Mr. Mime

Uh, I was talking about Mawile, not Mr. Mime.
What he's saying is that Mawile has been used in the past on dedicated BP teams, and that it's still viable now. With Leftovers + Intimidate, and not taking up the Mega slot, Mawile is clearly better for BP.
What he's saying is that Mawile has been used in the past on dedicated BP teams, and that it's still viable now. With Leftovers + Intimidate, and not taking up the Mega slot, Mawile is clearly better for BP.
Personally, I'd think Mega Mawile would be a good receiver of the Defense & Sp. Def boosts. And if you're not Mega-evolving Mawile, the only one I see worth mega-evolving that can also learn Baton Pass is Absol.
Personally, I'd think Mega Mawile would be a good receiver of the Defense & Sp. Def boosts. And if you're not Mega-evolving Mawile, the only one I see worth mega-evolving that can also learn Baton Pass is Absol.

Why would Mega Mawile be a receiver on full BP, Espeon is the full BP end-all be-all cleaner.

Can we just stop this convo, there's no point to it.
I think the set's spread should change to:

252 HP / 108 SpD / 148 Spe

The main reason for this is that it is crucial for Mr. Mime to outpace Deoxys-S and threats that are slightly slower, such as Scarf Genesect and Scarf Garchomp, at +2 (a commonly held Speed level for BP teams). It also gives him the jump on everything in the base 99-122 speed tier at +1, which the current spread misses.
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I think the set's spread should change to:

252 HP / 108 SpD / 148 Spe

The main reason for this is that it is crucial for Mr. Mime to outpace Deoxys-S and threats that are slightly slower, such as Scarf Genesect and Scarf Garchomp, at +2 (a commonly held Speed level for BP teams). It also gives him the jump on everything in the base 99-122 speed tier at +1, which the current spread misses.
I can agree with this. The only issue with this is that it puts Mr. Mime into the KO range of Specs Politoed even at full health, which can be a bit of a problem if it doesn't have a sub up, especially since the only reason Mr. Mime is even used is to switch into Politoed and Celebi. It doesn't matter if it has a sub up, though. Otherwise, this seems fine to me. Also, Taunt Deoxys-S is so much more common than Specs Politoed is, so that's something else to consider.
I can agree with this. The only issue with this is that it puts Mr. Mime into the KO range of Specs Politoed even at full health, which can be a bit of a problem if it doesn't have a sub up, especially since the only reason Mr. Mime is even used is to switch into Politoed and Celebi. It doesn't matter if it has a sub up, though. Otherwise, this seems fine to me. Also, Taunt Deoxys-S is so much more common than Specs Politoed is, so that's something else to consider.

Not really; having something other than Espeon to block Roar is incredibly valuable for BP teams, and as a bonus, it lets them wall Hyper Voice from the likes of Megavoir and Specs Sylveon. Its Dragon immunity is also nifty, especially since Dragon Tail is a pHazing move. As for your other point:

252+ SpA Choice Specs Politoed Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 108+ SpD Mr. Mime in Rain: 246-289 (86.6 - 101.7%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

Odds of living the attack are still in its favor, and Specstoed is a rare enough threat for it to hardly matter. Not to mention, Mr. Mime often has a Special Defense boost or two under his belt, at which point, he lives the attack fairly comfortably.
Not really; having something other than Espeon to block Roar is also incredibly valuable for BP teams, and as a bonus, it lets them wall Hyper Voice from the likes of Megavoir and Specs Sylveon, as well as Dragon Tail. As for your other point:

252+ SpA Choice Specs Politoed Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 108+ SpD Mr. Mime in Rain: 246-289 (86.6 - 101.7%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

Odds of living the attack are still in its favor, and Specstoed is a rare enough threat for it to hardly matter. Not to mention, Mr. Mime often has a Special Defense boost or two under his belt, at which point, he lives the attack fairly comfortably.
Okay, I'll change it to this, then. I'll also update set details accordingly.
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Mostly talked with Magnemite about the changes. In particular:

- Minor note on Substitute blocking Dragon Tail when Mr. Mime is not on the field.
- Mostly some grammar issues really.

I do want to at least note that Magnemite should go over the analysis before submitting this to GP and make sure everything is a bit smoother. Mainly sentences like these in particular:

"With the listed spread, Mr. Mime is able to survive a hit from any Perish Song user except for the rare Choice Specs Politoed. However, Mr. Mime can still survive a Choice Specs Hydro Pump if it has a Substitute or a Special Defense boost up. "

Anyway, the general information is there so really it is a matter of grammar cleanup.

QC 3/3
I agree, the overall sentence-structure in this was very sloppy. It's a lot smoother now. This is now ready for GP.

Also, if whoever GP checks this could also give me a copypaste, that would be great. Editing in GP checks on a mobile device is such a pain.
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At first glance, Mr. Mime appears to be a Pokemon which has no use in the OU metagame. However, this isn't entirely the case.; Mr. Mime is the only Pokemon in the game with the combination of Soundproof and Baton Pass, so it is the only way defense Baton Pass teams have to stop against Perish Song from ruining their chain. Soundproof also gives Mr. Mime handy immunities to Roar, Hyper Voice, and Bug Buzz, while its new Fairy typing gives it an immunity to Dragon-type moves—most notably Dragon Tail. All of these traits, in addition to its great movepool, secure Mr. Mime a spot on nearly every full Baton Pass team.

Baton Pass
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Calm Mind
move 4: Encore
ability: Soundproof
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 108 SpD / 148 Spe
nature: Calm

Mr. Mime is only viable on full Baton Pass teams, so naturally Baton Pass is(AC) by far(AC) its most important move. Substitute is also mandatory, as it protects Mr. Mime and its teammates from status effects, Dragon Tail, critical hits, and Leech Seed, which would all cause major issues otherwise. Calm Mind is Mr. Mime's most reliable way of boosting its stats. After a few Calm Mind Boosts, most special attackers will be unable to touch it. Encore is useful because it can give Mr. Mime many free setup opportunities, especially if it encores the opponent into a move it is immune to, such as Roar, Perish Song, Bug Buzz, Hyper Voice, or a Dragon-type move.

Set Details
Leftovers is the preferred item because Mr. Mime needs to stay as healthy as possible in order to make Substitutes without wearing itself down as too quickly. The given EVs are used to outspeed Deoxys-S at +2 Speed. This also allows it to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp at +2. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP and Special Defense because all common Perish Song users in OU are special attackers. With the listed spread, Mr. Mime is able to survive a hit from any Perish Song user except for the rare Choice Specs Politoed. However, Mr. Mime can still survive a Choice Specs Hydro Pump if it has a Substitute up or a Special Defense boost up.

Usage Tips
Baton Pass to Mr. Mime whenever the opponent has a potential Perish Song, Dragon Tail, or Roar user out on the field. The only common users of Perish Song in OU are Politoed and Celebi lowering its usefulness. (this sentence seems out of place here...put it with the cons in the overview (check in w/QC abt that tho)) Mr. Mime is only immune to the move itself, not the actual Perish counter that activates after the move is used. Because of this, Baton Passing to Mr. Mime after Perish Song has been used does not stop perish Song from working. If your opponent has a potential Perish Song user on their team, keeping Mr. Mime healthy is crucial because it must be counted on to switch in on a moment's notice. Knowing when to Baton Pass to Espeon is crucial, because just one Whirlwind or Taunt is nearly always fatal. Whenever there is a slight chance of such a move being used, you need to Baton Pass to Espeon. Prankster Taunt users are especially tricky, since you need to pass to Espeon the turn before they switch in, which can be very difficult to predict. Mr. Mime is far from useless outside of its immunities. Its excellent Special Defense stat and Encore both allow it to have many opportunities to set up with Calm Mind. Make sure to have a few Defense and Speed boosts up before Baton Passing to Mr. Mime, as its awful physical bulk is very easy to take advantage of. It is very important to keep a Substitute up whenever possible in order to prevent critical hits or status moves from ruining your chain.
(Where did Espeon come from?!?!?!? But then again, idk abt baton pass teams)
Team Options
Espeon is a non-negotiable member of any full Baton Pass team. Its Magic Bounce ability is the only way Baton Pass teams have around Taunt and Whirlwind outside of the one-time use Mental Herb item and the rather unreliable Ingrain Smeargle, respectively. It also helps in protecting the team from status-inducing moves and other miscellaneous moves, such as Encore. Using a Baton Pass team without Espeon is not recommended. (redundant w/sentence #1 of this section) Scolipede is another important teammate. Its ability, Speed Boost, makes it by far the most reliable method of passing Speed boosts. It is essential for Baton Pass teams to outspeed the opponent in order to make sure the right Pokemon is always out on the field. Scolipede can also pass Substitutes, Iron Defense boosts, and Swords Dance boosts. Vaporeon is another Baton Pass staple with its boosting move of choice, Acid Armor. It possesses great defensive stats and a useful ability in Water Absorb. (Don't you mean Mega-Mawhile???) Mawile is a good teammate because of its excellent typing, great boosting moves in Iron Defense and Swords Dance, and useful Intimidate ability. Mega Scizor is very similar to Mawile in that it is a Steel-type with Iron Defense and Swords Dance. Its main draws over Mawile are its access to reliable recovery in Roost, and most importantly, its Technician Bullet Punch, which makes it one of the only ways Baton Pass teams have of beating Unaware Clefable. Celebi has access to Calm Mind, while Zapdos has a useful typing and access to Charge. Mew can use nearly every stat boosting move in the game, most notably Amnesia, Barrier, and Calm Mind. Smeargle is the only Pokemon in the game with both Ingrain and Baton Pass. As such, it is a useful Pokemon on Baton Pass teams because it can protect the entire team from phasing while regaining a small amount of HP every turn. T; this takes a ton of pressure off of Mr. Mime and Espeon, as they are otherwise the only way to stop phazers from wrecking Baton Pass chains.

Other Options
If you're thinking of using Mr. Mime for anything other than Baton Passing, ask yourself one question: "Do I ever want to win any of my battles?" If the answer is yes, then use a different Pokemon (lol). However, on Baton Pass teams, Mr. Mime has quite a few other options. Psyshock allows Mr. Mime to beat Haze Tentacruel one one on one, which otherwise puts is a full stop to Baton Pass teams. Magic Coat is an option over Encore in order to reflect certain moves such as Toxic or Encore. Its main draw, however, is its ability to reflect Prankster Taunt, which would otherwise be a major pain to deal with. Barrier is another boosting move in Mr. Mime's arsenal, but Mr. Mime's downright horrific physical bulk makes Calm Mind the better choice in nearly every situation. Dazzling Gleam can be used if one desires an attacking move on Mr. Mime. Its biggest advantage is that it hits Sableye, a major headache for Baton Pass teams, super effectively. However, the utility provided by Encore is usually too good to pass up.

Checks & Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt, especially priority Taunt from Prankster users such as Thundurus, Mega Banette, or Sableye, can prevent Mr. Mime and its teammates from doing much of anything. Prankster Taunt users in particular can always get a Taunt off before the opponent you can Baton a Pass to Espeon to bounce it back.

**Haze**: Haze removes all of a Baton Pass team's hard earned stat boosts. In addition, it is completely unblockable outside of Taunt, which is nearly impossible to fit on a moveset of any Pokemon on Baton Pass teams. However, it is an incredibly rare move, with Tentacruel being the only user of the move in OU.

**Phazing**: Phazing is another issue for Baton Pass teams, though they have reliable methods of dealing with it in the form of Mr. Mime and Espeon. Mr. Mime is only affected by Whirlwind and Espeon is only affected by Dragon Tail and the never seen Circle Throw. Common Whirlwind users include Skarmory, Mandibuzz, and Hippowdon.

**Physical attackers**: Strong physical attackers are a huge problem for Mr. Mime because of its terrible physical bulk. Scizor in particular easily OHKOes Mr. Mime with Bullet Punch.

**Unaware**: Unaware Clefable and Quagsire wall Baton Pass teams to no end as they generally lack significant offensive presence. Clefable can also set up Calm Minds on most common Baton Pass Pokemon without fear.

At first glance, Mr. Mime appears to be a Pokemon which has no use in the OU metagame. However, this isn't entirely the case.; Mr. Mime is the only Pokemon in the game with the combination of Soundproof and Baton Pass, so it is the only defense Baton Pass teams have against Perish Song from ruining their chain. Soundproof also gives Mr. Mime handy immunities to Roar, Hyper Voice, and Bug Buzz, while its new Fairy typing gives it an immunity to Dragon-type moves—most notably Dragon Tail. All of these traits, in addition to its great movepool, secure Mr. Mime a spot on nearly every full Baton Pass team.

Baton Pass
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Calm Mind
move 4: Encore
ability: Soundproof
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 108 SpD / 148 Spe
nature: Calm

Mr. Mime is only viable on full Baton Pass teams, so naturally Baton Pass is, by far, its most important move. Substitute is also mandatory, as it protects Mr. Mime and its teammates from status effects, Dragon Tail, critical hits, and Leech Seed, which would all cause major issues otherwise. Calm Mind is Mr. Mime's most reliable way of boosting its stats. After a few Calm Mind Boosts, most special attackers will be unable to touch it. Encore is useful because it can give Mr. Mime many free setup opportunities, especially if it encores the opponent into a move it is immune to, such as Roar, Perish Song, Bug Buzz, Hyper Voice, or a Dragon-type move.

Set Details
Leftovers is the preferred item because Mr. Mime needs to stay as healthy as possible in order to make Substitutes without wearing itself down too quickly. The given EVs are used to outspeed Deoxys-S at +2 Speed. This also allows it to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp at +2. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP and Special Defense because all common Perish Song users in OU are special attackers. With the listed spread, Mr. Mime is able to survive a hit from any Perish Song user except for the rare Choice Specs Politoed. However, Mr. Mime can still survive a Choice Specs Hydro Pump if it has a Substitute up or a Special Defense boost .

Usage Tips
Baton Pass to Mr. Mime whenever the opponent has a potential Perish Song, Dragon Tail, or Roar user out on the field. The only common users of Perish Song in OU are Politoed and Celebi lowering its usefulness. (this sentence seems out of place here...put it with the cons in the overview (check in w/QC abt that tho)) Mr. Mime is only immune to the move itself, not the actual Perish counter that activates after the move is used. Because of this, Baton Passing to Mr. Mime after Perish Song has been used does not stop perish Song from working. If your opponent has a potential Perish Song user on their team, keeping Mr. Mime healthy is crucial because it must be counted on to switch in on a moment's notice. Knowing when to Baton Pass to Espeon is crucial, because just one Whirlwind or Taunt is nearly always fatal. Whenever there is a slight chance of such a move being used, you need to Baton Pass to Espeon. Prankster Taunt users are especially tricky, since you need to pass to Espeon the turn before they switch in, which can be very difficult to predict. Mr. Mime is far from useless outside of its immunities. Its excellent Special Defense stat and Encore both allow it to have many opportunities to set up with Calm Mind. Make sure to have a few Defense and Speed boosts up before Baton Passing to Mr. Mime, as its awful physical bulk is very easy to take advantage of. It is very important to keep a Substitute up whenever possible in order to prevent critical hits or status moves from ruining your chain.

Team Options
Espeon is a non-negotiable member of any full Baton Pass team. Its Magic Bounce ability is the only way Baton Pass teams have around Taunt and Whirlwind outside of the one-time use Mental Herb item and the rather unreliable Ingrain Smeargle, respectively. It also helps in protecting the team from status-inducing moves and other miscellaneous moves, such as Encore. Scolipede is another important teammate. Its ability, Speed Boost, makes it by far the most reliable method of passing Speed boosts. It is essential for Baton Pass teams to outspeed the opponent in order to make sure the right Pokemon is always out on the field. Scolipede can also pass Substitutes, Iron Defense boosts, and Swords Dance boosts. Vaporeon is another Baton Pass staple with its boosting move of choice, Acid Armor. It possesses great defensive stats and a useful ability in Water Absorb.Mawile is a good teammate because of its excellent typing, great boosting moves in Iron Defense and Swords Dance, and useful Intimidate ability. Mega Scizor is very similar to Mawile in that it is a Steel-type with Iron Defense and Swords Dance. Its main draws over Mawile are its access to reliable recovery in Roost, and most importantly, its Technician Bullet Punch, which makes it one of the only ways Baton Pass teams have of beating Unaware Clefable. Celebi has access to Calm Mind, while Zapdos has a useful typing and access to Charge. Mew can use nearly every stat boosting move in the game, most notably Amnesia, Barrier, and Calm Mind. Smeargle is the only Pokemon in the game with both Ingrain and Baton Pass. As such, it is a useful Pokemon on Baton Pass teams because it can protect the entire team from phasing while regaining a small amount of HP every turn. T; this takes a ton of pressure off of Mr. Mime and Espeon, as they are otherwise the only way to stop phazers from wrecking Baton Pass chains.

Other Options
If you're thinking of using Mr. Mime for anything other than Baton Passing, ask yourself one question: "Do I ever want to win any of my battles?" If the answer is yes, then use a different Pokemon. However, on Baton Pass teams, Mr. Mime has quite a few other options. Psyshock allows Mr. Mime to beat Haze Tentacruel one on one, which otherwise is a full stop to Baton Pass teams. Magic Coat is an option over Encore in order to reflect certain moves such as Toxic or Encore. Its main draw, however, is its ability to reflect Prankster Taunt, which would otherwise be a major pain to deal with. Barrier is another boosting move in Mr. Mime's arsenal, but Mr. Mime's downright horrific physical bulk makes Calm Mind the better choice in nearly every situation. Dazzling Gleam can be used if one desires an attacking move on Mr. Mime. Its biggest advantage is that it hits Sableye, a major headache for Baton Pass teams, super effectively. However, the utility provided by Encore is usually too good to pass up.

Checks & Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt, especially priority Taunt from Prankster users such as Thundurus, Mega Banette, or Sableye, can prevent Mr. Mime and its teammates from doing much of anything. Prankster Taunt users in particular can always get a Taunt off before the you can Baton Pass to Espeon to bounce it back.

**Haze**: Haze removes all of a Baton Pass team's hard earned stat boosts. In addition, it is completely unblockable outside of Taunt, which is nearly impossible to fit on a moveset of any Pokemon on Baton Pass teams. However, it is an incredibly rare move, with Tentacruel being the only user of the move in OU.

**Phazing**: Phazing is another issue for Baton Pass teams, though they have reliable methods of dealing with it in the form of Mr. Mime and Espeon. Mr. Mime is only affected by Whirlwind and Espeon is only affected by Dragon Tail and the never seen Circle Throw. Common Whirlwind users include Skarmory, Mandibuzz, and Hippowdon.

**Physical attackers**: Strong physical attackers are a huge problem for Mr. Mime because of its terrible physical bulk. Scizor in particular easily OHKOes Mr. Mime with Bullet Punch.

**Unaware**: Unaware Clefable and Quagsire wall Baton Pass teams to no end as they generally lack significant offensive presence. Clefable can also set up Calm Minds on most common Baton Pass Pokemon without fear.
Good job Magnemite
GP 1/2
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At first glance, Mr. Mime appears to be a Pokemon which has no use in the OU metagame. However, this isn't entirely the case.; Mr. Mime is the only Pokemon in the game with the combination of Soundproof and Baton Pass, so it is the only way defense Baton Pass teams have to stop against Perish Song from ruining their chain. Soundproof also gives Mr. Mime handy immunities to Roar, Hyper Voice, and Bug Buzz, while its new Fairy typing gives it an immunity to Dragon-type moves—most notably Dragon Tail. All of these traits, in addition to its great movepool, secure Mr. Mime a spot on nearly every full Baton Pass team.

Baton Pass
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Calm Mind
move 4: Encore
ability: Soundproof
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 108 SpD / 148 Spe
nature: Calm

Mr. Mime is only viable on full Baton Pass teams, so naturally Baton Pass is(AC) by far(AC) its most important move. Substitute is also mandatory, as it protects Mr. Mime and its teammates from status effects, Dragon Tail, critical hits, and Leech Seed, which would all cause major issues otherwise. Calm Mind is Mr. Mime's most reliable way of boosting its stats. After a few Calm Mind Boosts, most special attackers will be unable to touch it. Encore is useful because it can give Mr. Mime many free setup opportunities, especially if it encores the opponent into a move it is immune to, such as Roar, Perish Song, Bug Buzz, Hyper Voice, or a Dragon-type move.

Set Details
Leftovers is the preferred item because Mr. Mime needs to stay as healthy as possible in order to make Substitutes without wearing itself down as too quickly. The given EVs are used to outspeed Deoxys-S at +2 Speed. This also allows it to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp at +2. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP and Special Defense because all common Perish Song users in OU are special attackers. With the listed spread, Mr. Mime is able to survive a hit from any Perish Song user except for the rare Choice Specs Politoed. However, Mr. Mime can still survive a Choice Specs Hydro Pump if it has a Substitute up or a Special Defense boost up.

Usage Tips
Baton Pass to Mr. Mime whenever the opponent has a potential Perish Song, Dragon Tail, or Roar user out on the field. The only common users of Perish Song in OU are Politoed and Celebi lowering its usefulness. (this sentence seems out of place here...put it with the cons in the overview (check in w/QC abt that tho)) Mr. Mime is only immune to the move itself, not the actual Perish counter that activates after the move is used. Because of this, Baton Passing to Mr. Mime after Perish Song has been used does not stop perish Song from working. If your opponent has a potential Perish Song user on their team, keeping Mr. Mime healthy is crucial because it must be counted on to switch in on a moment's notice. Knowing when to Baton Pass to Espeon is crucial, because just one Whirlwind or Taunt is nearly always fatal. Whenever there is a slight chance of such a move being used, you need to Baton Pass to Espeon. Prankster Taunt users are especially tricky, since you need to pass to Espeon the turn before they switch in, which can be very difficult to predict. Mr. Mime is far from useless outside of its immunities. Its excellent Special Defense stat and Encore both allow it to have many opportunities to set up with Calm Mind. Make sure to have a few Defense and Speed boosts up before Baton Passing to Mr. Mime, as its awful physical bulk is very easy to take advantage of. It is very important to keep a Substitute up whenever possible in order to prevent critical hits or status moves from ruining your chain.
(Where did Espeon come from?!?!?!? But then again, idk abt baton pass teams)
Team Options
Espeon is a non-negotiable member of any full Baton Pass team. Its Magic Bounce ability is the only way Baton Pass teams have around Taunt and Whirlwind outside of the one-time use Mental Herb item and the rather unreliable Ingrain Smeargle, respectively. It also helps in protecting the team from status-inducing moves and other miscellaneous moves, such as Encore. Using a Baton Pass team without Espeon is not recommended. (redundant w/sentence #1 of this section) Scolipede is another important teammate. Its ability, Speed Boost, makes it by far the most reliable method of passing Speed boosts. It is essential for Baton Pass teams to outspeed the opponent in order to make sure the right Pokemon is always out on the field. Scolipede can also pass Substitutes, Iron Defense boosts, and Swords Dance boosts. Vaporeon is another Baton Pass staple with its boosting move of choice, Acid Armor. It possesses great defensive stats and a useful ability in Water Absorb. (Don't you mean Mega-Mawhile???) Mawile is a good teammate because of its excellent typing, great boosting moves in Iron Defense and Swords Dance, and useful Intimidate ability. Mega Scizor is very similar to Mawile in that it is a Steel-type with Iron Defense and Swords Dance. Its main draws over Mawile are its access to reliable recovery in Roost, and most importantly, its Technician Bullet Punch, which makes it one of the only ways Baton Pass teams have of beating Unaware Clefable. Celebi has access to Calm Mind, while Zapdos has a useful typing and access to Charge. Mew can use nearly every stat boosting move in the game, most notably Amnesia, Barrier, and Calm Mind. Smeargle is the only Pokemon in the game with both Ingrain and Baton Pass. As such, it is a useful Pokemon on Baton Pass teams because it can protect the entire team from phasing while regaining a small amount of HP every turn. T; this takes a ton of pressure off of Mr. Mime and Espeon, as they are otherwise the only way to stop phazers from wrecking Baton Pass chains.

Other Options
If you're thinking of using Mr. Mime for anything other than Baton Passing, ask yourself one question: "Do I ever want to win any of my battles?" If the answer is yes, then use a different Pokemon (lol). However, on Baton Pass teams, Mr. Mime has quite a few other options. Psyshock allows Mr. Mime to beat Haze Tentacruel one one on one, which otherwise puts is a full stop to Baton Pass teams. Magic Coat is an option over Encore in order to reflect certain moves such as Toxic or Encore. Its main draw, however, is its ability to reflect Prankster Taunt, which would otherwise be a major pain to deal with. Barrier is another boosting move in Mr. Mime's arsenal, but Mr. Mime's downright horrific physical bulk makes Calm Mind the better choice in nearly every situation. Dazzling Gleam can be used if one desires an attacking move on Mr. Mime. Its biggest advantage is that it hits Sableye, a major headache for Baton Pass teams, super effectively. However, the utility provided by Encore is usually too good to pass up.

Checks & Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt, especially priority Taunt from Prankster users such as Thundurus, Mega Banette, or Sableye, can prevent Mr. Mime and its teammates from doing much of anything. Prankster Taunt users in particular can always get a Taunt off before the opponent you can Baton a Pass to Espeon to bounce it back.

**Haze**: Haze removes all of a Baton Pass team's hard earned stat boosts. In addition, it is completely unblockable outside of Taunt, which is nearly impossible to fit on a moveset of any Pokemon on Baton Pass teams. However, it is an incredibly rare move, with Tentacruel being the only user of the move in OU.

**Phazing**: Phazing is another issue for Baton Pass teams, though they have reliable methods of dealing with it in the form of Mr. Mime and Espeon. Mr. Mime is only affected by Whirlwind and Espeon is only affected by Dragon Tail and the never seen Circle Throw. Common Whirlwind users include Skarmory, Mandibuzz, and Hippowdon.

**Physical attackers**: Strong physical attackers are a huge problem for Mr. Mime because of its terrible physical bulk. Scizor in particular easily OHKOes Mr. Mime with Bullet Punch.

**Unaware**: Unaware Clefable and Quagsire wall Baton Pass teams to no end as they generally lack significant offensive presence. Clefable can also set up Calm Minds on most common Baton Pass Pokemon without fear.

At first glance, Mr. Mime appears to be a Pokemon which has no use in the OU metagame. However, this isn't entirely the case.; Mr. Mime is the only Pokemon in the game with the combination of Soundproof and Baton Pass, so it is the only defense Baton Pass teams have against Perish Song from ruining their chain. Soundproof also gives Mr. Mime handy immunities to Roar, Hyper Voice, and Bug Buzz, while its new Fairy typing gives it an immunity to Dragon-type moves—most notably Dragon Tail. All of these traits, in addition to its great movepool, secure Mr. Mime a spot on nearly every full Baton Pass team.

Baton Pass
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Calm Mind
move 4: Encore
ability: Soundproof
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 108 SpD / 148 Spe
nature: Calm

Mr. Mime is only viable on full Baton Pass teams, so naturally Baton Pass is, by far, its most important move. Substitute is also mandatory, as it protects Mr. Mime and its teammates from status effects, Dragon Tail, critical hits, and Leech Seed, which would all cause major issues otherwise. Calm Mind is Mr. Mime's most reliable way of boosting its stats. After a few Calm Mind Boosts, most special attackers will be unable to touch it. Encore is useful because it can give Mr. Mime many free setup opportunities, especially if it encores the opponent into a move it is immune to, such as Roar, Perish Song, Bug Buzz, Hyper Voice, or a Dragon-type move.

Set Details
Leftovers is the preferred item because Mr. Mime needs to stay as healthy as possible in order to make Substitutes without wearing itself down too quickly. The given EVs are used to outspeed Deoxys-S at +2 Speed. This also allows it to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp at +2. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP and Special Defense because all common Perish Song users in OU are special attackers. With the listed spread, Mr. Mime is able to survive a hit from any Perish Song user except for the rare Choice Specs Politoed. However, Mr. Mime can still survive a Choice Specs Hydro Pump if it has a Substitute up or a Special Defense boost .

Usage Tips
Baton Pass to Mr. Mime whenever the opponent has a potential Perish Song, Dragon Tail, or Roar user out on the field. The only common users of Perish Song in OU are Politoed and Celebi lowering its usefulness. (this sentence seems out of place here...put it with the cons in the overview (check in w/QC abt that tho)) Mr. Mime is only immune to the move itself, not the actual Perish counter that activates after the move is used. Because of this, Baton Passing to Mr. Mime after Perish Song has been used does not stop perish Song from working. If your opponent has a potential Perish Song user on their team, keeping Mr. Mime healthy is crucial because it must be counted on to switch in on a moment's notice. Knowing when to Baton Pass to Espeon is crucial, because just one Whirlwind or Taunt is nearly always fatal. Whenever there is a slight chance of such a move being used, you need to Baton Pass to Espeon. Prankster Taunt users are especially tricky, since you need to pass to Espeon the turn before they switch in, which can be very difficult to predict. Mr. Mime is far from useless outside of its immunities. Its excellent Special Defense stat and Encore both allow it to have many opportunities to set up with Calm Mind. Make sure to have a few Defense and Speed boosts up before Baton Passing to Mr. Mime, as its awful physical bulk is very easy to take advantage of. It is very important to keep a Substitute up whenever possible in order to prevent critical hits or status moves from ruining your chain.

Team Options
Espeon is a non-negotiable member of any full Baton Pass team. Its Magic Bounce ability is the only way Baton Pass teams have around Taunt and Whirlwind outside of the one-time use Mental Herb item and the rather unreliable Ingrain Smeargle, respectively. It also helps in protecting the team from status-inducing moves and other miscellaneous moves, such as Encore. Scolipede is another important teammate. Its ability, Speed Boost, makes it by far the most reliable method of passing Speed boosts. It is essential for Baton Pass teams to outspeed the opponent in order to make sure the right Pokemon is always out on the field. Scolipede can also pass Substitutes, Iron Defense boosts, and Swords Dance boosts. Vaporeon is another Baton Pass staple with its boosting move of choice, Acid Armor. It possesses great defensive stats and a useful ability in Water Absorb.Mawile is a good teammate because of its excellent typing, great boosting moves in Iron Defense and Swords Dance, and useful Intimidate ability. Mega Scizor is very similar to Mawile in that it is a Steel-type with Iron Defense and Swords Dance. Its main draws over Mawile are its access to reliable recovery in Roost, and most importantly, its Technician Bullet Punch, which makes it one of the only ways Baton Pass teams have of beating Unaware Clefable. Celebi has access to Calm Mind, while Zapdos has a useful typing and access to Charge. Mew can use nearly every stat boosting move in the game, most notably Amnesia, Barrier, and Calm Mind. Smeargle is the only Pokemon in the game with both Ingrain and Baton Pass. As such, it is a useful Pokemon on Baton Pass teams because it can protect the entire team from phasing while regaining a small amount of HP every turn. T; this takes a ton of pressure off of Mr. Mime and Espeon, as they are otherwise the only way to stop phazers from wrecking Baton Pass chains.

Other Options
If you're thinking of using Mr. Mime for anything other than Baton Passing, ask yourself one question: "Do I ever want to win any of my battles?" If the answer is yes, then use a different Pokemon. However, on Baton Pass teams, Mr. Mime has quite a few other options. Psyshock allows Mr. Mime to beat Haze Tentacruel one on one, which otherwise is a full stop to Baton Pass teams. Magic Coat is an option over Encore in order to reflect certain moves such as Toxic or Encore. Its main draw, however, is its ability to reflect Prankster Taunt, which would otherwise be a major pain to deal with. Barrier is another boosting move in Mr. Mime's arsenal, but Mr. Mime's downright horrific physical bulk makes Calm Mind the better choice in nearly every situation. Dazzling Gleam can be used if one desires an attacking move on Mr. Mime. Its biggest advantage is that it hits Sableye, a major headache for Baton Pass teams, super effectively. However, the utility provided by Encore is usually too good to pass up.

Checks & Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt, especially priority Taunt from Prankster users such as Thundurus, Mega Banette, or Sableye, can prevent Mr. Mime and its teammates from doing much of anything. Prankster Taunt users in particular can always get a Taunt off before the you can Baton Pass to Espeon to bounce it back.

**Haze**: Haze removes all of a Baton Pass team's hard earned stat boosts. In addition, it is completely unblockable outside of Taunt, which is nearly impossible to fit on a moveset of any Pokemon on Baton Pass teams. However, it is an incredibly rare move, with Tentacruel being the only user of the move in OU.

**Phazing**: Phazing is another issue for Baton Pass teams, though they have reliable methods of dealing with it in the form of Mr. Mime and Espeon. Mr. Mime is only affected by Whirlwind and Espeon is only affected by Dragon Tail and the never seen Circle Throw. Common Whirlwind users include Skarmory, Mandibuzz, and Hippowdon.

**Physical attackers**: Strong physical attackers are a huge problem for Mr. Mime because of its terrible physical bulk. Scizor in particular easily OHKOes Mr. Mime with Bullet Punch.

**Unaware**: Unaware Clefable and Quagsire wall Baton Pass teams to no end as they generally lack significant offensive presence. Clefable can also set up Calm Minds on most common Baton Pass Pokemon without fear.
Good job Magnemite
GP 1/2
Implemented. I left the sentence about Celebi and Politoed in because the reader needs to know which Pokemon actually use Perish Song beforehand in order to actually do anything about it.

At first glance Because of its poorer stats, Mr. Mime has a very difficult time carving a niche for itself in the OU metagame. However, it does have one useful trait, as it is appears to be a Pokemon which has no use in the OU metagame. (Don't start your analysis with 'at first glance', ever. Rephrase it.) However, this isn't entirely the case; Mr. Mime is the only Pokemon in the game with the combination of Soundproof and Baton Pass, so it is the only defense Baton Pass teams have against Perish Song from ruining their chain. Soundproof also gives Mr. Mime handy immunities to Roar, Hyper Voice, and Bug Buzz, while its new Fairy typing gives it an immunity to Dragon-type moves—most notably Dragon Tail. All of these traits, in addition to its great movepool, secure Mr. Mime a spot on nearly every full Baton Pass team.

Baton Pass
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Calm Mind
move 4: Encore
ability: Soundproof
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 108 SpD / 148 Spe
nature: Calm

Mr. Mime is only viable on full Baton Pass teams, so naturally Baton Pass is, by far, its most important move. Substitute is also mandatory, as it protects Mr. Mime and its teammates from status effects, Dragon Tail, critical hits, and Leech Seed, which would all cause major issues otherwise. Calm Mind is Mr. Mime's most reliable way of boosting its stats. After a few Calm Mind Boosts, most special attackers will be unable to touch it. Encore is useful because it can give Mr. Mime many free setup opportunities, especially if it encores the opponent into a move it is immune to, such as Roar, Perish Song, Bug Buzz, Hyper Voice, or a Dragon-type move.

Set Details
Leftovers is the preferred item because Mr. Mime needs to stay as healthy as possible in order to make Substitutes without wearing itself down too quickly. The given EVs are used to outspeed Deoxys-S at +2 Speed. This also allows it to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp at +2. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP and Special Defense because all common Perish Song users in OU are special attackers. With the listed spread, Mr. Mime is able to survive a hit from any Perish Song user except for the rare Choice Specs Politoed. However, Mr. Mime can still survive a Choice Specs Hydro Pump if it has a Substitute up or a Special Defense boost .

Usage Tips
Baton Pass to Mr. Mime whenever the opponent has a potential Perish Song, Dragon Tail, or Roar user out on the field. The only common users of Perish Song in OU are Politoed and Celebi,(AC) lowering its usefulness. Mr. Mime is only immune to the move itself, not the actual Perish counter that activates after the move is used. Because of this, Baton Passing to Mr. Mime after Perish Song has been used does not stop Perish Song from working. If your opponent has a potential Perish Song user on their team, keeping Mr. Mime healthy is crucial because it must be counted on to switch in on a moment's notice. (Knowing when to Baton Pass to Espeon is crucial, because just one Whirlwind or Taunt is nearly always fatal. Whenever there is a slight chance of such a move being used, you need to Baton Pass to Espeon. Prankster Taunt users are especially tricky, since you need to pass to Espeon the turn before they switch in, which can be very difficult to predict. - You suddenly switch to talking about Espeon, but you're supposed to be explaining how Mr. Mime works. I would remove this section entirely since it has less to do with specifically, Mr. Mime, but if you want to keep it, put in a transition between the two ideas so the reader isn't totally surprised and confused when you suddenly start talking about Espeon.) Mr. Mime is far from useless outside of its immunities. Its excellent Special Defense stat and access to Encore both allow it to have many opportunities to set up with Calm Mind. Make sure to have a few Defense and Speed boosts up before Baton Passing to Mr. Mime, as its awful physical bulk is very easy to take advantage of. It is also very important to keep a Substitute up whenever possible in order to prevent critical hits or status moves from ruining your chain.

Team Options
Espeon is a non-negotiable member of any full Baton Pass team. Its Magic Bounce ability is the only way Baton Pass teams have around Taunt and Whirlwind outside of the one-time-(+Hyph.)use Mental Herb item and the rather unreliable Ingrain Smeargle, respectively. It also helps in protecting the team from status-inducing moves and other miscellaneous moves, such as Encore. Scolipede is another important teammate. Its ability, Speed Boost, makes it by far the most reliable method of passing Speed boosts. It is essential for Baton Pass teams to outspeed the opponent in order to make sure the right Pokemon is always out on the field. Scolipede can also pass Substitutes, Iron Defense boosts, and Swords Dance boosts. Vaporeon is another Baton Pass staple with its boosting move of choice, Acid Armor. It possesses great defensive stats and a useful ability in Water Absorb. (+Space)Mawile is a good teammate because of its excellent typing, great boosting moves in Iron Defense and Swords Dance, and useful Intimidate ability. Mega Scizor is very similar to Mawile in that it is a Steel-type with Iron Defense and Swords Dance. Its main draws over Mawile are its access to reliable recovery in Roost, and most importantly, its Technician Bullet Punch, which makes it one of the only ways Baton Pass teams have of beating Unaware Clefable. Celebi has access to Calm Mind, while Zapdos has a useful typing and access to Charge. Mew can use nearly every stat boosting move in the game, most notably Amnesia, Barrier, and Calm Mind. Smeargle is the only Pokemon in the game with both Ingrain and Baton Pass. As such, it is a useful Pokemon on Baton Pass teams because it can protect the entire team from phasing being phazed out while also helping them regain regaining a small amount of HP every turn. T; This takes a ton of pressure off of Mr. Mime and Espeon, as they are otherwise the only way to stop phazers from wrecking Baton Pass chains.

Other Options
If you're thinking of using Mr. Mime for anything other than Baton Passing, ask yourself one question: "Do I ever want to win any of my battles?" If the answer is yes, then use a different Pokemon. However, on Baton Pass teams, (That comment is unnecessary; the fact that the reader is still reading up to this point means that they've already decided to use Mr. Mime. This section is for explaining the many other options Mr. Mime has, not whether or not your reader should use it in the first place.) Mr. Mime has quite a few other options. Psyshock allows Mr. Mime to beat Haze Tentacruel one on one, which is otherwise is a full stop to Baton Pass teams. Magic Coat is an option over Encore in order to reflect certain moves such as Toxic or Encore. Its main draw, however, is its ability to reflect Prankster Taunt, which would otherwise be a major pain to deal with. Barrier is another boosting move in Mr. Mime's arsenal, but Mr. Mime's downright horrific physical bulk makes Calm Mind the better choice in nearly every situation. Dazzling Gleam can be used if one desires an attacking move on Mr. Mime. Its biggest advantage is that it hits Sableye, a major headache for Baton Pass teams, super effectively. However, the utility provided by Encore is usually too good to pass up.

Checks & Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt, especially priority Taunt from Prankster users such as Thundurus, Mega Banette, or Sableye, can prevent Mr. Mime and its teammates from doing much of anything. Prankster Taunt users in particular can always get a Taunt off before you can Baton Pass to Espeon to bounce it back.

**Haze**: Haze removes all of a Baton Pass team's hard earned stat boosts. In addition, it is completely unblockable outside of Taunt, which is nearly impossible to fit on a moveset of any Pokemon on Baton Pass teams. However, it is an incredibly rare move, with Tentacruel being the only user of the move in OU.

**Phazing**: Phazing is another issue for Baton Pass teams, though they have reliable methods of dealing with it in the form of Mr. Mime and Espeon. Mr. Mime is only affected by Whirlwind and Espeon is only affected by Dragon Tail and the never seen Circle Throw. Common Whirlwind users include Skarmory, Mandibuzz, and Hippowdon.

**Physical attackers**: Strong physical attackers are a huge problem for Mr. Mime because of its terrible physical bulk. Scizor in particular easily OHKOes Mr. Mime with Bullet Punch.

**Unaware**: Unaware Clefable and Quagsire wall Baton Pass teams to no end as those teams they generally lack significant offensive presence. (What do you mean by 'they'? Please specify) Clefable can also set up Calm Minds on most common Baton Pass Pokemon without fear.

Nice work, Magnemite! There were relatively few errors.


GP 2/2
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I kept the part about Espeon because knowing when to pass to it is a critically important part of using Baton Pass teams, and by extension Mr. Mime, effectively.

Anyway, this is done.
Why are there spaces in between the titles of the sections? It messes up the SCMS and is inconsistent with pretty much every analysis in this forum.
Are you sure? I definitely remember someone saying that it messes it up because the tags need to be directly above it. I haven't seen spaces in any other analysis either.
If Baton Pass actually stays (which I doubt it will), I'm definitely going to clean up the team options so they reflect the common BP archetypes (BP was a LOT rarer when I first wrote this). However, until it decidedly stays (pls no), I don't want to waste time updating this because it probably won't stay.