Clash of the Classes

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better name pending

In this metagame, you pick one of the the listed classes. Each class has 10 Pokemon that they may use, and you pick 6 of those 10 to use in a team. As of now, there are 4 classes.

Every once in a while (about once a week), changes will be made to some classes, or new classes will be added, for balance purposes. This will be a frequently changing process to make things interesting, as we constantly evaluate each class and their strength vs other classes.

The goal is that every class is about equal in strength, but has some bad matchups and some good matchups. However, you will be able to modify a team to make it have a better matchup vs a class it's generally bad vs, or to make an already good matchup even better.


Focuses on mainly fast and powerful specially offensive threats as well as supporting Pokemon that can heal.

Pokemon: Alakazam, Chansey, Clefable, Delphox, Gardevoir, Gengar, Latios, Meloetta, Mismagius, Roserade
Focuses on mainly balanced physical offense.

Pokemon: Aegislash, Bisharp, Braviary, Cobalion, Escavalier, Gallade, Heracross, Keldeo, Lucario, Terrakion
Focuses on mainly tanky Pokemon with high Atk stats.

Pokemon: Aerodactyl, Aggron, Breloom, Conkeldurr, Druddigon, Garchomp, Mawile, Medicham, Rhyperior, Tyranitar
Focuses on mainly very fast Pokemon that can do a decent amount of damage.

Pokemon: Accelgor, Crobat, Gliscor, Greninja, Ninjask, Sableye, Sceptile, Scizor, Weavile, Zoroark


Ubers are banned unless otherwise stated. Pokemon like Mega Lucario and Mega Gengar are banned, but this may be changed in the future in order to strengthen a class.
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i hope you got approval for this >:|

I've implemented this on Joim's Lab. Have fun playing!
For anyone who can't find it in the long list, it's above Challenge Cup ~2/3 of the way down OMs.

edit at below: thatsthejoke.jpeg
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He approves of it, so it's allowed.
that's the joke

Anyway, I find this to be a great idea for a metagame. After all, I like my teams to have personality behind them, and this sort of requires teams to reflect their user's personality.
The only problem I have with it, and I know that's kind of the point of this metagame, but won't most matches be decided at turn 1?
^ Believe it or not, I try as much as possible to build my regular teams that way.

Ninja teams look particularly useful in terms of diversity, I think they'll have some popularity here.
Ninja seems a bit too flexible... Maybe change it to only fast physical threats to reflect the nature of the Mage class.

Maybe a class like warrior except for special tanks? Paladin maybe lol idk
Knight looks fucking powerful. This meta is gonna get intense. I request that nicknames be required on all Pokemon to reflect the badassery of this metagame
Aero can do that in Sand, well mostly Mega Aero. Only on the special side though, I guess that counts. Alternatively, might have been figurative.
The only problem I have with it, and I know that's kind of the point of this metagame, but won't most matches be decided at turn 1?

I addressed matchup's role in the metagame in the OP - "The goal is that every class is about equal in strength, but has some bad matchups and some good matchups. However, you will be able to modify a team to make it have a better matchup vs a class it's generally bad vs, or to make an already good matchup even better."

Wait what

Also, are prevolutions/evolutions allowed? (e.g. Blissey instead of chansey, rhyhorn instead of rhyperior)

Note how I said "mainly" - there will be a few exceptions.

Only Pokemon listed in each class are allowed.

Anyways, I know some classes might seem a bit stronger/weaker than others on first impression, but what matters is how good they actually are in battle. One class might seem really strong, but isn't that hard to prepare for, or another class might seem really weak, but can make some modifications that make it much stronger.

By the way, I'm considering splitting the Mage class into two classes - Mage and Cleric (or maybe White Mage and Black Mage). Right now Mage is a combination of both.
I think Breloom should be replaced with Chesnaught. Breloom's only tankiness comes from PH (60/80/60 defenses), and Chesnaught is the only one of the Kalos starters (intentionally designed with RPG-style classes in mind) not present.

As for a Black/White Mage split, I'm concerned about the viability of White Mage teams because 1) I'm not sure there are even 10 clerics in existence and 2) none of them have an offensive presence.
I think Breloom should be replaced with Chesnaught. Breloom's only tankiness comes from PH (60/80/60 defenses), and Chesnaught is the only one of the Kalos starters (intentionally designed with RPG-style classes in mind) not present.

As for a Black/White Mage split, I'm concerned about the viability of White Mage teams because 1) I'm not sure there are even 10 clerics in existence and 2) none of them have an offensive presence.

chesnaught would be a good fit for warrior but i feel as if it would be an even better fit for knight.

as for your concerns about the white mage, there is much more than 10 clerics. technically any pokemon with heal bell can be considered a "cleric", and a large amount of pokemon have heal bell

here is the initial list i came up with earlier today, which is of course subject to revising: Alomomola, Audino, Celebi, Chansey, Clefable, Gardevoir, Mismagius, Sylveon, Umbreon, Vaporeon (if i'm missing anything obvious please make note of it)

some of those pokemon can hardly scratch an abra, but most of them have some offensive presence. celebi has a decent 100 base atk, clefable has a great offensive movepool and a passable 95 base special attack, gardevoir has a good 125 base special attack, etc.

also i'm probably going to give each class 2 more pokemon just to diversify their options a little bit. for reference, if i go with this change, i would probably add togekiss and jirachi to cleric.
chesnaught would be a good fit for warrior but i feel as if it would be an even better fit for knight.

as for your concerns about the white mage, there is much more than 10 clerics. technically any pokemon with heal bell can be considered a "cleric", and a large amount of pokemon have heal bell

here is the initial list i came up with earlier today, which is of course subject to revising: Alomomola, Audino, Celebi, Chansey, Clefable, Gardevoir, Mismagius, Sylveon, Umbreon, Vaporeon (if i'm missing anything obvious please make note of it)

some of those pokemon can hardly scratch an abra, but most of them have some offensive presence. celebi has a decent 100 base atk, clefable has a great offensive movepool and a passable 95 base special attack, gardevoir has a good 125 base special attack, etc.

also i'm probably going to give each class 2 more pokemon just to diversify their options a little bit. for reference, if i go with this change, i would probably add togekiss and jirachi to cleric.

I don't think clerics have a lack of offensive presence when their current lineup features Mega Gardevoir, Sylveon, and two Nasty Plot users.
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Great themed meta! I like having mons with personality anyway. I also appreciate the use of mons like Sceptile and a Rhyperior who are really cool and fit the themes despite being underused :)
About the Mage discussion, another decent cleric is Granbull, whose niche in the class being a phys Def fairy and having very solid offensive presence (120At with good movepool).
I also think there should be a Royalty Class, which would be like the king and queen to go with the Midevil theme. Could include Pyroar, Nido(king)(queen), Slaking, Kingdra, etc.
My definition of cleric was a Pokemon who could pass large Wishes, which has a much smaller pool to choose from. But yeah, I suppose that could work.
Cleric: special walls that can support team. (Blissey, chansey, clefairy)

Trickster: a pokemon that utilizes non attacking moves or carries trick. (Rotom w, klefki, etc)

Bard: a joke/ gimmick user. (Ninjask, shedninja, swagplay, fear)
Cleric: special walls that can support team. (Blissey, chansey, clefairy)

Trickster: a pokemon that utilizes non attacking moves or carries trick. (Rotom w, klefki, etc)

Bard: a joke/ gimmick user. (Ninjask, shedninja, swagplay, fear)

There will be no gimmicky classes, so I won't be going with Trickster or Bard. A cleric class is planned.

Anyways, I'd prefer if we battled with the current classes to test them out rather than suggesting new classes. If you see me on the OM room, feel free to ask for a battle.
"A Cleric is usually The Medic — some variation on dedicated healers. Unlike Magician-classes, the Clerics usually draw their powers from either Faith, a god, or some variation of the two. Their magic generally requires them to stick to a certain doctrine to access it, but usually comes with less of a price or chance of backfiring like some Magician classes might experience. Clerics often focus on healing and party buffs, but sometimes they are offensively useful against "unholy" enemies such as demons and the undead." - TVTropes

I do agree that the cleric class should be made, but the Mons in it shouldn't have very large offensive cpapabilities. I really believe that Gardevoir fits the Mage class better as very rarely is Gardevoir seen with a defensive set. And while Gardevoir does have the appearance, I feel that Gardevoir's offensive qualities outweigh its defensive/healer properties. All in all, the cleric class should more or less be for defensive healers with a small amount of offense. As for Jirachi, I do think that it fits the cleric role nicely, so I have no objections there.

Now, I also feel that 5/6 classes is simply not enough. For starters, there are too many Pokemon that don't fit into any of the four classes we have so far. As a key example, where would Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Forretress, Klefki, Rotom-W etc. I do like the idea of a bard classes for all the gimmick Pokemon, but there needs to be a bit of balance between all the classes, so that's where things get difficult. Since each lcass is supposed to have 10 Pokemon, I feel like there needs to be alot more classes, OR more Pokemon per class. Lastly, Mages are more or less offense based, though, maybe as a suggestion we split the mage category into White Mages and Black Mages.

TL;DR: Split the mage class into Black Mage and White Mage classes, and have Clerics be more defense and healing oriented.

I also feel that this: is a necessary read for basic reference, but then again, I'm not in charge here.
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