Mewtwo (QC 2/3)

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Blue Jay

The notorious Good Wife
is a Contributor Alumnus

With the introduction of two Mega Evolutions, Mewtwo can be an offensive juggernaut from both the physical and the special spectrum, making the original Uber even more dangerous and unpredictable than it already was. Boasting a movepool with expansive coverage, set up moves and numerous support options supplemented by the highest Attack or Special Attack stat in the game and a superb 130 base Speed allows Mewtwo to be almost impossible to check until its set is revealed. Moreover, Mewtwo has considerably better bulk than every other threat in the tier that can outspeed Arceus, meaning that it is no glass cannon.

However, powerful as it may be, Mewtwo also has its share of flaws. Even with its formidable offenses, Mewtwo struggles to OHKO most of the tier without super effective coverage, and its decent bulk cannot readily absorb many attacks from surviving opponents. Its typing is also mediocre, with few resistances to provide it with switch in opportunities. Nonetheless, Mewtwo is a capricious offensive colossus, cloned to create calamity and chaos.

Special 3 Attacks
name: Special 3 Attacks
move 1: Psystrike
move 2: Taunt / Calm Mind
move 3: Fire Blast / Focus Blast
move 4: Focus Blast / Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
ability: Pressure
item: Mewtwonite Y / Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Psystrike, Mewtwo's signature move, is its most powerful STAB option and allows it to hit specially oriented walls harder. Taunt gives Mewtwo an excellent utility move, which prevents walls and support Pokemon from healing off the damage Mewtwo deals, while also preventing crippling status, phazing and support moves. However, it can opt for Calm Mind instead, allowing it to become far more potent very quickly while also becoming difficult to revenge kill with special attackers. Fire Blast provides good neutral coverage alongside Psystrike, as well as roasting almost all Steel-types that resist Mewtwo's STAB moves and excelling in sun. Focus Blast alternatively smashes many Steel-, Dark-types and Rock-types and is unaffected by weather, although it fails to hit Steel-types such as Scizor, Jirachi and Aegislash super effectively. It also cripples any Extremekiller Arceus attempting to set up, provided that it hits. Mewtwo can also opt for Ice Beam, which provides super effective coverage on Flying-types, most notably Yveltal, as well as Ground-, Dragon-types and Grass-types. Shadow Ball on the other hand provides coverage against fellow Psychic-types as well as Ghost-types, all of which are some of Mewtwo's best checks. Ice Beam is best paired with Fire Blast for coverage, while Shadow Ball is best paired with Focus Blast.

Mewtwo also has a few options which are not listed. Grass Knot can be used for powerful coverage against Ground-, Water- and Rock-types. Low Kick can be used in place of Focus Blast with a Hasty nature, as it is more reliable and fairly powerful even uninvested, hitting Steel-types and Tyranitar on their typically weaker physical side. Recover can also be used instead of a coverage move, to give Mewtwo much better longevity, although the coverage lost can leave it walled more easily. Recover is best paired with Calm Mind, rather than Taunt.

Set Details

With 252 EVs in Speed and a Timid nature Mewtwo achieves an elite Speed tier second only to Deoxys formes and Choice Scarf users. The remaining EVs allow it to use its full offensive potential. With Mewtwonite Y, an EV spread with only 196 Speed EVs and 60 HP EVs can be used instead, as the only Speed benchmark lost is against opposing Mega Mewtwo Y. However, it should be noted that if such an EV spread is used, Mewtwo will be outsped by opposing Mewtwo, Mega Gengar and Darkrai prior to Mega Evolving.

In teams that do not already carry a Mega Evolution, Mewtwonite Y is the preferred item. Although Mega Mewtwo Y is marginally less powerful than Life Orb Mewtwo, it has significantly better longevity without Life Orb recoil, and its specialized bulk generally has more utility than the mixed bulk of Life Orb Mewtwo.

Usage Tips

A good understanding of the power of this set is very helpful for effective usage; it will rarely OHKO opposing Pokemon without super effective coverage, and bulkier Pokemon such as support Arceus will survive even super effective coverage. As such, it is best used against Pokemon which it has appropriate coverage for or somewhat weakened Pokemon. Taunt should be used quite liberally against defensive and support Pokemon unless they can threaten it offensively, as this prevents them from using support moves, healing damage dealt by Mewtwo or weakening it with status. Mewtwo should be switched in conservatively, as it is quickly worn down due to its average bulk and few resistances. Mega Mewtwo Y can switch in somewhat more easily, owing its good special bulk and lack of Life Orb recoil, but should still be conserved from damage where prudent. Strategic timing in Mega Evolving Mewtwo can be important; while an early Mega Evolution is often advisable in order to avoid being outsped and having superior special bulk to switch in with, on occasion delaying the Mega Evolution to maintain physical bulk can be important, and a delayed Mega Evolution retains the uncertainty of Mewtwo's set. All Mewtwo should beware potential Choice Scarf or priority users.

Team Options

Mewtwo, especially Mega Mewtwo Y, appreciates solid tanks to absorb powerful physical attacks. Landorus-T is an excellent pivot which can check physical threats such as Blaziken, Zekrom, Ho-Oh and opposing Ground types effectively. Groudon can check Zekrom and Extremekiller Arceus effectively, as well as providing sun which makes Mewtwo's Fire Blast even more threatening. Defensive Yveltal can also check Extremekiller Arceus effectively, as well as checking opposing Ghost-types, which commonly switch in against Mewtwo. A Fairy-type to check opposing Yveltal is also important, as an offensive Yveltal can threaten Mewtwo with Sucker Punch at any time. Klefki can check Yveltal while also providing Spikes to support Mewtwo, while Xerneas can act as a powerful offensive teammate or a sturdy tank that provides cleric support. Mewtwo may also appreciate an offensive Dark-type such as Yveltal or Darkrai itself, as Ghost-types are some of its premier checks.

Mewtwo also greatly appreciates U-turn and Volt Switch support to allow it to switch in more easily. Scizor, Zekrom and Landorus-T are all good users of these moves. It also appreciates Stealth Rock support, as with it Mewtwo can OHKO Ho-Oh and Yveltal, both of which threaten it. Landorus-T, Groudon and Dialga are prominent Stealth Rock users.

Physical 3 attacks
name: Physical 3 attacks
move 1: Low Kick
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Zen Headbutt / Earthquake
move 4: Ice Beam / Stone Edge
ability: Pressure
item: Mewtwonite X
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly


- Low Kick is an incredibly powerful STAB as most of the tier is quite heavy
- Taunt prevents walls from healing, inflicting status, Defogging, etc
- Zen Headbutt is STAB and just generally hits stuff that isn't hurt by Low Kick pretty well
- EQ hits Aegislash, which otherwise walls you, but is mostly redundant otherwise
- Ice Beam destroys Lando/Gliscor, and hits just about all physical walls super effectively (Lugia, Groudon, Giratina, etc)
- Stone Edge destroys Ho-Oh and generally hits Flying types nicely
- Rock Slide is more accurate but less powerful than Stone Edge, dealing 80% min to max def Ho-Oh and OHKOing most sets, but is weak against Lugia
- Poison Jab or Iron Tail hit Fairies harder than anything else, but are not great coverage otherwise

Set Details

- EVs again capitalize on Mewtwo's strongest stats
- Naive nature with Ice Beam, Jolly with anything else

Usage Tips

- Taunt walls and support Pokemon liberally so they can't heal or inflict status (beware of Aeroblast Lugia)
- Spam Low Kick to win; the damage output is ridiculous
- Again, switch in conservatively wherever possible since you lack bulk or a way to heal
- Also be wary of Scarfmon

Team Options

- A good check to Fairies, especially Xerneas is nice, since they switch in quite easily if you lack Poison Jab or Iron Tail; Aegislash, Scizor, Bronzong or Jirachi can fulfill these roles
- Yveltal or Darkrai are great at destroying bulky Ghost types which make the best checks to this set like Ghostceus, Giratina-O and Aegislash (unless you have EQ); just make sure you can handle Fairies
- Stealth Rock is important to beat Ho-Oh if you lack Stone Edge/Rock Slide and helps against Aeroblast Lugia; Lando-T, Dialga or Deoxys-S/A are good users
- Wobbuffet can remove Scarf Pokemon, one of the main threats to this set

Bulk Up
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch / Low Kick
move 3: Zen Headbutt / Rock Slide
move 4: Taunt / Rock Slide
ability: Pressure
item: Mewtwonite X
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


- Bulk Up makes MMX hard to take down with physical attacks and makes it very strong
- Drain Punch keeps MMX alive and is a decent STAB
- Low Kick is very strong unboosted and just silly with a boost
- Zen Headbutt is secondary STAB
- Rock Slide provides great coverage alongside Drain Punch, although Aegislash still walls you
- Taunt stops phazing, status, etc
- Stone Edge can be used instead of Rock Slide for more power, although it's usually not relevant after a boost and the accuracy sucks

Set Details

- Needs all the speed and power it can get; EVs and nature fit accordingly

Usage Tips

- Scouting is crucial for the success of this set; determine the opposing Scarf Pokemon and what the opponent switches in on Mega Mewtwo X
- Come in on things that are forced out by the threat you present and set up
- Use Drain Punch liberally unless you expect a Ghost to switch in so you can heal
- Once your set is revealed time your set ups carefully; if a Scarf Pokemon gets in for free you're forced out
- Again use Taunt liberally against walls and support Pokemon so you're not phazed (beware of Aeroblast Lugia though)

Team Options

- Checks to Fairies are important again
- Yveltal is once again great at destroying many of your checks, Darkrai works too
- Stealth Rock is important to OHKO Ho-Oh unless you have Rock Slide/Stone Edge and helps against Aeroblast Lugia
- Wobbuffet because Scarfmon are always tedious

name: Stalltwo
move 1: Psystrike
move 2: Will-o-Wisp
move 3: Recover
move 4: Taunt
ability: Unnerve
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
nature: Timid


- Psystrike is STAB so it can deal some damage outside of burns
- Will-o-Wisp cripples physical attackers and does nice residual damage
- Recover heals Mewtwo so it can keep crippling stuff and walling weaker attackers
- Taunt prevents walls healing and mons crippling Mewtwo with status

Set Details

- Enough speed to outspeed Arceus, rest in physical bulk to handle physical attackers better before a burn (you lose against Darkrai anyway and Skymin is rare)
- Can opt for either Mewtwonite with certain cool advantages but Lefties are really nice and Unnerve is the most useful ability

Usage Tips

- Use Taunt liberally to prevent healing, status, support moves, etc, you have the bulk to take attacking moves from essentially all defensive Pokemon that lack super effective STAB
- Spread burns against physical attackers, but try to avoid burning things you'd rather Toxic
- With bulk investment and recover you can now switch in a lot less conservatively; the likes of support Arceus can't hurt you and a Will-o-Wisp quickly shuts down physical attackers that lack super effective moves
- The bulk is good, but not incredible; don't switch into very strong attackers, not even physical ones you can burn
- Be particularly wary of status; no Mewtwo appreciates it, but Toxic will ruin this set
- Try to predict Ho-Oh switch ins, you don't want to let it in for free on Will-o-Wisp

Team Options

- Rock Arceus counters Ho-Oh and Yveltal, some of the best checks to this set
- Lando-T or Water Arceus also work for Ho-Oh
- Fairies for checking Yveltal and Darkrai
- Stealth Rock is great since Ho-Oh and Yveltal come in for free on a lot of this set's moves; this set also excels at preventing Defog so you can maintain it well enough
- Doesn't need much support since you're the support mon

Other Options

- Thunder is kinda strong, but Grass Knot/Ice beam hit its targets and the accuracy sucks out of rain
- Hurricane is strong but lacks targets between Psystrike and Fireblast, also horrible accuracy out of rain
- Dual Screens would be cool but your team needs to be able to prevent Defog
- Substitute eases prediction and does a lot of stuff Taunt does but the HP is precious, as is the moveslot
- Fire Punch can be used on MMX if you hate Scizor
- Ice Punch can be used instead of Ice Beam on MMX

Checks & Counters
Due to having two Mega Evolutions, Mewtwo is virtually impossible to check until its Mega Evolution is revealed.

**Ghost Arceus**: The only Pokemon with reliable recovery that can switch into almost any Mewtwo set without fear of being 2HKOed and also threaten Mewtwo

**Giratina-O**: Giratina-O can quite comfortably tank all but the super effective moves and threaten Mewtwo formes with its STABs, but can be worn down and beaten

**Aegislash**: Has great resistances and immunities to switch in on, but also fears Ghost, Fire and Ground-type moves. Can threaten Mewtwo formes with Shadow Ball/Sneak

**Wobbuffet**: Beats the offensive sets with Counter or Mirror Coat unless it switches into Shadow Ball, although Stalltwo shuts it down with Taunt and Will-o-Wisp.

**Yveltal**: Can switch into any attack from Mega Mewtwo Y or regular Mewtwo and threaten to OHKO with Sucker Punch. It can also survive any attack from Mega Mewtwo X and threaten to OHKO with Oblivion Wing, but can't switch in.

**Psychic Arceus**: Absorbs any attacks except for Shadow Ball/Claw with ease and threatens Mewtwo with Punishment or Judgment.

**Dark Arceus**: Can check Mega Mewtwo Y assuming it does not switch into a Fighting move.

**Bulky Fairies**: Fairy Arceus and defensive Xerneas can comfortably tank any Mega Mewtwo X lacking Iron Tail or Poison Jab and threaten it with their STAB moves.

**Lugia**: Tanks most moves from Mega Mewtwo X with impunity and 2HKOs with Aeroblast.

**Ho-Oh**: Can easily survive any attack except for Rock Slide or Stone Edge in the absence of Stealth Rock, and threatens any set immensely with its STAB moves.

**Blanket walls**: Lugia, Giratina and Ho-Oh are all good initial switch ins while the set/Mega Evolution is unknown, as they will survive any attack (except for Rock Slide or Stone Edge in the case of Ho-Oh) easily, even if they all lose to certain Mewtwo sets

**Revenge Killers**: Many Scarf Pokemon such has Kyogre, Zekrom, Xerneas and Yveltal can outspeed and OHKO most or all of these sets, although special attackers and physical attackers will struggle with Calm Mind and Bulk Up sets respectively. Mega Mewtwo Y is also very vulnerable to priority due to its low Defense and Sucker Punch weakness, while Mega Mewtwo X can be picked off by priority when weakened.

- OG Uber
- 2 Mega Evolutions! Can now be an offensive behemoth from both the special and physical sides, making it incredibly hard to check initially
- Excellent speed tier
- Has a great movepool with good offensive coverage options, boosting moves and even some support moves
- Lacks the raw power to OHKO much without a super effective move
- Middling bulk for the tier, most attacks will do a huge number
- Really mediocre typing provides little synergy and provides few opportunities to switch in

Special 3 Attacks
name: Special 3 Attacks
move 1: Psystrike
move 2: Taunt / Calm Mind
move 3: Fire Blast / Focus Blast
move 4: Focus Blast / Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
ability: Pressure
item: Mewtwonite Y / Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


- Psystrike is good STAB and gets around special walls
- Taunt prevents status, phazing, healing, etc. Can also block Defog for offensive teams relying on SR
- Calm Mind = awesome power and very nice special bulk. Makes it hard for specially based Choice Scarf users to revenge kill Mewtwo
- Fire Blast hits Steel-types that resist Psystrike, not to mention Grass and Ice types, and is boosted in sun
- Focus Blast hits Steels, hits Heatran and Dialga best and is better vs Darkrai/Darkceus, and works in any weather
- Ice Beam hits Flying, Dragon and Ground types, pairs nicely with Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball pairs nicely with Focus Blast, hitting the Ghost and Psychic types that it doesn't
- Grass Knot can be used to hit Ground, Rock and Water types particularly hard
- Recover can be used for better longevity, but leaves you with worse coverage and finding space to Recover can be hard
- Low Kick can be used with a Hasty nature, for a more accurate but weaker alternative to Focus Blast since Mega Mewtwo Y has good uninvested Atk

Set Details

- EVs maximize its best stats
- If Mewtwo Y, use 60 HP / 252 SpA / 196+ Spe to outspeed base everything up to and including neutral natured Deoxys-A
- Can use Leftovers and a 252 HP spread with CM, giving more bulk to set up with as even uninvested +1 Mewtwo will be strong

Usage Tips

- Only try to KO mons that are weakened or that you have super effective coverage for; you don't OHKO much otherwise
- Use Taunt to shut down walls and support Pokemon, preventing them from healing the damage you deal or crippling you with status
- Switch in conservatively where possible, preferably on non-attacking moves or predicted switches; Mewtwo is not that bulky and usually lacks recovery
- Mega Mewtwo Y has good special bulk and can switch in on most special attackers pretty well, but still prefers to get in for free (especially if you lack Recover)
- Watch out for potential Scarf Pokemon and priority users

Team Options

- U-turn and Volt Switch to get in
- Groudon provides sun to boost Fire Blast and can tank physical attacks
- Landorus-T and Defensive Yveltal can also tank physical attacks for Mewtwo; the former can also check Blaziken and Scarf Zekrom and set SR, while the latter is an effective Ekiller Arceus check
- Stealth Rock is always nice for offensive mons, Mewtwo especially appreciates it to better take on Ho-Oh and Yveltal
- Wobbuffet can remove Scarf Pokemon, one of the main threats to Mega Mewtwo Y

Physical 3 attacks
name: Physical 3 attacks
move 1: Low Kick
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Zen Headbutt / Earthquake
move 4: Ice Beam / Stone Edge
ability: Pressure
item: Mewtwonite X
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly


- Low Kick is an incredibly powerful STAB as most of the tier is quite heavy
- Taunt prevents walls from healing, inflicting status, Defogging, etc
- Zen Headbutt is STAB and just generally hits stuff that isn't hurt by Low Kick pretty well
- EQ hits Aegislash, which otherwise walls you, but is mostly redundant otherwise
- Ice Beam destroys Lando/Gliscor, and hits just about all physical walls super effectively (Lugia, Groudon, Giratina, etc)
- Stone Edge destroys Ho-Oh and generally hits Flying types nicely
- Rock Slide is more accurate but less powerful than Stone Edge, dealing 80% min to max def Ho-Oh and OHKOing most sets, but is weak against Lugia
- Poison Jab or Iron Tail hit Fairies harder than anything else, but are not great coverage otherwise

Set Details

- EVs again capitalize on Mewtwo's strongest stats
- Naive nature with Ice Beam, Jolly with anything else

Usage Tips

- Taunt walls and support Pokemon liberally so they can't heal or inflict status (beware of Aeroblast Lugia)
- Spam Low Kick to win; the damage output is ridiculous
- Again, switch in conservatively wherever possible since you lack bulk or a way to heal
- Also be wary of Scarfmon

Team Options

- A good check to Fairies, especially Xerneas is nice, since they switch in quite easily if you lack Poison Jab or Iron Tail; Aegislash, Scizor, Bronzong or Jirachi can fulfill these roles
- Yveltal or Darkrai are great at destroying bulky Ghost types which make the best checks to this set like Ghostceus, Giratina-O and Aegislash (unless you have EQ); just make sure you can handle Fairies
- Stealth Rock is important to beat Ho-Oh if you lack Stone Edge/Rock Slide and helps against Aeroblast Lugia; Lando-T, Dialga or Deoxys-S/A are good users
- Wobbuffet can remove Scarf Pokemon, one of the main threats to this set

Bulk Up
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch / Low Kick
move 3: Zen Headbutt / Rock Slide
move 4: Taunt / Rock Slide
ability: Pressure
item: Mewtwonite X
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


- Bulk Up makes MMX hard to take down with physical attacks and makes it very strong
- Drain Punch keeps MMX alive and is a decent STAB
- Low Kick is very strong unboosted and just silly with a boost
- Zen Headbutt is secondary STAB
- Rock Slide provides great coverage alongside Drain Punch, although Aegislash still walls you
- Taunt stops phazing, status, etc
- Stone Edge can be used instead of Rock Slide for more power, although it's usually not relevant after a boost and the accuracy sucks

Set Details

- Needs all the speed and power it can get; EVs and nature fit accordingly

Usage Tips

- Scouting is crucial for the success of this set; determine the opposing Scarf Pokemon and what the opponent switches in on Mega Mewtwo X
- Come in on things that are forced out by the threat you present and set up
- Use Drain Punch liberally unless you expect a Ghost to switch in so you can heal
- Once your set is revealed time your set ups carefully; if a Scarf Pokemon gets in for free you're forced out
- Again use Taunt liberally against walls and support Pokemon so you're not phazed (beware of Aeroblast Lugia though)

Team Options

- Checks to Fairies are important again
- Yveltal is once again great at destroying many of your checks, Darkrai works too
- Stealth Rock is important to OHKO Ho-Oh unless you have Rock Slide/Stone Edge and helps against Aeroblast Lugia
- Wobbuffet because Scarfmon are always tedious

name: Stalltwo
move 1: Psystrike
move 2: Will-o-Wisp
move 3: Recover
move 4: Taunt
ability: Unnerve
item: Leftovers / Mewtwonite Y
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
nature: Timid


- Psystrike is STAB so it can deal some damage outside of burns
- Will-o-Wisp cripples physical attackers and does nice residual damage
- Recover heals Mewtwo so it can keep crippling stuff and walling weaker attackers
- Taunt prevents walls healing and mons crippling Mewtwo with status

Set Details

- Enough speed to outspeed Arceus, rest in physical bulk to handle physical attackers better before a burn (you lose against Darkrai anyway and Skymin is rare)
- If Mewtwo Y, use 252 HP / 80 SpD / 176+ Spe, allowing it to outspeed base 130s, with the rest in special bulk as its physical bulk is hopeless
- Opting for Mewtwo Y means considerably better special bulk that can take on things like Palkia and Dialga, but without Leftovers and with lower physical bulk you're vulnerable to physical attackers until you burn them

Usage Tips

- Use Taunt liberally to prevent healing, status, support moves, etc, you have the bulk to take attacking moves from essentially all defensive Pokemon that lack super effective STAB
- Spread burns against physical attackers, but try to avoid burning things you'd rather Toxic
- With bulk investment and recover you can now switch in a lot less conservatively; the likes of support Arceus can't hurt you and a Will-o-Wisp quickly shuts down physical attackers that lack super effective moves
- The bulk is good, but not incredible; don't switch into very strong attackers, not even physical ones you can burn
- Be particularly wary of status; no Mewtwo appreciates it, but Toxic will ruin this set
- Try to predict Ho-Oh switch ins, you don't want to let it in for free on Will-o-Wisp

Team Options

- Rock Arceus counters Ho-Oh and Yveltal, some of the best checks to this set
- Lando-T or Water Arceus also work for Ho-Oh
- Fairies for checking Yveltal and Darkrai
- Stealth Rock is great since Ho-Oh and Yveltal come in for free on a lot of this set's moves; this set also excels at preventing Defog so you can maintain it well enough
- Doesn't need much support since you're the support mon

Other Options

- Thunder is kinda strong, but Grass Knot/Ice beam hit its targets and the accuracy sucks out of rain
- Hurricane is strong but lacks targets between Psystrike and Fireblast, also horrible accuracy out of rain
- Dual Screens would be cool but your team needs to be able to prevent Defog
- Substitute eases prediction and does a lot of stuff Taunt does but the HP is precious, as is the moveslot
- Fire Punch can be used on MMX if you hate Scizor
- Ice Punch can be used instead of Ice Beam on MMX
- Shadow Claw can be used on MMX if you really hate Ghost types, but is mostly redundant between its other options

Checks & Counters
Due to having two Mega Evolutions, Mewtwo is virtually impossible to check until its Mega Evolution is revealed.

**Ghost Arceus**: The only Pokemon with reliable recovery that can switch into almost any Mewtwo set without fear of being 2HKOed and also threaten Mewtwo

**Giratina-O**: Giratina-O can quite comfortably tank all but the super effective moves and threaten Mewtwo formes with its STABs, but can be worn down and beaten

**Aegislash**: Has great resistances and immunities to switch in on, but also fears Ghost, Fire and Ground-type moves. Can threaten Mewtwo formes with Shadow Ball/Sneak

**Wobbuffet**: Beats the offensive sets with Counter or Mirror Coat unless it switches into Shadow Ball, although Stalltwo shuts it down with Taunt and Will-o-Wisp.

**Yveltal**: Can switch into any attack from Mega Mewtwo Y or regular Mewtwo and threaten to OHKO with Sucker Punch. It can also survive any attack from Mega Mewtwo X and threaten to OHKO with Oblivion Wing, but can't switch in.

**Psychic Arceus**: Absorbs any attacks except for Shadow Ball/Claw with ease and threatens Mewtwo with Punishment or Judgment.

**Dark Arceus**: Can check Mega Mewtwo Y assuming it does not switch into a Fighting move.

**Bulky Fairies**: Fairy Arceus and defensive Xerneas can comfortably tank any Mega Mewtwo X lacking Iron Tail or Poison Jab and threaten it with their STAB moves.

**Lugia**: Tanks most moves from Mega Mewtwo X with impunity and 2HKOs with Aeroblast.

**Ho-Oh**: Can easily survive any attack except for Rock Slide or Stone Edge in the absence of Stealth Rock, and threatens any set immensely with its STAB moves.

**Blanket walls**: Lugia, Giratina and Ho-Oh are all good initial switch ins while the set/Mega Evolution is unknown, as they will survive any attack (except for Rock Slide or Stone Edge in the case of Ho-Oh) easily, even if they all lose to certain Mewtwo sets

**Revenge Killers**: Many Scarf Pokemon such has Kyogre, Zekrom, Xerneas and Yveltal can outspeed and OHKO most or all of these sets, although special attackers and physical attackers will struggle with Calm Mind and Bulk Up sets respectively. Mega Mewtwo Y is also very vulnerable to priority due to its low Defense and Sucker Punch weakness, while Mega Mewtwo X can be picked off by priority when weakened.
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Mewtwo-Y should be slashed first over Life Orb Mewtwo IMO, considering it's better.


Also slash Low Kick with Drain Punch on BU, BU + 3-Attacks is a legit set imo. At +1 you can 2HKO Groudon and OHKO stuff like Kyogre and Palkia.

Slashing on special attacker is a bit weird but we'll get to that later, you obvs need to finish the skelly first.
Since stalltwo only needs 176 speed evs to outspeed Arceus-formes, the spread for Stalltwo should be reworked accordingly. If Mewtwo Y stalltwo then 176 evs grants you the ability to outspeed Mega-Gengar. Pressure is better on Stalltwo, Unnerve is better on Psycho Killer.

Edit: nvm the bs about unnerve stalltwo being worse than pressure, forgot about lum berry sweepers etc
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what's magnezone gonna do for mmx? ?_?

aegislash still flees :[
Mewtwo-Y should be slashed first over Life Orb Mewtwo IMO, considering it's better.
The idea was for 252 Speed to be the main spread since it works with both items and saying that the items are pretty interchangeable in the set details (and that Mewtwo Y can run less Speed and more HP), but I do agree that it's better, so this will probably change as I finish up the skelly

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what's magnezone gonna do for mmx? ?_?

aegislash still flees :[
Magnezone wasn't serious, it was just for lulz before I get a proper skelly done. I don't think it'd be viable even if it could trap Aegislash, it probably loses against it 1v1 lol
I feel the first set should look more like this. Running modest nature hits a lot harder. With this spread you can still outspeed arceus formes that are timid with max speed. You lose to other mewtwos, mega gengar, darkrai, skymin but whenever you don'y have to face those this really pays off. And fuck it you can take a hit and hit back harder. Grass knot is pointless, use psystrike for kyogre and ice beam for groudon. There are more options for support moves as well.

Mewtwo @ Mewtwonite Y
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 228 Spd / 252 SAtk / 28 Def
Modest Nature / Timid Nature (change EVs for timid)
- Psystrike
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast / Aura Sphere
- Taunt / Calm Mind / Recover / Magic Coat
I feel the first set should look more like this. Running modest nature hits a lot harder. With this spread you can still outspeed arceus formes that are timid with max speed. You lose to other mewtwos, mega gengar, darkrai, skymin but whenever you don'y have to face those this really pays off. And fuck it you can take a hit and hit back harder. Grass knot is pointless, use psystrike for kyogre and ice beam for groudon. There are more options for support moves as well.

Mewtwo @ Mewtwonite Y
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 228 Spd / 252 SAtk / 28 Def
Modest Nature / Timid Nature (change EVs for timid)
- Psystrike
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast / Aura Sphere
- Taunt / Calm Mind / Recover / Magic Coat

Never ever run Modest nature on Mewtwo. One of the things that makes Mewtwo so deadly is its Speed, and by running Modest you miss out on too many things like Arceus and become vulnerable to being revenge killed by Mega Gengar. Mewtwo hits so hard already that running Modest nature is honestly pointless.
Never ever run Modest nature on Mewtwo. One of the things that makes Mewtwo so deadly is its Speed, and by running Modest you miss out on too many things like Arceus and become vulnerable to being revenge killed by Mega Gengar. Mewtwo hits so hard already that running Modest nature is honestly pointless.

once mega evolved you still outrun arceus, that's the point of the spread as I said in my post >.<
On the bulktwo set, I'd slash Psycho Cut with Zen Headbutt. It may not flinch, but it is more accurate and it has a higher crit hit ratio.
On the bulktwo set, I'd slash Psycho Cut with Zen Headbutt. It may not flinch, but it is more accurate and it has a higher crit hit ratio.
Also, it doesn't make contact.

Edit: I'd remove Poison Jab from OO; I've tried it on an Adamant nature and, IIRC, it just didn't do enough damage for my liking, while the Fairies could do a real number back on me.
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This analysis might still be at a nascent stage, but on Taunt + 3 attacks MMX, it might be nice to mention that if one's team structure permits (if one can adequately deal with Aegi and um, Poisonceus), other options can be run over EQ in:

  • Ice Punch which hits 2 very pertinent targets in Landorus-T and Gliscor. It also lands a more secure hit on Ray, picks off weakened Giratina-O, and hits Grasseus harder than anything else on the set.
  • Fire Punch which puts a direct stop to (Mega) Scizor, and hits the aforementioned Grasseus (iffy about this, Ice Punch might deserve a slash though).
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Is Mewtwo going to get 2 separate analyses like with Charizard?

Well the thing is I believe Zard is getting 2 analyses because of radically different checks and counters and they tend to serve different roles. Both Mewtwo forms largely do similar things (i.e. fast sweepers with +1/+1 boosting moves/Taunt/really good coverage). On the point of counters...well, zero divided by two is still zero, if that makes sense.
Well the thing is I believe Zard is getting 2 analyses because of radically different checks and counters and they tend to serve different roles. Both Mewtwo forms largely do similar things (i.e. fast sweepers with +1/+1 boosting moves/Taunt/really good coverage). On the point of counters...well, zero divided by two is still zero, if that makes sense.
Wait, is zard getting different analyses or are different people just taking different chunks of it. I legit don't know, cause I never look in OU. I was told megas are just treated as separate sets but if that's not the case anymore...

Anyways, not forgotten about this, gonna make a post to try to clear up the slashing soon.
<Melee_Mewtwo> fuzz
<Melee_Mewtwo> is zard getting split analyses or
<Melee_Mewtwo> is it just diff guys reserving diff parts?
<Fuzznip> split
<Melee_Mewtwo> :o
<Melee_Mewtwo> i thought the plan was to treat megas as just alt sets for the normal mons
<Melee_Mewtwo> is this just for zard or for
<Melee_Mewtwo> all the megas?
<Fuzznip> just zard
<Melee_Mewtwo> and do i apply to mewtwo or is it cause ou zard has 23534232 sets?
<Fuzznip> we split them up because zard-x and zard-y are /entirely/ different pokemon
<Melee_Mewtwo> fuk
<Fuzznip> so it made zero sense to combine them and cause a gigantic mess that can be avoided
<Melee_Mewtwo> mewtwo is like that sorta but also
<Melee_Mewtwo> has base mewtwo
<Melee_Mewtwo> tahts legit
<Melee_Mewtwo> fuck idk
<Melee_Mewtwo> at the same time
<Melee_Mewtwo> when you are battlign a mewtwo/zard
<Melee_Mewtwo> you don't know what it is til you see it in action
<Melee_Mewtwo> much like an alt set
<Fuzznip> mm yeah
<Melee_Mewtwo> and those can get pretty fucking diverse too
<Fuzznip> it's harder with mewtwo's case because
<Fuzznip> regular mewtwo is viable
<Fuzznip> whereas regular zard is no
<Melee_Mewtwo> yeah
<Melee_Mewtwo> meh i guess i can just try keeping it together
<Raseri> do what makes sense
<Raseri> :D
<Melee_Mewtwo> and if it really looks like shit isn't goign to work split
<Melee_Mewtwo> well raseri its also nice to be consistent
<Melee_Mewtwo> across the board
<Melee_Mewtwo> but ye
<Fuzznip> yeah i dunno
<Fuzznip> how you can split them :/
<Melee_Mewtwo> thanks anyways
<Melee_Mewtwo> i'll work it out

tl;dr: splitting is an option now but I'd like to avoid it cause I feel like the difference between mewtwos is like the difference between geomancy xern and bulky. (just one of those mons with diverse fucking sets)
One problem with Mewtwo that Charizard doesn't have is that its regular form is also viable. Regular Mewtwo plays most like Mewtwo-Y, I suppose, but can still be some overlap between them (I think I've seen some people use Stalltwo with Mewtwo X, although that might just be people being weird).
Wait, is zard getting different analyses or are different people just taking different chunks of it. I legit don't know, cause I never look in OU. I was told megas are just treated as separate sets but if that's not the case anymore...

Naw they were just doing it for Zard because the two Zards play totally differently and have different counters. Mewtwo's forms have somewhat similar (limited) checks and have much more overlap in their general playstyle so splitting them would be a waste. And yeah, as shrang said regular Mewtwo is also viable which complicates the problem. Sorry if I confused you.
-Genesect (sorta?)
-Arc Dark
-Arc Steel
-Mega Gyara
-Arc psy
-really bulky shit (tina/donner)

The goal is to cover as many of these as possible (valuing the more important ones). Fire Blast/Focus Blast are probably the best two coverage moves but they have some overlap so the trick is determining which one to favor.

-darkrai (not a OHKO but close)
-arc steel

and gets sizable neutral hits on
-Ygod (at least as well as Fblast)
-dialga (3hko)
-arc dark/psy (3HKO)
-fett (3HKO)
-cress (3hko)

completely fucked by
-mega gyara

-genesect (not a ohko but close)
-skarm (not a ohko but close)
-forry (as well as skarm)
-arc dark
-arc steel
-mega gyara

sizable chunk
-ygod (as well as fire blast)
-scizor (2Hkos but there's prio)
-klefki (2hkos but there's prio)
-zong (3HKOs)
-groudon (2HKO)

completely fucked by
-arc psy
-jirachi (sorta with wish stalling plus fblast's miss rate)

also its worth noting running Taunt fucks a few of these guys over
-lugia (unless aeroblast)

so basically Fire Blast pros:
-scizor drops on switch in / can win one on one
-zong and donner dies fast
-rachi and sableye
-touches bulky psys
-actuallly kills klefki with one proper predict rather than having to catch it every time it tries to come in with taunt

focus pros
-drops dialga
-not fucked by tran, mega gyara and tar
-busts dark arc

Overall, I think the targets hit by Fire Blast are more common and significant than the ones hit by Focus Blast. I think Fire Blast should be the main coverage move.

As for the secondary coverage move, I prefer stuff that can patch up what Fire Blast can't touch. Focus Blast is probably the best at doing that although Shadow Ball isn't too bad either. Gknot and Ice Beam are lux imo.
Hey, for the Timid Sweeping Set, does 4 attacks Life Orb still work even without Taunt? The set would be Ice Beam/Aura Sphere/Psystrike/Fire Blast. You do have extremely good coverage with it.
Gknot and Ice Beam are lux imo.

I don't really think Ice Beam is that much of a luxury move - it hits Lugia/Tinas harder than Shadow Ball, you have Fire Blast for Aegislash and the Steel/Psychics, Ice Beam is your best option against Yveltal (really important target due to how well it checks special Mewtwo otherwise), and without Ice Beam Mewtwo can't KO the physically bulky Grounds quickly (Lando/Gliscor/Arc-Ground/does more to Groudon) which is kind of annoying. I know these might seem situational but being able to hit Yveltal in particular is important. If anything Shadow Ball seems like the lux move since it's only useful for Psychic Arceus (really rare), AV Slowking (also really rare), or to outspeed and hit other M2's as MMY (which you can make up for by using sun support with Fire Blast).

Totally agree GKnot is luxury though. Imo the coverage move slashing in slot 4 should be Focus Blast / Ice Beam with Shadow Ball/GKnot mentioned in set comments.
Should physically defensive mew be listed in checks and counters? It has the option to run foul play that is very strong against them, decent enough 100/100 bulk, resistance of any STABs and neutrality to coverage moves[bar the very rare shadow ball/dark pulse I think], whilst being able to provide cleric and/or defog support to the team on top of that, and has reliable recovery in softboiled.
Should physically defensive mew be listed in checks and counters? It has the option to run foul play that is very strong against them, decent enough 100/100 bulk, resistance of any STABs and neutrality to coverage moves[bar the very rare shadow ball/dark pulse I think], whilst being able to provide cleric and/or defog support to the team on top of that, and has reliable recovery in softboiled.
Not going to list mons that are arguably unviable. We can always edit it in if it gets an analysis later.
Ok I know it's not the place to argue about it and u are being very reasonable.. I just figured that it probably was viable since so few mons check mewtwo very nicely and it also does a ton to support your team, unlike mons like gastrodon.

But yeah fair enough I guess don't list it for now, but maybe make a note of how defensive pure psychic types (not that there are many) resist its dual STABs and take almost all common coverage moves neutrally, so they're decent checks [I guess mew/cress/deo-d are the ones that come to mind]
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