Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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FT: Female 5IV Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Superpower, and Aqua Jet
Male 5IV Adamant Tyrunt with Ice Fang and Dragon Dance
Male 5IV Timid Synchronize Abra
2 male 5IV Jolly Pure Power Meditite with Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, and Psycho Cut egg moves
4 (2)Female (2)male 5IV Jolly Thick Fat Swinub with Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash egg moves
Male 5IV Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar with Fake Out and Thunder Punch egg moves

LF: (all need 5IVs in their respective traits)

Jolly Archen with Head Smash and Knock off egg moves (defog egg move optional)
Bold Water Absorb Jellicent with Recover egg move (pain split optional)
NEW Calm Chansey with Aromatherapy or Heal Bell egg move

Competitive trade offers are also welcome :)
Cool! If you can trade me a flawless shiny male Adamant Guts Timburr with Drain/Ice/Mach Punch & Knock Off... and nickname it "Toguro", I'll be more than happy to trade you my Larvitar! ;)

Do you want me to give her a nickname too?
Give me a moment to nickname my Timburr and transfer. Here's my 3DS FC: 2122 6924 5890 | IGN: Gatsby.

You can nickname her Daisy. :)
I'll give someone a perfect 5 IV Klefki in a Pokeball for a 4-5 IV Staryu @ Natural Cure.

Also you build Starmie Special right? Analytic is best used on the switch then?
just bred a shiny 6iv protean froakie and am having it cloned for me. clone is up for trade, i cant think of anything off the top of my head that i want (not looking for legends) so if you wanna make me some offers PM me and we'll see
I have a Goomy that has Gooey and has a Sassy nature. It's IVs are 30-31/30-31/30-31/18-19/30-31/0-1. Should I keep or toss? It's meant to be sort of a Trick Room Goomy so I don't care about the 0 Speed IV. I'm more unsure about the Sp. Attack IV.
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