Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hopefully, do you still have a SR skarmory you can trade me?
Yes, yes I do, sorry I had forgotten

I think quite a lot of pokemon learn defog. It's useful if you're not relying on entry hazards, while your opponent relies on them a lot. Or just to remove hazards, while you haven't set up yours yet.

edit: welp, i think i've suggested something that doesn't quite fit if you don't have gen 4.
Maybe you could try an air cutter bred on charmander by transferring a parent with air cutter from black.

I have gen for, and ok defog, I'll try to find some good defog pokemon to transfer I guess.
Currently doing so, but it's a 5% chance, so I'm trying to find another way.
If you lead with a pokemon with compoundeyes it increases to a 60% chance.
If a Pokémon with the Ability Compound Eyes leads the party, even if it has fainted, the chance of finding a Pokémon in the wild holding an item increases from 50% to 60%, 5% to 20% and 1% to 5%.
I recommend you using a Compound Eyes-Thief Pokemon :)
I just randomly bred a 31/x/31/31/31/0 Rotom. Is 0 Speed Rotom a thing?
Not really...however, I collect 0 Speed Pokes, and that's an interesting one I'd love to add to my collection. I can offer you a 6 IV Pokemon in my thread for it :D How about a Chimchar?
Here's a good Battle Question:
Is Pairing a Absol/Mega Absol with the egg move Punishment in a Double Battle with a Prankster Kelfki knowing the moves: Swagger/Substitute/Foul Play/Draining Kiss, a good idea? Because to me it sounds like it.
Here's a good Battle Question:
Is Pairing a Absol/Mega Absol with the egg move Punishment in a Double Battle with a Prankster Kelfki knowing the moves: Swagger/Substitute/Foul Play/Draining Kiss, a good idea? Because to me it sounds like it.
Unfortunately no, Punishment only gains 20 BP for every stat boost, meaning Swagger would have to be used on a Pokemon 4 times to give it reasonable power. And you definitely don't want to leave an opponent hanging around that long with a 4x attack boost.
There are much easier and faster ways to do more damage. Interesting idea though!
To give some examples to what Tatertot suggests, You could opt to do the generic swagger+own tempo/persim/lum berry, or a beat up+justified combo.
Unfortunately no, Punishment only gains 20 BP for every stat boost, meaning Swagger would have to be used on a Pokemon 4 times to give it reasonable power. And you definitely don't want to leave an opponent hanging around that long with a 4x attack boost.
There are much easier and faster ways to do more damage. Interesting idea though!
Thanks I just wanted to see if I could begin to justify breeding such a thing. Because I like the idea of Absol with Punishment, and I didn't if people considered that Comp Worthy. Being a relative newb to combetitive battling as I only started last year as far as breeding ect went.
Not really...however, I collect 0 Speed Pokes, and that's an interesting one I'd love to add to my collection. I can offer you a 6 IV Pokemon in my thread for it :D How about a Chimchar?

I'm not super into Chimchar, but a Male Honedge or Male Technician Scyther would be super useful to me right now if that's convenient for you.
If a Pokémon with the Ability Compound Eyes leads the party, even if it has fainted, the chance of finding a Pokémon in the wild holding an item increases from 50% to 60%, 5% to 20% and 1% to 5%.
I recommend you using a Compound Eyes-Thief Pokemon :)
I recommend putting a fainted compound eyes pokemon at the head of the party, and a frisk/thief (I use phantump) 2nd. Great for friend safari lucky egg farming
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