Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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FT: (3) Male 5IV Jolly Blaze Charmanders with Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Flare Blitz
Male 5IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Brave Bird and Defog
NEW 4 (2)Female (2) Male 5IV Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Superpower, and Aqua Jet

LF: (all need 5IVs in their respective traits)
Brave Snover 5IV missing speed
Jolly/Adamant Pinsir with Quick attack and Close Combat egg moves
Jolly Shellder with Rock Blast egg move
Nidoran (male)
Relaxed Bronzor
Bold Lileep with recover and stealth rock egg moves

Competitive trade offers are also welcome :)
Okay, so, I've got several boxes full of spitbacks and nothing to do with them other than release them, so I'm giving them away here.

They're all 4IV, some with the wrong ability, all with egg moves, some have been used to breed and require heartscales, they're a random gender and I will not be taking gender requests, it's a giveaway, you get the gender you get, but they're a decent starting point.

4x Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Adamant Swinub
4x Sucker Punch/Play Rough Naive Absol
5x Leech Seed/Giga Drain Timid Lotad
5x Adamant Phantump
7x Earth Power Modest Deino
3x SR/Pursuit/Outrage Careful Larvitar
1x Defog/Hypnosis/Brave Bird Zubat
29x DD/Outrage Jolly Charmander
27x Bold Slowpoke (Some Regenerator)
16x Thunder Punch/Fire Punch Naive Chimchar
8x DD Naive Bagon
1x Ditto 31/x/31/x/x/31
1x Ditto x/x/x/31/31/x

Do not PM me, reply in this thread, and have me added before you ask for anything and give me your FC and IGN in the post you request something.
Okay, so, I've got several boxes full of spitbacks and nothing to do with them other than release them, so I'm giving them away here.

They're all 4IV, some with the wrong ability, all with egg moves, some have been used to breed and require heartscales, they're a random gender and I will not be taking gender requests, it's a giveaway, you get the gender you get, but they're a decent starting point.

4x Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Adamant Swinub
4x Sucker Punch/Play Rough Naive Absol
5x Leech Seed/Giga Drain Timid Lotad
5x Adamant Phantump
7x Earth Power Modest Deino
3x SR/Pursuit/Outrage Careful Larvitar
1x Defog/Hypnosis/Brave Bird Zubat
29x DD/Outrage Jolly Charmander
27x Bold Slowpoke (Some Regenerator)
16x Thunder Punch/Fire Punch Naive Chimchar
8x DD Naive Bagon
1x Ditto 31/x/31/x/x/31
1x Ditto x/x/x/31/31/x

Do not PM me, reply in this thread, and have me added before you ask for anything and give me your FC and IGN in the post you request something.

Can I get a Larvitar, Charmander and Deino?
Okay, so, I've got several boxes full of spitbacks and nothing to do with them other than release them, so I'm giving them away here.

They're all 4IV, some with the wrong ability, all with egg moves, some have been used to breed and require heartscales, they're a random gender and I will not be taking gender requests, it's a giveaway, you get the gender you get, but they're a decent starting point.

4x Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Adamant Swinub
4x Sucker Punch/Play Rough Naive Absol
5x Leech Seed/Giga Drain Timid Lotad
5x Adamant Phantump
7x Earth Power Modest Deino
3x SR/Pursuit/Outrage Careful Larvitar
1x Defog/Hypnosis/Brave Bird Zubat
29x DD/Outrage Jolly Charmander
27x Bold Slowpoke (Some Regenerator)
16x Thunder Punch/Fire Punch Naive Chimchar
8x DD Naive Bagon
1x Ditto 31/x/31/x/x/31
1x Ditto x/x/x/31/31/x

Do not PM me, reply in this thread, and have me added before you ask for anything and give me your FC and IGN in the post you request something.

I wouldn't mind a Deino and an Absol...female if possible. I will give you some 5 IVs I have in return since I have tons of them.

EDIT: Added you and my information is in my signature.
Okay, so, I've got several boxes full of spitbacks and nothing to do with them other than release them, so I'm giving them away here.

They're all 4IV, some with the wrong ability, all with egg moves, some have been used to breed and require heartscales, they're a random gender and I will not be taking gender requests, it's a giveaway, you get the gender you get, but they're a decent starting point.

4x Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Adamant Swinub
4x Sucker Punch/Play Rough Naive Absol
5x Leech Seed/Giga Drain Timid Lotad
5x Adamant Phantump
7x Earth Power Modest Deino
3x SR/Pursuit/Outrage Careful Larvitar
1x Defog/Hypnosis/Brave Bird Zubat
29x DD/Outrage Jolly Charmander
27x Bold Slowpoke (Some Regenerator)
16x Thunder Punch/Fire Punch Naive Chimchar
8x DD Naive Bagon
1x Ditto 31/x/31/x/x/31
1x Ditto x/x/x/31/31/x

Do not PM me, reply in this thread, and have me added before you ask for anything and give me your FC and IGN in the post you request something.
Can I have a Larvitar,swinub,Phantump,chimchar,and Bagon please. My FC is 0688-5370-5761.My IGN is Keenen
Have a couple Pokemon I want to transfer from HeartGold to White 2, but only one DS. If you have the means to help me out, PM me.
Okay, so, I've got several boxes full of spitbacks and nothing to do with them other than release them, so I'm giving them away here.

They're all 4IV, some with the wrong ability, all with egg moves, some have been used to breed and require heartscales, they're a random gender and I will not be taking gender requests, it's a giveaway, you get the gender you get, but they're a decent starting point.

4x Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Adamant Swinub
4x Sucker Punch/Play Rough Naive Absol
5x Leech Seed/Giga Drain Timid Lotad
5x Adamant Phantump
7x Earth Power Modest Deino
3x SR/Pursuit/Outrage Careful Larvitar
1x Defog/Hypnosis/Brave Bird Zubat
29x DD/Outrage Jolly Charmander
27x Bold Slowpoke (Some Regenerator)
16x Thunder Punch/Fire Punch Naive Chimchar
8x DD Naive Bagon
1x Ditto 31/x/31/x/x/31
1x Ditto x/x/x/31/31/x

Do not PM me, reply in this thread, and have me added before you ask for anything and give me your FC and IGN in the post you request something.

I'll take an absol and lotad if you have any left.

My FC is 3582-9197-6180 | IGN: KT
Okay, so, I've got several boxes full of spitbacks and nothing to do with them other than release them, so I'm giving them away here.

They're all 4IV, some with the wrong ability, all with egg moves, some have been used to breed and require heartscales, they're a random gender and I will not be taking gender requests, it's a giveaway, you get the gender you get, but they're a decent starting point.

4x Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Adamant Swinub
4x Sucker Punch/Play Rough Naive Absol
5x Leech Seed/Giga Drain Timid Lotad
5x Adamant Phantump
7x Earth Power Modest Deino
3x SR/Pursuit/Outrage Careful Larvitar
1x Defog/Hypnosis/Brave Bird Zubat
29x DD/Outrage Jolly Charmander
27x Bold Slowpoke (Some Regenerator)
16x Thunder Punch/Fire Punch Naive Chimchar
8x DD Naive Bagon
1x Ditto 31/x/31/x/x/31
1x Ditto x/x/x/31/31/x

Do not PM me, reply in this thread, and have me added before you ask for anything and give me your FC and IGN in the post you request something.

I would like a Deino. FC / IGN in my signature.
I got a Jolly Smeargle with Moody how should I EV train it and which moves should I give the smeargle? (It got dark void so that move will stay)
Can i have a regenerator slowpoke or a harvest phantump
Okay, so, I've got several boxes full of spitbacks and nothing to do with them other than release them, so I'm giving them away here.

They're all 4IV, some with the wrong ability, all with egg moves, some have been used to breed and require heartscales, they're a random gender and I will not be taking gender requests, it's a giveaway, you get the gender you get, but they're a decent starting point.

4x Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Adamant Swinub
4x Sucker Punch/Play Rough Naive Absol
5x Leech Seed/Giga Drain Timid Lotad
5x Adamant Phantump
7x Earth Power Modest Deino
3x SR/Pursuit/Outrage Careful Larvitar
1x Defog/Hypnosis/Brave Bird Zubat
29x DD/Outrage Jolly Charmander
27x Bold Slowpoke (Some Regenerator)
16x Thunder Punch/Fire Punch Naive Chimchar
8x DD Naive Bagon
1x Ditto 31/x/31/x/x/31
1x Ditto x/x/x/31/31/x

Do not PM me, reply in this thread, and have me added before you ask for anything and give me your FC and IGN in the post you request something.
I got a Jolly Smeargle with Moody how should I EV train it and which moves should I give the smeargle? (It got dark void so that move will stay)
Just so you know, Moody is banned on Smogon rulesets. As for EV's, check the BW analysis, not much has changed. It's a weird split between HP, defenses, and speed.

For VGC, I think Moody is fine though. VGC is the only reason to run Dark Void over Spore, right?
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