Trade Shiny Shop!

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Everything here is Shiny!

Vulpix | Timid | Drought | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Ember, Hex, Hypnosis, Captivate | Lv. 1 | Pokeball
Skarmory | Impish | Sturdy | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Rock Smash, Spikes, Brave Bird, Whirlwind| Lv. 3| Duskball
Goomy | Modest | Gooey | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Counter, Acid Armor, Iron Tail, Curse| Lv. 1| Ultraball
Eevee | Modest | Adaptability | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Tackle, Tail Whip, Wish, Yawn| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Charmander | Jolly | Blaze | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Flare Blitz, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Outrage| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Axew | Jolly | Mold Breaker | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Scratch, Dragon Pulse| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Gligar | Impish | Immunity | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Poison Sting| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Gastly | Timid | Levitate | 31/X/31/31/31/31 | Lick, Shadow Ball, Disable, Hypnosis| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Bulbasaur | Modest | Chlorophyll | 31/X/31/31/31/31 | Hidden Power, Giga Drain, Petal Dance, Leaf Storm| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Pineco | Relaxed | Sturdy | 31/31/31/X/31/0 | Protect, Bug Bite, Toxic Spike, Stealth Rock| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Absol | Adamant | Pressure | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Baton Pass, Megahorn| Lv. 1| Premierball
Ferroseed | Relaxed | Iron Barbs | 31/31/31/X/31/0 | Harden, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, Spikes| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Rotom | Modest | Levitate | 31/X/X/31/31/31 | Ominous Wind, Substitute, Thunder Shock, Hydro Pump| Lv. 46| Pokeball
Bagon | Jolly | Sheer Force | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Twister, Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Pinsir | Jolly | Moxie | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Focus Energy, Feint, Close Combat, Quick Attack| Lv. 1| Netball
Mareep | Modest | Static | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Tackle, Growl, Take Dwon| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Togepi | Timid | Serene Grace | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Growl, Charm, Safeguard, Nasty Plot| Lv. 1| Healball
Duskull | Careful | Levitate | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Leer, Night Shade, Pain Split| Lv. 1| Quickball
Beldum | Adamant | Clear Body | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Take Down| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Eevee | Adamant | Anticipation | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Tail Whip, Covet, Wish, Charm | Lv. 1 | Premier Ball
Staryu | Timid | Natural Cure | 31/X/31/31/31/31 | Tackle, Harden | Lv. 1 | Pokeball
Abra | Timid | Inner Focus | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Teleport | Lv.18 | Quickball
Larvitar | Sassy | Guts | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Leer, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Stomp | Lv.1 | Ultraball
Greninja | Timid | Protean | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Dark Pulse, Hydro Pump, U-turn, Blizzard | Lv.100 | Pokeball | SPA
Gliscor | Impish | Poison Heal | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Roost, Substitute, Protect, Toxic| Lv. 75

Looking for 5-6IV Pokemon Shiny.
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Re-oepened. Just fix the IVs on the ferroseed and pineco and anything else that might need to be editted.
Hi mate, I'm interested in Skarmory and Gastly. CMT and let me know if anything interests you.
Hi:)..i wants some yours pokemon..these are mine..hope thet we can trade something^^

Greninja / M / Timid / Protean / 31-30-31-30-31-30 / hidden Power Fire

Rotom / = / Modest / Levitate / 31-X-30-31-31-31 / Hidden power Ice

Magnemite / = / Modest / Magnet Pull / 31-X-31-30-31-30 / Hidden Power Fire

Driblur / M / Admant / Mold Breaker / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Gible / M / Jolly / Rough Skin / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Iron Head , Iron Tail , Outrage

Dratini / M / Admant / Marvel Scale / 31-31-31-x-31-31 /

Deino / F / Modest / Hustle / 31-X-31-31-31-31 /

Goomy / F / Modest / Sap Sipper / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Acid Armor, Curse, Iron Tail, Counter

Beldum /= / Admant / Clear Body / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Larvitar / F / Admant / Guts / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Outrage

Aron / M / Admant / Sturdy / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Head Smash, Endeavor, Stealth Rock, Superpower

Charmander / M / Jolly / Blaze / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Outrage

Charmander / M / Timid / Blaze / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Belly Drum

Torchic / M / Admant / Speed Boost/ 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Baton Pass

Riolu / M / Jolly / Prankster / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / High Jump Kick, Bite, Bullet Punch, Blaze Kick

Zorua / M / Timid / Illusion / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Ralts / F / Timid / Trace / 31-X-31-31-31-31 / Destiny Bond, Disable, Memento, Encore

Abra / M / Timid / Magic Guard / 31-X-31-31-31-31 /

Gastly / M / Timid / Levitate / 31-X-31-31-31-31 / Disable

Froakie / M / Timid / Protean / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Toxic Spikes

Chespin / M / Impish / Bulletproof / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Spikes, Curse, Quick Guard, Synthesis

Klefki / M / Bold / Prankster / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Iron Defense

Sableye / F / Careful / Prankster / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Recover

Noibat / M / Timid / Frisk / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Fletchling / F / Admat / Gale Wings / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Skarmory / F / Impish / Sturdy / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Whirlwind, Brave Bird

Heracross / M / Admant / Moxie / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Pin Missile, Arm Thrust, Bullet Seed, Rock Blast

Scizor / M / Admant / Technician / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Baton Pass, Silver Wind

Larvesta / F / Modest / Flame Body / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Chansey / F / Calm / Natural Cure / 31-31-31-X-31-31 /

Inkay / M / Admant /Contrary / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Honedge / F / Brave / No Guard / 31-31-31-31-31-0 /

Carbibk / = / Bold / Sturdy / 31-X-31-31-31-31 /

Duskull / F / Careful / Levitate / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Pain Split

Gourgeist / M / Impish / Frisk / 31-31-31-31-31-X /

Amaura / M / Modest / Refrigerate / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Tyrunt / M / Jolly / Strong Jaw / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang

Teantacool / F / Bold / Clear Body / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Rapid Spin, Acupressure, Knock Off

Shinx / M / Adamant / Intimidate / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Fire Fang, Ice Fang

Elekid / M / Jolly / Static / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Dynamic Punch

Shroomish / F / Jolly / Quick Feet / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Bullet Seed

Shellder / M / Jolly / Skill Link / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Icicle Spear, Rock Blast

Swinub / F / Jolly / Thick Fat / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Curse, Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power

Eevee / M / Bold / Run Away / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Wish, Curse

Eevee / M / Timid / Anticipation / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Wish, Curse

Gliscor / F / Admant / Poison Heal / 31-31-31-X-31-31 /

Ditto / Timid / 31-X-31-31-31-31 (not shiny)
Ditto / Jolly / 31-31-31-X-31-31 (not shiny)

Moltres / Modest / 31-31-31-29-31-31
interested in Charmander/Axew, could offer shiny 5iv defiant Bisharp and shiny 5iv justified lucario

Sure, we can trade both.

Hi mate, I'm interested in Skarmory and Gastly. CMT and let me know if anything interests you.
Gliscor and Aegislash.

Hi:)..i wants some yours pokemon..these are mine..hope thet we can trade something^^

Greninja / M / Timid / Protean / 31-30-31-30-31-30 / hidden Power Fire

Rotom / = / Modest / Levitate / 31-X-30-31-31-31 / Hidden power Ice

Magnemite / = / Modest / Magnet Pull / 31-X-31-30-31-30 / Hidden Power Fire

Driblur / M / Admant / Mold Breaker / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Gible / M / Jolly / Rough Skin / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Iron Head , Iron Tail , Outrage

Dratini / M / Admant / Marvel Scale / 31-31-31-x-31-31 /

Deino / F / Modest / Hustle / 31-X-31-31-31-31 /

Goomy / F / Modest / Sap Sipper / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Acid Armor, Curse, Iron Tail, Counter

Beldum /= / Admant / Clear Body / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Larvitar / F / Admant / Guts / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Outrage

Aron / M / Admant / Sturdy / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Head Smash, Endeavor, Stealth Rock, Superpower

Charmander / M / Jolly / Blaze / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Outrage

Charmander / M / Timid / Blaze / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Belly Drum

Torchic / M / Admant / Speed Boost/ 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Baton Pass

Riolu / M / Jolly / Prankster / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / High Jump Kick, Bite, Bullet Punch, Blaze Kick

Zorua / M / Timid / Illusion / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Ralts / F / Timid / Trace / 31-X-31-31-31-31 / Destiny Bond, Disable, Memento, Encore

Abra / M / Timid / Magic Guard / 31-X-31-31-31-31 /

Gastly / M / Timid / Levitate / 31-X-31-31-31-31 / Disable

Froakie / M / Timid / Protean / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Toxic Spikes

Chespin / M / Impish / Bulletproof / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Spikes, Curse, Quick Guard, Synthesis

Klefki / M / Bold / Prankster / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Iron Defense

Sableye / F / Careful / Prankster / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Recover

Noibat / M / Timid / Frisk / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Fletchling / F / Admat / Gale Wings / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Skarmory / F / Impish / Sturdy / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Whirlwind, Brave Bird

Heracross / M / Admant / Moxie / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Pin Missile, Arm Thrust, Bullet Seed, Rock Blast

Scizor / M / Admant / Technician / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Baton Pass, Silver Wind

Larvesta / F / Modest / Flame Body / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Chansey / F / Calm / Natural Cure / 31-31-31-X-31-31 /

Inkay / M / Admant /Contrary / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Honedge / F / Brave / No Guard / 31-31-31-31-31-0 /

Carbibk / = / Bold / Sturdy / 31-X-31-31-31-31 /

Duskull / F / Careful / Levitate / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Pain Split

Gourgeist / M / Impish / Frisk / 31-31-31-31-31-X /

Amaura / M / Modest / Refrigerate / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /

Tyrunt / M / Jolly / Strong Jaw / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang

Teantacool / F / Bold / Clear Body / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Rapid Spin, Acupressure, Knock Off

Shinx / M / Adamant / Intimidate / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Fire Fang, Ice Fang

Elekid / M / Jolly / Static / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Dynamic Punch

Shroomish / F / Jolly / Quick Feet / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Bullet Seed

Shellder / M / Jolly / Skill Link / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Icicle Spear, Rock Blast

Swinub / F / Jolly / Thick Fat / 31-31-31-X-31-31 / Curse, Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power

Eevee / M / Bold / Run Away / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Wish, Curse

Eevee / M / Timid / Anticipation / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Wish, Curse

Gliscor / F / Admant / Poison Heal / 31-31-31-X-31-31 /

Ditto / Timid / 31-X-31-31-31-31 (not shiny)
Ditto / Jolly / 31-31-31-X-31-31 (not shiny)

Moltres / Modest / 31-31-31-29-31-31

Drilbur, Larvitar, Chamander, ZOrua, Froakie, Chespin, Noibat, Larvesta, Inkay, Honedge, Amaura, Tentacool, Shroomish, and both Eevee.
i like :
Vulpix | Timid | Drought | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Ember, Hex, Hypnosis, Captivate | Lv. 1
Eevee | Modest | Adaptability | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Tackle, Tail Whip, Wish, Yawn| Lv. 1
Axew | Jolly | Mold Breaker | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Scratch, Dragon Pulse| Lv. 1
Pineco | Relaxed | Sturdy | 31/31/31/X/31/0 | Protect, Bug Bite, Toxic Spike, Stealth Rock| Lv. 1
Absol | Adamant | Pressure | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Baton Pass, Megahorn| Lv. 1
Ferroseed | Relaxed | Iron Barbs | 31/31/31/X/31/0 | Harden, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, Spikes| Lv. 1
Pinsir | Jolly | Moxie | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Focus Energy, Feint, Close Combat, Quick Attack| Lv. 1
Gliscor | Impish | Poison Heal | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Roost, Substitute, Protect, Toxic| Lv. 75

can you choose 8 from mine?^^
i like :
Vulpix | Timid | Drought | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Ember, Hex, Hypnosis, Captivate | Lv. 1
Eevee | Modest | Adaptability | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Tackle, Tail Whip, Wish, Yawn| Lv. 1
Axew | Jolly | Mold Breaker | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Scratch, Dragon Pulse| Lv. 1
Pineco | Relaxed | Sturdy | 31/31/31/X/31/0 | Protect, Bug Bite, Toxic Spike, Stealth Rock| Lv. 1
Absol | Adamant | Pressure | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Baton Pass, Megahorn| Lv. 1
Ferroseed | Relaxed | Iron Barbs | 31/31/31/X/31/0 | Harden, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, Spikes| Lv. 1
Pinsir | Jolly | Moxie | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Focus Energy, Feint, Close Combat, Quick Attack| Lv. 1
Gliscor | Impish | Poison Heal | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Roost, Substitute, Protect, Toxic| Lv. 75

can you choose 8 from mine?^^

Magnemite / = / Modest / Magnet Pull / 31-X-31-30-31-30 / Hidden Power Fire
Charmander / M / Timid / Blaze / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Belly Drum
Fletchling / F / Admat / Gale Wings / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /
Larvesta / F / Modest / Flame Body / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /
Inkay / M / Admant /Contrary / 31-31-31-31-31-31 /
Honedge / F / Brave / No Guard / 31-31-31-31-31-0 /
Eevee / M / Bold / Run Away / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Wish, Curse
Eevee / M / Timid / Anticipation / 31-31-31-31-31-31 / Wish, Curse

Are they all lv 1 and in what ball?
interested in your
Axew | Jolly | Mold Breaker | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Scratch, Dragon Pulse| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Vulpix | Timid | Drought | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Ember, Hex, Hypnosis, Captivate | Lv. 1 | Pokeball
Skarmory | Impish | Sturdy | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Rock Smash, Spikes, Brave Bird, Whirlwind| Lv. 3| Duskball
Duskull | Careful | Levitate | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Leer, Night Shade, Pain Split| Lv. 1| Quickball

i have
Hydreigon / Modest / Levitate / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Goodra / Sassy / Hydration / 31/31/31/31/31/xx /
Volcarona / Modest / Flame Body / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Gardevoir / Modest / Synchronize / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Cloyster / Jolly / Skill Link / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Sylveon / Modest / Cute Charm / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Greninja / Timid / Protean / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Drifblim / Bold / Aftermath / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Gliscor / Jolly / Poison Heal / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Metagross / Adamant / Clear Body / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Honedge / Brave / No Guard / 31/31/31/31/31/xx /
Mawile / Adamant / Intimidate / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Riolu / Adamant / Steadfast / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Dratini / Adamant / Marvel Scale / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Sableye / Careful / Prankster / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 / EM: Recover
Bagon / Adamant / Sheer Force / 31/31/31/31/31/31 /
all them are lv 1 (bold timid is lv 6,but untrained)
all them are in pokeball (larvesta is in luxury ball )

Alright, let me know when you are online to trade :)

interested in your
Axew | Jolly | Mold Breaker | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Scratch, Dragon Pulse| Lv. 1| Pokeball
Vulpix | Timid | Drought | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Ember, Hex, Hypnosis, Captivate | Lv. 1 | Pokeball
Skarmory | Impish | Sturdy | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Rock Smash, Spikes, Brave Bird, Whirlwind| Lv. 3| Duskball
Duskull | Careful | Levitate | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Leer, Night Shade, Pain Split| Lv. 1| Quickball

i have
Hydreigon / Modest / Levitate / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Goodra / Sassy / Hydration / 31/31/31/31/31/xx /
Volcarona / Modest / Flame Body / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Gardevoir / Modest / Synchronize / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Cloyster / Jolly / Skill Link / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Sylveon / Modest / Cute Charm / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Greninja / Timid / Protean / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Drifblim / Bold / Aftermath / 31/xx/31/31/31/31 /
Gliscor / Jolly / Poison Heal / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Metagross / Adamant / Clear Body / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Honedge / Brave / No Guard / 31/31/31/31/31/xx /
Mawile / Adamant / Intimidate / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Riolu / Adamant / Steadfast / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Dratini / Adamant / Marvel Scale / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 /
Sableye / Careful / Prankster / 31/31/31/xx/31/31 / EM: Recover
Bagon / Adamant / Sheer Force / 31/31/31/31/31/31 /
Sorry. None that I need :(
Have these
Aegislash | Brave | Stance Change | 31/31/31/x/31/0 | Lv.91 Battle Ready
Salamence | Naive | Moxie | 31/31/31/31/x/31 | Dragon Dance | Lv. 59 Battle Ready
Ninetales | Timid | Drought | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Hypnosis | Lv.53 Battle Ready
Rotom-W | Modest | Levitate | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | Lv.54 Battle Ready
Weavile | Jolly | Pressure | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Pursuit, Fake Out, Ice Punch | Lv.56 Battle Ready
Talonflame | Adamant | Gale Wings | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Lv.65 Battle Ready
Pinsir | Adamant | Moxie | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Lv.57 Battle Ready
Dragonite | Adamant | Multiscale | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance | Lv.68 Battle Ready | Nicknamed Puff (Awh too bad it's nicknamed, unless you like that XD)
Togekiss | Bold | Serene Grace | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | Lv.52 Battle Ready

Interested in these:
Skarmory | Impish | Sturdy | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Rock Smash, Spikes, Brave Bird, Whirlwind| Lv. 3| Duskball
Goomy | Modest | Gooey | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Counter, Acid Armor, Iron Tail, Curse| Lv. 1| Ultraball
Staryu | Timid | Natural Cure | 31/X/31/31/31/31 | Tackle, Harden | Lv. 1 | Pokeball

o: If you're willing to part with one of those, that'd be great. I'm probably off to bed now, but whenever I see your message I'll reply. If you're not interested, that's okay too ^^; My list is still small, so I understand. :D Just started collecting shinies! Thanks for considering :3
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