Zurgoss's Trading Post - NOW WITH 80+ PERFECT 5IV POKEMON!

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Hi...you posted in my thread

I'd like Kabuto and Tepig....but any chance to have Knock off on Kabuto and Superpower on Tepig?
If not I should rebreed them, so maybe do you have any female spitback too? (I dont' think you'll trade a final female :D )

If not I'll check again your thread hoping to find somenthing else ;)
Hi...you posted in my thread

I'd like Kabuto and Tepig....but any chance to have Knock off on Kabuto and Superpower on Tepig?
If not I should rebreed them, so maybe do you have any female spitback too? (I dont' think you'll trade a final female :D )

If not I'll check again your thread hoping to find somenthing else ;)

I don't keep any spitback and I can't get those egg moves sorry.
I'm looking for a 6IV Ditto. I have 5IV modest/adamant female Ralts, a 5IV impish Honedge, and a 4IV Modest Xerneas. Any chance you could help me?
Mind checking my thread again for the following:

Adamant Swift Swim Kabuto with Rapid Spin and Aqua Jet
IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Interested in a 6IV ditto.
I've got:
Adamant 31/31/25-26/20-21/31/30 Zygarde
Brave 31/31/31/31/31/X Honedge
I'm looking for a 6IV Ditto. I have 5IV modest/adamant female Ralts, a 5IV impish Honedge, and a 4IV Modest Xerneas. Any chance you could help me?

On the Kalos native Legendaries I think I am gonna wait till they find a way to RNG them, unless they are flawless 5IVs with HPs etc., thank you for the offers tho, and as for the other pokes, I only trade dittos for shiny 5IVs or Flawless Legends

Interested in kabuto (:
I have to offer jolly slakoth and timid cherubi with egg moves, both perfect 5iv

Would trade for Cherubi :)
Shiny Modest Levitate Rotom-H with Overheat, Hidden Power Ice, Protect, Thunderbolt

Level: 62
IV Spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31

you can't get hp ice with this spread :p
Hi there, in response to your post in my thread.. these ones really caught my fancy! ^^ What balls do they come in? Females? (apart from Ditto!)

Imposter ditto, Zubat Infiltrator, Sand Rush Sandshrew, Harvest Phantump.
interested in latias, would you take any of these?
modest celebi 31/31/31/31/31/31
timid shiny heatran w/stealth rock & hp ice
Your 6iv ditto interest me, would you like to trade it with me?
I could propose you a lot of 5iv pokemon, 2 or 3 of them for example. (all with the good ivs)

I have: 5iv Sigilyph Timid Gard ( with stored power, psycho shift, roost), 5iv Mienfoo Adamant (with Knock Off), 5iv Adamant Honedge, 5iv Modest Mareep, 5iv Impish Lullaby ( with Knock Off), 5iv Naive Gible, 5iv Adamant Pawniard ( with Sucker Punch), 5iv Modest Lotad ( with Giga drain)
I could breed: Marill, Ralts, Litwick, Meowstic, Sableye, Mudkip,...
Hi, would you do the Latias (Assuming it's English) for a 6 iv Shiny latias :)?

I also have (Shiny & 5/6 IV):

  • 6 IV Shiny Tyranitar
  • 6 IV Shiny Chandelure
  • 5 IV Timid Gengar
and a few other pokemons I haven't cloned yet.... 5 IV Rapidash, 6 IV Glgar and 6 IV Pawniard... (Shinies too :3)

Or maybe... a clone trade?
Hi, would you do the Latias (Assuming it's English) for a 6 iv Shiny latias :)?

I also have (Shiny & 5/6 IV):

  • 6 IV Shiny Tyranitar
  • 6 IV Shiny Chandelure
  • 5 IV Timid Gengar
and a few other pokemons I haven't cloned yet.... 5 IV Rapidash, 6 IV Glgar and 6 IV Pawniard... (Shinies too :3)

Or maybe... a clone trade?

Not quite sure what you are asking for, as my Latias is 6iv shiny? If you want to trade for it I would take the Gengar :D
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