Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

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Hello, I am having trouble where my 3DS will fail the connection test to the virtual router.

"You may have selected the wrong Shared Connection - try again with a different one."
Problem is that there is no other shared connection for me, just the one. To give you an idea, I'm trying to turn my laptop into an instacheck hotspot right next to my PC. I have disabled all wireless option on my laptop except for the instacheck one. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Hello, I am having trouble where my 3DS will fail the connection test to the virtual router.

"You may have selected the wrong Shared Connection - try again with a different one."
Problem is that there is no other shared connection for me, just the one. To give you an idea, I'm trying to turn my laptop into an instacheck hotspot right next to my PC. I have disabled all wireless option on my laptop except for the instacheck one. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
You're not supposed to have to disable any wireless options. I suggest you trying the standalone with connectify.
Let me preface by saying I know there is a Mac version in the works.

Has anyone with a Mac gotten this to work using Bootcamp, Virtualbox, VMWare Fusion or any other program that lets you run the Windows OS on Mac? I've tried and could not get it working.
Let me preface by saying I know there is a Mac version in the works.

Has anyone with a Mac gotten this to work using Bootcamp, Virtualbox, VMWare Fusion or any other program that lets you run the Windows OS on Mac? I've tried and could not get it working.
I think so, yes. Well, I guess first off, did you actually delete that connection or just disable it? Do you also happen to remember what the description of it was, not just the name (i.e. "Virtual miniport adapter" or something)? I'll do what I can to help, but I'm no expert either haha.

EDIT: if you think it's easier (and since this is kinda a user-specific issue), we can always just chat in a PM.

EDIT2: Logging off for now, so if anyone wants to pick this up that's fine. You could try to see if there is an X or ! when you open the device manager (Right click on Computer-->Manage--> device manager) and reinstall something if you deleted it, or you can go into your network and sharing center and set up a new connection (manage wireless networks-->add). Maybe something like that will help :)
I actually disabled it, man. Got it working. It's still extremely slow and if I disconnect from the hotspot, I end up having to reboot my computer to get it running again. Thanks for all the help though. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Forums are a little difficult for me to navigate sometimes. X_x But yeah. Thanks for the help everyone. You guys are great.
I've had a lot of issues interacting with people ingame today and yesterday, and I don't know if it's because of the traffic on the server due to the new update, or some other reason. Has anyone else? I'm hoping it's not /just/ me.
I am beginning to doubt that mac and linux versions are seriously in the works due to the fact that the question has gone ignored every time its asked and its seems like a rather simple port. If anyone has the source code for the supposed linux version I may be able to finish it
I am beginning to doubt that mac and linux versions are seriously in the works due to the fact that the question has gone ignored every time its asked and its seems like a rather simple port. If anyone has the source code for the supposed linux version I may be able to finish it
I've answered that question 2 to 3 times a day and no, it's not that easy as a 'simple port' someone is already working on it.
Let me preface by saying I know there is a Mac version in the works.

Has anyone with a Mac gotten this to work using Bootcamp, Virtualbox, VMWare Fusion or any other program that lets you run the Windows OS on Mac? I've tried and could not get it working.
I tried as well, couldn't get it to function. What did you use? I tried using Parallels, I might try Dual Boot later. You're probably going to have to find Windows users to check for you for the next several months, the Mac/Linux user base is being kept in the dark pretty heavily regarding updates
well sorry i made a pretty honest attempt at searching for an answer page after page so you may be exaggerating a bit. Anyway thanks for the info. Oh also I am using this in virtualbox to answer the above question on arch linux.
I have another batch of eggs I need checking. 30 eggs in total. This with a 5 IV parent. Hoping for some good babies this time. FC and IGN are on my sig.

and reddit's been kinda iffy for me. I found three people with the values I need and none of them are responding to me. :/
well sorry i made a pretty honest attempt at searching for an answer page after page so you may be exaggerating a bit. Anyway thanks for the info. Oh also I am using this in virtualbox to answer the above question on arch linux.
Heh. I can keep going because I know I answered it a lot.

o_O I thought the first page said they're in the works ;( damn.
"In the works" doesn't exactly spell soon or now, but it's in the works. You can still ask for help in the simple questions/request thread or find someone here in the meantime if you need help.

Neriifur Assuming your Wireless card allows such settings, you can set one up using an elevated Command Prompt:
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=instacheck key=01234567
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Then connect to it on the 3DS using "instacheck" as the SSID, and "01234567" as the passcode. If everything works then it'll show up on Instacheck as normal.

On another note, any chance of the code for this going public. Would be interested in making a Mac version of this, since Wireless hotspots and packet capture, etc. come with native implementations.
You can ask OmegaDonut :) and it would be a great help! Since, I don't have much time to troubleshoot during the day =(

Anyone free to help me find my TSV? Is there a version on instacheck for Mac?
It says, on the first page. That it's in the works.

Am I right in assuming that there is no mac solution yet? didn't have the time to read through the thread (lol) and google can't quite help me. I am guessing Bootcamp/VMware won't work either due to the custom driver. If anyone has any mac solution, please let me know.
Clearly says on the first page that mac is in the works o_o;
Having said that, yarLson. You can try to PM OmegaDonut and ask if you can assist with the Mac/Linux Versions.
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