats a little bit of substantial proof for you people. Either way, I came up with this team, because of the recent sudden popularity of RestTalk Klang, which in my opinion is far inferior to it's brother, Offensive Klang. Either way, please enjoy my RMT!

The Team:


A Closer Look:


Scolipede @ Black Sludge
Ability: Swarm
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 208 HP / 36 Atk / 56 Def / 208 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Megahorn
- Aqua Tail
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes

Atticus is our Spike-Stacker. Much like the Cunning lawyer that we all know and love, he takes care of conflicts behind the scenes, which in our case is through setting up hazards. Bulky Scolipede is the best Scolipede, as it can consistently switch into Sawk and Primeape's assaults, setting up hazards against them. Megahorn is an amazing STAB, hitting unbelievable power, especially when in Swarm range. Aqua Tail covers with it well, hitting Rock and Ground types very hard, allowing Scolipede to not be completely defenseless. Spikes is our primary reason to use it though, as it can quickly and efficiently stack up multiple layers on the opponent's side, making it very hard for them to switch in and out constantly throughout the match, bringing more momentum to our side. While I don't always use Toxic Spikes, they do help put a little extra pressure on the opponent, as well as giving me a way to securely defeat the ever so rare NU stall team that may appear.



Jynx @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Trick / Focus Blast
- Ice Beam
- Lovely Kiss

Nicki is undoubtably one of the best Scarfers in the NU tier. It is also the best check to water sweepers, making sure that Carracosta can't spam it's priority, Decimating Ludicolo in it's own favored weather, and beating out Samurott as long as it's under 50%. It is a serious threat. Ice Psychic is an amazing dual STAB, and hits the majority of the tier extremely hard with no large issues. The moveset is pretty simple. Psychic and Ice Beam are our primary STAB moves, helping us revenge kill Strong birds, Fighting types, etc. Trick gives us the ability to cripple walls such as Probopass that may feel that it is necessary to switch into us. Focus Blast also helps us deal with walls of similar typing, hitting super effectively and frankly, leaving a path of destruction behind them. Lovely Kiss is the most important asset to the set though, as in the BW metagame, a sleep is basically an OHKO, which means that we can put certain pokemon out of commision for the majority of a match. This especially helps with the scarf, as while it may seem stupid to lock yourself into a sleeping move, it does give you the fastest sleep in the metagame, allowing you to challenge just about any team to fodder something to sleep. She may not be able to sing, but god damn Nicki can fight.



Klang @ Eviolite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 168 Spd / 252 Atk / 88 HP
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind
- Wild Charge
- Substitute

Meet the star of the show. Offensive Klang. There is no more underrated sweeper in the tier, people often scoff at Klang's ability in the metagame. However, most people are only familiar with RestTalk Klang. What makes Klang so good is the fact that it checks some of the largest threats in the metagame. Jynx can't touch Klang in any way, and Liepard just gets subbed against and gets destroyed by Gear Grind. After a Shift Gear or two, Klang is nigh unstoppable, hitting a respectable 568 Attack and 712 Speed. Whats better is that Intimidate won't hinder it's sweeping capabilities, making it all the more threatening. It's resistances to the most common attackers of the NU bar Fighting and Ground gives it multiple setup opportunities to set up, and with it's decent bulk after eviolite, it can stay around to perform sweeps multiple times. Shift Gear is the focus of the set, transforming Klang into a pokemon purely designed to sweep. Gear Grind + Wild Charge are the two primary offensive moves, hitting the large majority of the NU tier extremely hard. Finally, Substitute allows you to avoid crippling Thunder Wave and Will-o-Wisp, and gives you free turns of set up on forced switches. I cannot believe how underrated SubOffensive Klang is, but it is a serious threat in the current metagame, and with it's easy setup, it is simply amazing.



Mandibuzz @ Leftovers
Ability: Big Pecks
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 176 Def / 224 HP / 108 Spd
Impish Nature
- Foul Play
- Whirlwind / Taunt
- Toxic
- Roost

Cannibal will eat every NU pokemon on the opposing team alive. This ancient vulture is simply a monster. It is the only defensive pokemon on my team, and is honestly the only one I need, as it does not lose momentum for the team, allowing me to continue to pressure the opponent. Mandibuzz also is my best stall check, often 6-0ing Stall simply due to how well it checks it. Mandibuzz also helps me beat the majority of physically offensive pokemon in the tier, toxic stalling them to oblivion. The set is simple. Foul Play takes advantage of the opponent's attack stat, making for an extremely powerful STAB move as most of the pokemon that Mandibuzz will be pitted against will be physically offensive pokemon, thus giving it the advantage. Whirlwind takes advantage of our team's playing style, racking up more damage from the hazards we previously stacked, as well as phazing out set-up sweepers. Taunt however, prevents set up, and makes sure that Mandibuzz will not be plagued with status, again making it near invincible. Finally, Roost removes our flying type to avoid super effective attacks, and gives us a reliable way to recover health.



Samurott @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Ice Beam
- Taunt / Substitute

Katana earns first place in terms of the most important pokemon to making Klang successful. Samurott's ability to beat out every physical wall in the metagame, garunteed. Hydro Pump is our primary STAB, and while it has a terrible reputation for missing, it is extremely powerful, and guarantees no safe switches into Samurott. It simply wrecks every anything that wants to switch into it. Hidden Power Grass beats Water Types such as Alomomola, giving Samurott the edge over all other grass types. The funny thing is, although this set is quite common, most people automatically assume that Samurott is physical, which is laughable as I OHKO them with the proper attack. Ice Beam, allows me to hit grass types such as Tangela, who laugh at my other attacks, making it not only useable against grass types, but pleasant. I leave the final slot for either Taunt or Substitute. Our primary set utilizes Life Orb with Taunt to prevent set-up, but Substitute does create a barrier between Samurott and the opposing pokemon, thus giving us a free hit. However, if you choose to use Substitute, Leftovers is advised to avoid being worn down too quickly. Overall, All-Out Attacker Samurott is one of the best wallbreakers in the metagame, firing off game changing hits and breaking holes for my other pokemon to fight through.



Golurk @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Fist
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 76 HP / 180 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Shadow Punch
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

GLaDOS is here to take the souls of anybody in her way. The Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System packs a massive 381 attack, and pounds at foes with Iron Fist boosted attacks. Earthquake is our primary STAB, hitting the majority of the tier extremely hard, as well as beating out opposing leads with Golurk's massive attack stat. Shadow Punch, our second STAB, beats out Musharna, bringing our team an advantage against the bulky pink blob. Drain Punch, is fairly strong even without STAB just because of the Iron Fist boost, and gives Golurk a somewhat reliable form of recovery. With Golurk's natural good bulk, it is able to near-guarantee rocks against he opponents team, allowing us to get off consistant hazards damage. Overall, Golurk is possibly my favorite stealth rocker outside of probopass, and brings us a pseudo-physical sweeper, simply due to it's raw power. Reliability is key in todays NU metagame, and thus Golurk has become the most common pokemon in the tier itself, and for extremely good reason. GLaDOS is truly the glue which holds the team together as a whole, allowing it to function efficiently!
Atticus (Scolipede) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Swarm
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 208 HP / 36 Atk / 56 Def / 208 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Megahorn
- Aqua Tail
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes

Minaj (Jynx) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Trick
- Ice Beam
- Lovely Kiss

Engineer (Klang) @ Eviolite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 168 Spd / 252 Atk / 88 HP
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind
- Wild Charge
- Substitute

Cannibal (Mandibuzz) @ Leftovers
Ability: Big Pecks
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 176 Def / 224 HP / 108 Spd
Impish Nature
- Foul Play
- Whirlwind
- Toxic
- Roost

Katana (Samurott) @ Life Orb
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Ice Beam
- Taunt

GLaDOS (Golurk) @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Fist
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 72 HP / 184 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Shadow Punch
- Stealth Rock
- Drain Punch

I hope you enjoyed this NU RMT! Overall, this team has been fairly successful on the ladder, and I am quite happy with the team as a whole. Feel free to try it out, and enjoy! If you have any suggestions or comments, please comment down below! Thank you!
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Hey Brawlfest ,

The first thing I noticed was a distinct lack of priority on your team. A simple solution to this would be to change your Samurott to the Swords Dance set, which can fill that need perfectly while still maintaining your team's synergy and Samurott's wallbreaking ability. Aqua Jet is particularly useful on this team to revenge kill Charizard, who is a major, major threat to every your team. In general, I think physical Samurott just fits this team a lot better, and Mandibuzz + Toxic Spikes can pretty soundly deal with most physical walls anyway.

Also, your Golurk doesn't really seem to contribute to the team much outside of setting up Stealth Rocks and maybe getting off an Earthquake or two. I would suggest replacing it with Probopass for a few reasons--first, it gives your team a much-needed check against Specs Charizard, which as I said can pretty much annihilate your team right now. It also provides your team with a slow pivot, which is especially nice for teammates like Jynx who love a free switch-in.

This last change is optional, but I really do believe RestTalk Klang would just fit this team so much better. It gives you a way more reliable check to Kangaskhan, Jynx, Liepard, etc. just because of the major longevity difference--RestTalk goes a long way in ensuring you can live throughout the match. It also gives you a status absorber, which is especially great as currently your team lacks any way to deal with status. All RestTalk Klang really loses out on is coverage, which I honestly don't think it truly needs. I know Offensive Klang is the focus of your team, and I respect that, so this is an optional change. But I highly suggest you try it.

Either way, good luck, and I hope I helped.
Samurott @ Lum Berry
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Waterfall
- Megahorn
- Aqua Jet

Probopass @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 56 SAtk / 204 SDef
Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Power Gem
- Toxic
- Volt Switch

Klang @ Eviolite
Trait: Clear Body
EVs: 240 HP / 136 Def / 40 SpD / 92 Spe
Impish Nature
- Shift Gear
- Rest
- Gear Grind
- Sleep Talk
Solid spikes-stacking team Brawlfest. At a quick glance, your team has a problem with fire types; especially Scarfed Charizard. As Dat Blast said, your team lacks a priority move. So I suggest making your Samurott a mixed one.

Samurott @ Life Orb
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
Rash / Mild Nature
~ Hydro Pump
~ Ice Beam
~ Hidden Power Grass
~ Aqua Jet

Btw, Bulk up Gurdurr seems like a problem to this team. How do you deal with it?
Dat Blast
Probopass does seem like a good fit on the team, so I will try that out. I will admit that Zard causes me issues, and with the addition of Probopass, I think my team's longevity against it will be enlonged. I will most likely make this switch, but it will require me to do a few days testing, so please be patient. As for Samurott, I simply cannot make the change. All-Out Attacker Samurott is just so much better for the team, and helps me break down Physically Defensive walls which cause Klang major issues, and for that reason alone I will have to decline! Thank you for your input, it really did help, and I will be sure to test out both RestTalk Klang, and Defensive Probopass!

One unforeseen problem about Probopass is that CB Sawk becomes a much larger threat against my team, so that will need to be taken into consideration.

Gurdurr isn't actually an issue, as every one of my pokemon can bring it down below 80%, a range where Samurott can take it out with a Hydro Pump or Jynx can take it out with a Psychic. Aqua Jet does sound interesting, so I will try it out, but I do feel strongly about Taunt and Sub! Thank you for your input as well!
The sudden popularity of RestTalk Klang is all my doing by the way. Not that I made other people use it, I have it on a team and have been playing an awful lot with that team, and with activity having died down that now makes up a reasonable percentage of the ladder stats. Brawlfest also practically made that team for me, because I was very much a noob looking for something different, being fed up with the unbalanced nature of the nascent generation six metagames. With all that said, Brawlfest pestered me on PS to rate this team (but not before schooling me in a somewhat brutal fashion on how Klang should be used), so I feel obliged to comment. They are the contributions of a newbie, but he asked for them.

I do believe that special Samurott is good here, if only because it can blast through Seismitoad, particularly the Water Absorb variant, which is pretty much a full stop to Klang. That said the ability to revenge kill Charizard is also good, so maybe three special attacks + Aqua Jet is the best. In addition physical Samurott would provide redundant offensive coverage with Scolipede. Regarding Taunt/Sub, I'm not so sure about Sub, but Taunt seems like it just shuffles walls out. But since many walls are set-up bait for Klang, wouldn't it be better to encourage them to stick around while you switch in Klang and he gets a free boost?

Yeah, regarding Golurk, without him Sawk is an issue. At the moment, Golurk is an easy switch-in - being killed by Ice Punch is the very best outcome, since then Klang can come in for free on a Choice-locked resisted coverage move and start boosting. The ability to spinblock is also a bonus on a spike-stacking team.

A well-played Skuntank can give the team something to think about by Pursuit trapping both Jynx and Golurk, Taunting Klang and Mandibuzz and absorbing Scolipede's Toxic Spikes - however, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a weakness.
The sudden popularity of RestTalk Klang is all my doing by the way. Not that I made other people use it, I have it on a team and have been playing an awful lot with that team, and with activity having died down that now makes up a reasonable percentage of the ladder stats. Brawlfest also practically made that team for me, because I was very much a noob looking for something different, being fed up with the unbalanced nature of the nascent generation six metagames. With all that said, Brawlfest pestered me on PS to rate this team (but not before schooling me in a somewhat brutal fashion on how Klang should be used), so I feel obliged to comment. They are the contributions of a newbie, but he asked for them.

I do believe that special Samurott is good here, if only because it can blast through Seismitoad, particularly the Water Absorb variant, which is pretty much a full stop to Klang. That said the ability to revenge kill Charizard is also good, so maybe three special attacks + Aqua Jet is the best. In addition physical Samurott would provide redundant offensive coverage with Scolipede. Regarding Taunt/Sub, I'm not so sure about Sub, but Taunt seems like it just shuffles walls out. But since many walls are set-up bait for Klang, wouldn't it be better to encourage them to stick around while you switch in Klang and he gets a free boost?

Yeah, regarding Golurk, without him Sawk is an issue. At the moment, Golurk is an easy switch-in - being killed by Ice Punch is the very best outcome, since then Klang can come in for free on a Choice-locked resisted coverage move and start boosting. The ability to spinblock is also a bonus on a spike-stacking team.

A well-played Skuntank can give the team something to think about by Pursuit trapping both Jynx and Golurk, Taunting Klang and Mandibuzz and absorbing Scolipede's Toxic Spikes - however, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a weakness.
Lol do you have any suggestions to help improve the team?
Lol do you have any suggestions to help improve the team?

Sorry, i sometimes become overcome with fangirlish glee on this site, and lose all powers of objective criticism, instead feeling an impulsive urge to shower people with unadulterated praise.

However, on this occasion I genuinely can't see anything that wrong with the team. It's called "Rate My Team" not "Improve My Team".

PS Actually, I'm not a fan of the team's name, I don't really get it. So you could change it to "this is the single greatest thing in the history of the universe" because you wouldn't be lying.
Yeah I agree Gurdurr is a pretty big threat to your team, and like you said above Sawk becomes a bigger problem if you add Probopass. You could fix this by using Musharna over Mandibuzz who still gives you a bulky pivot while covering Fightings and not being weak to SR.
Yeah I agree Gurdurr is a pretty big threat to your team, and like you said above Sawk becomes a bigger problem if you add Probopass. You could fix this by using Musharna over Mandibuzz who still gives you a bulky pivot while covering Fightings and not being weak to SR.
I have been testing Musharna over Mandibuzz recently. This does remove my Fighting weakness, but Skuntank and Pivot Pard now run all over my team bar Klang. Stall also becomes a major issue, and was extremely hard to shut down. However, what musharna does offer to the table is a much more efficient physical attacker, with access to baton pass to gain my rather offensive team momentum, and thus finds its uses.

tl;dr Musharna and Mandibuzz both have their own shining points, and each opens up a different weakness to the team. Each also offers a different playing style, which helps the team under their own circumstances. Both are amazing pokemon to use in that slot, and if anybody wants you use this team with musharna, here is the set that bests suits our team:

Again, thank you Dat Blast for your contributions! :)

Musharna @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Def / 248 HP / 8 SAtk
Bold Nature
- Psychic
- Toxic
- Moonlight
- Baton Pass
I have been testing Musharna over Mandibuzz recently. This does remove my Fighting weakness, but Skuntank and Pivot Pard now run all over my team bar Klang. Stall also becomes a major issue, and was extremely hard to shut down. However, what musharna does offer to the table is a much more efficient physical attacker, with access to baton pass to gain my rather offensive team momentum, and thus finds its uses.

tl;dr Musharna and Mandibuzz both have their own shining points, and each opens up a different weakness to the team. Each also offers a different playing style, which helps the team under their own circumstances. Both are amazing pokemon to use in that slot, and if anybody wants you use this team with musharna, here is the set that bests suits our team:

Again, thank you Dat Blast for your contributions! :)

Musharna @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Def / 248 HP / 8 SAtk
Bold Nature
- Psychic
- Toxic
- Moonlight
- Baton Pass

Adding Musharna will make your team extremely vulnerable to Skuntank. If Mandibuzz doesn't fit your bill, how about trying Specially defensive Braviary? It scares out Gurdurr and sets up all over stall.

Trait: Defiant
Evs: 252 HP / 192 Sp.Def / 64 Spe
Adamant Nature
~ Bulk Up / Toxic
~ Brave Bird
~ Substitute
~ Roost
Adding Musharna will make your team extremely vulnerable to Skuntank. If Mandibuzz doesn't fit your bill, how about trying Specially defensive Braviary? It scares out Gurdurr and sets up all over stall.

Trait: Defiant
Evs: 252 HP / 192 Sp.Def / 64 Spe
Adamant Nature
~ Bulk Up / Toxic
~ Brave Bird
~ Substitute
~ Roost

SubBulk Up Braviary still leaves me vulnerable to Sawk, and leaves me far worse off to it arguably. Its best that we leave Mandibuzz as it is.
Have you considered running enough Speed to outspeed Jolly Liepard? I personally use that much Speed so that I can possibly Megahorn it. I also think you should consider Rock Slide over Aqua Tail if you are not going to use SD Samurott, simply to revenge kill non-Scarf Charizard. After all, you've mentioned both Liepard and Charizard as threats to your team, so why not have a tiny bit more insurance against them? I actually agree with RestTalk Klang, as your team accommodates it better with Toxic Spikes support. Just fyi, Klang checks Liepard far better with this set, though Encore is annoying to both sets.

I don't recommend using Jynx to handle Gurdurr, Mach punch can OHKO after Rocks, especially with Iron Fist. If you are considering Probopass (thus becoming weak to Sawk and other Fighting-types), then you don't need to worry too much about Skuntank and Liepard. That means Musharna can pivot out with Baton Pass most of the time regardless. If you are still having trouble with Stall, but want to have a better match-up with most Fighting-types, Misdreavus might be the better option with its access to Taunt and Will-O-Wisp (incidentally it frees up Taunt from Samurott's set somewhat, so you can actually consider Aqua Jet just for priority). The only Fighting-types that you have to worry about are Guts Gurdurr and BU Scraggy, and you can wear them down with Samurott and Scolipede due to their lack of initial power comparatively (Iron Fist Gurdurr is more threatening, but Misdreavus can Burn it if it isn't already poisoned/toxiced). Misdreavus can also burn Skuntank on the switch (or even if it outspeeds if your opponent doesn't speed creep), so you don't have to worry too much about Toxic Spikes clashing too badly in that situation. Sorry about the long-winded explanation for such a short rate, but the other raters are doing fine.
the quickest way to fix this team's gurdurr problem is to use toxic over toxic spikes so scolipede can weaken gurdurr to the point where it can be finished off by golurk. it can also lure sub bu braviary which beats klang 1v1 if you don't manage to crit it in time, although mandibuzz can act as a shaky counter to it.

as for other threats, this team is pretty weak to specs charizard which 2hkos everything on this team with fire blast alone. pinsir also cleans this team with its moxie swords dance set if it manages to set up. for this reason i recommend you run a more defensive golurk set with max defense and stone edge which allows you to survive at least one fire blast from charizard and ohko back while being able to counter pinsir. this set also helps vs gurdurr a bit.

Golurk @ Leftovers
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Toxic
Thank you for the rate! The scolipede EVs will be immediately changed to 343 Spd, as thats simply better to help me revenge liepard. In the end, Rock Slide still is only a 2HKO (Only has a 6% chance to OHKO Charizard), so I think I will keep Aqua Tail, for sake of better matchup against leads.
Misdreavus is an Interesting option though. It fits the team quite well, and the burns will help. I will definitely continue to test misdreavus and report back in 1-2 days.
Overall, I'm still shaky on RestTalk Klang, I was trying it out last night, and it was taking far to long to become a threat, and I often found myself in a position where I was being revenge killed by things like Non-Scarf Zard, whom I no longer had Wild Charge to outspeed and OHKO. Thank you for the input :)

That is interesting. I have never seen a defensive Golurk, but I do agree that it should be able to definitely help out against my woes with Zard and Fighting Types. I will test it out! Thank you! As for Toxic > Toxic Spikes, I probably will change, as I find myself rarely using T-Spikes, but I will need to test, as T-Spikes has been one of my win conditions against Balance and Stall in order to break down defenses.

Lol still sitting at 1904 after 47 games lol. Why must I always lose after I get to 1910 :(
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So I've had a bit of a think and, although it isn't too common, I feel like Electrode can be a big threat to this team.

Scolipede: can be Taunted to prevent hazards; Magic Coat can also reflect them.

Jynx: has her own Lovely Kiss bounced back at her with Magic Coat.

Klang: outrun even at +2, Taunt prevents set up; Electrode resists both attacks.

Mandibuzz: wrecked by Thunderbolt and Taunt

Samurott: also wrecked by Thunderbolt

Golurk: OHKOed by Foul Play

At the moment I can't think of a solution that doesn't leave a hole to a bigger threat though.
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So I've had a it of a think and, although it isn't too common, I feel like Electrode can be a big threat to this team.

Scolipede: can be Taunted to prevent hazards; Magic Coat can also reflect them.

Jynx: has her own Lovely Kiss bounced back at her with Magic Coat.

Klang: outrun even at +2, Taunt prevents set up; Electrode resists both attacks.

Mandibuzz: wrecked by Thunderbolt and Taunt

Samurott: also wrecked by Thunderbolt

Golurk: OHKOed by Foul Play

At the moment I can't think of a solution that doesn't leave a hole to a bigger threat though.

Admittedly Electrode is a huge issue and Eelektross are huge issues. In terms of beating them, my 3 key pokemon are Scolipede, Jynx, and Samurott, as they can put constant pressure to give no free switch ins. Jynx can 2HKO Electrode and Eelektross, and so can Scolipede. Samurott OHKOs both with Hydro Pump, but to hit electrode it must be on a switch.
You should really run Aqua Jet on Samurott, over Taunt/Sub, so you can revenge kill Charizard, to which you have no safe switch in

Why not try running Return over Wild Charge? Wild Charge really only hits Charizard and Water-types harder, but Return can deal with Charizard if Stealth Rock is up, and Alomomola is pretty screwed over by Toxic Spikes and Samurott already. Besides, running both Sub and Wild Charge is probably a bad idea with all the recoil. Meanwhile, Return allows you to hit all Electric-types for good coverage and gives you better longevity.
You should really run Aqua Jet on Samurott, over Taunt/Sub, so you can revenge kill Charizard, to which you have no safe switch in

Why not try running Return over Wild Charge? Wild Charge really only hits Charizard and Water-types harder, but Return can deal with Charizard if Stealth Rock is up, and Alomomola is pretty screwed over by Toxic Spikes and Samurott already. Besides, running both Sub and Wild Charge is probably a bad idea with all the recoil. Meanwhile, Return allows you to hit all Electric-types for good coverage and gives you better longevity.
Good point on return, will be testing that today. :)
I would recommend using Volcaronaaa's mixed samurott set mentioned earlier, but also possibly switch out jynx for this grumpig set (can take on gurdurr)
Grumpig Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 SpD / 4 Def
- Psychic/Psyshock
- Whirlwind
- Thunderwave
- Power gem

power gem for zard, thunder wave to slow down threats and as jynx was partially used to handle threats like carracosta, whirlwind can stop them from boosting.
I would recommend using Volcaronaaa's mixed samurott set mentioned earlier, but also possibly switch out jynx for this grumpig set (can take on gurdurr)
Grumpig Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 SpD / 4 Def
- Psychic/Psyshock
- Whirlwind
- Thunderwave
- Power gem

power gem for zard, thunder wave to slow down threats and as jynx was partially used to handle threats like carracosta, whirlwind can stop them from boosting.
Umm, that fills a completely different role as to my Jynx. Without my Jynx, I am easily 6-0'd by Samurott, Carracosta, and Ludicolo. On top of that, it is my revenge killer, bringing me the advantage against slower pokemon. Grumpig as a defensive utility pokemon loses massive amounts of momentum for my team..

Thank you for the input though.
Electric types like ampharos, eelektross, Raichu, and electabuzz completely halt klang in its path, maybe give it return instead of substitute for extra coverage
A physical set on samorott consisting of mega horn, waterfall, aqua jet/swords dance, and night slash/taunt/retaliate can prove versitile and effective for sweeping
Was there any reason to revive this already dormant RMT...Anyways

Reason not to run Physical Rott is that it is my special wallbreaker to aid klang in sweeping. Night Slash Taunt and Retaliate are also all terrible on physical rott.

Also, I sometimes run return, but most electrics die to my other pokemon.