Allendigua's shiny trade Thread

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My timezone if CMT+8,I'm available from 10:00~00:00.Since English if a second language for me, so please make it simple if you are interested in some of my shiny pokemon,thanks :)
FC:2406-6383-3581 IGN:R.Q.R

Here is my shiny list(all Kalos bred,mostly perfect 5 IV and have egg moves):
1 Tundra Pattern Vivillon timid Compoundeyes 31 x 31 31 31 31
2 High Plains Pattern Vivillon timid Compoundeyes 31 x 31 31 31 31
3 Ice Snow Pattern Vivillon timid Compoundeyes 31 x 31 31 31 31
4 Aipom Jolly Run away 31 31 31 x 31 31
5 Prrygon2 Bold trace 31 x 31 31 31 31
6 Eevee Bold adaptability 31 x 31 31 31 31
7 Eevee timid anticipation 31 x 31 31 31 31
8 Eevee timid adaptability 31 x 31 31 31 31
9 Eevee adamant anticipation 31 x 31 31 31 31
10 Eevee timid anticipation 31 x 28 31 31 31 hpfire
11 Tyrunt adamant Strong jaw 31 31 31 x 31 31
12 Skrelp modest poison touch 31 x 31 31 31 31
13 Nidoking timid sheer force (japanese name) 31 x 31 31 31 31
14 Noibat timid infiltrator 31 x 31 31 31 31
15 Amaura modest refrigerate 31 x 31 31 31 31
16 Trapinch jolly 31 31 31 x 31 31
17 Klefki bold prankster 31 31 31 31 31 31(no egg moves)
18 Chimchar jolly iron fist 31 31 31 x 31 31
19 Mawile adamant intimidate 31 31 31 x 31 31
20 Cloyster jolly skill link 31 31 31 x 31 31
21 Gastly timid 31 x 31 31 31 31
22 Inkay adamant 31 31 31 x 31 31(no egg moves)
23 Roggenrola brave study 31 31 31 x 31 0
24 Goomy bold Gooey 31 x 31 31 31 31
25 Corsola relaxed 31 x 31 31 31 31
26 Minccino jolly skill link(no egg moves) 31 31 31 31 31 31
27 Aron careful rock head 31 31 31 x 31 31
28 Avalugg impish study 31 31 31 x 31 31
29 Sneasel jolly keen eye 31 31 31 x 31 31
30 Meditite Adamant pure power 31 31 31 x 31 31
31 Lapras modest water absorb 31 x 31 31 31 31
32 Piplup modest Defiant 31 x 31 31 31 31
33 Froakie naive protean 31 31 30 31 31 31 and 31 31 31 31 30 31
timid protean 6IV
34 Cleffa modest magic guard 31 x 31 31 31 31
35 Gourgeist impish frisk 31 31 31 x 31 31
36 Roselia timid leaf guard hpfire 31 x 31 30 31 30
37 Blastoise modest torrent 31 x 31 31 31 31
38 Fennekin timid magic guard 31 x 31 31 31 31
39 Mudkip adamant torrent 31 31 31 x 31 31
40 Charmander timid blaze 31 x 31 31 31 31
jolly solar power 31 31 31 x 31 31
41 Bulbasaur modest Chlorophyll 31 x 31 31 31 31 and 31 x 31 30 31 30 hpfire
42 Golett Adamant no guard 31 31 31 x 31 31
43 Hawlucha jolly 31 31 31 x 31 31
44 Marill adamant huge power 31 31 31 x 31 31 and 31 31 31 31 31 31
45 Bunnelby jolly huge power 31 31 31 x 31 31
46 Exeggcute chlorophyll hpfire 31 x 31 30 31 30
47 Riolu jolly inner focus female 31 31 31 x 31 31
steadfast male 31 31 31 x 31 31
inner focus male 31 31 31 31 31 31
48 Tepig adamant 30 31 31 31 31 31
49 Helioptile timid dry skin 31 x 31 31 31 31
50 Fletching adamant gale wings 31 31 31 31 31 31
51 Arcanine jolly flash fire 31 31 31 31 31 31
52 Litwick timid flash fire 31 31 31 31 31 31
53 Gligar impish immunity 31 31 31 x 31 31
54 Trevenant relaxed harvest 31 31 31 x 31 0
55 Tentacruel timid clear body 31 x 31 31 31 31
56 Electivire adamant motor drave 31 31 31 31 31 31
57 Crobat jolly infiltrator 31 31 31 31 31 31
58 Spritzee relaxed healer 31 x 31 31 31 0
59 Corphish jolly adaptability 31 31 31 x 31 31
60 Axew jolly moldbreaker 31 31 31 31 31 31
61 Espurr bold male own tempo 31 x 31 31 31 31
62 Salamence naive moxie 31 31 31 31 27 31
63 Absol jolly pressure 31 31 31 x 31 31
64 Ralts female (no egg moves) 31 x 31 31 31 31
65 Furfrou impish fur coat 31 31 31 x 31 31
66 Venipede jolly speed boost 31 31 31 x 31 31
67 Slowpoke bold regenerator 31 x 31 31 31 31
68 pinsir jolly moxie 31 31 31 x 31 31
69 Boublade adamant 31 31 31 x 31 31
70 Poliwag bold swift swim 31 x 31 31 31 31
71 Clauncher modest 31 x 31 31 31 31
72 Spritomb calm infiltrator 31 x 31 31 31 31
73 Flabebe calm 31 x 31 31 31 31
74 Electrike timid lightning rod 31 x 30 31 31 31 hp ice
75 Beldum adamant 31 31 31 x 31 31
76 Magnemite 31 x 30 30 31 30 hpfire
77 Houndour timid flash fire 31 x 31 31 31 31
78 Chespin impish Bulletproof 31 31 31 x 31 31
79 solosis quiet magic guard 31 x 31 31 31 0
80 Larvesta timid flame body 31 31 31 31 31 31
81 Vulpix drought 31 31 31 31 31 31
82 Togepi timid serene grace 31 x 31 31 31 31
83 Milotic calm marvel scale 31 x 31 31 31 31
84 Zorua illusion 31 x 31 31 31 31
85 Lotad calm rain dish 31 x 31 31 31 31

update: 86 Scyther adamant 31 31 31 x 31 31
87 Frrothorn sassy 31 31 31 x 31 0 (jpn name)
88 Timburr Adamant guts 31 31 31 x 31 31
89 Trecko naive unburden 31 31 31 31 27 31
90 Starmie timid 31 x 31 31 31 31
91 Oshawott adamant 31 31 31 x 31 31
92 Hydreigon timid 31 x 31 31 31 31 earth power (jpn name)
93 Larvitar adamant 31 31 31 x 31 31
94 Honedge brave 31 31 31 x 31 0
95 Chansey bold 31 x 31 31 31 31
96 Skarmory impish 31 31 31 x 31 31
97 Snivy jolly 31 31 31 x 31 31
98 Sableye calm prankster 31 x 31 31 31 31
Last edited:
My timezone if CMT+8,I'm available from 10:00~24:00.Since English if a second language for me, so please make it simple if you are interested in some of my shiny pokemon,thanks :)
FC:2406-6383-3581 IGN:R.Q.R

Here is my shiny list(all Kalos bred,mostly perfect 5 IV and have egg moves):
1 Tundra Pattern Vivillon timid Compoundeyes
2 High Plains Pattern Vivillon timid Compoundeyes
3 Ice Snow Pattern Vivillon timid Compoundeyes
4 Aipom Jolly Run away
5 Prrygon2 Bold trace
6 Eevee Bold adaptability
7 Eevee timid anticipation
8 Eevee timid adaptability
9 Eevee adamant anticipation
10 Eevee timid anticipation 31 x 28 31 31 31 hpfire
11 Tyrunt adamant Strong jaw
12 Skrelp modest poison touch
13 Nidoking timid sheer force (japanese name)
14 Noibat timid infiltrator
15 Amaura modest refrigerate
16 Trapinch jolly
17 Klefki bold prankster (6 iv,no egg moves)
18 Chimchar jolly iron fist
19 Mawile adamant intimidate
20 Cloyster jolly skill link
21 Gastly timid
22 Inkay adamant (no egg moves)
23 Roggenrola brave study 31 31 31 x 31 0
24 Goomy bold Gooey
25 Corsola relaxed
26 Minccino jolly skill link(no egg moves)
27 Aron careful rock head
28 Avalugg impish study
29 Sneasel jolly keen eye
30 Meditite Adamant pure power
31 Lapras modest water absorb
32 Piplup modest Defiant
33 Froakie naive protean 31 31 30 31 31 31 and 31 31 31 31 30 31
timid protean 6IV
34 Cleffa modest magic guard
35 Gourgeist impish frisk
36 Roselia timid leaf guard hpfire
37 Blastoise modest torrent
38 Fennekin timid magic guard
39 Mudkip adamant torrent
40 Charmander timid blaze
jolly solar power
41 Bulbasaur modest Chlorophyll 31 x 31 31 31 31 and 31 x 31 30 31 30 hpfire
42 Golett Adamant no guard
43 Hawlucha jolly
44 Marill adamant huge power 5iv and 6iv
45 Bunnelby jolly huge power
46 Exeggcute chlorophyll hpfire
47 Riolu jolly inner focus female 5iv
steadfast male 5iv
inner focus male 6iv
48 Tepig adamant 30 31 31 31 31 31
49 Helioptile timid dry skin
50 Fletching adamant gale wings
51 Arcanine jolly flash fire(6iv japanese name)
52 Litwick timid flash fire 6iv male and 5iv female
53 Gligar impish immunity
54 Trevenant relaxed harvest
55 Tentacruel timid clear body
56 Electivire adamant motor drave
57 Crobat jolly infiltrator
58 Spritzee relaxed healer
59 Corphish jolly adaptability
60 Axew jolly moldbreaker
61 Espurr bold male own tempo
62 Salamence naive moxie 31 31 31 31 27 31
63 Absol jolly pressure
64 Ralts female (no egg moves)
65 Furfrou impish fur coat
66 Venipede jolly speed boost
67 Slowpoke bold regenerator
68 pinsir jolly moxie
69 Boublade adamant
70 Poliwag bold swift swim
71 Clauncher modest
72 Spritomb calm infiltrator
73 Flabebe calm
74 Electrike timid lightning rod 31 x 30 31 31 31 hp ice
75 Beldum adamant
76 Magnemite 31 x 30 30 31 30 hpfire
77 Houndour timid flash fire
78 Chespin impish Bulletproof
79 solosis quiet magic guard 31 x 31 31 31 0
80 Larvesta timid flame body
81 Vulpix drought 6iv
82 Togepi timid serene grace
83 Milotic calm marvel scale
84 Zorua illusion
85 Lotad calm rain dish

Im interested in your:
46 Exeggcute chlorophyll hpfire
61 Espurr bold male own tempo
58 Spritzee relaxed healer

check this link to see if you are interested in any of these 5-6iv shinies
yes they're all available.
can i get more info on the three pokes please? Level, IV spread, etc
46 Exeggcute chlorophyll 31 x 31 30 31 30 Level 1 female
61 Espurr bold own tempo 31 x 31 31 31 31 level 12 male
58 Spritzee relaxed healer 31 x 31 31 31 0, level 1 female
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