Jerricent's Trading Post - Shiny & Non-Shiny Pokemon - Update: Some with matching balls!

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Ah ok, what unova stuff do you have?

Also I took another look, and I'm liking your HP rock sceptile too :) Would I be able to get a male one?
It will take quite a while and I don't have the materials ready yet. My unova stuff is kinda standard. Y'know...
Adamant Tepig
Jolly HA Drilbur
Jolly HA Venipede
Bold Switcheroo/Encore Cottonee
Jolly Darumaka
Timid Sigilyph
Timid Zorua
Bold Solosis
Quiet 0 Speed Solosis
Adamant 3 Egg Move Karrablast
Bold HA Foongus
Bold Frillish
Timid Joltik
Relaxed 0 Speed 3 Egg Move Ferroseed
Adamant Axew
Jolly Knock Off Mienfoo
Impish Vullaby
Jolly Durant (a special project of mine)
Modest Deino
Modest Larvesta
I know it isn't much.
Mostly looking for pokemon in apricorn balls, or matching balls
Also interested in some with perfect IVs and egg moves, for breeding purposes. And dittos of course, especially the HP ones :)

Would you be willing to breed any of them into special balls? The balls that they're in are really important to me. Otherwise, I don't really see anything, sorry :(

No rush! Just let me know when you are ready :)

Which ones?
Right, I'll have to sort through my games and see what I can find then.
You could also cmt, its horriblly outdated, but I think I still have most stuff there
It will take quite a while and I don't have the materials ready yet. My unova stuff is kinda standard. Y'know...
Adamant Tepig
Jolly HA Drilbur
Jolly HA Venipede
Bold Switcheroo/Encore Cottonee
Jolly Darumaka
Timid Sigilyph
Timid Zorua
Bold Solosis
Quiet 0 Speed Solosis
Adamant 3 Egg Move Karrablast
Bold HA Foongus
Bold Frillish
Timid Joltik
Relaxed 0 Speed 3 Egg Move Ferroseed
Adamant Axew
Jolly Knock Off Mienfoo
Impish Vullaby
Jolly Durant (a special project of mine)
Modest Deino
Modest Larvesta
I know it isn't much.

Well I'll take your male hp rock treecko and male hp grass omanyte for now then, what would you like for them?

Right, I'll have to sort through my games and see what I can find then.
You could also cmt, its horriblly outdated, but I think I still have most stuff there
You actually have a lot of hp pokemon (HP goldeen, omanyte, etc.) that I would be interested in. What are you looking for from me?

Would you be interested in any of these shinies:
- Adamant Rattled (HA) Cubchoo w/ Avalanche, Focus Punch, Play Rough, Yawn (Dive Ball) - FRENCH
- Modest Hustle Deino w/ Fire Fang, Head Smash, Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Modest Water Veil (HA) Finneon w/ Psybeam, Signal Beam, Aqua Tail, Agility (Dream Ball)
- Adamant Quick Feet (HA) Shroomish w/ Bullet Seed, Worry Seed, Focus Punch, Drain Punch (Luxury Ball)
- Careful Levitate Baltoy
- Bold Hydration Phione
- Modest Static Mareep (HP Ice) w/ Agility, Iron Tail - 31/16/30/31/31/31 (Love Ball)

I also have a self-bred:
- Adamant Sheer Force (HA) Cranidos w/ Hammer Arm, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Crunch
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Bulbasaur - Calm | Chlorophyll | 31/X/31/31/31/31 | Giga Drain | Male | OT: Candeloro 53716
Kangaskhan - Adamant | Scrappy | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Lv. 50 | Female | OT: Ogre 26204

These okay?
Would you like my pokes in 5th gen or 6th gen?

Also, anything else apart from the goldeen and omanyte?
I am also interested in a medicham. Missed that
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Would you be interested in any of these shinies:
- Adamant Rattled (HA) Cubchoo w/ Avalanche, Focus Punch, Play Rough, Yawn (Dive Ball) - FRENCH
- Modest Hustle Deino w/ Fire Fang, Head Smash, Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Modest Water Veil (HA) Finneon w/ Psybeam, Signal Beam, Aqua Tail, Agility (Dream Ball)
- Adamant Quick Feet (HA) Shroomish w/ Bullet Seed, Worry Seed, Focus Punch, Drain Punch (Luxury Ball)
- Careful Levitate Baltoy
- Bold Hydration Phione
- Modest Static Mareep (HP Ice) w/ Agility, Iron Tail - 31/16/30/31/31/31 (Love Ball)

I also have a self-bred:
- Adamant Sheer Force (HA) Cranidos w/ Hammer Arm, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Crunch
I'd be interested in all of those I think. Definitely the mareep, finneon and yamask, but I would love to trade for the rest as well. What are you interested in?

Bulbasaur - Calm | Chlorophyll | 31/X/31/31/31/31 | Giga Drain | Male | OT: Candeloro 53716
Kangaskhan - Adamant | Scrappy | 31/31/31/X/31/31 | Lv. 50 | Female | OT: Ogre 26204

These okay?
Would you like my pokes in 5th gen or 6th gen?

Also, anything else apart from the goldeen and omanyte?
I am also interested in a medicham. Missed that

Ok let me look over your list again.
Before I check your thread for Scyther I have some questions.


Nature: Jolly, Adamant
Ability: Thick Fat
Egg Moves: Curse, Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock, Earth Power
Really Thick Fat in a Level ball, and if so, do you recall where you got the mother?
I'd be interested in all of those I think. Definitely the mareep, finneon and yamask, but I would love to trade for the rest as well. What are you interested in?

okay I'm pretty sure the yamask has been shinified using powersaves that's why I took all those ones off my original post...but for mareep and finneon, can I get solrock and dream ball emolga?

If you want the others, let me know and I will choose more.
sure mate, thanks :)
Do you have any RNG'd dittos by any chance? Really interested in some HP ones. Thought I'd ask because you said you might have some more stuff

Before I check your thread for Scyther I have some questions.

IsReally Thick Fat in a Level ball, and if so, do you recall where you got the mother?
Ah, just took a look, nope, it's Snow Cloak ability, I have a regular pokeball one with thick fat. Thanks for pointing that out, it's fixed now :)

okay I'm pretty sure the yamask has been shinified using powersaves that's why I took all those ones off my original post...but for mareep and finneon, can I get solrock and dream ball emolga?

If you want the others, let me know and I will choose more.
The other ones are all non-powersave hacked? If so, yes, I would be interested in them :)
Do you have any RNG'd dittos by any chance? Really interested in some HP ones. Thought I'd ask because you said you might have some more stuff

Ah, just took a look, nope, it's Snow Cloak ability, I have a regular pokeball one with thick fat. Thanks for pointing that out, it's fixed now :)

The other ones are all non-powersave hacked? If so, yes, I would be interested in them :)
I have an EV trained (I don't know the exact EVs, but they're something along the lines of 252hp / 252def, 4spa) Shiny level 100 6IV bold Reuniclus with magic guard that I got from a friend
I checked the memory and it says "The Pokemon seems to have a good memory, but it doesn't seem to be ably to remember"
I'd like to trade it for a shiny Swinub in a Premier Ball with Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock, Curse, and Earth Power (line 422 in your Google Docs)

EDIT: It's not Kalos Native
EDIT 2: I have a reset bag that I'm willing to use on it
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OT: Quan 18283
Tauros Jolly Sheer Force 31/31/31/x/31/31

i will put it up to my thread tomorrow, but are you interesting ? it's lv 50 ev trained 252 atk/speed :3
Sorry no, I have a tauros already, thanks anyways :)

sorry mate, unfortunatly I do not
Ah ok :(
Would you be willing to do 2:1 because yours aren't kalos native? Just because I'm only going to be using yours as breeders and nothing else,

I'm free most of today
Are you free now?

I have an EV trained (I don't know the exact EVs, but they're something along the lines of 252hp / 252def, 4spa) Shiny level 100 6IV bold Reuniclus with magic guard that I got from a friend
I checked the memory and it says "The Pokemon seems to have a good memory, but it doesn't seem to be ably to remember"
I'd like to trade it for a shiny Swinub in a Premier Ball with Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock, Curse, and Earth Power (line 422 in your Google Docs)

EDIT: It's not Kalos Native
EDIT 2: I have a reset bag that I'm willing to use on it
Sorry no thanks
CMT for: - PentaPerfect Timid Female Petlil Leaf Guard in a Dream Ball
Egg Moves: Healing Wish, Ingrain, Grass Whistle, Worry Seed
-Females of the Johto starters, any IVs
- Shinies =o=
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