Pokémon Whimsicott

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That's not a bad set, but I can guarantee you'll miss memento. Once whimsicott is done wreaking havoc it becomes a death passer; might as well cripple one final pokemon while it's at it. The weak link is leech seed; it always had its uses but it's list of hard counters just grew immensely. I also don't see the point of moonblast, especially uninvested. Does it even 2hko hydreigon?

0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hydreigon: 256-304 (65.9 - 78.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If rocks are up, Whimsicott does pretty well vs Dragonite.
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Dragonite: 168-198 (51.8 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Whimsicott: 79-93 (24.4 - 28.7%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery (watch out for fire punch)

If Garchomp kills one of your guys with Outrage? Whimsicott's got him in checkmate.
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Garchomp: 188-224 (52.5 - 62.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If you lock this impossible Tyranitar into Pursuit I believe you win quite easily after the sandstorm ends.
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 54-66 (13.3 - 16.3%) -- possible 7HKO
252+ Atk Tyranitar Pursuit vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Whimsicott: 29-35 (8.9 - 10.8%) -- possibly the worst move ever

It's not the worst filler move you could have.
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hydreigon: 256-304 (65.9 - 78.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If rocks are up, Whimsicott does pretty well vs Dragonite.
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Dragonite: 168-198 (51.8 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Whimsicott: 79-93 (24.4 - 28.7%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery (watch out for fire punch)

If Garchomp kills one of your guys with Outrage? Whimsicott's got him in checkmate.
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Garchomp: 188-224 (52.5 - 62.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If you lock this impossible Tyranitar into Pursuit I believe you win quite easily after the sandstorm ends.
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 54-66 (13.3 - 16.3%) -- possible 7HKO
252+ Atk Tyranitar Pursuit vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Whimsicott: 29-35 (8.9 - 10.8%) -- possibly the worst move ever

It's not the worst filler move you could have.

Whimsicott is basically never going to actually kill hydreigon, as switching into fireblast is a death and it's going to switch out after an encore on a dragon attack. It feels like kinda a waste of a move, since hydreigon is always going to be able to walk away or simply ohko. This is why I think knock off is an infinitely better attack for Whimsi, since it actually does damage to key pokemon he struggles with- magic bouncers espeon and xatu, as well as magic coat user deoxys-d. It also rather crucially allows him to beat trevenant and works well in conjunction with u-turn after a successful encore, making the opponent reluctant to switch and have their pokemon lose their held item.

Im not so sure about the garchomp situation, but whimsicott can knock off the choice scarf, and you should almost definitely have something who can revenge it after losing a choice scarf. If you are using the knock off + u-turn + 0 speed investment set I suggested then you can u-turn out on the 3rd outrage and get another pokemon in for revenge pretty easily.

edit: it should be noted that whimsicott can encore defog/recover/dragon pulse from latias too, and knock off and u-turn are both super effective against it, and do reasonable amounts even despite 0 attack investment. if hitting a 252/0 latias, knock off does 31-36% which is pretty decent considering using recover gives whimsicott a free setup. Latias will 2hko with psychic on the switch if it has some special attack investment though.
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I put my Whismicott with Tailwind, sunny day, taunt and solarbeam/moonblast. Serves as my weather pokemon for my mega houndoom and tailwind for houndoom to move his ass.
Just learned that she can get Foul Play from Minun.
i know this was posted about a month ago, but before anyone else sees it and wonders if it's true, i would just like to point out that minun doesn't even learn foul play, unless it's some obscure event move i couldn't find.

also, i just want to reiterate what's been said in this thread a few times that the fairy typing isn't the only thing that makes whimsicott (more) awesome in gen VI.
switcheroo being compatible with other egg moves like encore and memento is pretty fucking rad. i know that switcheroo used to be overlooked a lot because encore is basically standard on every set, but the cott can now run the prankster / switcheroo / lagging tail combo without giving up encore.
i know this was posted about a month ago, but before anyone else sees it and wonders if it's true, i would just like to point out that minun doesn't even learn foul play, unless it's some obscure event move i couldn't find.

also, i just want to reiterate what's been said in this thread a few times that the fairy typing isn't the only thing that makes whimsicott (more) awesome in gen VI.
switcheroo being compatible with other egg moves like encore and memento is pretty fucking rad. i know that switcheroo used to be overlooked a lot because encore is basically standard on every set, but the cott can now run the prankster / switcheroo / lagging tail combo without giving up encore.

Lagging Tail? Wouldn't Iron Ball be a better choice?
Lagging Tail? Wouldn't Iron Ball be a better choice?
i mean there is no 'best' choice really. iron ball if you want to cripple a flier/levitator, lagging tail to make them definitely go last, you could use a flame/toxic orb for status (and run the risk of not being able to switch onto a mega and status yourself), you could give them a choice item or assault vest to lock them into something (or out of status moves). hell, you could even switch a black sludge to a non-poison type or just a random non-use item like mail or a pokeball just to get rid of their item.

really, i just didn't feel like typing out every single possibly useful item that could be switched in my original post, so i just put lagging tail, but there are many options.

and really, the salient point of my post though is that switcheroo and encore are now legal, and switcheroo + prankster works really well with items that make the user lag because whimsicott won't be susceptible to it when using a status move.
also, i just want to reiterate what's been said in this thread a few times that the fairy typing isn't the only thing that makes whimsicott (more) awesome in gen VI.
Being able to tank and sweep a Garchomp is amazing enough in itself that I'm not sure if anything else really matters anymore in this world.

Joking aside I think Switcheroo isn't a big deal at all, with the addition of the Mega mechanics makes it a notably riskier and easy to backfire choice, especially when Knock Off has a simialr crippling effect and does some nice damage. It really doesn't help that I find the biggest switch ins to Whimsicott are almost always the Megamons, Lucario, Mawile and especially Venusaur. Oh how I despise Venusaur, it has made me wish I randomly run Hurricane on my Whimsicott way too many times for comfort.

Probably hurting the Iron Ball/Lagging Tail even more is it's easier to just simply Stun Spore them most of the time and I've lost count how many times Whimsicott has turned a hopeless situation around with a timely Stun Spore when they expect Encore.

EDIT: One of these days I might just run Grasswhistle for that asshole Venusaur.
EDIT: One of these days I might just run Grasswhistle for that asshole Venusaur.
This is why u-turn is one of the best moves in the game and an absolute necessity on Whimsicott, who has so many hard counters! If they got venassaur, you know its coming in. Relying on a 55% accuracy move isn't the answer my friend.

But omg you are so right about stun spore; that move does some serious work. Any paralyze/voltswitch combo is just beyond fantastic...add priority encore to the mix and that's why whimsicott is so friggin good.
Whimsiscott. Hot damn this thing is good. Being able to spam Stun Spore like no tomorrow is a GODSEND in the Battle Maison, you NEED the luck hax. Enough about how annoying that it is though, let me explain my personal set
Bold Prankster @ Wide Lens (A. Leftovers is used on a different mon and B. the extra accuracy helps)
Stun Spore
I am SERIOUSLY considering replacing Memento with Tailwind, being able to speed up MegaCross (No speed EVs) to become an absolute DESTROYER is tempting, wand it would give some of my slower mon a chance (Megacross, Heatran, Specs Chandlure) to wreck things, only thing would be the lack of a "Suicide move" but honestly, I can live without it. Ill test it out :)
This is why u-turn is one of the best moves in the game and an absolute necessity on Whimsicott, who has so many hard counters! If they got venassaur, you know its coming in. Relying on a 55% accuracy move isn't the answer my friend.

But omg you are so right about stun spore; that move does some serious work. Any paralyze/voltswitch combo is just beyond fantastic...add priority encore to the mix and that's why whimsicott is so friggin good.

I'd really like to know what your recommended set/EVs are for Whimsicott.
Encore/U-Turn/Stun Spore/Memento. Encore and U-Turn are all it needs to be effective though. Stun Spore is a great compliment to u-turn as it gives u-turn pseudopriority, But you have to be wary with it; I typically only use it when I know my opponent will switch out (encore synergy) and I feel like it won't be to a grass type or that stupid dripping dragon. Memento is perfect for when your powderpuff is done wreaking havoc, and the fates have decreed that it's time for you to clean up and send whimsicott riding that golden cottonball into the sunset.

My personal whimsicott is careful 252hp/252special defense, because that was the best fit for my usual gen 5 wifi team. On sim I sometimes switch to physical defense depending on what my team needs. It's hard to mess up Whimsicott because it only uses three stats (although there is a bit of an argument for speed, there's just as much of an argument for less speed, because losing a volt/turn battle gives you the momentum): just max HP, and decide which defense your team needs to cover and max that one.

random replies (because quoting seems to crash my phone): Whimsicott doesn't learn foul play, and i really can't stress enough how bad subseeding is
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All of the support sets posted so far have 252 hp / 252 def for their EVs, but the BW OU analysis suggests running 68 speed EVs to be able to naturally outrun jolly Mamoswine. Is outrunning jolly Mamo's ice shard with a prankster encore (locking it in to EQ or something) no longer relevant, or did I miss something? And does the extra speed impact your survivability significantly?
Encore/U-Turn/Stun Spore/Memento. Encore and U-Turn are all it needs to be effective though. Stun Spore is a great compliment to u-turn as it gives u-turn pseudopriority, But you have to be wary with it; I typically only use it when I know my opponent will switch out (encore synergy) and I feel like it won't be to a grass type or that stupid dripping dragon. Memento is perfect for when your powderpuff is done wreaking havoc, and the fates have decreed that it's time for you to clean up and send whimsicott riding that golden cottonball into the sunset.

My personal whimsicott is careful 252hp/252special defense, because that was the best fit for my usual gen 5 wifi team. On sim I sometimes switch to physical defense depending on what my team needs. It's hard to mess up Whimsicott because it only uses three stats (although there is a bit of an argument for speed, there's just as much of an argument for less speed, because losing a volt/turn battle gives you the momentum): just max HP, and decide which defense your team needs to cover and max that one.

random replies (because quoting seems to crash my phone): Whimsicott doesn't learn foul play, and i really can't stress enough how bad subseeding is

Why is sub seeding bad? You stall out tanks with more Hp than you do, and I've found the chip damage from leech seed extremely effective in whittling down your opponent's pokemon's Hp for a late game sweep. With encore and the new fairy type, Whimsicott manages to cause several switches that can be abused to good effect with Subseed.
Why is sub seeding bad? You stall out tanks with more Hp than you do, and I've found the chip damage from leech seed extremely effective in whittling down your opponent's pokemon's Hp for a late game sweep. With encore and the new fairy type, Whimsicott manages to cause several switches that can be abused to good effect with Subseed.
Then you realize that what is going to switch on Whimsicott is Ferrothorn or Venusaur, essentially sucking up all your momentum. U-Turn does a better job when it comes to take advantage of opponent switches.
Then you realize that what is going to switch on Whimsicott is Ferrothorn or Venusaur, essentially sucking up all your momentum. U-Turn does a better job when it comes to take advantage of opponent switches.

I use both U-Turn and subseed on the same set with encore :/. Substitute eases prediction, so if they don't have a grass type or don't send one in, you leech seed. If they do send in a grass type, you can use a relatively slow U-Turn to gain momentum while the sub protects you.
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