Abomasnow [2/3]

There are a couple of changes:
  • I made Offensive the first set because I honestly find it much better, but I'll leave this up to QC
  • Giga Drain is now available to Abomasnow, so I slashed it with Wood Hammer
  • Soundproof > Snow Warning. It may as well want to switch into Genesect's Choice-locked Bug Buzz which is really common or stuff like Boomburst from Exploud, etc. Snow Warning activates after MEvo, and you want to evolve right away. The ability to switch into Bug Buzz is huge especially after the Galvantula hype (that's gone now), so Soundproof is better unless someone proves me wrong. Saying it again, Snow Warning activates after MEvo.

The X/Y Preview
Quality Control [CyclicCompound | TRC | --]
Grammar-Prose [-- | --]

With Abomasnow gaining a Mega Evolution this generation, Mega Abomasnow manages to be a powerful wallbreaker to use with its access to a powerful Blizzard. With coverage moves in STAB Giga Drain and Earthquake, it can beat common Pokemon in the metagame such as Rotom-W and Heatran. Its powerful Ice Shard also lets it pose as an excellent check to Landorus-I, Garchomp, and Dragonite. Its typing also lets it be a natural counter to Greninja and Mega Gyarados. However its slow speed, vulnerability to entry hazards, and being forced out by common attacking moves do not do it any favors. It even takes up a valuable Mega slot which is a common problem about Mega Abomasnow. Be careful about using Mega Abomasnow as with these flaws, it can be a rather disappointing choice.
name: Offensive
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Shard
ability: Soundproof / Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpA
nature: Queit
ivs: 0 Spe

  • Blizzard is main move of the set and hits hard and has good coverage
  • Wood Hammer hits even harder especially since it's invested, but Abomasnow needs to take recoil which can add up fast, since it's really slow, bu the extra damage could be what it needs to destroy most target Giga Drain can't like Rotom-W and Vaporeon
  • Earthquake hits what it STAB can't like Heatran on switch and can OHKO Aegi considering it goes to Blade Form since it's slower
  • Ice Shard picks off weakened targets and revenge-kills Dragon-types like Garchomp
Set Details
  • If you are using Giga Drain, a Quiet Nature with 252 SAtk EVs is recommended
  • Soundproof is the ability to use because it can switch into Bug Buzz from Galvantula and Sylveon's Hyper Voice and then MEvo and then it gets the benefits of Snow Warning
  • 0 IVs in Spe make sure it's really slow to minimize Gyro Ball damage and Quiet Nature, so you don't minimize Def. Remember than Abomasnow-Mega has 30 Base Spe, so it's not a big difference
  • Abomasite is a must and Abomasnow-Mega hits harder than LO Abomasnow
  • You can run SubPunch with the first two moves for it to function as a bulky tank
    • Ice Beam > Blizzard could be run because Abomasnow will stay in longer for Snow Warning's turns to end
    • You can use Snow Warning if there are other Pokemon on your team that benefit from the hail such as Mamoswine and Kyurem.
Usage Tips
  • Try to dish off as much damage as possible with blizzard and use giga drain when running low on health
  • a combo of a nuetral blizzard and ice shard usually 2hkoes a lot of things on a switch so try to abuse that
  • bring it in on things that needto be killed! dont's spam blizzard mindlessly until it dies; weakening the counters of other mons are important with abomasnow since it helps them sweep in the long run.
    • for example, Talonflame is crushed by Rotom-W which Abomasnow beat
    • another example is chomp, aboma kills hippo, gliscor, mega venusaur, slowbro (lacking f-blast), and clefable (also without fire blast lol) which give garchomp trouble
  • predict fire-type switch sins to maul them with eq
Team Options
  • This set is a fantastic wall-breaker. anything that can take advantage of the wholes is a good teammate (Ex. Talonflame and sweepers like SD Garchomp since it breaks past crap like gliscor, hippo, and slowbro)
  • It's SR weak, so try out Starmie or Excadrill; Mandibuzz works but beware of there common weaknesses to Rock-type moves
  • This set forces lots of switches, so entry hazards will do very nicely especially when combined with residual hail damage
  • Heatran is always a good teammate due to its ability flash fire, choice scarf heatran can even lure in fire attacks to sweep your opponent with fire blast
  • Rotom-W has excellent synergy with Abomasnow and eliminate their checks and counters
  • TR users like reuniclus and slowbro do nicely
  • Something that can destroy Chansey like Terrakion and Latios is appreciated; especially the latter as it has excellent synergy and provide the one two punch which most teams fail to tank effectively

Other Options
  • SubSeed
  • Rock Slide
  • Focus Blast if hitting Mega Aggronis important but has limited use outside of that
  • Substitute can make this thing harder to kill and eases prediction and is best paired with Giga Drain to heal off damage taken from attacks and Substitute, it can be easily be set-up on Rotom-W which is very common. Volt Switch does about -19% Max

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: They wall Mega Abomasnow's STAB, and most are only 2HKOed by Earthquake with the exception of Heatran. They completely destroy Mega Abomasnow with their Fire-STAB. Volcarona can even set-up on it.
**Scizor**: Completely walls Abomasnow and threatens it with its powerful Bullet Punch and U-turn. Mega Scizor can even set-up on it and proceed to sweep your opponent's team providing its check and counters have been weakened.
**Fast PKMN**: Abomasnow's slow speed is its downfall making it weak to many threats like Mega Charizard Y and Tyranitar. However, beware of Abomasnow's Ice Shard as it can easily get past Landorus-I and Garchomp for example.
**Chansey**: Chansey can Toxic + Softboiled stall out Abomasnow with ease and watch it die from Wood Hammer recoil. Abomasnow will need max attack and Adamant nature to 2HKO Chansey, but even if it does, it will die from Wood Hammer recoil.

  • Gained a huge buff in design and stats with MEvo
  • Snow Warning helps wear down opposing foe's and access to 100% Blizzard is excellent and now has a stronger Blizzard the Kyurem
  • Can run a devastating Offensive set with 132 / 132 Offenses
  • Priority Ice Shard helps revenge kill top tier threats like Landorus-I and Garchomp and has much stronger Ice Shard now
  • MEvo has good Defensive potential as well, so it can survive some hits despite its slow speed
  • Lots of handy resistances, can wall Rotom-W and Starmie easily
  • Sadly, it has to deal with a Stealth Rock weakness
  • Terribly slow, especially after MEvo
  • Hail only lasts 5 turns, so Blizzard can be a problem
  • Nasty U-turn weakness
  • Weaknesses to common moves like Fire-type and Rock-type
  • Much better wall-breaker this Generation and being able to tank some nice hits make it a powerful wall-breaker and revenge killer to use

name: Offensive
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Shard
ability: Soundproof / Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpA
nature: Queit
ivs: 0 Spe

  • Blizzard is main move of the set and hits hard and has good coverage
  • Wood Hammer hits even harder especially since it's invested, but Abomasnow needs to take recoil which can add up fast, since it's really slow, bu the extra damage could be what it needs to destroy most target Giga Drain can't like Rotom-W and Vaporeon
  • Earthquake hits what it STAB can't like Heatran on switch and can OHKO Aegi considering it goes to Blade Form since it's slower
  • Ice Shard picks off weakened targets and revenge-kills Dragon-types like Garchomp
Set Details
  • If you are using Giga Drain, a Quiet Nature with 252 SAtk EVs is recommended
  • Soundproof is the ability to use because it can switch into Bug Buzz from Galvantula and Sylveon's Hyper Voice and then MEvo and then it gets the benefits of Snow Warning
  • 0 IVs in Spe make sure it's really slow to minimize Gyro Ball damage and Quiet Nature, so you don't minimize Def. Remember than Abomasnow-Mega has 30 Base Spe, so it's not a big difference
  • Abomasite is a must and Abomasnow-Mega hits harder than LO Abomasnow
  • You can run SubPunch with the first two moves for it to function as a bulky tank
    • Ice Beam > Blizzard could be run because Abomasnow will stay in longer for Snow Warning's turns to end
    • You can use Snow Warning if there are other Pokemon on your team that benefit from the hail such as Mamoswine and Kyurem.
Usage Tips
  • Try to dish off as much damage as possible with blizzard and use giga drain when running low on health
  • a combo of a nuetral blizzard and ice shard usually 2hkoes a lot of things on a switch so try to abuse that
  • bring it in on things that needto be killed! dont's spam blizzard mindlessly until it dies; weakening the counters of other mons are important with abomasnow since it helps them sweep in the long run.
    • for example, Talonflame is crushed by Rotom-W which Abomasnow beat
    • another example is chomp, aboma kills hippo, gliscor, mega venusaur, slowbro (lacking f-blast), and clefable (also without fire blast lol) which give garchomp trouble
  • predict fire-type switch sins to maul them with eq
Team Options
  • This set is a fantastic wall-breaker. anything that can take advantage of the wholes is a good teammate (Ex. Talonflame and sweepers like SD Garchomp since it breaks past crap like gliscor, hippo, and slowbro)
  • It's SR weak, so try out Starmie or Excadrill; Mandibuzz works but beware of there common weaknesses to Rock-type moves
  • This set forces lots of switches, so entry hazards will do very nicely especially when combined with residual hail damage
  • Heatran is always a good teammate due to its ability flash fire, choice scarf heatran can even lure in fire attacks to sweep your opponent with fire blast
  • Rotom-W has excellent synergy with Abomasnow and eliminate their checks and counters
  • TR users like reuniclus and slowbro do nicely
  • Something that can destroy Chansey like Terrakion and Latios is appreciated; especially the latter as it has excellent synergy and provide the one two punch which most teams fail to tank effectively

Other Options
  • SubSeed
  • Rock Slide
  • Focus Blast if hitting Mega Aggronis important but has limited use outside of that
  • Substitute can make this thing harder to kill and eases prediction and is best paired with Giga Drain to heal off damage taken from attacks and Substitute, it can be easily be set-up on Rotom-W which is very common. Volt Switch does about -19% Max

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: They wall Mega Abomasnow's STAB, and most are only 2HKOed by Earthquake with the exception of Heatran. They completely destroy Mega Abomasnow with their Fire-STAB. Volcarona can even set-up on it.
**Scizor**: Completely walls Abomasnow and threatens it with its powerful Bullet Punch and U-turn. Mega Scizor can even set-up on it and proceed to sweep your opponent's team providing its check and counters have been weakened.
**Fast PKMN**: Abomasnow's slow speed is its downfall making it weak to many threats like Mega Charizard Y and Tyranitar. However, beware of Abomasnow's Ice Shard as it can easily get past Landorus-I and Garchomp for example.
**Chansey**: Chansey can Toxic + Softboiled stall out Abomasnow with ease and watch it die from Wood Hammer recoil. Abomasnow will need max attack and Adamant nature to 2HKO Chansey, but even if it does, it will die from Wood Hammer recoil.

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I'm not completely sold on using Soundproof as the sole ability. Getting to switch in on Bug Buzzes and other sound moves is a nice utility, but I'm not sure it outweighs completely being able to get off hail right as you switch or if you don't have the time to mega evolve and need to switch out Abomasnow.
I think Soundproof is actually the best way to go. Abomasnow gets an extra turn of hail once it Mega Evolves, and it's not going to delay turning into the menace that is Mega Abomasnow. Oftentimes it's only Abomasnow that's going to be taking advantage of hail, so sometimes unnecessarily summoning it could be a disadvantage. That's how I look at it, anyway.
Bump. I did some testing with the Leech Seed set and I honestly don't like it. It is really easy to be forced out and with Genesect (and an occasional Volcarona + Galvantula) being able to hit through the Substitute makes it bad to me. It's not all that bulky either since the defense that's not invested makes it big weakness. Talonflame also is something you see almost everyday and it can set-up on it and then it'll just proceed to kill the rest of the team with Brave Bird if Heatran is removed. Mega Abomasnow makes it bulky, but then it lacks Leftovers meaning that it won't heal as fast. It also faces competition with Trevenant who is better in my opinion at SubSeed. I don't know if I am testing the right set or not, so can someone post it, so I can try it again? The Offensive set also has good longevity if you use Giga Drain. Can someone tell me why this thing is viable?
I'm not a QC, but I don't think that SubSeed MegaAbom is a viable set. With sound-based moves now unaffected by Sub, MegaAbom's lack of leftovers to give it an extra boost of health, and speed getting a significant drop, I don't think SubSeed is a viable set for MegaAbom at all. I tihnk MegaAbom should stick with the Mixed Offensive set. It might be able to pull off it's old physical set from BW (Ice Shard, Wood Hammer/EQ, Protect, Leech Seed), but I think that might be it.
I did some testing. And SubSeed is bad. I don't like it at all. Even with max def or sdef, resisted hits due a lot and all those weaknesses don't help too. Trevenant and Ferrothorn do leech seed better and abomasnow should just stick with the offensive set because abomasnow is the only thing benefiting from the hail anyways...

this is qc ready
I don't agree with sub seed at all. He has low speed and a gigantic list of weaknesses that almost any pokemon can take advantage of, not to mention no lefties if you want any bulk whatsoever.

Couple important things I'd like to mention as a previous user of mega obama:
1) This thing works best under TR. TR teams aren't that good outside of doubles (and this is singles so yeah TR sucks) but mega obama ain't that great anyway, so whatever. If you want this guy to do anything in OU, its abuse TR and fire off insane blizzards. Basically just mention TR

2) I think all those other coverage moves should be left to replace earthquake, ice shard is an invaluable tool for picking off dragons and getting chip damage and other teammates can handle fire types if need be, its not like his earthquake is spectacular anyway.

3) Obamasnow should be running quiet. This might make no sense, but think about it. What move are you gonna be spamming most of the time? Blizzard! Ice has far better offensive coverage than grass and blizzard won't ever miss! Having a stronger earthquake really doesn't even matter, and wood hammer still hits like a bitch, but really, the main move you're gonna be abusing here is blizzard. It's the same reasoning behind running quiet aegislash on KS/Shadow sneak/sacred sword/shadow ball: the main move you're gonna be spamming here should be the one receiving benefits from nature. Quiet>Brave on Mega obama.

4) Genesect can come in on this guy all damn day, even under TR, so hidden power fire might not be a bad idea to get rid of those pesky uber bugs. Obviously this only really works on the switch or in TR, but it hits your archenemy much tougher. Heatran isn't THAT big of a problem cuz there are plenty of things that can safely switch into it; genesect on the other hand will u-turn and give more momentum to the opponent.

5) You should remove any mention of his defensive prowess at all in the overview :P he might have some raw stats, but its those 132/132 mixed offenses that make him appealing. He has a horrible defensive typing and no speed at all to utilize leech seed, remove that too. He even gets hit hard by most of the priority running around, like brave bird, bullet punch, mach punch, aerilate quick attack. The only one he even resists is aqua jet.

6) Minor nitpick: You can condense "Sadly, it has to deal with a stealth rock weakness" and "Nasty U-turn weakness" to "weaknesses to common moves like stealth rocks and u-turn."

7) If you're not using him under Trick Room, you have to use his few resists to switch into pokemon that can't threaten him and act as an offensive pivot. He is far too slow to do anything else. Basically, mention in usage tips: switch in on resisted hits, fire off powerful attack, switch out, repeat. That's honestly the only thing this guy can do outside of Trick room.

Sorry for the wall of text but its all important and I know obamasnow well, so I think this analysis will be more accurate now.
I don't agree with sub seed at all. He has low speed and a gigantic list of weaknesses that almost any pokemon can take advantage of, not to mention no lefties if you want any bulk whatsoever.

Couple important things I'd like to mention as a previous user of mega obama:
1) This thing works best under TR. TR teams aren't that good outside of doubles (and this is singles so yeah TR sucks) but mega obama ain't that great anyway, so whatever. If you want this guy to do anything in OU, its abuse TR and fire off insane blizzards. Basically just mention TR

2) I think all those other coverage moves should be left to replace earthquake, ice shard is an invaluable tool for picking off dragons and getting chip damage and other teammates can handle fire types if need be, its not like his earthquake is spectacular anyway.

3) Obamasnow should be running quiet. This might make no sense, but think about it. What move are you gonna be spamming most of the time? Blizzard! Ice has far better offensive coverage than grass and blizzard won't ever miss! Having a stronger earthquake really doesn't even matter, and wood hammer still hits like a bitch, but really, the main move you're gonna be abusing here is blizzard. It's the same reasoning behind running quiet aegislash on KS/Shadow sneak/sacred sword/shadow ball: the main move you're gonna be spamming here should be the one receiving benefits from nature. Quiet>Brave on Mega obama.

4) Genesect can come in on this guy all damn day, even under TR, so hidden power fire might not be a bad idea to get rid of those pesky uber bugs. Obviously this only really works on the switch or in TR, but it hits your archenemy much tougher. Heatran isn't THAT big of a problem cuz there are plenty of things that can safely switch into it; genesect on the other hand will u-turn and give more momentum to the opponent.

5) You should remove any mention of his defensive prowess at all in the overview :P he might have some raw stats, but its those 132/132 mixed offenses that make him appealing. He has a horrible defensive typing and no speed at all to utilize leech seed, remove that too. He even gets hit hard by most of the priority running around, like brave bird, bullet punch, mach punch, aerilate quick attack. The only one he even resists is aqua jet.

6) Minor nitpick: You can condense "Sadly, it has to deal with a stealth rock weakness" and "Nasty U-turn weakness" to "weaknesses to common moves like stealth rocks and u-turn."

7) If you're not using him under Trick Room, you have to use his few resists to switch into pokemon that can't threaten him and act as an offensive pivot. He is far too slow to do anything else. Basically, mention in usage tips: switch in on resisted hits, fire off powerful attack, switch out, repeat. That's honestly the only thing this guy can do outside of Trick room.

Sorry for the wall of text but its all important and I know obamasnow well, so I think this analysis will be more accurate now.
I'll get to fixing that, also I find that Ice Shard isn't as important as you think. Its coverage is doing most of the work and Dragon-types never comes in on Abomasnow regardless. EQ is really good. Hitting Steel-types and Heatran (on switch is easy to predict, its prolly number one most predictable switch in along with Infernape), so it is really important. Hitting Toxicroak is nice too despite uncommon.
Everything, I''ll add. Thanks srn!
I think a spread of 120 HP/136 Attack/252 Special Attack with Quiet is the way to go if you are using Giga Drain, as 136 Attack is just enough to guarantee a OHKO on Max HP Heatran with Earthquake.
I agree with The Traininator, the set should look like:


name: Offensive
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 3: Earthquake / Rock Slide
move 4: Ice Shard
ability: Soundproof / Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 120 HP / 136 Atk / 252 SpAtk
nature: Quiet

Giga Drain should imo be slashed before Wood Hammer because it hits Rotom-W(who can also burn it) much harder and it provides recovery for Abomasnow. It should always have Ice Shard unless its being used in Trick Room, because the ability to finish off weakened opponents is too good for such a slow pokemon to pass off. Rock Slide is still an option over EQ but i personally wouldnt use it because Blizzard hits most Rock Slide targets hard enough. Focus Blast isnt needed, cause physically defensive versions of Ferrothorn already get 2HKO'd, and Mega-Aggron and Forretress arent anywhere near common in OU.
I agree with The Traininator, the set should look like:


name: Offensive
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 3: Earthquake / Rock Slide
move 4: Ice Shard
ability: Soundproof / Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 120 HP / 136 Atk / 252 SpAtk
nature: Quiet

Giga Drain should imo be slashed before Wood Hammer because it hits Rotom-W(who can also burn it) much harder and it provides recovery for Abomasnow. It should always have Ice Shard unless its being used in Trick Room, because the ability to finish off weakened opponents is too good for such a slow pokemon to pass off. Rock Slide is still an option over EQ but i personally wouldnt use it because Blizzard hits most Rock Slide targets hard enough. Focus Blast isnt needed, cause physically defensive versions of Ferrothorn already get 2HKO'd, and Mega-Aggron and Forretress arent anywhere near common in OU.

However, wood hammer is a valuable tool for breaking past pink blobs like sylveon. It is your strongest move, and abomasnow is more of an attacker anyway, so I personally believe we should forego all thoughts of defense. His many weaknesses and lack of recovery really sucks, we might as well go with all the power we've got and wood hammer is an excellent option to utilize this way of thinking.
I'm not QC, but I'd recommend just sticking to the old set.

Also, if you forego earthquake for rock slide, you have no way of touching aegislash or heatran, two major threats, and that sucks.
However, wood hammer is a valuable tool for breaking past pink blobs like sylveon. It is your strongest move, and abomasnow is more of an attacker anyway, so I personally believe we should forego all thoughts of defense. His many weaknesses and lack of recovery really sucks, we might as well go with all the power we've got and wood hammer is an excellent option to utilize this way of thinking.

I don't agree with this at all. Giga Drain is the better option for the first slash. Why would foregoing any sort of recovery just to hit the Chansey/Blissey/Sylveon really hard be beneficial? If built a Hail team, I would rather have Abomasnow to be able to last as long as possible in a battle and not having it die to recoil just to be able to hit the blobs. Hitting the blobs can be done by teammates and not Abomasnow.
I don't agree with this at all. Giga Drain is the better option for the first slash. Why would foregoing any sort of recovery just to hit the Chansey/Blissey/Sylveon really hard be beneficial? If built a Hail team, I would rather have Abomasnow to be able to last as long as possible in a battle and not having it die to recoil just to be able to hit the blobs. Hitting the blobs can be done by teammates and not Abomasnow.

Yeah, but giga drain is super super weak. Abomasnow does have great mixed attacking stats, I feel like using only earthquake is a waste.
Also, hail is almost completely irrelevant in this meta, so if you want to make a team centered around mega obamasnow, it might have to be a TR one, and clearly wood hammer is better in a TR team.

The thing is, while wood hammer seems redundant, its still an extremely powerful neutral move and giga drain has nothing on him in power. Foregoing any sort of recovery is pretty ok because you're probably gonna lose to any give offensive pokemon with coverage moves regardless, and we've already agreed that defensive sets are trash, so we might as well go full offense, and wood hammer just complements that. Also, I calc'd wood hammer vs. chansey and I was dissapointed, so let's just say its there to nail sylveon and specially defensive clefable and such.

If you really don't think wood hammer is good, I really don't think giga drain is worthwhile, and maybe an extra coverage move might be worth looking into over a grass move.
Giga Drain + Blizzard + Ice Shard + Earthquake is easily this guy's best set (Mega Aboma). I also agree with using Quiet, as Blizzard is your most spammable move, and you are also gonna need max SpA investment. Giga Drain > Wood Hammer, because Mega Abomasnow checks pretty well both Rotom-W and Manaphy, and getting burned or dying in order to KO Manaphy sucks. Mega Abomasnow really struggles to find switch-in chances and will always play last, so making this even harder by going with Wood Hammer doesn't help things. Yeah 2HKOing some special walls is nice, but there are better Pokemon for this job and Abomasnow needs to kill itself in order to do this, and also needs to fare worse against the main Pokemon it is supposed to check or switch into in the first place. In general, Giga Drain provides some healing and makes it so you don't have to invest to Atk a lot, as EQ and Ice Shard do their job even with little EVs, without really missing any important OHKO / 2HKO as far as i am aware. The only notable targets that you miss on hitting is Tyranitar, but that's a price you will have to pay, and you can 2HKO it with Giga Drain or EQ anyway.

And btw, Genesect is not switching in easily at all, as Blizzard does 40.9 - 48.4% to Naive Genesect, so it can only switch-in once before it gets into KO range of Ice Shard or just get finisshed off by Hail.

Anyway, here is how the set should be:

name: Offensive
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Shard
ability: Soundproof / Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 200 HP / 52 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpA
nature: Quiet

SpA is maxed for obvious reasons, while 52 Atk EVs enable EQ to always OHKO max HP Heatran after Hail damage, as well as 2HKO with Ice Shard Lefties Manaphy that didn't die from Giga Drain due to low damage rolls, with SR in play. 4 Def gives to Genesect a SpA boost, and the rest goes to HP.

I haven't done a lot of calcs with Ice Shard, so a few more Atk EVs may be needed to OHKO some Pokemon weak to it, but for now this is the best spread.
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Giga Drain + Blizzard + Ice Shard + Earthquake is easily this guy's best set (Mega Aboma). I also agree with using Quiet, as Blizzard is your most spammable move, and you are also gonna need max SpA investment. Giga Drain > Wood Hammer, because Mega Abomasnow checks pretty well both Rotom-W and Manaphy, and getting burned or dying in order to KO Manaphy sucks. Mega Abomasnow really struggles to find switch-in chances and will always play last, so making this even harder by going with Wood Hammer doesn't help things. Yeah 2HKOing some special walls is nice, but there are better Pokemon for this job and Abomasnow needs to kill itself in order to do this, and also needs to fare worse against the main Pokemon it is supposed to check or switch into in the first place. In general, Giga Drain provides some healing and makes it so you don't have to invest to Atk a lot, as EQ and Ice Shard do their job even with little EVs, without really missing any important OHKO / 2HKO as far as i am aware. The only notable targets that you miss on hitting is Tyranitar, but that's a price you will have to pay, and you can 2HKO it with Giga Drain or EQ anyway.

And btw, Genesect is not switching in easily at all, as Blizzard does 40.9 - 48.4% to Naive Genesect, so it can only switch-in once before it gets into KO range of Ice Shard or just get finisshed off by Hail.

Anyway, here is how the set should be:

name: Offensive
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Shard
ability: Soundproof / Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 200 HP / 52 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpA
nature: Quiet

SpA is maxed for obvious reasons, while 52 Atk EVs enable EQ to always OHKO max HP Heatran after Hail damage, as well as 2HKO with Ice Shard Lefties Manaphy that didn't die from Giga Drain due to low damage rolls, with SR in play. 4 Def gives to Genesect a SpA boost, and the rest goes to HP.

I haven't done a lot of calcs with Ice Shard, so a few more Atk EVs may be needed to OHKO some Pokemon weak to it, but for now this is the best spread.
Ah, Hail damage, of course, can't believe I forgot about that. Derp. Yeah, I guess 52 Attack > 136 Attack then, unless some relevant Ice Shard calcs show otherwise.

And yes, if you are using Mega Abomasnow, you are using it for Blizzspam, so you want to make sure it hits as hard as possible.
Perhaps in teammates mention Rotom H and/or Tentacruel?

Rotom H resists fire/steel/bug/flying, which is nice (although the SR/rock weakness is probably less than ideal), but it's a nice pivot and the ability to absorb WoW is good (even though most of your damage is probably from Giga Drain/Blizzard, residual damage racks up fast given how slow Mega-Aboma is and how many hits it has to take).

Tentacruel is fantastic-it resists fire/steel/poison/bug/fighting, all of which are weaknesses Abomasnow has. Plus, rapid spinning away hazards is critical for Aboma (and absorbing toxic too I guess).
Honestly, M-Abomasnow has so many common weaknesses and is so slow that he might be edging the "OU viable" trend (even if his usage is OU level).
Honestly, M-Abomasnow has so many common weaknesses and is so slow that he might be edging the "OU viable" trend (even if his usage is OU level).
What is the meaning of this post? There is no point in posting something that has already been mentioned in the analysis Overview. M Abomasnow is the best wall-breaker in OU along with Aegislash and Mega Garchomp. It hits ridiculously hard has Giga Drain to recover damage off. It is a getting an analysis for a reason: it is viable.
What is the meaning of this post? There is no point in posting something that has already been mentioned in the analysis Overview. M Abomasnow is the best wall-breaker in OU along with Aegislash and Mega Garchomp. It hits ridiculously hard has Giga Drain to recover damage off. It is a getting an analysis for a reason: it is viable.

I think I worded what I said crappy.

He's a very strong mixed wall-breaker, that is true, but I feel like this analysis should really focus team options and the like, because getting M-Aboma can be tough and you really need a team made around him more so than say, Mega Charizard X.

Of course, up to OP/QC.
Not QC, but here are some things I noticed:
It's SR weak, so try out Starmie or Excadrill
I'd argue that Mandibuzz is the best hazard-removing teammate here, since Overcoat prevents it from taking hail damage.
Magnezone removes Steel-types which allows it to "BlizzSPAM"
I disagree with this point. The ONLY Steel-types that Magnezone traps effectively are Forretress, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory. All three are either OHKO'd or 2HKO'd by Blizzard after Stealth Rock, so there's no point in using Magnezone.
0 IVs in Spe make sure it's really slow to minimize Gyro Ball damage and Brave Nature, so you don't minimize Def
Minor nitpick, but Quiet is the nature used in the analysis.