The Regular Trade Shop (Please Close)

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Cmt for hidden power ice manectric

Sorry, I'm not interested in anything there.

CMT for Earth Power Deino and SR Skarmory

I'm interested in Hippopotas, Scatterbug, Machop. Are any of these in regular Poké Ball?

It seems the two best deals would be
1) chinchou+chansey/zubat+corphish
2) roselia/zubat+corphish

also I don't care about your pokemon's genders and I don't remember if you offer different natures but if you do I'd like to avoid jolly/timid since I have dittos for those, if you only offer one nature, I'll take that one.

I think I'll go for Roselia. Zubat is Jolly, Corphish is Adamant. I'll PM you when Corphish hatches.

Ultraball all of them

Oh, that's a shame. Are all the others in your thread in Ultra Ball too?

hey I'm interested in your
skarmory, tynamo, and deino

would you be interested in any of these? all are in poke balls
5iv bold water absorb frillish 31/x/31/31/31/31 w/ recover, pain split, confuse ray, acid armor
5iv timid gastly 31/x/31/31/31/31 w/ disable
5iv adamant gale wings fletchling 31/31/31/x/31/31
5iv adamant iron fist chimchar w/ thunder and fire punch
5iv adamant huge power bunnelby 31/31/31x/31/31
5iv bold/calm/timid rotom 31/x/31/31/31/31 can breed any of those 3 natures

Not interested in any of those atm, thanks for the offer though. :)
Sorry, I'm not interested in anything there.

I'm interested in Hippopotas, Scatterbug, Machop. Are any of these in regular Poké Ball?

I think I'll go for Roselia. Zubat is Jolly, Corphish is Adamant. I'll PM you when Corphish hatches.

Oh, that's a shame. Are all the others in your thread in Ultra Ball too?

Not interested in any of those atm, thanks for the offer though. :)
Hippopotas is in Regular PokeBall, Scatterbug in Dusk Ball, Machop in Timer ball.
Oh, that's a shame. Are all the others in your thread in Ultra Ball too?

Ofc not i have kangashan into timerball,zubat into bisball,cleffa bold/magicguard into chicball,starly inyo healball,skorupi into veloxball and some more but usually i dont care about ball
please check my list for shiny shellder if its not cloned. thanks.

It's not cloned. Hatched it myself through MM. :) I'm interested in your flaweless male Frillish, is that fair?

Snover is in Nest Ball, I really prefer Female as well. :D

Edit: I have also added 5 More New Mon's if you're interested
Oh, is that Pineco in a Poké Ball?

Ofc not i have kangashan into timerball,zubat into bisball,cleffa bold/magicguard into chicball,starly inyo healball,skorupi into veloxball and some more but usually i dont care about ball

I do. Sorry, I'm not interested in anything then.
It's not cloned. Hatched it myself through MM. :) I'm interested in your flaweless male Frillish, is that fair?

Oh, is that Pineco in a Poké Ball?

I do. Sorry, I'm not interested in anything then.
Yes, Pineco is in PokeBall. I'm guessing Hippoptas and Pineco for Deino and Skarmory then?
It's not cloned. Hatched it myself through MM. :) I'm interested in your flaweless male Frillish, is that fair?

Oh, is that Pineco in a Poké Ball?

I do. Sorry, I'm not interested in anything then.
do you happen to know how much atk IV it has approximately?
I'm only interested in Quiet Trick Room Porygon, but I'm not sure if you'd trade it for a Starly. :/

I noticed you have a male 6 IV Adamant Moxie Heracross, I have one too! Do you want to swap them? That way we can ease breeding in the Bug egg group.
Hmmm, I could do the Porygon, but would you be willing to add in a Female Deino as well? Porygon are difficult to breed with my current Dittos, even more so if you want a specific ability.

I'd definitely be willing to do the Heracross swap!
Ok for me... Chansey for scyther, Female pref... =]

Haven't started breeding it yet, since I have pending requests, I'll PM when it's ready. :)

Hmmm, I could do the Porygon, but would you be willing to add in a Female Deino as well? Porygon are difficult to breed with my current Dittos, even more so if you want a specific ability.

I'd definitely be willing to do the Heracross swap!

Ok, I'll breed those two for you as soon as I finish my pending breeding requests and then we can trade and swap Heracross.

check my thread for the defog scyther, earth power deino, and hidden power ice tynamo

Are these in Poké Ball? Female HP Fire Tangela, Shroomish, Whismur, Nidoran♀
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