I2edShift's Kaijū Workshop (re-opened)

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Nice, lucky us lol. Swinub is in a repeat ball btw
Works for me. One of the few that I'm not very picky on. My info is at the top of the OP. I'll add you in the next 10 minutes (hatching charmanders atm) and we can trade.

CMT for Female Deino

A Naive Shelder would work. What ball type is it in? If they aren't in Dive Balls I'd like a male. I will have to breed it (Deino). Shouldn't take very long.

I'd be interested in a female Bagon. CMT.

I'm assuming Moxie? If so I'll have to breed for one, I have one or two intimidate's on hand I'd be willing to trade for a Ferroseed... Might have to wait a day or two.
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Interested in a Jolly/Timid Chamander (female pref) Have Ferroseed 31/31/31/x/31/0 with egg moves and Marril 5iv with belly drum/aqua jet
Interested in a Jolly/Timid Chamander (female pref) Have Ferroseed 31/31/31/x/31/0 with egg moves and Marril 5iv with belly drum/aqua jet

Already have a Marill and Ferroseed lined up. Also, like it says in the topic post I do not take requests/prefferences for 12.5% gender ratio stuff. If I have it I'll note it somewhere, but I'm sure as hell not wasting my time breeding +200 eggs trying to get it.
CMT for

Bagon Female
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Naive
IV Spread: 31/31/31/31/xx/31
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse


Ability: Speed Boost
Nature: Adamant
IV Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: None
magic guard modest abra (31/x/31/31/31/31) for a preferably female torchic?
is the gender the only issue? if that is the case, could I just get whatever you have or breed first however you are doing it?
Pretty much.

With ideal pparents there's only about a 1.3% chance of getting a female speed boost female Torchic with a 31-31-31-xx-31-31 spread. I don't have that kind of time and unless the trade was WAY in my favor, I'd never bother with it.

Hi I'm interested in your trophy case Charmander
I can offer:
Male 6IV Protean Hasty Froakie,
Male 6IV Timid Electrike

It's definitely not for trade. It makes a beastly Mega Charizard and it's way too useful as a parent.
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Pretty much.

With ideal pparents there's only about a 1.3% chance of getting a female speed boost female Torchic with a 31-31-31-xx-31-31 spread. I don't have that kind of time and there's little that would be worth it to me.

Well im cool with a male then if you still wanna do the trade for the abra?
I have
Pokemon: Tyrunt
Ability: Strong Jaw
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
IV Spread: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Elemental Fangs and Poison Fang

Ball Type: Pokeball

For female Gible Rough Skin
I have a female adamant guts timburr in a standard pokeball 31/31/31/x/31/x
egg moves are mach punch and drain punch
Im interested in a male deino
CMT for Timid Charmander?

I'd be willing to breed one for a Hyper Cutter Pinsir. It may take a bit though. Need to hatch a Torchic & Bagon♀ ahead of you.

Well I'm cool with a male then if you still wanna do the trade for the Abra?

I can do that. I'll try to get it done today, but it depends on how long this Moxie Bagon♀ Takes.... I've had pretty terrible luck with Bagons in the past so I'm not looking forward to it. If it has the spread I need it's usually Intimidate.

I have
Pokemon: Tyrunt
Ability: Strong Jaw
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
IV Spread: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Elemental Fangs and Poison Fang
Ball Type: Pokeball

For female Gible Rough Skin

That works for me. I have one ♀ on hand that's ready to go. Go ahead and add me and send me a PM with your ID# and in game name and we'll go from there. My info's on the front page.

I have a female adamant guts timburr in a standard pokeball 31/31/31/x/31/x
egg moves are mach punch and drain punch
I'm interested in a male Deino

(I was about to ask why it didn't have a speed EV... But then I remembered it's base stat)

I have a male Deino on hand that's ready to go. Go ahead and add me and send me a PM with your ID# and in game name and we'll go from there. My info's on the front page.
Also, from this point in time until Friday'ish, I'll have my hands full with the two(?) current trades/orders. It's a busy time of year between work and family (I get up at 3am for work and I'm already dead tired). The list below is what's immediately on hand, but I wont be able to take requests again until probably late this weekend.

Immediately Available:
  • Fletchling♀
  • Larvatar♂♀
  • Charmander♂ - Jolly
  • Ghastly♂♀
  • Deino♂♀
  • Bagon♂♀ - Intimidate & Moxie
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sure just pm me when ready
Will do, I'll start it tomarrow when/if I have time and hopefully finish no later than friday. My night was spent eating taco's and cutting down Christmas tree's with a hand saw... Which I don't believe in because... Well... You know... It's still &*#(ing November last I checked.

Also updated the rules and finished several pending trades. Would like to get them done & over with but I know how busy everyone is this time of year.
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