PokeLurker's Special Pokeballs thread -- *About to move to new thread*

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[Status Update 04/03/14 -- I will be moving my shop to a new joint trade thread, so this one will be closed :) I am still going to be working on old requests, so don't worry if we already agreed on something :) ]

[Major Thread update 03/28/14 -- Aipom, Beldum, Chansey, Clamperl, Feebas, Ferroseed, Growlithe, Heracross, Kangaskhan, Koffing, Mawile, Nidoran F/M, Phanpy, Porygon, Riolu, Shellder, Slowpoke, Stantler, Treecko, Tyrogue added!]

Thread in construction, please pardon the current format :) I will be updating it soon!

1. No hacked Pokemon. Probably obvious.
2. Please tell me if any of the Pokemon you are offering are cloned. I usually don't accept cloned Pokemon except for things like Ditto, Legends or certain Shinies. RNG'd is okay though.
3. All of the Pokemon offered in this thread are bred personally by me and have my OT/ID (Nerina / 63517) unless stated otherwise. Thus, they are all nickname-able :) Note that none of them are clones, although some have parents that are cloned Dittos.
4. Everything is fully-redis except Hidden Power Pokemon, which cannot be traded (but their offspring can). This does not apply to trades negotiated before/on 2/27/14. Other exceptions will be noted next to each Pokemon.
4.5. Likewise, I will assume I have permission to breed your Pokemon unless you say otherwise before we trade!
5. When you make a trade offer, specify which nature, gender, IV spread, etc you want if multiple are listed! Otherwise the first thing that I breed is what you get.
6. I usually try to breed Pokemon as quickly as I can, but sometimes things in real life come up which can cause delays. Please be sure you are okay with this before asking for a trade. I'm also especially busy atm since school is going on.
6.5. This applies double if I'm breeding HP Pokemon or low female ratios! I have terrible luck with these x__x
7. Pokemon breeding gets extremely repetitive sometimes and I might make mistakes especially about IVs / EVs. If I trade you the wrong Pokemon or if there are any problems, please contact me to resolve the issue.
8. If we have agreed on a trade and I haven't contacted you in a while, please feel free to remind me! I am very busy at school and I might forget things.
9. If we negotiated a trade and I am unable to contact you for a week, I reserve the right to trade the Pokemon I have reserved for you or cancel the trade. If both of us are still interested in trading after that period, you will need to wait for me to rebreed the Pokemon.

How I value Pokemon
- Legends on a case by case basis
- Generally 5IV = 5IV, spitback = spitback, etc
- I only trade for females in special balls except if (1) the species can't be female (2) the species is Pokeball only (3) they have good egg moves (4) Shiny or Hidden Power
- Females from species with a low female:male ratio are valued especially highly
- Pokemon with Hidden Power are especially annoying to breed, so I am likely to ask for more in exchange for them.
- I like shinies :D
- Please feel free to haggle; similarly, please don't take it personally if I deny your offer
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(In alphabetical order)

Note: I usually have spitbacks available as well -- feel free to ask!


A-D - Featuring
, Amaura
, Beldum
, Bunnelby
, Chansey

, Clamperl
, Cleffa
, Durant
Aipom @ Love Ball *New*
Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves:
- Fake Out
- Switcheroo
- Pursuit
- Quick Guard
Credits to SnowPeashooters for Love Ball Aipom

Amaura @ Poke Ball
Ability: Refridgerate
Timid Nature (Modest soon / on request)
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: None

Beldum @ Poke Ball *New*
Ability: Clear Body
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves: None
Credits to Spidy

Bunnelby @ Repeat Ball
Ability: Huge Power
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Spikes

Chansey @ Dream Ball *New*
Ability: Healer (HA) or Natural Cure or Serene Grace
Calm or Bold Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Aromatherapy
- Seismic Toss
- Counter
Credits to ShinyRegice for Dream Ball Chansey

Chespin @ Nest Ball
Ability: Bulletproof (HA) or Overgrow
Impish Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Synthesis
- Quick Guard
- Spikes
- Curse

Clamperl @ Dive Ball *New*
Ability: Shell Armor
Timid or Modest Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Confuse Ray
- Brine
- Water Pulse
Credits to Skandu

Cleffa @ Luxury Ball / Dream Ball / Love Ball
Ability: Magic Guard or Cute Charm
Modest Nature
Egg moves:
- Belly Drum
- Aromatherapy
- Wish
(Heal ball / HA available on request, HA only in Heal or Luxury Ball)

Durant @ Premier Ball
Ability: Truant (HA) or Swarm
Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves: None

E-H Featuring
, Feebas
, Fennekin
, Ferroseed
, Gastly

, Helioptile
, Heracross
Eevee @ Luxury Ball / Dive Ball / Dream Ball *New*
Ability: Anticipation (HA), Run Away or Adaptability
Bold or Modest Nature (Timid, Jolly or other natures on request)
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 (31/31/31/x/31/31 on request, 0 spd at extra cost)
Egg moves:
- Wish
- Curse
- Yawn
- Charm
Credits to awiec for Dream Ball Eevee

Feebas @ Dive Ball *New*
Ability: Swift Swim or Oblivious
Bold or Modest Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Dragon Pulse
- Haze
- Hypnosis
- Mirror Coat

Fennekin @ Repeat Ball / Luxury Ball
Ability: Magician (HA) or Blaze
Modest Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Wish
- Magic Coat
- Hypnosis
- Heat Wave
Credits to Fierza for Luxury Ball Fennekin

Ferroseed @ Premier Ball (Nest Ball on request) *New*
Ability: Iron Barbs
Brave or Sassy Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/0 (31 Spd on request)
Egg moves:
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Bullet Seed (on request)
Credits to Jozef for Premier Ball Ferroseed

Gastly @ Heal Ball or Moon Ball
Ability: Levitate
Timid Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Disable
- Psywave
- Perish Song
- Clear Smog (on request)
Credits to toshady4ladies for Moon Ball Gastly

Growlithe @ Fast Ball *New*
Ability: Intimidate or Flash Fire
Impish or Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Crunch
- Flare Blitz
- Morning Sun
- Close Combat
Credits to Capt. Fail for Fast Ball Growlithe

Helioptile @ Luxury Ball
Ability: Dry Skin, Solar Power (HA)
Timid Nature (Modest on request)
Standard IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Or HP IVs: 31/x/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice or HP Dragon)
Egg moves: None

Heracross @ Net Ball
Ability: Moxie (HA) or Guts or Swarm
Adamant or Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Pursuit
- Rock Blast
Credits to jerricent for Net Ball Heracross
I-L - Featuring
, Klefki
, Koffing

Kangaskhan @ Heal Ball / Dream Ball / Level Ball *New*
Ability: Scrappy or Early Bird
Jolly Nature (Adamant possible if in Dream Ball)
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Counter (if in Dream Ball)
Credits to richja223 for Dream Ball Kangaskhan
Credits to dr00 for Level Ball Kangaskhan

Klefki @ Premier Ball / Luxury Ball
Ability: Prankster / Magician (Magician in Luxury Ball only)
Bold Nature (Timid on request)
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Switcheroo

Koffing @ Heavy Ball *New*
Ability: Levitate
Bold Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Toxic Spikes
- Stockpile
- Pain Split
- Swallow
Credits to Tatertot for Heavy Ball Koffing

Larvitar @ Safari Ball *New*
Ability: Guts
Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves:
- Dragon Dance
- Stealth Rock
- Pursuit
Credits to ShinyRegice for Safari Ball Larvitar
M-P - Featuring
, Mawile
, Misdreavus
, Nidoran (F/M)
, Phanpy
, Pichu
, Porygon
Marill @ Great Ball
Ability: Huge Power
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Superpower
- Aqua Jet
- Belly Drum

Mawile @ Ultra Ball or Love Ball *New*
Ability: Intimidate
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Ice Fang
- Fire Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Poison Fang
Credits to toshady4ladies for Love Ball Mawile

Misdreavus @ Moon Ball *New*
Ability: Levitate
Timid Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Psywave
- Skill Swap
- Wonder Room
- Nasty Plot
* Ominous Wind on request
Credits to thiagodd for Moon Ball Misdreavus

Nidoran (F) @ Dream Ball *New*
Ability: Hustle (HA)
Bold Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: None
Credits to awiec for Dream Ball Nidoran F

Nidoran (M) @ Dream Ball *New*
Ability: Hustle (HA)
Timid Nature (Jolly on request)
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 (31/31/31/x/31/31 on request)
Egg moves:
- Sucker Punch (on request)
Credits to awiec for Dream Ball Nidoran M

Phanpy @ Heavy Ball *New*
Ability: Pick Up
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Counter
- Ice Shard
- Fissure
- Head Smash
Credits to MartinLancer for Phanpy

Pichu @ Luxury Ball
Ability: Lightning Rod
Timid Nature (Jolly on request)
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31 (or 31/31/31/xx/31/31 on request)
Egg moves:
- Encore
- Fake Out
- Wish

Porygon @ Poke Ball *New*
Ability: Analytic (HA) or Adaptability or Download
Timid Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: None
Q-S - Featuring Ralts
, Riolu
, Rotom
, Scyther
, Shellder

, Slowpoke
, Snorunt
, Stantler
, Staryu

Ralts @ Nest Ball / Dive Ball (Premier Ball / Heal Ball on request)
Ability: Telepathy(HA), Trace or Synchronize
Calm, Modest, Timid, Adamant, Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 or 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Confuse Ray
- Destiny Bond
- Memento
- Encore
* Shadow Sneak on request
* Skill Swap on request

Riolu @ Dream Ball / Premier Ball *New*
Ability: Prankster (HA) or Steadfast or Inner Focus
Jolly or Timid or Modest Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 or 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Crunch
- Bullet Punch
- Agility (on request)
- Vacuum Wave (on request)
Credits to hi reshiram for Dream Ball and Premier Ball Riolu

Rotom @ Poke Ball
Ability: Levitate
Modest/Bold/Timid Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: None

Scyther @ Timer Ball or Sport Ball
Ability: Technician or Swarm
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Defog
- Baton Pass
Credits to ShinyRegice for Sport Ball Scyther

Shellder @ Heal Ball *New*
Ability: Skill Link
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast

Skarmory @ Heavy Ball *New*
Ability: Sturdy
Impish Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Stealth Rock
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind
- Pursuit
* Curse on request
Credits to pkmn-taicho321 for Heavy Ball Skarmory

Slowpoke @ Heal Ball *New*
Ability: Regenerator (HA) or Oblivious or Own Tempo
Bold Nature (Modest / Calm Nature on request)
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: None
Credits to crazy_man for Heal Ball Slowpoke

Snorunt @ Dive Ball
Ability: Moody (HA)
Timid Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Spikes
- Switcheroo

Stantler @ Dream Ball *New*
Ability: Sap Sipper (HA) or Intimidate or Frisk
Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves:
- Zen Headbutt
- Disable
- Extrasensory
- Double Kick
Credits to pixeepenny for Dream Ball Stantler

Staryu @ Poke Ball
Ability: Natural Cure
Timid Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: None
T-Z - Featuring Togepi
, Treecko
, Tyrogue
, Tyrunt
Togepi @ Dream Ball *New*
Ability: HA or Serene Grace
Calm or Modest Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg moves:
- Extrasensory
- Nasty Plot

Treecko @ Poke Ball *New*
Ability: Unburden (HA) or Overgrow
Timid or Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 (31/31/31/x/31/31 on request)
Egg moves:
- Endeavor
- Synthesis
- Worry Seed
Credits to trikx_insane for Treecko

Tyrogue @ Poke Ball *New*
Ability: Guts or Steadfast
Adamant or Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg moves:
- Rapid Spin
- Mach Punch
Credits to Aragh for Tyrogue

Tyrunt @ Poke Ball
Ability: Strong Jaw
Jolly Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg moves:
- Ice Fang
- Fire Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Dragon Dance

6IVs **NEW**
(I also consider 0 Atk and 0 Spd as 6IV when applicable)
Bunnelby @ Repeat Ball (Female)
Pickup | Adamant | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Spikes
Bunnelby @ Repeat Ball (Male)
Huge Power | Adamant | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Spikes
Helioptile @ Luxury Ball (Male)
Sand Veil | Timid | 31/0/31/31/31/31 | No egg moves
* Ability Capsule provided at extra cost
Helioptile @ Luxury Ball (Male)
Solar Power | Modest | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | No egg moves
Helioptile @ Luxury Ball (Male)
Dry Skin | Modest | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | No egg moves
Marill @ Great Ball (Male)
Huge Power | Adamant | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Superpower, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum
Pichu @ Luxury Ball (Female) x2
Static | Timid | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | No egg moves
Pichu @ Luxury Ball (Male)
Static | Timid | 31/0/31/31/31/31 | No egg moves
Snorunt @ Dive Ball (Male)
Moody | Timid | 31/0/31/31/31/31 | Spikes, Switcheroo
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UPCOMING POKEMON: (Ask if you want one of them)
Luxury/Dusk Ball Honedge w/ Wide Guard
Binacle (Ultraball c/o DarkyKun, Lux Ball c/o April Behavior)
Froakie (HP Fire!)
Heal Ball Swirlix
Loveball Snubbull c/o Trevenant Forest
Heal Ball Zubat, Dusk Ball Scraggy c/o bo0bgrab

- I have access to quite a few safaris and I can catch HA females in specific balls on request. Notable Pokemon I have access to: Eevee, Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Fletchinder, Dragonair, Frogadier, Ninetales, Clefairy, Noibat, etc. Ask and I might have it :3
- I can also offer items such as: Lucky Eggs, Evolution Stones, Battle Maison items, PP Up/ PP Max, Destiny Knot
- I am able to breed Pokemon on request. I am also able to breed for some Hidden Powers (please negotiate! :) ) Temporarily closed, swamped by requests
- Banner / other art-related services (samples on request)

- Females in interesting balls. (especially Pokebank Pokemon, and especially apricorn balls!) Please offer even if they aren't good IVs! My favorite is Love Ball <3
- Y-exclusive mega stones. -- except Charizardite Y and Heracronite
- RNG Services
- Any Litwick with Heat Wave
- Any Charmander with Air Cutter
- Friend Ball Ralts, Dream Ball Zubat
- Any shiny Skiddo/Gogoat
- 31/x/31/31/31/31 HA Bold Eevee with Hyper Voice
- Pokebank legends
- Feel free to offer anything else though!
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- My HP Ice Helioptile [x2] for CJorex's Growlithe and Totodile (re-negotiated; on hold)
- My HA Dive Ball (Bold) Eevee for pixeepenny's Alomomola (on hold)
- My HP Ice Helioptile and Rotom for awiec's Omanyte and Kabuto (2nd part of trade) (in progress)
- My HP Ice Dry Skin Timid Helioptile and HA Adamant Shroomish w/ Bullet Seed for Heartgold's Charizardite Y and Heracronite (in progress 1/2)

--- Hidden Power Pokemon after this line are non-redis---
- My Female HP Ice Helioptile and Bold Female Luxury Ball Klefki for jagged_angel's Yanmega and Karrablast (ready)
- My Dream Ball Togepi spitback for hi reshiram's HA Premier Ball Riolu spitback (trading)
- My female Serene Grace Dream Ball Togepi for pixeepenny's HP Electric (w/31 spd) Horsea and HA Petilil (on hold)
- My Kangaskhan for MartinLancer's female Chikorita spitback (ready)
- My Technician Scyther for Pokemasta77's female Quick Ball Noibat (ready)

- My HP Fire Scatterbug for Buckert's 6IV Female Honedge
- My Dream Ball Riolu spitback w/ 4 EM for jyuuu's female Slakoth
- My Clamperl for Hirshey's female Dusk Ball Marill (ready)
- My 5IV Larvitar (Safari ball) + 5IV Phanpy (Heavy ball) + 4IV Eevee (Dive Ball) for Diabolico's rebreedable Shiny Dratini (Love Ball) + non-redis Kyogre
- My Dream Ball Eevee, Kangaskhan, Chansey, Stantler, Feebas and Cleffa spitbacks for Liquidos's Timer Ball Cyndaquil, Luxury Ball Ralts, Luxury Ball Magikarp, Luxury Ball Feebas, Heal Ball Shellos female spitbacks (2/6)

LIMBO (My Pokemon are ready, but unable to contact the other party)
- My Tyrunt, Bunnelby and Rotom for April Behavior's Cottonee, Lillipup, Shroomish

- My Marill for XDPokemon's Dratini (2/21/14)
- My HA Females [x6] for Ghost_V2's Charizard, Goodra and Gible (2/22/14)
- My Marill for Spidy's Beldum (2/22/14)
- My Ditto for Schnauzer's Ditto (2/24/14)
- My Snorunt for Iggy's Shroomish (2/25/14)
- My Snorunt and Klefki for MartinLancer's Vivillon and Phanpy (2/27/14)
- My HP Charmeleon [x2] for awiec's Nidoran F/M (2/27/14)
- My banner services for Gonzo206's Ditto[x3] and Shiny Ralts (2/28/14)
- My Female Klefki for Skandu's Clamperl (3/2/14)
- My Female HA Ralts spitback for Jozef's Ferroseed (3/5/14)
- My Marill for Zavikk's Phantump (3/6/14)
- My Female Gastly, Helioptile, Pichu, Ralts [x2], Snorunt for Gatsby's Ditto, Eevee, Timburr, Electrike, Mareep (3/9/14)
- My Solar Power Helioptile and male timid Klefki for trikx_insane's Treecko (3/15/14)
- My HA Dive Ball Ralts for pixeepenny's Stantler (3/26/14)
--- Hidden Power Pokemon after this line are non-redis---
- My Female HA Snorunt and Male Ralts for Tatertot's Koffing and Bird Jesus (3/7/14)
- My Pichu and Misdreavus spitback for Aragh's Tyrogue and Shellder spitback (3/9/14)
- My female HA non-HP Modest Helioptile for jerricent's Heracross (3/16/14)
- My female Durant spitback for SnowPeashooters's female Aipom spitback (3/21/14)
- My Chespin and Fennekin spitbacks and Weakness Policy for ShinyRegice's Chansey, Larvitar and Scyther spitbacks. (3/21/14)
- My Mawile and Scyther for Belbazoar's M/F Togepis (3/23/14)
- My Tyrunt for richja223's Kangaskhan (3/25/14)
- My Love Ball Aipom and Dream Ball Togepi spitbacks for toshady4ladies's Moon Ball Gastly and Love Ball Mawile spitbacks (3/25/14)
- My Fennekin spitback for hi reshiram's HA Dream Ball Riolu (3/25/14)
- My Dream Ball Togepi spitback for thiagodd's Moon Ball Misdreavus spitback (3/26/14)
- My Klefki and Chespin for crazy_man's Slowpoke and shiny Lampent (3/27/14)
- My female Moon Ball Misdreavus for Capt. Fail's Growlithe (3/27/14)
- My female 5IV Timid Clamperl for DarthVader's female Scatterbug (3/27/14)
--- 3/28 Thread update ---
- My HA Dedenne for SionReaver's HA Cranidos (3/28/14)
- My Cleffa spitback for dr00's Kangaskhan spitback (3/28/14)
- My HA Female Helioptile and male Tyrunt for Buckert's Modest 6IV Ditto and Clauncher (3/28/14)
- My Durant for Winterskiss's Gible (3/29/14)
- My HA Repeat Ball Fennekin, Level Ball Kangaskhan, and HA Dream Ball Riolu spitbacks for thiagodd's Houndour, HA Squirtle and HA Skiddo spitbacks (3/29/14)
- My Skarmory spitback for SnowPeashooters's Friend Ball Yanma (3/30/14)
- My Klefki for richja223's Vullaby (3/30/14)
- My Gastly for J. Bauer's male 4EM Timer Ball Klefki (3/30/14)
- My Growlithe spitback for pkmn-taicho321's shiny Chansey (3/30/14)
- My female HA Dive Ball Snorunt and female Dive Ball Feebas spitbacks for ShinyRegice's HA Dream Ball Feebas and Love Ball Ralts spitbacks (3/30/14)
- My BP Items for KaisenDankairaku's male Murkrow, female Shuppet, male Meditite, male Riolu, male Lickitung, male Scraggy and male Litwick spitbacks (4/1/14)
- My female Misdreavus and female technician sport ball Scyther for Shadow-XIII's fully-redis Palkia (4/1/14)
- My 8 spitbacks + Tyrunt + 3 BP Items for Princess Emily's semi-redis Tornadus and Thundurus and Shiny Frillish (4/1/14)
- My 2 Clauncher spitbacks for Princess Emily's Safari ball Riolu spitback (4/1/14)
- My Lux Ball Clefairy spitback + Swirlix spitback for Pyrehydra's HA Premier Ball Slowpoke spitback + Dusk Ball Trapinch spitback (4/2/14)
- My Love Ball Aipom, Net Ball Heracross and Heavy Ball Skarmory for Tatertot's Love Ball Cherubi, Safari Ball Carnivine and Ultra Ball Shinx (4/2/14)
- My Dream Ball Togepi spitback for Tatertot's HA Carvanha spitback (4/2/14)
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I'm newer so I don't have a thread or anything, is there anything you're looking for I particular? Most of what I have is spitbacks, some fully trained pokes, an adamant larvitar that's flawless, and some legends etc
I have a fairly short/vague list of what I'm looking for above, but I don't think there's any Pokemon in particular that I'm looking for right now besides legends. Feel free to offer spitbacks/the trained pokes you may have though :) If you offer legends I can offer more than one Poke for yours.

Edit: And if nothing besides the Marill catches your fancy I can do a custom breed as well :)
I have the Kalos legend, event celebi and a fully trained jirach, it's competitive, ivs are 31/30/31/30/31/31 and has stealth rock, u turn, thunder wave, and iron head. Ev's according
I have the Kalos legend, event celebi and a fully trained jirach, it's competitive, ivs are 31/30/31/30/31/31 and has stealth rock, u turn, thunder wave, and iron head. Ev's according
I'm definitely interested in the Jirachi but I don't know if I have something to offer you for it. What do you think would be a fair trade? Otherwise I'm interested in the other Kalos legendaries as well and I'd be happy to breed you extra mons for them too (are they competitive IVs?). And if neither of those work out, I'd be happy to trade for a couple of spitbacks that I don't already have.
Do you need a specific gender for the Snorunt? Also, if it's not too much trouble, would it be possible to get a Compoundeyes Vivillon? Sorry I forgot to mention that earlier. Thanks!
No problem with Compoundeyes, i have to breed Vivillons for other trades in any case XD.
I dont care on gender this time :)
I'm definitely interested in the Jirachi but I don't know if I have something to offer you for it. What do you think would be a fair trade? Otherwise I'm interested in the other Kalos legendaries as well and I'd be happy to breed you extra mons for them too (are they competitive IVs?). And if neither of those work out, I'd be happy to trade for a couple of spitbacks that I don't already have.
Yea we could work something out for a few mons for the jirachi, pm what you can breed we'll make a deal
Hi again! I see the update, and im interested in the Switcheroo Klefki. CMT ^^
I'm interested in a female Phanpy :) Would you be willing to breed one up? It's in a rare ball so I can add something else if you'd like. And do you need a specific gender for Klefki?
CMT for Solar Power Helioptile and Switcheroo Klefki.
Would you trade a female HA Treecko for both?
Well let me think about it its a pain in the rear to get them with 4 egg moves plus what gender do you want?
I'd be okay with both male and female. If there's something else I can throw in please let me know.
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