Mondays are awesome! [Joint Trade Thread] (New: Apricorn & Safari Ball Pokemon, Pokemon Bank Moves)

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thats a cool way to get the pokeball on the totodiles
im assuming the same way you can get pokeballs on the colloseum bayleef and quilava?
i'll have to do this myself so i can try breeding for shinies later

i just need bank to come out
Hey im interested in
Growlithe |Intimidate| Impish
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves:
Roar, Close Combat, Morning Sun

I have

Timid Magic guard
And Shiny Camerupt and Snubull both with one perfect IV
I cant remember which ones
Are you interested in hp ice timid/modest rotom, timid hp fire roselia (natural cure, spikes, leaf storm, sleep powder in a nest ball), timid hp ice electrike in a quick ball? I can get the female timer ball technician scyther too. All perfect 5IVs, of course (31s and 30s when it matters).

I'm interested in several, but mostly in the sport ball scyther (female).

Here's a simple list with my stuff:
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Hey Captain! I was wondering if you accept PP UPs since 3 PP Up = 1 PP Max.
And if you do accept, How many PP Ups would be for a single Poke?
Are you interested in hp ice timid/modest rotom, timid hp fire roselia (natural cure, spikes, leaf storm, sleep powder in a nest ball), timid hp ice electrike in a quick ball? I can get the female timer ball technician scyther too. All perfect 5IVs, of course (31s and 30s when it matters).

I'm interested in several, but mostly in the sport ball scyther (female).

Here's a simple list with my stuff:

Interested in Roselia, Timid Rotom and HP Ice Electrike. Possible Honedge but that is less of a priority.

I've got your Karrablast ready :)
Samesies hit me up when you can trade.

thats a cool way to get the pokeball on the totodiles
im assuming the same way you can get pokeballs on the colloseum bayleef and quilava?
i'll have to do this myself so i can try breeding for shinies later

i just need bank to come out
You seem to be under the delusion that Pokemon Bank is EVER coming out. ;p

Hey Captain! I was wondering if you accept PP UPs since 3 PP Up = 1 PP Max.
And if you do accept, How many PP Ups would be for a single Poke?
Depends on the Pokemon I suppose.
Alright I got you added. Dunno how to advertise my own FC like you have, sorry x_x Here is my IFN and FC : May 3196-4228-1699

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Interested in Roselia, Timid Rotom and HP Ice Electrike. Possible Honedge but that is less of a priority.

Samesies hit me up when you can trade.

You seem to be under the delusion that Pokemon Bank is EVER coming out. ;p

Depends on the Pokemon I suppose.

I'm interested mostly in these:

Machop, No Guard, Adamant
Female Heavy ball
Bullet Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch

Scyther, Technician, Adamant
Female Sport ball
Defog, Baton pass

Larvitar, Guts, Adamant
Female, Safari ball
Pursuit, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance

I might be interested in some others too.

Can you specify gender for Roselia and Electrike? Unless you want a male hp fire Roselia, I'll need to breed the three of them. I checked my stock and I have a male hp fire Roselia and a genderless hp ice timid Rotom available. It shouldn't take me too long.
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How many PP ups would you accept for Deino (Luxury Ball)(Female) w/ Egg Moves or Growlithe (Level Ball)(Female)?

I guess a PP Max for a 5 IV pokemon is okay. I'll settle for the 3 PP U[s of you can't get the maxes I suppose.

I'm interested mostly in these:

Machop, No Guard, Adamant
Female Heavy ball
Bullet Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch

Scyther, Technician, Adamant
Female Sport ball
Defog, Baton pass

Larvitar, Guts, Adamant
Female, Safari ball
Pursuit, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance

I might be interested in some others too.

Can you specify gender for Roselia and Electrike? Unless you want a male hp fire Roselia, I'll need to breed the three of them. I checked my stock and I have a male hp fire Roselia and a genderless hp ice timid Rotom available. It shouldn't take me too long.

I'd prefer females. I already have a Larvitar and Machop on hand so you're in luck.
I'll work on Scyther.

yawg07: Did you still want to trade?
I guess a PP Max for a 5 IV pokemon is okay. I'll settle for the 3 PP U[s of you can't get the maxes I suppose.

I'd prefer females. I already have a Larvitar and Machop on hand so you're in luck.
I'll work on Scyther.

yawg07: Did you still want to trade?
Ok! I'll let you know when I've got the three of them ready.
I'd need this


Species: Kangaskhan | Ability: Scrappy | Nature: Jolly
Gender: Female-only species
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves: None

interested in this? Ralts Timid/Modest | Trait: Trace | IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 | Pokéball: Heal Ball | Egg Moves: Disable, Mean Look, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond
Hey Captain! I would like a Female Deino in Lux. Ball with EM, Gastly Female in Moon Ball also if possible random female Totodile in Dive ball. But if you can't get me a female totodile its okay :)
So thats a total of 6 PP Ups :)
I guess a PP Max for a 5 IV pokemon is okay. I'll settle for the 3 PP U[s of you can't get the maxes I suppose.

I'd prefer females. I already have a Larvitar and Machop on hand so you're in luck.
I'll work on Scyther.

yawg07: Did you still want to trade?

Ok! I'll let you know when I've got the three of them ready.

The three of them are ready. The exact IVs are:

Electrike 31/6/30/31/31/31
Rotom 31/20/30/31/31/31
Roselia 31/14/31/30/31/30

Let me know when you are available.

On the other hand, I'm interested too in the level ball Growlithe, love ball Chansey, level ball Kangaskhan and heavy ball donphan. I could give you a pp max for a random female spitback of each one? 4 pp max total.
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Hey i would love to trade for your Female tailow in a lure ball and Female Totodile in a dive ball. I have 5 IV Adamant Corphish with adaptability and DD/Knock off egg moves. I also have 5 IV Timid Electrike w/ lightning rod and jolly 5 IV skill link shellder with Rock blast. I also have a set of leftovers, 2 PP max and a discount coupon.
I sure do! :D Shoot me a PM whenever you are around
i'll be around for the next five hours

The three of them are ready. The exact IVs are:

Electrike 31/6/30/31/31/31
Rotom 31/20/30/31/31/31
Roselia 31/14/31/30/31/30

Let me know when you are available.

On the other hand, I'm interested too in the level ball Growlithe, love ball Chansey, level ball Kangaskhan and heavy ball donphan. I could give you a pp max for a random female spitback of each one? 4 pp max total.

i'm on now. Working on your Kangaskhan but I have your original 3 requests ready.

Check my spreadsheet for female Speed Boost Carvanha. Can also do any berries or PP ups.
guts timburr?

Hey i would love to trade for your Female tailow in a lure ball and Female Totodile in a dive ball. I have 5 IV Adamant Corphish with adaptability and DD/Knock off egg moves. I also have 5 IV Timid Electrike w/ lightning rod and jolly 5 IV skill link shellder with Rock blast. I also have a set of leftovers, 2 PP max and a discount coupon.
tailow is within my power
i'll be around for the next five hours

i'm on now. Working on your Kangaskhan but I have your original 3 requests ready.

guts timburr?

tailow is within my power

Added. My FC is 2320 - 7084 - 4155, and IGN Martxel (male character).

I have the three pokémon and the four pp maxes ready. Let me know if we are trading the original three first or all at the same time, if possible.

I'll be on for a few hours I think.
guts timburr?

Works for me if you're interested in a male. If you're looking for a female is there anything else you'd be interested in instead? (as I'm still using a flawed female for breeding Timburrs)

Edit: Since it looks like you have limited availability and I had spare breeding time, I've bred a correct 5IV guts male and 4IV guts female, so you can have a reasonable breeding pair for the Quick ball Carvanha.
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