The Inverse Battle ǝɯɐƃɐʇǝɯ

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I haven't been on the Inverse Battle ladder in a while, mainly because I've been playing around with my alt SaunterDownwards in UU to find silly movesets (as Albacore knows; I copied his idea).

I'm surprised that stuff like Groudon is still around even now.
Wow, I forgot about Inverse! I've mainly been looking around Hackmons. I'll resume my Inverse Battle duties as soon as possible!
So, apparently, Deoxys hasn't been banned yet... Well, no need to remove it from my team, then...
Wow, Levitate actually dos something on Rotom-F.
Sub BU Groudon looks amazing. I might try it.
Oh, and Chariard-Y. Why haven't I thought of it before?

Sun looks like it's dominating Inverse ATM. I have a bit of a pseudo-sunteam ATM with Clorophyll Venusaur and Reshiram taking advantage of the sun if it's there.

Are there any hard counters to sunteams? Something that resists Fire, Grass and Ground?

Gogoat on a Balloon. Mamoswine seems pretty good too (4x Fire resist, x2 Grass resist, although it has problems against Groudon.)

Mamoswine. Still anti-meta, no matter which metagame it's in.
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Albacore said:
Are there any hard counters to sunteams? Something that resists Fire, Grass and Ground?

Rock/Water types double resist Grass and resist Ground. Doubly weak to Fire, however.

Fire resisters are hard to come by, unfortunately. At least ones that don't suck.

EDIT: Ground/Steel resists Fire and Ground.
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Are there any hard counters to sunteams? Something that resists Fire, Grass and Ground?
As long as Groudon is around, Rotom-Frost is the best anti-sun Pokémon I can think of. Immune to Ground, resists Fire, Electric is super-effective against Ground and Grass, can burn or Trick.
As long as Groudon is around, Rotom-Frost is the best anti-sun Pokémon I can think of. Immune to Ground, resists Fire, Electric is super-effective against Ground and Grass, can burn or Trick.
And can manually use Hail to remove Sun, as well as hit Fire-Types hard with Blizzard afterwards. Yup, Rotom-F seems pretty much perfect.
Eh, frankly even if Rotom-F did learn Hail it would be a waste of a moveslot. You're better off straight attacking.
I think it's better to use Blizzard twice and accept that there's a small chance it will fail both times than waste a turn to set up hail and use it once.
This is a ton of fun. It's really cool to see grass and bug be ridiculously good offensively. And fun to laugh at steel types. I'm loving this mode.
Blaziken isn't banned, as per the OP.
I guess it kinda makes sense. After all, being completely walled by the most common Pokemon in the metagame is never a good thing (although Talonflame seems to do pretty well despite that)
I think the possibility of Baton Passing boosts to something else might be OP, but it can be argued that it's done better by Scoliopede.
In any case, I haven't heard anybody complaining about Blaziken, so we should probably leave it for now.
On a side note, TWIN NIGGAS

ok yeah deoxys/kyuw/resh are pretty ridiculous by themselves lol

flash fire arcanine seems like a pretty solid counter to resh, though idrk =/ too bad kyuw just ice beams its face.
flash fire arcanine seems like a pretty solid counter to resh, though idrk =/ too bad kyuw just ice beams its face.
Nope, Reshiram and Kyurem-W both have Turboblaze. Flash Fire doesn't work against them.
Flash Fire Arcanine is mainly used to counter Groudon.

As for Blaziken, the main reason it hasn't been quickbanned is because Fire + Fighting isn't as great as it is in standard. Ice resists both (as do Steel and Thick Fat Miltank/Snorlax for what it's worth). It may still be broken but we need some testing.
Mamoswine isn't really all that great against most sun teams. It loses to Venusaur (Sludge Bomb), the Dragons, Groudon, etc.

I actually think that the best check to sun teams is Venusaur itself. Under the sun it outspeeds everything and it has perfect STABs to destroy all sun setters/abusers: Poison STAB for Groudon, Grass STAB for everything else (other Chlorophyll users, Fire-types, Reshiram, Kyurem-W).
Unfortunately it's only a check. It can't really afford to switch against anything other than a Fire-type attack.
Sun teams are really good. Nobody has seemed to tap into the core that iS Lilligant/Char-Y(X works GREAT too, but doesn't set up sun)/Groudon/3 fillers. Groudon tears teams to shreds early-game, Lilligant demolishes most of what's left, and Char-Y will eat anything else still alive for dinner. Venusaur and two un-sun reliant sweepers tend to be best in the last filler slots. That core obviously has trouble with Avalugg unless Lilligant runs HP Ice. I need help making a sweeper Groudon set though. Has anybody got a good one?
I need help making a sweeper Groudon set though. Has anybody got a good one?
Earthquake and Fire Punch gives you near-perfect coverage, so pair these up with Swords Dance and Rock Polish and you have yourself a sweeper similar to Double Dance Terrakion. Personally, I prefer making it into a physical wall with Stealth Rock and Dragon Tail, but it could definitely rip through a lot of teams once you've taken care of the opposing Avalugg.
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