Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Awesome. By the way what Poke Ball is your Scatterbug in? If it's not in a Repeat Ball I can RNG you something in Gen V and teach it Move Tutor moves for one of your female Scatterbug.
I'm yet to do it but it will be a net ball (the blue one with the black web on it) or i can do whatever for the river one. I'll breed one for you. I'll pm you with the poke after i finish my dinner. Should be about 30-40ish minutes
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I've been Masudaing and have 70 or so Flawless 5 IV Goomys with all 3 abilities I'm giving out. I'm only going to be on for 10 more minutes tonight, but will be on tomorrow. Respond to this post if you want one!
I have female Scraggys in Premier Balls with Feint Attack and Dragon Dance, HA Intimidate. Interested instead of a Goomy?
mmm i'd rather have the goomy, as long as its a HA and female i'll be happy. same with the scyther, i can take care of the iv's and egg moves
I'm yet to do it but it will be a net ball (the blue one with the black web on it) or i can do whatever for the river one. I'll breed one for you. I'll pm you with the pie after i finish my dinner. Should be about 30-40ish minutes
No nickname for the Timburr, right? I'll start transferring now. And sure I can wait. It's 12 am here though. So if I don't reply I'm probably asleep.
looks good whats yer FC/IGN?
Cool! My FC is 2363-5886-5291 and my IGN is Kenta. What's yours? I can't see sigs with my phone if you posted it there.

By the way, is it male or female? I'm trying to decide on a nickname before we trade.

I've been Masudaing and have 70 or so Flawless 5 IV Goomys with all 3 abilities I'm giving out. I'm only going to be on for 10 more minutes tonight, but will be on tomorrow. Respond to this post if you want one!
I would love to have one Slash! What Pokéball are you breeding them with?
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