The Rest

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Wi-Fi Blacklisted
Hey guys this is the team I'm correctly using. I had heard somewhere that zyragade is not banned so I etched that n a mew in my team, well here it is.

Item: focus sash
Stealth rock
Sticky web
Rapid spin

Smeargle is a very good trapper. I've sashed it so in case I get OHKO I can get some traps in.
Spore is a staple in the move set because of the turns the hoax gives you. Sticky web n stealth rock can really hurt an opponent. Stick web makes your pokemon fast u get irst turn moves really helps. As for
Rocks it gives you the edge on their switching. I've picked rapid spin because I've managed to be able get my hazards off by uliltyizing smeargles speed.

Item:choice band
Bullet punch
Arial ace
Hammer arm

Metagross is pretty damn bulky and it's base attack make it a pretty rough customer. I've picked it banned
Because I've seen it drop some Goid pokemon with a banned bullet punch

Will o wisp
U turn

My build for mew is a tad different than most mews. I like to use it as an anti psyical attacker using will o wisp to lower their attack. Roost is the recover option seeing as I'll be taking less damage. N transform is for me to abuse their pokemon

Item: lum berry
D dance

Zygarde is really anoth tank on this team. It's typing is really helpful in avoiding t wave. I've also equipped
It with a lum berry incase they try to get a toxic or a burn hoax on me. D dance is the buff of course.
N glare does good cause once again of his base speed

Item: charizadite y

Fire blast
Solar beam
Will o wisp
Dragon pulse

The charizard is the pride of this team with him bringing the sun he not only gets a redicilus fire blast but a one turn solar beam. I also carry dragon pulse cause fuck dragons. N the will o wisp is again for attack power decreasing

Item: choice scarf
Grass knot
Ice beam
U turn

I mostly use him to u turn or sometimes run over something with it
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Why on earth would you bump after saying that you'd fix the Pokemon descriptions to 3 lines before actually doing it? O_o Logic?

You need to fill out 3 lines for each Pokemon for why you have it, or no one can rate it. Please read the rules like Magcargo 2 said, fix up the OP, then we can rate.
It has a description for every pokemon
I dint want to write what I put in eves cause I haven't really put any
Or I just get them to lvl 100 then the eves put themselfs
if you haven't put any evs, this isn't a competitive team, and you shouldn't post it here. If you do have evs, you need to list them for all of your Pokemon, as well as any relevant info, like nature or ability. Your descriptions also need to be improved. PM me an updated version of your thread and I'll unlock it.
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