DEFOG scyther, STEALTH ROCK skarmory, TR pokes & 5 IVs FT! LF: PP max, trick room & pokebank pokes

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yes of course! :)

this is my friend code 2595 - 1400 - 9774

i'm online right now

srry, just gt back from work, drop me a pm when you're free to trade.

anything I can interest you in for any scyther with defog ? I don't care about nature/IVs/ability.

nothing im interested in ur thread :/

Also interested in a Defog Scyther(Adamant or Careful if possible, but not necessary), CMT

nothing im interested in ur thread :/

CMT for 5 IV timid staryu with natural cure. Thanks.

nothing im interested in ur thread :/

CMT for the HA Piplup

can i have the modest zapdos for it?
Hey, I can get you a Timid 5 IV Compoundeyes Joltik for one of your Female Contrary Inkay, does that sound reasonable to you?
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