A New Generation, A New Beginning. (XY Trading Thread)

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Hi. I'm interested in your "Slowver" I have a few 5 IV Ditto I could clone for you. Here are your choices.
1. Jolly, missing Sp. Atk
2. Timid, missing Attack
3. Lonely, missing HP.
4. IVs are 31/31/31/31/??/0 Great for Trick Room teams.

So, which one do you want?
CMT for 6iv sheer force bagon and trick room snover?
sorry nothing i see for now!
Hi. I'm interested in your "Slowver" I have a few 5 IV Ditto I could clone for you. Here are your choices.
1. Jolly, missing Sp. Atk
2. Timid, missing Attack
3. Lonely, missing HP.
4. IVs are 31/31/31/31/??/0 Great for Trick Room teams.

So, which one do you want?
you meant the 6 IVs one? I'll probably trade for a copy of your timid ditto, but I will have to breed more later
CMT for

Skarmory Female
OT: Ryan
Egg Moves:Brave Bird, Whirlwind
Impish Sturdy 31/31/31/x/31/31
i would like a female pawniard =)
Just so we're clear, I want the Quiet one w/ a 0 Speed IV. I'll clone you a Ditto soon.
Yea I will breed them more tonight and have them ready by tomorrow
I'm really interested in a 31/31/31/31/31/0 quiet snover.
How many normal 5IVd pokes would that take? Or Hidden power pokes, or BP items?
idk i tend to be picky with the snover, but list what you have includes the balls they are in and maybe we can work something out?
Yea I will breed them more tonight and have them ready by tomorrow

idk i tend to be picky with the snover, but list what you have includes the balls they are in and maybe we can work something out?
I could breed you a careful vullaby w foul play in ultra ball, Hp ice timid helioptile in luxury ball, bold swift Swim poliwag in dive ball, hasty protean froakie in dusk ball. That's what I have off the top of my head. Could also get you some battle maison items if need be.
Also have calm goomy's of any ability.
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I could breed you a careful vullaby w foul play in ultra ball, Hp ice timid helioptile in luxury ball, bold swift Swim poliwag in dive ball, hasty protean froakie in dusk ball. That's what I have off the top of my head. Could also get you some battle maison items if need be.
Also have calm goomy's of any ability.
I think i can take a female hidden power ice helioptile with a battle maison item if that's okay with you?
CMT for red flower flabebe and female binacle
your pokemons are all in regular pokeball i assume?
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hmm a lot so i just list them all so you can say which one in matching ball =)
HA drilbur, rough skin gible, deino, pineco, aron, foongus, croagunk, vullaby, joltik, swinub, and shelder
drilbur, quickball. Gible: Dive ball. Croagunk: Premier ball. Swinub: premier ball. Shellder: Repeat ball
It's a long shot, as I know you have Intimidate Gyarados, but would you be interested in the Hidden ability version?

Magikarp - Rattled - Jolly

Looking longingly at your Naive Female Sheer Force/Moxie Bagons...
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