5IV pokemons, Legendaries, Hidden Power & Pokebank Pokemons

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CMT for Zapdos - Deoxys-D, Shroomish w/ Drain Punch and Scizor with Superpower/Bugbite - Also have Conkeldurr w/ Ice Punch Drain Punch and Knock Off
CMT for Zapdos - Deoxys-D, Shroomish w/ Drain Punch and Scizor with Superpower/Bugbite - Also have Conkeldurr w/ Ice Punch Drain Punch and Knock Off
i'll look through your thread later, i'm still busy atm. But i'm definitely insterested in that conkeldurr. i have a pending trade for that but it's been a few days since he last contacted me
Are you still looking for HP Ice Naive Landorus with Stealth Rock, Gravity, and Knock Off?
yeah i am, what do you want for it ?
I uave shiny chimchar with good items for good shines
that's great but as you can see i'm not interested in shiny pokemons. i only have 1 shiny in my list

I guess you're not interested in the Tornadus. =( Also what happened to some of your genies? I could swear you had a couple of them.
ah sorry, i guess i missed your post. ya i'm not too interested in that. i just prefer a mixed set a lot more for tornadus, sorry.
As for the genies, a mod pointed they were hacked yesterday. I don't know why though. good thing i haven't traded those yet
ah sorry, i guess i missed your post. ya i'm not too interested in that. i just prefer a mixed set a lot more for tornadus, sorry.
As for the genies, a mod pointed they were hacked yesterday. I don't know why though. good thing i haven't traded those yet

Thats fine.

About the genies. It was the OT? Someone "known as a hacker"? I wish this secret list with all those hackers names could be made public. It would be a lot easy, right? =)
Thats fine.

About the genies. It was the OT? Someone "known as a hacker"? I wish this secret list with all those hackers names could be made public. It would be a lot easy, right? =)
i don't know the reason, you can see what the mod said just a page back
hmm i don't see many legendaries in your thread. Do you have anything else? Only interested in the conkeldurr atm
I can do Conkeldurr for the Scizor - I'm as well interested in the Drain Punch Shroomish in which in return, I can breed Pawniard 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adament w/ STEALTH ROCKS , Sucker Punch, Quick Guard, Pursuit
I can do Conkeldurr for the Scizor - I'm as well interested in the Drain Punch Shroomish in which in return, I can breed Pawniard 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adament w/ STEALTH ROCKS , Sucker Punch, Quick Guard, Pursuit
yes sure i can do that. what ability/nature do you want on the shroomish?
I some legends of the pokebank in my game and I don't know if u are interested, I warn you I'm not sure if their are legitimate
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