Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 31 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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I'll take one of the careful larvitars, I have lots of spitbacks, Calm Flabebe, Jolly Gible (Rough Skin, no Outrage), Adamant Speed Boost Venipede, Modest Natural Cure Staryu, Adamant Prankster Riolu with Bullet Punch, Bold Eevee with wish, Careful Sturdy Skarmory with Brave Bird and Whirlwind, Modest Infiltrater Noibat, Adamant Starly with Double Edge. All of these have 4 relevant IVs. Interested in any?
I added you I'll send you the trade invite, I'm intrested in your noibat
Do you have a timid Noibat?
Sorry they're all modest. I forgot to mention I do have one more Jolly Skill Link Shellder with Rock Blast as well.
Edit: If you'd rather something else we can retrade, I didn't get to see how you felt about it being modest.
Edit Edit: Thanks for the Larvitar :)
Sorry they're all modest. I forgot to mention I do have one more Jolly Skill Link Shellder with Rock Blast as well.
Edit: If you'd rather something else we can retrade, I didn't get to see how you felt about it being modest.
Edit Edit: Thanks for the Larvitar :)
Its alright, do you want a Marill?
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Not at the moment but im breeding some honedges right now
I already have a perfect Aegislash as well, I've been breeding kind of crazy, I have pretty much all of the standard stuff. Some specific things I'm looking for would be like Modest Hydreigon, Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach and Drain Punch, Jolly Aipom with Fake Out, Swift Swim Timid/Modest Poliwag, Adamant Buneary. Some out there stuff like that.
I already have a perfect Aegislash as well, I've been breeding kind of crazy, I have pretty much all of the standard stuff. Some specific things I'm looking for would be like Modest Hydreigon, Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach and Drain Punch, Jolly Aipom with Fake Out, Swift Swim Timid/Modest Poliwag, Adamant Buneary. Some out there stuff like that.
I think i have a spitback meditite if you're interested
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