Serious Political correctness is ruining America

I'm also pretty sure Richard Lynn has written extensively that women are inherently less intelligent than men. Scientific racism or racialism (what "race realism" is a euphemism for) isn't anything new, and social sciences are pretty easy to manipulate depending on the questions you ask/how you ask them/confirmation bias etc. That's how you get two papers coming out at the same time saying that bisexual men exist and don't exist. Schrodinger's bisexuals, if you will.

Also, Christian culture is being DESTROYED by those PC bastards! That's why the US is in Christmas-mode for 4 months per year. DAMN YOU PC MASTER RACE! Xbox will triumph!
Christmas as popularized in America has to do more with consumerism than Christianity, elcheeso. Only Christians act in ways that show Christmas is about Christ and not St. Nicholas of Myra (who you would know popularly as "Santa Claus"). Folks like the Freedom From Religion Foundation don't attack depictions of Santa at Christmas time, they attack depictions of Christ.

The funny thing about political correctness is it's basically the new acceptable form of bigotry. They'll require you to take down a painting of The Last Supper because it might offend people, while the next day sponsoring a field trip to a mosque to learn about the benefits of Islam to a multicultural society. You can cut "multiculturalism" off after "cult" - because that is what it is. It's an anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-straight, anti-male cult. As long as you don't fall into all four of those categories (I have the quadrifecta) you are now a "protected class." Paternalism, you see, isn't really bigoted. Now go and be a hero to all those oppressed minorities! This is a hockey match, and you have to check their privilege (but remember, hockey is enjoyed primarily by white people, so don't take that analogy too far!)

Secularism breeds weak arguments. This is why its answer to anything is "separation of church and state." Because you see, only through navel gazing can one objectively view history, society, and the context in which they are formed. Your religion has 2,000 years of human experience, was foundational to the thinking of your nation's forefathers, and has been the moral compass the world over for centuries? Too bad! My social studies teacher divined the proper policies for education, marriage, and government from a message he saw in his Cheerios!
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Christmas as popularised in America has to do more with consumerism than Christianity, elcheeso. Only Christians act in ways that show Christmas is about christianity lol and not Father Christmas. Folks like the Freedom From Religion Foundation don't attack depictions of Monsieur Chrimbo at Christmas time, they attack depictions of Jebus.

The funny thing about political correctness is it's basically not the new acceptable form of bigotry. It'll require you to take down a painting of The Last Supper because it is promoting christianity in a secular environment, while the next day sponsoring a field trip to a mosque to learn about the benefits of Islam to a multicultural society. This is great because it increases knowledge of the world as a whole & expands an individual's way of thinking, instead of just being a sheep like humans have been for 99% of their existence. It has nothing to do with cults whatsoever. Christianity is the biggest cult going. PC is none of the following: anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-straight, anti-male cult. If you fall into all four of those categories, may your god have mercy on you. Maybe it's time christians stopped getting special privileges and were integrated into the rest of modern society. Now, go and be a hero to all those oppressed minorities! This is a hockey match, which is enjoyed by many people with no specific majority fans. I don't know about ice hockey though.

Secularism breeds the strongest arguments. This is because it's in the constitution which Americans constantly bang on about anyways. Because you see, only through looking at the christian-right that ruled the past and murdered those who didn't believe the same, can one see society and just how morally wrong it used to be. Forget Christianity with it's god creating the sun on the fourth day (lololol), Hinduism has way more history so that must be the religion with the most experience and knowledge, because everything simply must be based on religion, you know? My irreligious teacher defined his idea, and probably correct, policies for education, marriage and government from something other than religion! Shock Horror!

That has to be one of, if not the worst post by a so called 'moderator' ever. Bias to the max, so I took the liberty of improving it. Enjoy!
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Deck Knight do you actually think the movement to not alienate all nonwhites is just a front for suppressing christianity? that maybe if the people who racism affects say it isnt over...maybe it isnt?? that maybe dropping n-bombs actually does cause social problems by normalizing the dehumanization inherent in most slurs. whites dont, and in fact cant, understand what it is like to be slurred at. there is no white slur charged with centuries of being treated as property.

as for the last supper portrait example, do you really care about taking it down? you may not realize it as a christian, but christianity already permeates virtually every aspect of culture in the west, and some of us dont care to have religions we dont believe in shoved down our throats. if every television show suddenly decided to hire almost exclusively muslims (and jews that portray muslims) and change the moral compasses of the programs to match islam's, do you not think you would feel even a little alienated? if virtually only white christians you saw in the media were either gross caricatures or a painful attempt at islamifying them? because if you replace islam with christianity, that is the world that I and millions of others live in right now. you and many other fundamentalists decry a culture war, but you are the only group fighting. before you complain about mangers being taken down, consider that children get a full week off for christmas but not one day for eid.

if all white people think in such an egocentric way it explains a lot about why they have made me personally so unhappy in airports
Glad to see Deck Knight doing his bit for the "and I'm going to use this as my excuse to carry on being a bigoted cunt" part of my statement...
Brap Brap is the perfect example of what I'm talking about. He'd rather put words in my mouth than logically counter-argue what I said. Maybe Brapx2 you want to cite for me Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists? Because the Constitution only has the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause, and you seem to not understand the context of the first and you ignore entirely the second. Maybe you never learned this, but the Establishment Clause was placed in the Constitution to prevent the problems you were talking about that are the usual result of a state-sponsored religion. This was done because the Founders knew history well, and the British Empire did require tithing to the Anglican Church, the official religion of the British Empire.

Now, onto more serious fare:
Deck Knight do you actually think the movement to not alienate all nonwhites is just a front for suppressing christianity? that maybe if the people who racism affects say it isnt over...maybe it isnt?? that maybe dropping n-bombs actually does cause social problems by normalizing the dehumanization inherent in most slurs. whites dont, and in fact cant, understand what it is like to be slurred at. there is no white slur charged with centuries of being treated as property.

Non-Sequiter. Multicultarism is not "a movement to not alienate all nonwhites." That's a very rosy interpretation of it, mine is less rosy, but I can provide examples to back it up or generalize it to the more objective "Multicultarism is a movement which posits the contributions of all cultures to civil society are equal in scale and importance."

Specific to n-bombs: Rap Music drops more n-bombs than anything else on this earth. It also dehumanizes women by reducing them to bitches and hos. About the only white person I've ever heard drop an n-bomb is Eminem, and he hardly counts as the average run of the mill person. Your example is pretty poor, in my opinion. As a matter of fact, the primary movers and shakers of the abolitionist movement and the civil rights movement in America were devout Christians. If there are contributions of others, by all means claim them, but it is wrong to suppress the achievements of individuals of groups that were objectively more important to do so.

as for the last supper portrait example, do you really care about taking it down? you may not realize it as a christian, but christianity already permeates virtually every aspect of culture in the west, and some of us dont care to have religions we dont believe in shoved down our throats. if every television show suddenly decided to hire almost exclusively muslims (and jews that portray muslims) and change the moral compasses of the programs to match islam's, do you not think you would feel even a little alienated?

As far as The Last Supper, I care not because I'm Christian but because all of this "we don't want to offend people" reasoning is bullshit when you consider the number of people likely to be offended by the removal is greater than the number offended if just left well enough alone. Inaction never riles offense like action does. It's rarely said, but it's a truism that "majorities have rights too."

As far as Christianity being shoved down people's throats in this society, I'm going to need an example of this. Do you mean shows that teach people baseline morality, like not to steal, commit adultery, and murder? When was the last time you actually saw a devout Christian portrayed positively in any prime time television program? This idea that western culture, especially today, is littered oppressively with the Christian ethos is simply laughable. Today's pop culture / prime time ethos is anything but Christian. It opposes Christian notions of chastity and sexual morality in general, has nothing positive to say about worshiping in organized religions in general, and in no way promotes any ethic of charity, brotherhood, or a broader form of love than eros (sexual attraction). The last prime time show I saw resembling anything close to an overarching Christian ethic was Seventh Heaven, and that series finished years ago.

if virtually only white christians you saw in the media were either gross caricatures or a painful attempt at islamifying them? because if you replace islam with christianity, that is the world that I and millions of others live in right now. you and many other fundamentalists decry a culture war, but you are the only group fighting. before you complain about mangers being taken down, consider that children get a full week off for christmas but not one day for eid.

if all white people think in such an egocentric way it explains a lot about why they have made me personally so unhappy in airports

I merely juxtaposed Islam because it is in so many ways what people proclaim they hate about their interpretation of Christianity, and yet examples abound where it is put up on a pedestal as an element of multiculturalism. As far as character portrayals, when you live in a majority Christian nation (nominally) and you're getting actors from Hollywood, the chances you'll be finding a devout person of any faith with the acting talent you'd require is a stretch. Hollywood does its level best to squelch religious adherence unless you are either too new to know the rules, or famous enough to effectively ignore them and "come out of the closet," so to speak.

As far as fighting the culture war, yes, we are fighting. On Defense. Because no one else seems to give a damn that the culture is slipping away from an ethic than has guided it well for centuries. The reason there is a Christmas vacation week and not an Eid vacation week is that Christianity was a fundamental influence in forming the United States of America. In Muslim Nations, I imagine Eid is given more emphasis, especially since many Muslim nations are effectively theocracies. While not all founding fathers were what one would define as Christian, nearly all of them believed in divine providence and the power of God to guide and properly inform the behaviors of free men and women. Several founders have quotes to the effect that the Constitution is only for a religious and moral people and would be inadequate to the government of any other.

The problem with political correctness is that all cultures have not contributed equally to civil society, and to suppress those that have contributed more or to suggest a relativistic ethic is only going to damage society. Our culture does not even teach about Christianity or Natural Law anymore. Children do not even learn about their underpinnings of their own culture, and yet we're supposed to suppress that culture and elevate others? Nonsense.


Pwnemon and Trax thanks for contributing nothing. Maybe you are the guys who should remember Firebot and Cong aren't merged anymore? I seem to have grasped the concept just fine, seeing as my post, you know, didn't actually attack another user.
can you guys please ignore deck knight and move on, so as to not ruin the thread? i believe that any response to him would constitute feeding the troll. if we could all be mature and just look past him i'm sure we could have a nice discussion.
I just feel like we put to many limits on peoples expression of opinion. I mean yeah it's a bad idea to go around using racial slurs, but the fact that I got in trouble in school for using the word " Retard " ? I can't use words like (BAN ME PLEASE) or gay or Retard or Nigga or even bitch without people getting offended or thinking I'm some sort of horrible person. Not that I use those words in real life, I'm just saying as a generalization. Society babies minorities to much. We go out of our way to protect culture in America. Just my thoughts.
I know I shouldn't bite. But really? You need to clean out your ears/eyes.
Deck Knight said:
About the only white person I've ever heard drop an n-bomb is Eminem

I could pick apart much more, but I think this alone discredits anything else said.

Oh fine one more
Deck Knight said:
When was the last time you actually saw a devout Christian portrayed positively in any prime time television program?
Flanders on the Simpsons? Shirley on Community? Heck, Joe on Glee?
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I like that some people in this world actually take the time to consider the opinions and beliefs of others before acting in case they might cause offense. I don't see a problem with political correctness when it makes the world a nicer place. Your problem with it seems to be when political correctness leads to censorship. Censorship is just a sneaky form of oppression and I hate that it continues to thrive even today, but that doesn't mean political correctness has to be thrown under the bus. Without out you'd have people going around yelling "I fucking hate (BAN ME PLEASE)s and (BAN ME PLEASE) god bless Ted Cruz" without feeling guilty about it. So there's a time and place for it.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have /b/tards and the like going around spewing "political incorrectness" as a way of expressing themselves and not letting the man get them down, which just comes off as 2edgy4me. Your right to an opinion doesn't supersede my right to not care.
I like that some people in this world actually take the time to consider the opinions and beliefs of others before acting in case they might cause offense. I don't see a problem with political correctness when it makes the world a nicer place. Your problem with it seems to be when political correctness leads to censorship. Censorship is just a sneaky form of oppression and I hate that it continues to thrive even today, but that doesn't mean political correctness has to be thrown under the bus. Without out you'd have people going around yelling "I fucking hate (BAN ME PLEASE)s and (BAN ME PLEASE) god bless Ted Cruz" without feeling guilty about it. So there's a time and place for it.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have /b/tards and the like going around spewing "political incorrectness" as a way of expressing themselves and not letting the man get them down, which just comes off as 2edgy4me. Your right to an opinion doesn't supersede my right to not care.
my issue with political correctness is that i feel like i cant talk about race at all without offending anybody. it spreads eggshells around the issue of race. it teaches us to try to blind ourselves to the differences in race and pretend that we are all the same when in reality we arent. and it is those differences that make us such a wonderfully diverse world. the issue is that the way political correctness is now takes the issue of race in the wrong way.
Oh fine one more
Flanders on the Simpsons? Shirley on Community? Heck, Joe on Glee?
I don't know about the others but Flanders is hardly someone portrayed positively. Many times he's shown to be intolerant and a religious extremist relative to those that surround him. I disagree with the idea that there are a bunch of positive portrayals of Christians in media nowadays. Honestly on TV you really don't get too many devout Christian characters that don't come with the same sort of stereotypes (all fanatics or zealots, intolerant of other religions or non heterosexuals, always trying to push their religions into other peoples lives even when not wanted, etc.). Usually the super devout Christian is just the butt of the joke, someone to be laughed at for their narrow mindedness or the fact that they come on too strong or stuff like that. The idea that those types of characters are still portrayed as people you'd want to emulate in pop culture is an ideology that seems kind of outdated. Just because there are Christian characters on a show doesn't mean that they are casting Christianity in a better light or that it's evidence of the pervasiveness of Christian ideals in popular culture or anything. If anything, I'd say that the majority of Christians on TV are those that would call themselves Christian but wouldn't display much devout mess or strength of conviction if you were to investigate it (these types of Christian characters would resonate more with the average person too which is probably why they're so popular), so on that note at least I agree w/ Deck knight.
So what do you think about political correctness, where do you draw the line, how has it affected you?

1) It's a joke.
2) Nowhere.
3) I wouldn't know because I don't give it any thought.

However despite what I have been saying i think there are a couple of times where we should be at least a bit politically correct, mostly when it comes to mental disabilities. Now like i said before we shouldn't go overboard but making fun of people who have things like autism isn't cool. Also when somebody is trying to suppress other cultures, races, religions through intimidation, violence or insulting. This is NOT okay in any way shape or form and we should take steps to prevent it. This is where it gets tricky where do we draw the line between okay and not okay. I think we do it on the level of malice involved, if no malice is involved then if the comment was in bad taste we just relax and in form them, if there is malice involved we still need to relax but handle it a bit differently.

I disagree. Saying one thing is worse than another for something some could deem as equivalent is completely subjective. While I'm not going to make fun of autistic people I'm not going to look down on those that do since I'm over here making 9/11 jokes. And don't even get me started on race.

Also I think that paragraph gave a really bad example. There's a difference between between being politically correct and being an asshole.
my issue with political correctness is that i feel like i cant talk about race at all without offending anybody. it spreads eggshells around the issue of race. it teaches us to try to blind ourselves to the differences in race and pretend that we are all the same when in reality we arent. and it is those differences that make us such a wonderfully diverse world. the issue is that the way political correctness is now takes the issue of race in the wrong way.
Um, what?

Why do you want to be talking about race in the first place? Race is just a bullshit classification system that was created because some people thought the color of their skin meant they were better than others. It has no genetic basis that I'm aware of and instead relies on physical traits to differentiate between people. It's because we have this social concept that there has been so much hatred and bloodshed in our history that will always continue to exist so long as we acknowledge that race is a thing when actually, it isn't. White, black, yellow, whatever. These are superficial differences, not genetic ones and don't say anything about who we are as people. If we stopped looking at each other as belonging to different races and started looking at each other as just people who are different for reasons that have to do with everything but the color of our skin, then the world would be a better place. I don't see how talking about race can make anything better, unless it's about eliminating the idea of race entirely. I question your belief that the different colors of skin are what make us "wonderfully diverse" when really it's much, much more than that.
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Um, what?

Why do you want to be talking about race in the first place? Race is just a bullshit classification system that was created because some people thought the color of their skin meant they were better than others. It has no genetic basis that I'm aware of and instead relies on physical traits to differentiate between peoples. It's because we have this social concept that there has been so much hatred and bloodshed in our history that will always continue to exist so long as we acknowledge that race is a thing when actually, it isn't. White, black, yellow, whatever. These are superficial differences, not genetic ones and don't say anything about who we are as people. If we stopped looking at each other as belonging to different races and started looking at each other as just people who are different for reasons that to do with everything but the color of our skin, then the world would be a better place. I don't see how talking about race can make anything better, unless it's about eliminating the idea of race entirely. I question your belief that the different colors of skin are what make us "wonderfully diverse" when really it's much, much more than that.
We are geneticly different there is no question about that, what I am saying is that we embrace the fact that we are different and except other peoples differences. I am definately NOT saying that we should judge people or think we are superior because of differences.
what I am saying is that we embrace the fact that we are different and accept other peoples differences.
Ok. If anything I think political correctness actually helps us in this regard, by forcing us to consider the opinions and beliefs of others as well as our own. I think without some kind of politically correct status quo we'd be much less inclined to do so.
Ok. If anything I think political correctness actually helps us in this regard, by forcing us to consider the opinions and beliefs of others as well as our own. I think without some kind of politically correct status quo we'd be much less inclined to do so.
I don't think so, I feel like it tries to make us ignore what makes us different, which I feel like crushes diversity, or at least our ability to note diversity.
I don't think so, I feel like it tries to make us ignore what makes us different, which I feel like crushes diversity, or at least our ability to note diversity.
I know this is pretty subjective and hardly a universal experience, but the point of being politically correct is to address and celebrate diversity, not the opposite. It seems to me your beef is more with censorship than actual political correctness, or at least people misusing the latter.
At the risk of this thread taking a more terrible direction than it already has, why don't you tell us what kind of things you'd like to discuss about race that you feel you haven't been able to due to those damn PC users, newtonja?