Serious LGBTQ

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They have helped me with a few things tbh and I know there are better places but they have become an extended family of sorts. While I still have total lack of self worth and confifence they have helped a little. Ive made a few great friends there. Yes it does sometimes attract douche bags but the moderators are great at clearing them out. If you have never just hung out there and you dont like the main lobby I highly recommend it.

For a while now my first major goal is to get self worth and learn to be happy without needing others to tell me I can be. Im gonna try to start there and make my way up. Ive tried but Ive kept failing. Hopefully 1 day I can get better
Im physically male in case you were still curious. I act like that just to know Ive done something right. Along with that, when I watch porn or read literotica, I ALWAYS imagine myself as the girl. Idk if that has to do with my submissiveness or if Im trans*. It may also be because I despise my physical body. The weight, the body hair, and perhaps the most ,for lack of a better term, cliche/emberrassing/hypocritical thing my penis. Size and existance.
The only person who can say with any certainty is yourself, however, all of this sounds like a lot of proto-typical trans* thought patterns and problems.

If you are unsure, if may be a good idea for you to get a therapist, or explore this more to see where you are.
The only person who can say with any certainty is yourself, however, all of this sounds like a lot of proto-typical trans* thought patterns and problems.

If you are unsure, if may be a good idea for you to get a therapist, or explore this more to see where you are.
Ive tried talking to the school one but they are so ignorant on the subject they think I cant be bi and trans. Also, I dont even know where to start exploring these feelings.
This post might get quite long, and by extension, disjointed as I suck at organizing my thoughts, but whatever.

I've jkust recently (as in barely a week ago) indentified myself as bisexual. In retrospect, I've likely been having these feelings for maybe a year, but I just hadn't identified them as so. The thing that made me realize this is actually a thread in Firebot, specifically this one: (now that I think about it, i'm not sure why this was the "trigger" so to say, but meh). Specifically, when I read Jumpluff's posts, and that got me to think about what my reaction would be to finding out the person I was in a relationship was a transexual. My immediate thought was "I really just don't care if they are. I would still love them". After this thought, I then realized that I wouldn't mind if I ended up going out with another guy: my mind viewed it as "If I'm going to have a relationship with someone, I don't really care if they are guy/girl/trans/whatever other identification they use, I just want them to love me and be there for me." The funny thing is is that I didn't feel any huge sense of happiness or relief when this happened: it just felt "right", like it was how I always was, and I just didn't realize it. Then, a few days later, I had another epiphany, but this one was a much more emotionally laden one, but I won't talk about it here (unless people are actually curious about it).

As a result of this revelation, I actually started to notice some things about people around me that really started to irk me. The first thing is how most guys around me act. Now, this is a post that really sums up what my thoughts are currently:
no, straight men are shit (its true)

I can't honestly say I like the way I am but my selfloathing has nothing to do with being queer
Yes, most straight men are utterly shit. I am saying this with both the experience of being a guy and believing I was also straight until very recently. There are just so many things that men do that is just appaling to me. My biggest disgust is just how obsessed with sex they are. Maybe this is due to me being a virgin still, but being so hyper-fixated on sex and trying to "get it" with girls doesn't seem fun to me. Another thing I despise hearing is how obsessed they are about looks. I have heard so many guys talk about how smoking hot a girl is and how that suddenly makes them the greatest girl ever, and how a girl who does not look as good but is still relatively attractive, is "cow" and will never have a relationship with a guy ever. Now, i'm not saying that looks aren't important (I'll admit that I also take them into consideration), but when your main argument against a girl is that they aren't hot, then your are nothing but a pathetic, insensitive, and hateful piece of shit who can't think beyond what his fucking penis is telling him. As a result of this, I really made friends with girls, who I always found were much more fun to hang out with because they usually express their emotions and are more receptive of emotions as well (I am a very emotional person, although from what my friends have told me, I typically look like a calm and quiet person). Of course, this could also be the result of me typically making meaningful friendships with people who have been through emotionally scaring shit (which for me, seems to be girls), or just seem to project a sense of understanding and caring about people. Now, I'm not saying that all straight guys are utter pieces of shit that only want sex. Hell, one of my friends who I feel the closest to is a guy. What I am saying is that it is sickening that the majority of men are obsessed with having sex and "scoring" it with hot chicks.

Another thing that is a mix of both sad and funny is how vehemently some guys deny that they are gay when someone says they are. First of all, there is no fucking reason to get so worked up over it: are you so insecure about your sexuality that you need to lose your shit over being called gay? Secondly, what is the problem with being gay? Do you think that touching penises is gross? Pretty much all guys fucking masturbate daily, so why are you ok when you are touching and stroking your own penis, but the mere thought that someone thinks you are touching some other guys penis so horrifying? Are you that fucking childish? This is a question that I want some straight guys to answer: what is it about being gay that is so terrible that you find it disgusting and feel the need to ridicule it mindless? why do you find it "icky" or "gross"? If you aren't gay, that is fine. Just don't go around and perpetuate that being gay is somehow "wrong" and "gross".

Yet another thing that has disturbed me is the responses from the same thread I linked near the beginning of this post. I saw that most of the posters were saying that they essentially had a right to know that the person they were dating was a transexual / was born a guy. now, tell me this: what exactly gives you the right to demand this kind of knowledge? It's obvious that this is a very personal piece of informastion that they are unlikely to divulge unless they feel they can trust you. Also, if you think that you can just demand this kind of information, don't you think that they can also demand incredibley personal knowledge of you? If you truely think that you have the fucking right to know such things about your partner, but they aren't able to do the same to you, then you are a massive hypocrite who doesn't deserve anybody.

Aurora I was reading your posts, and as someone who also had to suffer through their life with really nobody to help them cope, I just wish I could be there to help you get through this shit. Just remember this: the fact that you are able to still continue going despite having life just shit on you speaks bounds about your endurance, and I'm happy that you can still find reason to continue going on. If you need someone to talk to, I would be glad to :).


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Berserker Lord have you considered that you may be asexual? You stated multiple times in your post that you aren't interested in sex as much as the other aspects of being in a relationship. This opinion is shared by most asexuals (others do not wish to pursue relationships at all).
Berserker Lord have you considered that you may be asexual? You stated multiple times in your post that you aren't interested in sex as much as the other aspects of being in a relationship. This opinion is shared by most asexuals (some asexual people do not wish to pursue relationships at all).
Actually I have. I think that I don't consider sex in a relationship as important as it being both mutual and stable, but I wouldn't consider myself as asexual (or it would at least be a mild level of it). If I know that the relationship is going to work, then I would be all for having sex though. The problem I have is when sex is the only reason a person would pursue a realationship for
First let me apologize if I sound stupid or rude , but is asexuality an actual thing? I just have never heard of it and while I agree sex isn't the most important thing I thought everyone had some sexual attraction to someone ( or something if youre a phytophiliac (spelling?).
First let me apologize if I sound stupid or rude , but is asexuality an actual thing? I just have never heard of it and while I agree sex isn't the most important thing I thought everyone had some sexual attraction to someone ( or something if youre a phytophiliac (spelling?).
I do believe that asexuality is actually a thing. I can say with certianity that one of my best friends is asexual, but is in a quite stable relationship from what I can tell. I thought I was asexual, but I eventually realized that it was me suppressing any thought of having a relationship with another person because my first realtionship fucking blew up so horribly that I immediatley wrote off any chance of it working for me ever. When I finally realized that this was the issue (only took me a year...), I also concluded that I was letting my past failures completely dominate my decisions now, and I finally let my fears and doubts go.

That was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I can't really describe the feeling I had when I finally figured out what was wrong other then relief. Complete and full relief. I had finally found the root of my anxiety and stress problems, and by letting it go, I just became a much better person. I feel like a much happier person, and much more sure of who I am and what I want. It is really the greatest feeling in the world, and I really hope that you will be able to feel it too someday PrototypeX

(Yeah, this could probably fit better in another thread, but fuck it, it sorta fits into my first post)
Actually I have. I think that I don't consider sex in a relationship as important as it being both mutual and stable, but I wouldn't consider myself as asexual (or it would at least be a mild level of it). If I know that the relationship is going to work, then I would be all for having sex though. The problem I have is when sex is the only reason a person would pursue a realationship for
Of course the most important thing is how you feel about the matter, but I was in a similar case where I thought I might be asexual and perhaps you may find the term I now use helpful.
I identify as a Demisexual; essentially this means that I'm only sexually attracted to somebody after sufficient emotional bonding. There's also a second set of orientations called romantic orientations which are essentially what you're willing to date, generally speaking they line up with a person's sexual orientation but not always (some bisexuals are homoromantic or heteroromantic or many asexuals are not aromantic). If I had to guess I'd say you're a biromantic (maybe panromantic) Demisexual, but as I said it's the terms you identify with most that are most importantant.

As for straight males being sex crazed, I am of the opinion that a lot of people (regardless if their sexuality) would identify as aromantic if they knew the term existed.
Of course the most important thing is how you feel about the matter, but I was in a similar case where I thought I might be asexual and perhaps you may find the term I now use helpful.
I identify as a Demisexual; essentially this means that I'm only sexually attracted to somebody after sufficient emotional bonding. There's also a second set of orientations called romantic orientations which are essentially what you're willing to date, generally speaking they line up with a person's sexual orientation but not always (some bisexuals are homoromantic or heteroromantic or many asexuals are not aromantic). If I had to guess I'd say you're a biromantic (maybe panromantic) Demisexual, but as I said it's the terms you identify with most that are most importantant.

As for straight males being sex crazed, I am of the opinion that a lot of people (regardless if their sexuality) would identify as aromantic if they knew the term existed.
Yeah, it makes more sense to me when I think about it that I am demisexual. Then again, I don't really need a term for me to understand it, but it is nice to have an easy word for indentifying it nonetheless. I would say that I identify as panromantic because I would honestly date any gender as long as I know that any love I put into the relationship will be appreciated and returned.

And honestly, I don't think that many of the people who would be aromantic would actually identify as so. I think this because people generally hate anything that would label them as seeming shallow or uncaring, and by saying that they don't have romantic feelings towards others, that is essentially a huge slap in the face to them (even if it is true).
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I do believe that asexuality is actually a thing. I can say with certianity that one of my best friends is asexual, but is in a quite stable relationship from what I can tell. I thought I was asexual, but I eventually realized that it was me suppressing any thought of having a relationship with another person because my first realtionship fucking blew up so horribly that I immediatley wrote off any chance of it working for me ever. When I finally realized that this was the issue (only took me a year...), I also concluded that I was letting my past failures completely dominate my decisions now, and I finally let my fears and doubts go.

That was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I can't really describe the feeling I had when I finally figured out what was wrong other then relief. Complete and full relief. I had finally found the root of my anxiety and stress problems, and by letting it go, I just became a much better person. I feel like a much happier person, and much more sure of who I am and what I want. It is really the greatest feeling in the world, and I really hope that you will be able to feel it too someday PrototypeX

(Yeah, this could probably fit better in another thread, but fuck it, it sorta fits into my first post)
Thatsnot my issue. My problem is a mix of not feeling if I have any self worth besides as a pet ( for lack of a better term) to others, and blaming myself for basically everything. I know why I do this and that's it's not a good thing. The reason is basically because I don't see why anyone would tolerate me besides to take advantadge of me and after the one person I trully needed to a degree in my life ( ill go into more details if you want )9 left I began feeling like everyone would eventually. Like I said I know it's not good for me to do but a few times when I did finally break under all the pressure they left again so Im afraid to be left alone again.
Thatsnot my issue. My problem is a mix of not feeling if I have any self worth besides as a pet ( for lack of a better term) to others, and blaming myself for basically everything. I know why I do this and that's it's not a good thing. The reason is basically because I don't see why anyone would tolerate me besides to take advantadge of me and after the one person I trully needed to a degree in my life ( ill go into more details if you want )9 left I began feeling like everyone would eventually. Like I said I know it's not good for me to do but a few times when I did finally break under all the pressure they left again so Im afraid to be left alone again.
Well, what makes you think that people are only around you so they can take advantage of you? Was there any specific event that made you start thinking that you don't have any self-worth? What did this friend do that made him/her so special to you? What makes you think that everything that goes wrong is your own fault? Really, what I want you to do is justify why you feel these things, as there is a possibility that you misinterpreted something and now you think that you did something wrong when you really didn't.

In the end, I believe that you should see a therapist (a good one) as Princess Bubblegum suggested, as they are certianly more capable of helping then I am, especially with figuring out how you indentify yourself.
In order:

It's a mix of experience of when I finally break under the pressure they left and there is absolutely nothing else redeeming I can find about myself. You know how some are funny, some are smart? Well I'm obidient and who doesn't want a yes man at some point?

They're probably was but I can't think of it off the top of my head. For a long time now I've let others mood dictate mine. Granted it got worse after Alexus
( that person ) got fed up and left.

She was the first girl I can say I fell in love with. She knew so much about me and we just meshed perfectly ... as friends. The reason she got pissed and left was because plain and simple I was a jealous prick. We broke up over a stupid reason but I felt responsible. I needed to prove to my self I was actually worthy of her and I never got that chance. My other relationships except the latest one ended because they cheated on me. That one ended because religious bollucks. I think the reason I do this is because I never made it up to myself and now I'm trying to fix that and not stopping my family from blowing up when I was young.

I know I need to see someone for help but M - F I have school then work. I don't get home until 10 pm and even if I didn't i have no ride because I dont have my license and my moms car is horrible.


Banned deucer.
Well this is one way to lose my smogon virginity, so to speak. I know I'm bi, more attracted to the female compared to the males. I think I may be trans*, but Im not sure. I did/sadly sometimes still do something on Omegle Im not proud of. Because Im depressed alot, I have very little self worth so instead of physically self harming I go on there use a fake picture of some former "alternative" model, and act like the biggest whore in the world. Im physically male in case you were still curious. I act like that just to know Ive done something right. Along with that, when I watch porn or read literotica, I ALWAYS imagine myself as the girl. Idk if that has to do with my submissiveness or if Im trans*. It may also be because I despise my physical body. The weight, the body hair, and perhaps the most ,for lack of a better term, cliche/emberrassing/hypocritical thing my penis. Size and existance. Ive tried getting help in The Happy Place on PS, but Im still not sure. Theres my little rant/ beg for help.... And one more thing Princess and everyone else good luck.
If I makes you feel better, you're not the only transgender here.

My mother despised it, but I never let it get to me. As I grew older, I became more comfortable with being a male. I even grow a beard now, but from time to time I like to put on feminine makeup as ask guys to dominate me.
If you need someone to talk to about transgenderism on Smogon, you can shoot me a PM. But as verbatim said, finding a support group is a great idea.
Even though I'm a vocal supporter of LGBTQ rights, I've been attacked a lot for supposedly being homophobic just for being a Christian. (Guys, I'm on YOUR side, why are you yelling at ME?!)

I've had a lot of very close friends in the LGBTQ spectrum. I don't want anything more than for them to feel safe and happy. And people who are vocally against their rights make me sick to my core (including my own father, who's a total stereotype). I don't even think religion and sexuality are mutually exclusive, the condemning verse is either grossly misinterpreted or overturned.

Basically, once rights are guaranteed in all countries and the current disgusting generation either naturally dies out or gets some common sense for once, the world will be a better place and we can start fixing all our other problems.

And that's my two cents.
So yeah, I realized not even 2 weeks ago that I am transgender. To say the least, it is an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, I am glad I am figuring out who I am. On the other hand, I have been feeling like utter shit for most of the time since I've learned it. Any other transgender people know what I am talking about ( spiked stress levels, feeling like you want to break and tear apart everything around you, including yourself). Of course, some of this is due to the fact that I haven't came out to anyone, or really said how I feel (well, except for Aurora). Of course, life knowledge has taught me that just coming out to my parents won't just magically make everything better, but at least it would help.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot to say how I know I am transgender. Well, the most compelling thing I've noticed is that Even when I was young (earliest I can remember is around 11), I always gravitated to girls whenever possible. I never did this from any sexual or romantic feelings; I just felt like I could act more natural around girls, and that I could connect to them much better. Of course, being born in a male body, I was expected and railroaded into having to hang out with guys, and I always hated it. I never felt like I could connect with any guys (well except one, but I know now I love him), and I never shared any of the interests that other guys did, so It always felt like people were trying to force me to conform into what they expected a guy to act like, which I could just not stand. Another thing I only now realized was that whenever guys were insulting and making sexist remarks about girls, I always felt like it was a personal to me, which makes me realize that subconsciously, I identified as a girl, and because of this, these sexist insults got to me.

good god, this post is most likely incoherent as hell, but whatever.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)

soooo my cousins homophobia has gone from "ew gross two guys kissing" to determined bigotry

why the fuck am I related to people like this :(

(note: he's been to jail twice, once for drug dealing and once for assault, so yeah, you know his moral compass is on straight)

Chou Toshio

is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
This post might get quite long, and by extension, disjointed as I suck at organizing my thoughts, but whatever.

I've jkust recently (as in barely a week ago) indentified myself as bisexual. In retrospect, I've likely been having these feelings for maybe a year, but I just hadn't identified them as so. The thing that made me realize this is actually a thread in Firebot, specifically this one: (now that I think about it, i'm not sure why this was the "trigger" so to say, but meh). Specifically, when I read Jumpluff's posts, and that got me to think about what my reaction would be to finding out the person I was in a relationship was a transexual. My immediate thought was "I really just don't care if they are. I would still love them". After this thought, I then realized that I wouldn't mind if I ended up going out with another guy: my mind viewed it as "If I'm going to have a relationship with someone, I don't really care if they are guy/girl/trans/whatever other identification they use, I just want them to love me and be there for me." The funny thing is is that I didn't feel any huge sense of happiness or relief when this happened: it just felt "right", like it was how I always was, and I just didn't realize it. Then, a few days later, I had another epiphany, but this one was a much more emotionally laden one, but I won't talk about it here (unless people are actually curious about it).

As a result of this revelation, I actually started to notice some things about people around me that really started to irk me. The first thing is how most guys around me act. Now, this is a post that really sums up what my thoughts are currently:

Yes, most straight men are utterly shit. I am saying this with both the experience of being a guy and believing I was also straight until very recently. There are just so many things that men do that is just appaling to me. My biggest disgust is just how obsessed with sex they are. Maybe this is due to me being a virgin still, but being so hyper-fixated on sex and trying to "get it" with girls doesn't seem fun to me. Another thing I despise hearing is how obsessed they are about looks. I have heard so many guys talk about how smoking hot a girl is and how that suddenly makes them the greatest girl ever, and how a girl who does not look as good but is still relatively attractive, is "cow" and will never have a relationship with a guy ever. Now, i'm not saying that looks aren't important (I'll admit that I also take them into consideration), but when your main argument against a girl is that they aren't hot, then your are nothing but a pathetic, insensitive, and hateful piece of shit who can't think beyond what his fucking penis is telling him. As a result of this, I really made friends with girls, who I always found were much more fun to hang out with because they usually express their emotions and are more receptive of emotions as well (I am a very emotional person, although from what my friends have told me, I typically look like a calm and quiet person). Of course, this could also be the result of me typically making meaningful friendships with people who have been through emotionally scaring shit (which for me, seems to be girls), or just seem to project a sense of understanding and caring about people. Now, I'm not saying that all straight guys are utter pieces of shit that only want sex. Hell, one of my friends who I feel the closest to is a guy. What I am saying is that it is sickening that the majority of men are obsessed with having sex and "scoring" it with hot chicks.

Another thing that is a mix of both sad and funny is how vehemently some guys deny that they are gay when someone says they are. First of all, there is no fucking reason to get so worked up over it: are you so insecure about your sexuality that you need to lose your shit over being called gay? Secondly, what is the problem with being gay? Do you think that touching penises is gross? Pretty much all guys fucking masturbate daily, so why are you ok when you are touching and stroking your own penis, but the mere thought that someone thinks you are touching some other guys penis so horrifying? Are you that fucking childish? This is a question that I want some straight guys to answer: what is it about being gay that is so terrible that you find it disgusting and feel the need to ridicule it mindless? why do you find it "icky" or "gross"? If you aren't gay, that is fine. Just don't go around and perpetuate that being gay is somehow "wrong" and "gross".

Wow... not being at all judgmental of bigoted... not at all making sweeping and unfair generalizations...

This is a thread about LGBTQ, so I don't want to derail the subject, but after reading a post that invites it, I'd like to take the time to answer as a straight male.

Would you agree that a society where everyone can be open and honest about their sexuality is better? Where LGBTQ people would feel safer opening up, and where people did not have to feel in any way ashamed of their sexual feelings? I think this way-- and not only about sexuality; I think the world would be a better place if people could all be more honest, and all be more forgiving with all aspect of our lives that are human, that are animal, that are not perfect or godly. That may not be the way it works, nor might it even be practical-- but I think it's an ideal to shoot for.

And yet, here you are belittling, demeaning, sneering at straight men for having open and honest expression about their own sexual desires; and you're not the only one-- I'm not sure why, but society feels it's ok for men who talk about women or sex to be labelled as "hound-dogs," "Depraved", "horny assholes," or what have you. It took me a long time growing up to realize it was "ok" to feel the way I do about women-- that it didn't make me gross, or evil, or a terrible person for having strong sexual urges; that was a huge part of my growing up in highschool. Yeah thanks modern media.

YOU might feel more apathetic to sex, but for those of us born full "straight male" and with strong sex drives, the urges, and "alphaness", the instincts we feel have a POWERFUL affect and influence on us-- and it's not something we can control or change about ourselves anymore than a straight woman, gay male, gay female, BT, asexual can change about their own sexualities. We are what evolution has made us.

So yes-- not for all, but for some men the drive to have sex just for sex is there, is wired into the DNA. Yes interest in women just because "they're hot" is also ingrained in there. And yes, being able to openly express feelings and frustrations born from those powerful instincts with other men who feel similarly in a safe environment or just openly can be fun, can make us feel good, and wow--

For someone to call that shameful, base, or "shit"-- I don't see how someone can say that and expect any sort of tolerance for their own sexuality.

Seriously, I'm all on-board letting people be people-- but wouldn't that be ridiculous if that sentiment is only meant for minorities?

Especially when in this case, a "majority" of "straight men" also gets the smear-campaign from standard media and sentiment.

As for your question about "gay grossness"--

I'm not sure, since I myself consciously don't think of it that way. I've even kissed guys before in drunken parties and whatever-- to be perfectly honest, the sensation itself seems pretty terrible; stubble on stubble was just pretty terrible for whatever reason. BUT I didn't think there was anything gross in the act itself, only the physical sensation. But for those who do have an uncontrollable unconscious feeling of "eww gross,"-- that too is something a person can't control, is it not? Yes these types of responses are socially ingrained (just like the feeling squeemish with roaches is), but while we can all work hard to change that ingrain-ment, treating people as terrible people for ingrained responses they can't control (and yet work to change) is pretty terrible as well-- don't you think?

And to make this criticism of straight men in the same post where you call them "shit" and disgusting for having sexual urges and talking about them-- that is laughably hypocritical.

Yet another thing that has disturbed me is the responses from the same thread I linked near the beginning of this post. I saw that most of the posters were saying that they essentially had a right to know that the person they were dating was a transexual / was born a guy. now, tell me this: what exactly gives you the right to demand this kind of knowledge? It's obvious that this is a very personal piece of informastion that they are unlikely to divulge unless they feel they can trust you. Also, if you think that you can just demand this kind of information, don't you think that they can also demand incredibley personal knowledge of you? If you truely think that you have the fucking right to know such things about your partner, but they aren't able to do the same to you, then you are a massive hypocrite who doesn't deserve anybody.

Aurora I was reading your posts, and as someone who also had to suffer through their life with really nobody to help them cope, I just wish I could be there to help you get through this shit. Just remember this: the fact that you are able to still continue going despite having life just shit on you speaks bounds about your endurance, and I'm happy that you can still find reason to continue going on. If you need someone to talk to, I would be glad to :).
Wow, really? It's not ok to want to know more about the person you're about to have sex with? Never mind a relationship. It's not ok to want to have information to make educated choices for something as influential on your person and body as sex? That's absurd.

Treating people fairly is one thing-- but when it comes to making choices about your own love life, and sex (connected to your own body), I think you're entitled to know any damn well thing you please. Or at the very least, to say NO when not given enough info.

Or a better way to say it--

No matter who you are, or what the reason, you should always have the right to say NO to sex. It doesn't matter how unfair. It doesn't matter how illogical. It doesn't matter how prejudiced. For ANY reason (or for NO reason AT ALL), a person should always have the right to say NO to sex. Or love. period.

And if that reason is "not enough information about subject A"-- even if subject A is not knowing whether the other person used to be a guy--

I mean, every person is free to disclose as little or as much as they want, but depending on that, the other person is just as free to get involved or not.

If a drunk guy hops in bed with a "girl" and doesn't ask before doing the deed-- hey, that's on him. But if he should ask, and the other party doesn't answer, he has every right to get out of that room. And if he asks, and the other party LIES to him-- then without question the liar is at fault there.

If you disagree with anything I'd said here, I'll just say that's fucked.
Last edited:

Chou Toshio

is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
(Also, this scene from Legal High 2, which I love--ah heck, I love every scene--I leave as an anecdote)

Mayuzumi: Your arguments in the trial are getting too thoughtless!

Komikado: How exactly are they thoughtless?

人の美醜を あれこれ言うのは不謹慎です。もっと内面に目を向けるべきです。
Mayuzumi: Going on and on with this and that about a person's external beauty is just thoughtless! People need to look more at what's INSIDE!

Komikado: So one is more "good" if he chooses a partner based on what's inside rather than what's outside?

そりゃ 人間の価値は心の美しさですから。
Mayuzumi: Of course, because a person's true value is in the beauty of their heart.

君は どういう男性が好みだ?
Komikado: What kind of men do you like exactly?

私は お金に汚くなくて口数が少ない人が 好きです。
Mayuzumi: I like men who are not obsessed with money, and don't talk too much!! *staaare*

私は顔と 足首と おっぱいで 決める!
Komikado: I choose women based on FACE, LEGS, and TITS!

服部さんは どうですか?
Komikado: How about you Hattori-san?

たたずまいですかな。 ハハハ。
Hattori: Hmmm, I suppose the person's grace. Ha ha ha...

Ranmaru: I like silly, ditzy women.

いつから いたの?
Mayuzumi: Huh? Since when were you here?

(蘭丸)ちょっと仕事 頼まれてさ。 でも 頭のいい子も捨てがたいし。あと やっぱ明るくて活発な子がいいよね。 おしとやかな お姉さんも いいし。
Ranmaru: I got called here for a bit of work. Hmmm... but smart girls also can't be written off... But I also like women who are cheerful and a bit clumsy! I also like the graceful "older sister type"...

Mayuzumi: So basically, you could date any woman.

Ranmaru: Sounds about right.

心が奇麗 優しい、スポーツができる、頭がいい、 高学歴 高収入、背が高い、 バカっぽい、口数が少ない、 おっぱいが大きい、たたずまい。
Komikado: A beautiful heart, kind, athletic, smart, great academic background, high income, tall height, silly/ditz, doesn't talk too much, big tits, gracefulnes--

Komikado: The freedom to fall in love for whatever the reason is an individual's own business, and there's no scale or rank of better or worse.

熊井 健悟の 場合は顔が奇麗かどうかなのだ。 どんなに性格が悪くても顔が奇麗な人がいい。
Komikado: In Kumai Kengo's case, it's beautiful face, or bust. No matter how terrible her personality, he wants a woman with a beautiful face.

立派なポリシーだ。 それを不謹慎だという君たちの方が ゆがんでいる。
Komikado: This is a fine policy-- and the people like you judging him as "thoughtless" are the real twisted ones here.

sign: "Secretary First Round Examination: You're 3 Sizes"
That Komi
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