Lex's XY Trade thread | Breed Master

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-Pretty simple, as my collection is vast and needs are few, only make a request AND an offer. replies such as "CMT" will (most likely, not certainly) be passed over.
-Bare in mind I do work, a lot, but I will get back to you on offers just as soon as I am able; thanks for your understanding!
-No luck based requests beyond those listed below (ex. Shiny, 6 IV, etc).
-Legit-pokes only, no hack-mons.
-I can easily obtain any 5 IV specific natured breedable Pokemon; often with some of the best egg moves. That said, it's not worth listing every Pokemon here since it would simply be a list of every breedable Pokemon. Simply make a request.

Can breed anything breedable, otherwise:
Non-Breed Corner:

-Shiny Timid Palkia (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Timid Palkia (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Modest Dialga (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Modest Dialga (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Lonely Giratina (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Jolly Gyarados (Naturally caught, Soul Silver Rage Lake, FLAMEDOS)
-Shiny Impish Audino (Naturally caught thanks to shiny charm last gen during training)
-Shiny Quirky Rhyperior (Naturally caught 3rd gen, Victory Road, THUNPERIOR)
-Shiny Sassy Charizard (Trade obtained some years ago, Dark Flame)
-Meloetta (GS Event, untouched)
-Meloetta (GS Event, untouched)
-Jolly Keldeo (GS Event, untouched)
-Hasty Victini
-Sassy Vivtini
-Mild lvl 50 Dragonite (ToysRUs Event, untouched)

And that's it for now, I'll update as things change, so it's always up to date.

-Mewtwonite X
-Battle Maison items (Ability Capsule, Air Balloon, etc)

Looking For:

-HA Corphish/Crawdaunt
-HA Carvanna/Sharpedo

-N/A for now

And that's really all I'm looking for at the moment, again as above, I'll update as time goes on and as my interests change and refocus.

Friend Code & In Game Name:

Successful trades:
-Andrew Shard (my torchic for manectrite)
-AmbipomMaster (my torchic for mewtwonite X)
-MegaArcanine (my torchic for mewtwonite X)
-NikoMajor (my torchic for charmander)
-Dark Mephiles (my 2 Zoruas for larvitar, gligar, and honedge)

-Yin (my torchic for gligar)
-kyle Castallonos (my Zorua for ghastly)
-Raf R (my torchic & larvitar for tyranitarite, pinsirite, & charizardite x)
-IEnjoyPokemon (my zorua for electrike)

And various others
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Not sure what CMT means. Check My Thread, maybe? If so I'd rather you didn't advertise your own threads on mine... unless you misunderstand that I'm offering Zorua, NOT asking for one...
Not sure what CMT means. Check My Thread, maybe? If so I'd rather you didn't advertise your own threads on mine... unless you misunderstand that I'm offering Zorua, NOT asking for one...
That means check my thread. I'm not advertising anything. I'm just asking you to look through the Pokemon I have on my thread for a trade. I have too many Pokemon to just name off the top of my head. If you really want to, ill attempt to.

Can you trade me a Zorua for any of the following (all 5iv):
Gligar (long wait for these)
Maybe Scyther
That means check my thread. I'm not advertising anything. I'm just asking you to look through the Pokemon I have on my thread for a trade. I have too many Pokemon to just name off the top of my head. If you really want to, ill attempt to.

Can you trade me a Zorua for any of the following (all 5iv):
Gligar (long wait for these)
Maybe Scyther

*facepalm* Imma dummy, sorry, I read it literally as "Check my thread for Zorua", but you meant FOR Zorua, haha, I've learned, I'll take a peek and lyk if I see anything.

Hey, Got one of those 5IV'd adamant Torchic's for trade? I've got some 5IV Goomy and Gligar to trade off for one.
Check My Thread for zorua?(As in I want to trade for one)
Hmm, you have several interesting things... I'll go with electrike!

Everyone else... sorry, nope :(
Though it seems like hardly anyone trades items, I'd give my arm and a leg for the megastones listed in the OP, I'm actually surprised I can't get rid of my extra mewtwonite X, lol!
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