Heisenberg's Pokemon Meth Lab (VGC Viable Pokemon, HP Pokemon, and Much More!) [Updated: 4/29/14]

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As long as it has Spikes and Toxic Spikes as egg moves :), and would you happen to have a female?

I have what you need :)! But would you happen to have a 0 speed Ferroseed that is Sassy, and a Snorunt that is Jolly?
don't worry bro it has toxic spikes and spikes AND it's female And it's in a quick ball lol
i would like to trade it for your
vullaby female 31/31/31/x/31/31
Impish nature and Overcoat ability
w/ egg moves
don't worry bro it has toxic spikes and spikes AND it's female And it's in a quick ball lol
i would like to trade it for your
vullaby female 31/31/31/x/31/31
Impish nature and Overcoat ability
w/ egg moves

Done! I'll add you as soon as you shoot me your FC in a PM :).



Skarmory (Sturdy) is up +1


Avalugg (Sturdy) aka Crystal Meth is coming along nicely, expect to see stock soon!​
CMT for a male crogunk? (Abilty does not matter, but preferably Dry Skin)
A 4IV spit-back would also be fine!
I'm interested in a Bold Tentacool with Rapid Spin. I am interested in a 0 speed Ferroseed, but Sassy... would you happen to have one of them? Also, are you interested in one of my above Spitbacks for a 31/X/31/X/31/31 Prankster Sableye?

Hey, thanks for replying in my thread - must've forgotten about this one trying to keep track of everything!

Unfortunately I have already acquired a Croagunk, will trade Tenta for Poliwag? And I'd like a Mincinno spitback for Sableye if possible as well. Cheers!
As long as it has Spikes and Toxic Spikes as egg moves :), and would you happen to have a female?

I have what you need :)! But would you happen to have a 0 speed Ferroseed that is Sassy, and a Snorunt that is Jolly?

I'm sorry none, I don't have pokemons that are not listed in my thread.
Synthesis and Giga Drain are level up moves. :P

Oh crap, I'm sorry! I'm down for a Natural Cure Timid one with Spikes :)! PM if you're good to go with the trade.

Hey, thanks for replying in my thread - must've forgotten about this one trying to keep track of everything!

Unfortunately I have already acquired a Croagunk, will trade Tenta for Poliwag? And I'd like a Mincinno spitback for Sableye if possible as well. Cheers!

It's okay dude, Poliwag for a Clear Body Bold Tenta is good with me :)! What Poliwag would you like? And do you have a 31/X/31/X/31/31 Prankster Sableye? Male or Female is fine.

I'm sorry none, I don't have pokemons that are not listed in my thread.

I'm really sorry, I have a Relaxed set of Ferroseeds, I just need Sassy ones. Any Sassy spitbacks?
Hi, I'm interested in: Gustavo fring
Ability: Dry Skin
Nature: Jolly
Egg moves: Fake Out, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Counter
Spread: 31/31/31/X/31/31

Here is my post: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/pokemon-diux-shop-17-perfect-pokemon.3494574/

I am interested in an Adamant Prankster Riolu, only if it is Female though. I am also interested in Abra, but only if it has Encore as an egg move :).

would you do adamant sand rush 31/31/31/x/31/31 drillbut for vullby?

I am only interested in a Mold Breaker Drilbur.
I was scrolling down your list looking for an Avalugg and I wasn't disapointed ;)
an essential breaking bad pokemon. H-ice-nberg
Hey :)
I'm interested in your Vullaby. I'd like it to be female, if possible. I don't want it to be nicknamed.

All my PKMN are german
, so they can be used to breed shinies (Masuda Method). Don't worry about their german names though, they change, once they evolve. Did you use Instacheck to check eggs?

I can offer:

- Snorunt, Timid, Moody, 31/x/31/31/31/31, egg moves: Disable, Fake Tears, Spikes, Weather Ball, Heal Ball, 3F, 2M

- Nidoran F, Timid, Hustle, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Poke Ball, 1F

- Murkrow, Adamant, Prankster, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Perish Song, Feather Dance, Luxury Ball, 1F, 1M

- Axew, Mold Breaker, Jolly: 31/31/31/x/31/31, Luxury Ball, 1F, 1M

- Noibat, Timid, Frisk: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Quick Ball, 1F, 1M

- Liwick, Timid or Modest, Flame body: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Hyper Ball, 1F, 1M

- Eevee, Bold, Run Away/Adaptability, 31/x/31/31/31/31, egg moves: Wish, Poke Ball, males only, 3M

- Sneasel, Jolly, Pickpocket, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Pursuit, Icicle Crash, Counter, Fake out, Premier Ball, 3F

- White Flabébé, Calm, Flower Veil, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Dive Ball (for shiny Flabébé), 10+F, 100% female ratio

- Mareep, Modest, Static, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Premier Ball, 1M

- Gligar, Impish, Immunity, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Batton Pass, Luxury Ball, 1F

- Trapinch, Jolly, Arena Trap or Hyper Cutter (both become Levitate), 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Focus Energy, Nest Ball, 3M, 2F

- Froakie, Naive, Protean, all possible spreads (always 5IV), Luxury Ball, 30+M, ~6F (no x in defense spread available)
Hey :)
I'm interested in your Vullaby. I'd like it to be female, if possible. I don't want it to be nicknamed.

All my PKMN are german
, so they can be used to breed shinies (Masuda Method). Don't worry about their german names though, they change, once they evolve. Did you use Instacheck to check eggs?

I can offer:

- Snorunt, Timid, Moody, 31/x/31/31/31/31, egg moves: Disable, Fake Tears, Spikes, Weather Ball, Heal Ball, 3F, 2M

- Nidoran F, Timid, Hustle, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Poke Ball, 1F

- Murkrow, Adamant, Prankster, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Perish Song, Feather Dance, Luxury Ball, 1F, 1M

- Axew, Mold Breaker, Jolly: 31/31/31/x/31/31, Luxury Ball, 1F, 1M

- Noibat, Timid, Frisk: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Quick Ball, 1F, 1M

- Liwick, Timid or Modest, Flame body: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Hyper Ball, 1F, 1M

- Eevee, Bold, Run Away/Adaptability, 31/x/31/31/31/31, egg moves: Wish, Poke Ball, males only, 3M

- Sneasel, Jolly, Pickpocket, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Pursuit, Icicle Crash, Counter, Fake out, Premier Ball, 3F

- White Flabébé, Calm, Flower Veil, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Dive Ball (for shiny Flabébé), 10+F, 100% female ratio

- Mareep, Modest, Static, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Premier Ball, 1M

- Gligar, Impish, Immunity, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Batton Pass, Luxury Ball, 1F

- Trapinch, Jolly, Arena Trap or Hyper Cutter (both become Levitate), 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Focus Energy, Nest Ball, 3M, 2F

- Froakie, Naive, Protean, all possible spreads (always 5IV), Luxury Ball, 30+M, ~6F (no x in defense spread available)

I am very interested in a Timid Moody Snorunt, female only, and don't worry, Vullaby is only female :).

Timid or modest infiltrator noibat for a male bold swift swim poliwag with egg moves?

I'm sorry, I have one already, any other Pokemon you can offer that I have listed on page 1?

Poliwag (Bold) is down -1, but Poliwag (Calm) is up +1 :)!


Heisenberg's Special is coming soon! Currently working on stock!​
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