AoDx's Trading Thread

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I'll drop you a PM when I'm ready!

Could you tell me more about the ralts? If it has 5IVs (-spatk) with egg moves destiny bond and shadowsneak I'll trade for that. If not I'll take the mareep.
What ability would u like? I have a Sand veil one in stock now.

Don't have one in stock now. Can breed one for you :D. Do you need a HA on the bold eevee?
I got one already but I'll be checking your thread for whenever I need something / you update! :D
CMT for Nincada and Zorua

I am only interested in trading for a ponyta. Will do a 1 for 1 trade. Which pokemon would you like to have?

A Flabébé would be nice (:



Adamant Intimidate


eggmoves; Fire fang,Thunder Fang,Icefang

I would like such a pokemon. But what would you like?

I can only be online and trade earlier by this weekend. I'll drop you guys PMs when I am online
same a zorua too~ for me please :) do u mind its a female shinx~ i have alot of females ones right now not getting any males for some reason
Hallo are you interested in one of the folwing pokemon?
Adamant timburr guts egg moves mach punch, bulletpunch
Adamant Croagunk dry skin egg moves bullet punch , drain punch
Modest Vulpix drought egg moves heatwave , exextrasensory
Jolly Sneasel pickpocket egg moves ice punch, pursuit, ice shard, fake out
Impish hippopotas sandstream egg moves slag off , whirlwind
All perfect 5 ivs

Would be interested in one of your zouta
Offering a flawless 6IV Jolly Absol with Play Rough and a Modest HP Ice Rotom 31\XX\31\31\31\30 am interested in lots of things you have.
interested in quick feet shroomish, moxie scraggy and leftovers...

i have to offer
frillish | calm or bold | cursed body, water absorb
staryu | timid | natural cure
rotom | modest | levitate
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